Freebase query with inner joins on the statment - sql

Can I create an inner join on free base that uses another query?
I tried to create a join between 2 querys:
The first, select all the artist that the genre is the same as nirvana without nirvana:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"name!=": "nirvana",
"type": "/music/artist",
"genre": [{
"name|=": [
"Punk rock",
"Alternative rock",
"Rock music",
"Hardcore punk"
the second, select all the genre of nirvana:
"name": "nirvana",
"type": "/music/musical_group",
"/music/artist/genre": []
I want to create a query like this but it does not work.
"id": null,
"name": null,
"name!=": "nirvana",
"type": "/music/artist",
"genre": [{
"name": "nirvana",
"type": "/music/musical_group",
"/music/artist/genre": []

I'm not sure why you need to do this all as one query. Since Nirvana's music spans a number of very popular genres your query will probably return thousands of results which will mean that you'll have to make multiple API requests to get all the results either way.
In any case, here's a MQL query that finds all the bands which have at least one music genre in common with Nirvana:
"id": null,
"name": null,
"/music/artist/genre": [{
"id": null,
"name": null,
"!/music/artist/genre": {
"id": "/m/0b1zz",
"name": null
The exclamation mark in front of the 2nd genre property means that we want the inverse relationship ie. "music artists with this genre" instead of "music genres for this artist".
Note that I've used the MID (/m/0b1zz) to represent Nirvana. You shouldn't be using names to identify topics in a query since they're not unique. You want results for the Nirvana started by Kurt Cobain in 1987, not just any band named Nirvana.


JSON query with Snowflake

Hello I have the below json field (addressbooklist) in which im trying to extract addr1 however my code results are NULL
Can someone help?
addressbooklist:addressbook.addressbookAddress.addr1 as test,
from customer;
JSON Field
"addressbook": [
"addressbookAddress": {
"addr1": "701 N. Brand Boulevard",
"addr2": null,
"addr3": null,
"addrPhone": null,
"addrText": "Executive Software International<br>701 N. Brand Boulevard<br>Glendale CA 912031242<br>United States",
"addressee": "Executive Software International",
"attention": null,
"city": "Glendale",
"country": {
"value": "_unitedStates"
"customFieldList": null,
"internalId": null,
"nullFieldList": null,
"override": false,
"state": "CA",
"zip": "912031242"
"defaultBilling": false,
"defaultShipping": true,
"internalId": "1587207",
"isResidential": false,
"label": "701 N. Brand Boulevard"
"addressbookAddress": {
"addr1": "701 N. Brand Boulevard",
"addr2": null,
"addr3": null,
"addrPhone": null,
"addrText": "Executive Software International<br>701 N. Brand Boulevard<br>Glendale CA 912031242<br>United States",
"addressee": "Executive Software International",
"attention": null,
"city": "Glendale",
"country": {
"value": "_unitedStates"
"customFieldList": null,
"internalId": null,
"nullFieldList": null,
"override": false,
"state": "CA",
"zip": "912031242"
"defaultBilling": true,
"defaultShipping": false,
"internalId": "1587208",
"isResidential": false,
"label": "701 N. Brand Boulevard"
"replaceAll": false
Your json document addressbook element is an array, not a plain property. You can reference a specific element in an array with [0] notation (0=first element, 1=second,...). Your query would look like this:
select addressbooklist:addressbook[0].addressbookAddress.addr1 as test from customer;
If you want to have all of the addressbook items in the result, you can flatten the json structure with this kind of query:
select ab.value:addressbookAddress.addr1 as test
from customer
, lateral flatten(input => addressbooklist:addressbook) ab;
"701 N. Brand Boulevard"
"701 N. Brand Boulevard"
More info on Snowflake json syntax for arrays can be found here:
Get single array items:
Flatten function to get table from array:
The JSON object you refered to has the following structure:
Array[Object1{key1: value, key2: value}, Object2{key1: value, key2: value}]
Object1 is the first item of your array with the index 0, Object2 has index 1 and so on.
You access an item of an array like Array[0] and you can reach a value inside an object like Object1.key1. In this example you would reach out to key1 like Array[0]Object1.key1.
In your case you can access addr1 in you first object like this:
It would help to know which language you want to use. I just have to do this with mySQL. Something like this may help:
yourField->>'$."addressbookAddress"[0].addr1' as address
from yourTable
where 1

Django rest_framework dynamic selecting other objects

i want to create an Api for an order system. I have Ingredients and Products, both have categories which have to match if you want to combine them. So if a user selects a Pizza how can I only load in the ingredients which are available for Pizza, so the user cant select pasta as a Topping on his Pizza.
So if the User selects a Product pizza in extra and extraWo only the ingredients should show up, which are available for pizza
Thank you for your help
Depending on the API structure.
For example:
"Crust": "NORMAL",
"Flavor": "BEEF-NORMAL",
"Order_ID": 1,
"Size": "M",
"Table_No": 1,
"Timestamp": "2018-12-12T13:42:13.704148+00:00"
"Crust": "THIN",
"Flavor": "CHEESE",
"Order_ID": 2,
"Size": "S",
"Table_No": 5,
"Timestamp": "2018-12-12T13:42:13.704148+00:00"
"Crust": "NORMAL",
"Order_ID": 3,
"Size": "L",
"Table_No": 3,
"Timestamp": "2018-12-12T13:42:13.720690+00:00"
Each pizza would be unique so foo[1]["Crust"] will give you "Normal". Add logic like checking the availability. Have a look at
For example do:

