How do I get the URL for the request when I get a BadRequestException in Jax-rs? - jax-rs

I'm getting a BadRequestException when using Jersey 2 and I'd like to get the URL that was used in the request and print it in the logs when the exception is caught.
Is there a property/method combination on the BadRequestException object that will return the URL? I don't see it in the JavaDocs, but it could have a name unrelated to "URL".

You can't get URI from BadRequestException. But you can get it from WebTarget you invoked the request on:
WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient().target("http://localhost");
try {
String result = target.request().get(String.class);
} catch (BadRequestException bre) {
// get the URI
If you don't want to use try-catch block:
Response response = target.request().get();
if (response.getStatus() == 200) {
// OK
} else {
// Handle other state.


ServiceStack doesn't populate the response DTO when throwing HttpErrors

ServiceStack doesn't populate the original response in the WebServiceException's responseDTO property.
I'm running the code below which should always return a 404 response code with the ResponseStatus property of the TestResponse populated with "Some bad request" but it also seems like should return the original good response with it's output property populated from the request's input property. However I get null when I look at the WebServiceException responseDTO
public TestResponse Post(Test request)
var response = new TestResponse() { Output = request.Input };
throw new HttpError(response, (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Some bad request");
public TestResponse Get(Test request)
using (var client = new JsonServiceClient("http://localhost:5000"))
var response = client.Post(request);
return response;
catch (WebServiceException ex)
In general I was expecting that the responseDTO property in the WebServiceException will contain the endpoint's DTO as long as it's passed in when throwing the HttpError but that doesn't seem to be the case. I see only default values and nulls for each property in the responseDTO.
When an Exception is thrown only the ResponseStatus is preserved, you can add any additional info to its Meta dictionary.
Alternatively you can return a failed HTTP Response:
public TestResponse Post(Test request)
var response = new TestResponse() { Output = request.Input };
base.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
return response;

Xamarin Log User Out When 401 Unauthorized Response

I have a Xamarin app that talks to an API. There is a certain scenario that happens when talking to the API in that a 401 (Unauthorized) exception is returned. This 401 (Unauthorized) is returned on purpose when the user account is made inactive so that even though the users token is still valid on the app they wouldn't be able to get any data back from the API.
I want to be able log the user out of the app, only when a 401 (Unauthorized) exception is thrown.
My API call looks like this:
public async Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string url)
_client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", _authToken?.AccessToken ?? this.GetToken().AccessToken);
var json = await _client.GetStringAsync(url);
return json.Deserialize<T>();
When the debugger reaches the var json = await _client.GetStringAsync(url); line a 401 (Unauthorized) exception is correctly thrown.
I want to be able to handle this 401 (Unauthorized) exception and log the user out of the app (preferably with an alert informing them of this).
I'm currently debugging on an Android device so I tried adding the following code to the MainActivity class.
protected override async void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledExceptionRaiser += AndroidEnvironmentOnUnhandledException;
private void AndroidEnvironmentOnUnhandledException(object sender, RaiseThrowableEventArgs e)
if(e.Exception.InnerException.GetBaseException().Message == "401 (Unauthorized)")
When the error is thrown I check if its a 401 (Unauthorized). It was here that I thought I would then log the user out of the app but I don't think this is the right direction.
Is there a best practice for handing this type of scenario that I am not aware of yet?
You could try to use try catch to warp var json = await _client.GetStringAsync(url) like the following code.
var json = await _client.GetStringAsync(url)
catch (WebException e)
using (WebResponse response = e.Response)
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)response;
Console.WriteLine("Error code: {0}", httpResponse.StatusCode);
using (Stream data = response.GetResponseStream())
using (var reader = new StreamReader(data))
// text is the response body
string text = reader.ReadToEnd();
if (text == "401 (Unauthorized)")

Restlet: Get response body on failed get()

I am trying to debug a particular connection that responds with a Unauthorized (401). In Restlet this causes Respresentation.get() to throw an error.
What I want to do is get the response body as this particular api gives you greater error information in the body.
Any suggestions?
I would be reluctant to reccomend it for production but certainly for debugging you can override handleInbound in ClientResource to change the conditions under which an error is thrown. Restlet will then return the body, in the usual way.
ClientResource clientResource = new ClientResource("http://your.url") {
public Representation handleInbound(Response response) {
Representation result = null;
if (response.getRequest().isSynchronous()) {
if (response.getStatus().isError()
&& !Status.CLIENT_ERROR_UNAUTHORIZED.equals(response.getStatus())) {
} else {
result = (response == null) ? null : response.getEntity();
return result;
Representation response = clientResource.get();

Mvc4 WepApi Empty Response when non 200

When an Action is called and throws a specific exception, I use an ExceptionFilterAttribute that translate the error into a different response as HttpStatusCode.BadRequest. This has been working locally, but we pushed it to a server and now when I get the BadRequest I do not get any information in the reponse. What am I missing?
public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)
MyException ex = actionExecutedContext.Exception as MyException;
if (ex == null)
IEnumerable<InfoItem> items = ex.Items.Select(i => new InfoItem
Property = i.PropertyName,
Message = i.ToString()
actionExecutedContext.Result = new HttpResponseMessage<IEnumerable<InfoItem>>(items, HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Edit: When I hit the service locally the body is included. It seems the problem is when hitting the service from a remote machine.
Try this:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy =

Getting HTTP 500 instead of HTTP 404 with WCF webapi

I am having trouble returning the correct HTTP error code for a "not found" in my WCF Web API code. Here is my api method ...
[WebInvoke(Method = "GET", UriTemplate = "{id}")]
public Customer GetCustomer(int id)
var customer = Repository.Find(id);
if (customer == null)
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
return customer;
I also have a logging handler ...
protected override bool OnTryProvideResponse(Exception exception, ref HttpResponseMessage message)
if (exception != null)
var msg = "Request failed.";
_logger.Error(exception, msg);
message = new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError
return true;
What is happening is I am getting the following exception ...
"The response message returned by the Response property of this exception should be immediately returned to the client. No further handling of the request message is required."
... which my logging handler picks up and changes the response status code to a 500.
So, based on reading a few blog posts and answers on SO, I changed to this ...
if (customer == null)
return null;
... but this now give me a 200. Which is clearly wrong.
So, what is the right way to do this? It seems as if the throwing of the HttpResponseException doesn't work and the code after gets executed.
The code snippet for your error handler is always changing the response message to 500 no matter what as you are explicitly setting the status always to 500.
It sounds like what you are trying to do is return a 500 ONLY if it is an application error. If that is the case you should check if the error exception is an HttpResponseException and just return rather than overriding.
As to WebOperationContext, don't use it at all with Web Api as it is basically no-op.
Hope this helps