Cannot view MicrophoneLevel and VolumeEvent session info using OpenTok - webrtc

I have set up a basic test page for OpenTok using API Key, Session and Token (for publisher). Is based on the QuickStart with code added to track the microphoneLevelChanged event. Page code is available here. The important lines are:
var apiKey = "API KEY HERE";
var sessionId = "SESSION ID HERE";
var token = "TOKEN HERE";
function sessionConnectedHandler(event) {
function subscribeToStreams(streams) {
for (var i = 0; i < streams.length; i++) {
var stream = streams[i];
if (stream.connection.connectionId != session.connection.connectionId) {
function streamCreatedHandler(event) {
TB.log("test log stream created: " + event);
var pubProps = { reportMicLevels: true };
var publisher = TB.initPublisher(apiKey, null, pubProps);
var session = TB.initSession(sessionId);
session.addEventListener("sessionConnected", sessionConnectedHandler);
session.addEventListener("streamCreated", streamCreatedHandler);
session.addEventListener("microphoneLevelChanged", microphoneLevelChangedHandler);
session.connect(apiKey, token);
function microphoneLevelChangedHandler(event) {
TB.log("The microphone level for stream " + event.streamId + " is: " + event.volume);
I know that the logging works, as the logs show up from streamCreatedHandler. However, I am not getting any events logged in the microphoneLevelChangedHandler function. I have tried this with both one and two clients loading the pages (videos show up just fine).
What do I need to do to get the microphoneLevelChanged events to show up?

OpenTok's WebRTC js library does not have a microphoneLevelChanged event so there is nothing you can do, sorry.


Unable to record again after stopping record in Kurento

I am working on this Kurento application and there is a strange problem i am facing where once I start recording the video and stop the recording, I cant start another recording again. The event goes to the server but nothing seems to be happening! PFB the code:
room.pipeline.create('WebRtcEndpoint', function (error, outgoingMedia) {
if (error) {
console.error('no participant in room');
// no participants in room yet release pipeline
if (Object.keys(room.participants).length == 0) {
return callback(error);
userSession.outgoingMedia = outgoingMedia;
// add ice candidate the get sent before endpoint is established
var iceCandidateQueue = userSession.iceCandidateQueue[];
if (iceCandidateQueue) {
while (iceCandidateQueue.length) {
var message = iceCandidateQueue.shift();
console.error('user : ' + + ' collect candidate for outgoing media');
userSession.outgoingMedia.on('OnIceCandidate', function (event) {
console.log("generate outgoing candidate : " +;
var candidate = kurento.register.complexTypes.IceCandidate(event.candidate);
id: 'iceCandidate',
candidate: candidate
// notify other user that new user is joining
var usersInRoom = room.participants;
var data = {
id: 'newParticipantArrived',
receiveVid: receiveVid
// notify existing user
for (var i in usersInRoom) {
var existingUserIds = [];
for (var i in room.participants) {
existingUserIds.push({id: usersInRoom[i].id, receiveVid: usersInRoom[i].receiveVid});
// send list of current user in the room to current participant
id: 'existingParticipants',
data: existingUserIds,
receiveVid: receiveVid
// register user to room
room.participants[] = userSession;
var recorderParams = {
mediaProfile: 'WEBM',
uri: "file:///tmp/Room_""_file" +".webm"
//make recorder endpoint
room.pipeline.create('RecorderEndpoint', recorderParams, function(error, recorderEndpoint){
userSession.outgoingMedia.recorderEndpoint = recorderEndpoint;
On the screen when I click the record button, the function on the server is:
function startRecord(socket) {
console.log("in func");
var userSession = userRegistry.getById(;
if (!userSession) {
var room = rooms[userSession.roomName];
var usersInRoom = room.participants;
var data = {
id: 'startRecording'
for (var i in usersInRoom) {
console.log("in loop");
var user = usersInRoom[i];
// release viewer from this
// notify all user in the room
The thing is, for the very 1st time, it records properly i.e. file created on server and video&audio recorded properly.
When I press stop to stop recording, the intended effect is seen i.e. recording stops.
NOW, when I press record again, a video file is not made. The event reaches the server properly (console.log says so)
Can anyone help me pls?!

