UIPageControl with Images in Xcode 5/iOS7 - objective-c

I've been searching for an hour now and can't seem to find out how to use UIPageControl to act as a swipe between images (sort of like the weather application, but with images instead of pages).
I have 7 images and I want to use them to create an instruction manual for a game I'm developing.
I am new to developing so bear with me.
Can anyone provide links to tutorials that will show me this, or show me the code in the comments below?

In this tutorial, check the Paging with UIScrollView section
You can use UIPageViwController to do something similar. Here is the tutorial for it.


master detail and single view application mixed

I am new here and new to iOS, so my apologies in advance if my question is silly.
I have just finished a course on iOS and Xcode and learnt how to build the different types of apps, like master-detail, tabbed or single view applications.
My question is : Is it possible to build an app that would be for example a master-detail app but would look like a tabbed one on one of the views and would look like a page-based on another view? In other words is it possible to create an app that would be a mix of several types ? I have Googled everywhere but I can't find anything. I may be using the wrong key words as on the top of that, I am French. I am not looking for precise explanations, just if somebody could point me in the right direction where to look and continue studying.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
Well am not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for but you can take a look at this example. Its a combination of UISplitViewController & UITabBarController
Custom UISplitViewController for iPad

itunes movie trailers gridview

I'm trying to reproduce a gridview for a landscape only iPad app.
I've tried a few know Gridviews such as AQGridview or GMGridView but it doesn't fit since it's not a "traditional" gridview (it is for an epg so the elements are not of the same size - depending on their duration).
What I would like to achieve should be more like the iTunes Movie Trailers app.
I was wondering if you know any library (free & open source, if possible) that could help me to achieve this.
Last one I've seen is NGVaryingGridView which sounds promising but it doesn't seem to be optimized (try to rotate it just for fun).
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Since iOS 6, Apple added UICollectionView. Using a UIFlowLayout you can do exactly what you want. It's pretty neat. The only downside is that it's not available in iOS 5.

Grid View of photos?

I'm new to iOS development and I was wondering how to make a simple app that displays a grid of say 4x4 photos.
When a user would click on a thumbnail photo the view would go to a full screen view of the photo. I'm surprised that there is no controller for this by default in Xcode 4.2(that I know of). Also I have checked out third party solutions like Three30 and AQGridView but they seem heavy and as a new developer a little to complicated. Isn't there an easy way of doing this? Can someone point me to a good tutorial or give me an example of how to do this? And I would HIGHLY prefer to not use any third party solutions but if you must insist please reference a good tutorial that is compatible for Xcode 4.2,Storyboard, and ARC...
Thanks for bearing with me...

Library for displaying image sets on an iPad

I'm looking for some cool libraries out there to display a bunch of images in my iPad application.
I think they are already out there, and I don't have to start from scratch, but I can't find some good ones.
Check out AQGridView as well.
Check out KTPhotoBrowser, I use it in a universal app, and it works pretty good.
Also, search Github : Photo Gallery for more open-source solutions.
See the answers to these questions on Stack Overflow:
How To Create A Gallery on iOS
float:left in objective-c
There are probably more questions about the same subject. Seek and you shall find.
I would simply create a web page with all the images, and then display it using UIWebView.
Did you want to do the coding yourself?
I found the Apple example "LazyTableImages" to be a useful and elegant way to display many images in a table view. It's important to a) keep the scrolling nice and smooth, and b) not freeze the user interface while downloading.
Have you tried using a UIImageView?

Zoom-able/ resizable grid with Objective-C

Hi i'm thinking about making midi step sequencer and I need to make a note grid/matrix that resizes/ adapts when you zoom. I've been searching for different ways of doing this but cant figure out a way that works well.
I thought about drawing cell objects made with (NSRect) but I couldn't figure out how to get the right interaction when resizing.
This is my first "biggish" OBJ-c project so please don't kill me, im still battling with the frameworks and the syntax is so foreign to me.
You could use Core Animation layers to create your grid.
Take a look at Apple's Geek Game Board sample code project:
The code shows a way to display different kinds of card/board games using CALayer.
The Checkers game looks to be the closest to the grid you want to create.