Is there a way to get four square users twitter id using foursquare API - api

Is there a way to get four square users twitter id using foursquare API
I have checked the gnip API, i have contacted them but the said it only supports enterprises
I need the users twitter id who checkin to specific locations using Foursquare so i can allow my users to communicate with them on my website
I need Anonymous users data and specifically not my friends data

Have a look at the Four Square API's documentation for a good place to start... It appears that this information is potentially available, however it might be dependent on you being "friends" with them or not:
If the user is a friend, contact information, Facebook ID, and Twitter handle and the user's last checkin may also be present.
The users endpoint will return a user object: This is available in their Compact and Complete objects, but not their "Mini" object.
contact: An object containing none, some, or all of twitter, facebook, email, and phone. Both are strings.


Instagram API - Can they provide likes amount?

Need to work with the Instagram API
Need these types of data, when I search an Instagram Hashtag #
Get All recent posts with this hashtag
Get Comments_Count, Likes_Count
Account name (of post writer)
Image URL (of post)
URL of post
I tried to work with the Instagram Graph API, having a bit difficulty since its API looks quite different than other APIs, did you manage to find where they put it?
Here is the relevant reference for hashtags, but you can see that there are some significant restrictions on the endpoint.
You can get data for 30 hashtags a week per Business or Creator account that has authorized your app, so the endpoint is not that useful outside of a few use cases.
If you don't need to track that many hashtags, I believe you can get all of the information EXCEPT the Account Name for the post creator. You would need to register and code an app that can pass review for the Instagram Public Content Access feature and the instagram_basic permission, and then the Business or Creator account would need to authorize your app (and keep it authorized).

After Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated. It is possible to get the visible friends list in circle?

Using "" api, we are getting the access to a list of people in the user's circles in addition to their name and profile information. After api deprecation, we using people.connections.list api "" as per documentation but we get list contacts only, not friends list in google+. please help us to retrieve the friends list in google-plus. Thank you
This is probably only telling you what you already know or have guessed.
From the deprecated People API page: "... calls to the API return empty circle data for those new sign-ins." and "In place of the social connection data from the Google+ People API, you can get rich contacts data from the new Google People API."
It seems that there will no longer be a public API for getting a Google+ friends list. Consider supporting an alternate social media platform for your app or utilizing Google Contacts.
It sounds like the People API will actually be more powerful than the G+ people.list method. The G+ API only listed people that the user had circled--that isn't the same as being a friend or close contact. The people API likely better reflects closer connections between individuals as well as exposing a broad number of contacts to apps. I think for most apps, this is an improvement.

Services that get facebook emails

I've noticed that my android phone, the iphone,, and yahoo mail all can import my friends' email addresses (and sometimes phone numbers) from facebook. However, I don't see anywhere in the documentation of the API to suggest that you can get email.
Do these services have special agreements with Facebook or am I just not finding the specific api for "contact" importing? I've not had any luck using "email" field with friends api.
Any ideas?
These services have some special agreements with Facebook and thus are able to retrieve the Email Ids of the Friends of the User. Most of them don't allow further exporting of data obtained from there directly.
And as per Email Permissions documentation here it clearly states that for App Developers
Note: There is no way for apps to obtain email addresses for a user's friends.
As per the phone number, there is no access to it no matter what permission. You may though ask the user to fill those for you.

Is there any way I can retrieve twitter user's email Id (Objective-c)?
If twitter doesn't provide any API, then how does foursquare retrieve them?
Foursquare has provision to list out the user's foursquare-friends who have registered with twitter.
It also provides API which shows friends of users who commonly appear in 'foursquare friend's list' as well as 'twitter followers list' of the user.
In both the above cases comparison can be made only through email.
Please help.
There's no way for you to get an e-mail from Twitter. Except, of course, by asking the person to give it.
What FourSquare does need no access to the e-mail. Matching is based on the Twitter name, not on the e-mail.
In the comments you say
My friend has registered in both Twitter and Foursquare. The only field common in her profile is the email id. No other fields match. She comes in the 2nd list which i have mentioned above.
but then you admit
After she has registered with FourSquare, went to her profile, clicked on friends -> Add Friends -> opted Twitter. She was asked to login to Twitter and thus she did it
This means that now FourSquare have access to her Twitter as well as your. Foursquare knows her Twitter id and your twitter id and can access Twitter (using Twitter API) to see who is following is following who. In other words when you say
The only field common in her profile is the email id. No other fields match.
You are wrong. Once she connected her FourSquare profile with her Twitter, all data that is accessible via Twitter API is in fact (at least potentially) part of her Foursquare profile.
But she needed to explicitly connect the two profiles (which she did when she opted to add friends to her Foursquare profile using Twitter).

using foursquare api v2 to get herenow of a venue

on the documentation page,, it says that
The Venues Platform lets developers use foursquare as their location
layer. Applications can search our database and find information
including tips, photos, check-in counts, and here now. Searches can be
done near a point or through a whole city, and they can be restricted
to trending or recommended places. The platform offers all of this
without requiring end user authentication and is available at high
rate limits.
however, when i send request like:
i got this:
is there anything i need to do, such as register as a venue platform developer, to get the list of people who are here? thanks!
You cannot get the users information without authenticating [ :( ]
Check out the documentation at the herenow endpoint page.
Specifically the first line:
Provides a count of how many people are at a given venue. If the request is user authenticated, also returns a list of the users there, friends-first.