How to manage depending functions in nodejs

I am trying to teach myself nodejs and expressjs, however coming from java and c++ this is proving difficult to get used to.
I made a simple and messy module that it is supposed to return a weather forecast for a given zip code.
The way this happens is by taking the user zip code and using a google api to generate the geo coordinates for that zip code. I get the coordinates from the JASON file and then provide them to the next api call, this call is done to the api and this time the weather data for the location is also taken from a JASON file.
Coming from java and with a not so solid background on JavaScript I am having a hard time making these two functions wait for one another, in this case I need the google api call to finish first because the coordinates it will provide are needed for the second api call. Can someone take a look at this code and tell me if the strategy I used is correct/ provide a suggestion so that I can know what is done in javascript in situations like this.
here is the code:
// The required modules.
var http = require("http");
var https = require("https");
//result object
var resultSet = {
latitude :"",
//print out error messages
function printError(error){
//Forecast API required information:
//key for the forecast IO app
var forecast_IO_Key = "this is my key, not publishing for security reasons";
var forecast_IO_Web_Adress = "";
//Create Forecast request string function
function createForecastRequest(latitude, longitude){
var request = forecast_IO_Web_Adress + forecast_IO_Key + "/"
+ latitude +"," + longitude;
return request;
//Google GEO API required information:
//Create Google Geo Request
var google_GEO_Web_Adress = "";
function createGoogleGeoMapRequest(zipCode){
var request = google_GEO_Web_Adress+zipCode + "&sensor=false";
return request;
function get(zipCode){
// 1- Need to request google for geo locations using a given zip
var googleRequest = https.get(createGoogleGeoMapRequest(zipCode), function(response){
var body = "";
var status = response.statusCode;
//a- Read the data.
response.on("data", function(chunk){
//b- Parse the data.
response.on("end", function(){
if(status === 200){
var coordinates = JSON.parse(body);
resultSet.latitude = coordinates.results[0];
resultSet.longitude = coordinates.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
resultSet.localInfo = coordinates.results[0].address_components[0].long_name + ", " +
coordinates.results[0].address_components[1].long_name + ", " +
coordinates.results[0].address_components[2].long_name + ", " +
coordinates.results[0].address_components[3].long_name + ". ";
printError({message: "Error with GEO API"+http.STATUS_CODES[response.statusCode]})
function connectToForecastIO(latitude,longitude){
var forecastRequest = https.get(createForecastRequest(latitude,longitude),function(response){
// console.log(createForecastRequest(latitude,longitude));
var body = "";
var status = response.statusCode;
//read the data
response.on("data", function(chunk){
//parse the data
response.on("end", function(){
var weatherReport = JSON.parse(body); = weatherReport.currently.summary;
resultSet.humidity = weatherReport.currently.humidity;
resultSet.temperature = weatherReport.currently.temperature;
resultSet.pressure = weatherReport.currently.pressure;
resultSet.time = weatherReport.currently.time;
return resultSet;
//define the name of the outer module.
module.exports.get = get;
is the return statement properly placed? Is my use of finally proper in here? Please notice that I come from a java background and in java is perfectly fine to use the try{} catch(){} and finally{} blocks to execute closure code, it was the only way i managed this module to work. But now that i have incorporated some Express and I try to execute this module's method from another module, all I am getting is an undefined return.
You could use the Promise API, kind of like Futures in Java, so basically what you could do is wrap both functions in promises and the you could wait for resolve to execute the next function
var googleRequest = function(zipcode) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var request = https.get(createGoogleGeoMapRequest(zipCode), function(response) {
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
reject(new Error('Failed to get request status:' + response.statusCode));
var body = "";
//a- Read the data.
response.on("data", function(chunk) {
//b- Parse the data.
response.on("end", function(body) {
var coordinates = JSON.parse(body);
resultSet.latitude = coordinates.results[0];
resultSet.longitude = coordinates.results[0].geometry.location.lng;
resultSet.localInfo = coordinates.results[0].address_components[0].long_name + ", " +
coordinates.results[0].address_components[1].long_name + ", " +
coordinates.results[0].address_components[2].long_name + ", " +
coordinates.results[0].address_components[3].long_name + ". ";
request.on('error', function(err) {
After that you could just do
googleRequest(90210).then(function(result) {
connectToForecastIO(result.latitude, result.longitude);
You can find out more about Promise's usage in the Promise API docs
You should also note that there are several libraries available that allow for promise based http requests such as fetch

limitation in the callback function in nodejs redis?

