Underlining in DIA - sql

Just started working on E-R diagrams for the first time and I can't seem to be able to underline. Any suggestions?

as you are not creating a flowchart, but an er, you should change your palette :) click on the left side of your screen where it says "flowchart", and select "er". now use the tool "attribute" from this new palette. check out the properties of this one! no underlining..... but!! primary key :D dia is even semantically correct.
you should use the tools from this palette exclusively when creating er diagrams. so use "entity" for that box in your screenshot that says "person".
draw lines between entities and relations with the line tool from the er palette, use the generic line tool from the basic tools on your top left for the attributes. and make sure everything is connected via their handles (displayed on each object as tiny tiny x:es). makes it easier to move things around :)
good luck!


how to update diagram after change in Chart in visual paradigm 10?

I am trying to draw process of my company in visual paradigm 10.
at first, I draw a chart of organization and then refer to the chart I created all the diagrams. now I want to change the chart of our organization, for example, the name of some unit. I want to update all lane based on these changes. how can I update all process diagram ?
The simplest way is to make the change using Find and Replace dialog (Ctrl + F). In the Find and Replace dialog you can limit the scope to only work on the Organization Unit and BP Pools/Lanes to avoid making unintended changes to other model elements.

Intellij UML diagram does not show one to many relationships

I am trying to follow http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/features/uml_class_diagram.html I have a few classes so when I do Ctrl + Alt + U I only see all classes and just Extends relationships.
Please note that I have set the "Diagrams" options in my settings to show one to many etc.
I do not see One to One, One to Many relationships at all ? I have used JPA OneToOne Annotations and they dont turn up at all?
Pressing Ctrl Shift F12 does not do anything?
Can someone please explain?
Actually it appears there is a "Show Dependencies" icon. Toggling that and toggling it again actually shows my relationships one to one, one to many etc
In order to see these relationships you have to right click in the diagram and select "Show Edge Labels".
This works in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1.1 (Ultimate Edition), April 30, 2021
Using 9th icon from left side of image ,we can show relationships between classes.
This option is only available in Intelij ultimate edition.

Is there an easy way to make a code TextBox?

Is there an easy way to make a code TextBox?
I'm trying to make my own limited/specialized version of XAMLPad.
Displaying the current XAML object tree in the top display is simple enough, using XamlReader.Parse() ... But I'd like the actual XAML code in the bottom window to show up in its appropriate colors.
Here is an example of something similar to what I want.
(source: usefulfreeware.net)
The above example looks pretty authentic, with the little expander/collapser thingies on the left side as well as close-to-standard coloration of XAML tokens.
I believe that this doesn't have to be created from scratch, so I'm asking SO if anyone knows where I might find automated support for this type of "code" display.
Kaxaml uses ICSharpCode.TextEditor, the text editor component from SharpDevelop.
Have a look at sharpdevelop - we use it for an internal iron python editor

Diagramming tool for WPF

I wish to create a diagram similar to VS.NET class diagram.
I have seen Sukram's article on codeproject.com, called DiagramDesigner. But I have found this solution a little difficult to implement, I want the control with + and - buttons for expanding and collapsing.
Are there any vendors of a custom control similar to VS.NET Class diagram designer. Any ready solutions available?
Click of + the child nodes should expand. Click of - these nodes should minimize.
I have also seen Sacha Barber's spider tree control. But this too does not suit my requirement.
Have you looked into VS built in diagramming engine. You would be able to create your own DSL to define how you want your diagram to look and interact. You would then use VS's built in code gereration tools to generate the code and XAML you want.
Check out this webcast if you want to see a demonstration.

Changing colour of types for VB.net in VS

I am currently working on a VB.NET project and the hardest thing that I am having trouble with is that everything is black and blue.
Having worked a lot with C#, I really like the way that types are colored differently.
I have tried going in and having a look at the "Tools > Options > Fonts and Colors" and the various "User Types" under "Display Items" is set to a different colour but its not reflecting that colour in the text editor.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
You can change the 'Keyword' colour, but this will also change, well all keywords (such as Class and Function), not just types.
Down in the list is User Types as well as user types for delegates, enums, interfaces, and Value Types.
I wonder how VS2010 handles it? With the VB and C# teams working closer together now maybe this has already been addressed.
--good luck with this - editor quirks can be the worst!
(excpet of course when your green screen dies...) :)