How to generate JSON array from multiple rows, then return with values of another table

I am trying to build a query which combines rows of one table into a JSON array, I then want that array to be part of the return.
I know how to do a simple query like
FROM public.template
WHERE id=1
And I have worked out how to produce the JSON array that I want
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(to_json(fields)))
SELECT id, name, format, data
FROM public.field
WHERE template_id = 1
) fields
However, I cannot work out how to combine the two, so that the result is a number of fields from public.template with the output of the second query being one of the returned fields.
I am using PostGreSQL 9.6.6
Edit, as requested more information, a definition of field and template tables and a sample of each queries output.
Currently, I have a JSONB row on the template table which I am using to store an array of fields, but I want to move fields to their own table so that I can more easily enforce a schema on them.
Template table contains:
But I would like to remove data and replace it with the field table which contains:
At the moment the output of the first query is:
"id": 1,
"name": "Test Template",
"data": [
"id": "1",
"data": null,
"name": "Assigned User",
"format": "String"
"id": "2",
"data": null,
"name": "Office",
"format": "String"
"id": "3",
"data": null,
"name": "Department",
"format": "String"
"id_organisation": 1
This output is what I would like to recreate using one query and both tables. The second query outputs this, but I do not know how to merge it into a single query:
"id": 1,
"name": "Assigned User",
"format": "String",
"data": null
"id": 2,
"name": "Office",
"format": "String",
"data": null
"id": 3,
"name": "Department",
"format": "String",
"data": null
The feature you're looking for is json concatenation. You can do that by using the operator ||. It's available since PostgreSQL 9.5
SELECT to_jsonb(template.*) || jsonb_build_object('data', (SELECT to_jsonb(field) WHERE template_id = FROM template
Sorry for poorly phrasing what I was trying to achieve, after hours of Googling I have worked it out and it was a lot more simple than I thought in my ignorance.
SELECT id, name, data
FROM public.template, (
SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(to_json(fields)))
SELECT id, name, format, data
FROM public.field
WHERE template_id = 1
) fields
) as data
WHERE id = 1
I wanted the result of the subquery to be a column in the ouput rather than compiling the entire output table as a JSON.

How to query nested arrays in a postgres json column?

I have some json similar to the json below stored in a postgres json column. I'm trying query it to identify some incorrectly entered data. I'm basically looking for addresses where the house description is the same as the house number. I can't quite work out how to do it.
"timestamp": "2014-10-23T16:15:28+01:00",
"schools": [
"school_id": "1",
"addresses": [
"town": "Birmingham",
"house_description": "1",
"street_name": "Parklands",
"addr_id": "4",
"postcode": "B5 8KL",
"house_no": "1",
"address_type": "UK"
"town": "Plymouth",
"house_description": "Flat a",
"street_name": "Fore Street",
"addr_id": "2",
"postcode": "PL9 8AY",
"house_no": "15",
"address_type": "UK"
"school_id": "2",
"addresses": [
"town": "Coventry",
"street_name": "Shipley Way",
"addr_id": "19",
"postcode": "CV8 3DL",
"house_no": "662",
"address_type": "UK"
I have written this sql which will find where the data matches:
select *
FROM title_register_data
where address_data->'schools'->0->'addresses'->0->>'house_description'=
This obviously only works on the first address on the first school. Is there a way of querying all of the addresses of every school?
Use jsonb_array_elements() in lateral, join as many times as the depth of a json array which elements you want to compare:
schools->>'school_id' school_id,
addresses->>'addr_id' addr_id,
addresses->>'house_description' house_description,
addresses->>'house_no' house_no
from title_register_data,
jsonb_array_elements(address_data->'schools') schools,
jsonb_array_elements(schools->'addresses') addresses
where addresses->>'house_description' = addresses->>'house_no';
school_id | addr_id | house_description | house_no
1 | 4 | 1 | 1
(1 row)

Freebase search_api and excluding results by specified type

is anyone know, how to exclude some topics with specified type(s) using search api and mql?
For example i'm try to find all topics "Voodoo People", and exclude only those, that have composition and release types, and sort result by score desc:
Sorting work perfect, but i can't find functionality for excluding :(
I'm try to use mql_filter:, but releases still there.
And one more question: i see in type_strict param possible values: "all", "any", "should". But there is no value "not" or "not in". Is needed result can be obtained in any other way?
The syntax that you're looking for is "optional" : "forbidden". In your query that would look like this:
"search": {
"query": "Voodoo People",
"score": null,
"mql_filter": [{
"type": {
"id": "/music/release",
"optional": "forbidden"
"name": null,
"id": null,
"type": [],
"/common/topic/notable_for": {
"limit": 15,
"sort": "-search.score"