I am not sure if the issue I am having is a limitation in redis itself or in the nodejs 'redis' module implementation.
var redis = require('redis');
var client = redis.createClient(6379,'');
client.on('error',function (error) {
console.log("** error in connection **");
client.on('connect',function () {
console.log("** connected **");
client.on('message',function (channel,message) {
if (channel == 'taskqueue') {
console.log(channel + ' --> ' + message);
var params = message.split(' ');
var inputf = params[0];
var outputf = params[1];
var dim = inputf.split('_').slice(-1)[0];
client.rpush('records',message,function (e,reply) {
From the code snippet above, I tried to do an RPUSH inside an "ON MESSAGE" subscription event. It does not work, and I get a client 'ON ERROR' event, thus, it prints error in connection. What is the correct way to do this?
After further searching, I came across this page which seems to explain the scenario.

azure active directory graph REST api call through SP.WebRequestInfo on SharePoint Online

Trying to make a REST call through SharePoint's SP.WebRequestInfo.
I'm getting the error "The remote server returned the following error while establishing a connection - 'Unauthorized'." trying to call[Client]/users?api-version=2013-11-0.
I've successfully retrieved a access token.
Can you help me out why i'm getting this error?
Here is the code i'm using:
var url = "";
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var request = new SP.WebRequestInfo();
"Authorization": token.token_type + " " + token.access_token,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
var response = SP.WebProxy.invoke(context, request);
context.executeQueryAsync(successHandler, errorHandler);
function successHandler() {
if (response.get_statusCode() == 200) {
var responseBody = JSON.parse(response.get_body());
} else {
var httpCode = response.get_statusCode();
var httpText = response.get_body();
deferred.reject(httpCode + ": " + httpText);
The code for retrieving the token is:
this.getToken = function (clientId, clientSecret) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var resource = "";
var formData = "grant_type=client_credentials&resource=" + encodeURIComponent(resource) + "&client_id=" + encodeURIComponent(clientId) + "&client_secret=" + encodeURIComponent(clientSecret);
var url = "";
var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var request = new SP.WebRequestInfo();
var response = SP.WebProxy.invoke(context, request);
context.executeQueryAsync(successHandler, errorHandler);
function successHandler() {
if (response.get_statusCode() == 200) {
var token = JSON.parse(response.get_body());
} else {
var httpCode = response.get_statusCode();
var httpText = response.get_body();
deferred.reject(httpCode + ": " + httpText);
function errorHandler() {
return deferred.promise;
Erik, something is strange here - you are using the client credential flow from a JavaScript client - this reveals the secret issued to the client app to the user of the JS app.
The client credential flow also requires the directory admin to grant directory read permission to the client application - not sure if this was already configured - nevertheless it must only be used with a confidential client, not a public client like a JS app.
Azure AD does not yet implement the implicit_grant oauth flow using which a JS client app can acquire an access token on behalf of the user over redirect binding (in the fragment). This is a hugh-pro requirement that we're working on - stay tuned.

Shopify authentication using the google app script Class OAuthConfig

I am trying to connect with my shopify shop through the google javascrip. The schema for authentication should be something similar to the one you can find on google documentation for twitter. I'am trying the following code, but I always get the error:{"errors":"[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)"}
function getInfofromshopify() {
var handle = "01-02-0316_cmt_utensili"
var urljson =""+handle;
var oAuthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("shopify");
var options =
"oAuthServiceName" : "shopify",
"oAuthUseToken" : "always"
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(urljson,options);
var responsestr = response.getContentText();
var result = Utilities.jsonParse(responsestr)
This worked for me:
var url = "https://<YOUR_SHOP>";
var username = "<YOUR_SHOPIFY_API_KEY>";
var password = "<YOUR_SHOPIFY_API_PASSWORD>";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {"method":"get", "headers": {"Authorization": "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode(username + ":" + password)}});