Moving large amounts of data instead of updating it - sql

I have a large table (about 40M Rows) where I had a number of columns that are 0 which need to be null instead so we can better key the data.
I've written scripts to look chop the update into chunks of 10000 records, find the occurance of the columns with zero and update them to null.
update FooTable
set order_id = case when order_id = 0 then null else order_id end,
person_id = case when person_id = 0 then null else person_id end
WHERE person_id = 0
OR order_id = 0
This works great, but it takes for ever.
I thinking the better way to do this would be to create a second table and insert the data into it and then rename it to replace the old table with the columns having zero.
Question is - can I do a insert into table2 select from table1 and in the process cleanse the data from table1 before it goes in?

You can usually create a new, sanitised, table, depending on the actual DB server you are using.
The hard thing is that if there are other tables in the database, you may have issues with foreign keys, indexes, etc which will refer to the original table.
Whether making a new sanitised table will be quicker than updating your existing table is something you can only tell by trying it.

Dump the pk/clustered key of all the records you want to update into a temp table. Then perform the update joining to the temp table. That will ensure the lowest locking level and quickest access. You can also add an identity column to the temp table, than you can loop through and do the updates in batches.


How to delete all data then insert new data

I have a process that runs every 60 minutes. On one table I need to remove all data then insert records from a different table. The problem is it takes a long time to delete and reinsert the data. When the table has no data I am afraid the users will see this. Is there a way to refresh the data without users seeing this?
If you want to remove all data from the table then use the TRUNCATE
TABLE instead of delete - It'll do it faster.
As for the insert it is a bit hard to say because you did not give any details but what you can try is:
Option 1 - Using temp table
create table table_temp as select * from original_table where rownum < 1;
//insert into table_temp
drop table original_table;
Exec sp_rename 'table_temp' , 'original_table'
Option 2 - Use 2 tables "Active-Passive" -
Have 2 tables for the data and a view to select over them. The view will join with a third table that will specify from which of the tables to select. kind of an "active-passive" concept.
To demonstrate concept:
with active_table as ( select 'table1_active' active_table )
select 1 data
where 'table1_active' in (select * from active_table)
union all
select 2
where 'table2_active' in (select * from active_table)
//This returns only one record with the "1"
Are you truncating instead of deleting? A truncate (while logged) is much, much, faster then a delete.
If you cannot truncate try deleting 1000-10000 rows at a time (smaller log buildup and on deleting large amounts of rows great increase in speed.)
If you really want fast performance you can create a second table, fill it with data, and then drop the first table and rename the second table as the first table. You will lose all the permissions on the table when you do this so be sure to reapply the permissions to the renamed table.
If you are deleting all rows in a table, you can consider using a TRUNCATE statement against the table instead of a DELETE. It will speed up part of your process. Keep in mind that this will reset any identity seeds you may have on the table.
As suggested, you can wrap this process in a transaction and depending on how you set your transaction isolation level, you can control what your users will see if they query the data during the transaction.
Make it sequence based, your copied in records all have have a series number (all the same for all copied in records) and another file holds which sequence is active, and you always select on a join to this table - when you copy in new records they have a new sequence that is not yet active, when they are all copied in, then the sequence table is updated to the new sequence - the redundant sequence records are deleted at your leisure.
Let's suppose your table has field SeriesNo added and table ActiveSeries has field SeriesNo.
All queries of your table:
FROM YourTable Y
JOIN ActiveSeries A
ON A.SeriesNo = Y.SeriesNo
then updating SeriesNo in ActiveSeries makes new series of records available instantly.
I would follow below approach. While I troubleshoot why the delete and reinsert is taking time.
Create a new table ( t1 ) which has same data as oldtable ( maintable )
Now do your stuff on t1.
When your stuff is done, rename t1 to maintable.

Column Copy and Update vs. Column Create and Insert

I have a table with 32 Million rows and 31 columns in PostgreSQL 9.2.10. I am altering the table by adding columns with updated values.
For example, if the initial table is:
id initial_color
-- -------------
1 blue
2 red
3 yellow
I am modifying the table so that the result is:
id initial_color modified_color
-- ------------- --------------
1 blue blue_green
2 red red_orange
3 yellow yellow_brown
I have code that will read the initial_color column and update the value.
Given that my table has 32 million rows and that I have to apply this procedure on five of the 31 columns, what is the most efficient way to do this? My present choices are:
Copy the column and update the rows in the new column
Create an empty column and insert new values
I could do either option with one column at a time or with all five at once. The columns types are either character varying or character.
The columns types are either character varying or character.
Don't use character, that's a misunderstanding. varchar is ok, but I would suggest just text for arbitrary character data.
Any downsides of using data type "text" for storing strings?
Given that my table has 32 million rows and that I have to apply this
procedure on five of the 31 columns, what is the most efficient way to do this?
If you don't have objects (views, foreign keys, functions) depending on the existing table, the most efficient way is create a new table. Something like this ( details depend on the details of your installation):
LOCK TABLE tbl_org IN SHARE MODE; -- to prevent concurrent writes
ALTER tbl_new ADD COLUMN modified_color text
, ADD COLUMN modified_something text;
-- , etc
INSERT INTO tbl_new (<all columns in order here>)
SELECT <all columns in order here>
, myfunction(initial_color) AS modified_color -- etc
FROM tbl_org;
-- ORDER BY tbl_id; -- optionally order rows while being at it.
-- Add constraints and indexes like in the original table here
DROP tbl_org;
ALTER tbl_new RENAME TO tbl_org;
If you have depending objects, you need to do more.
Either was, be sure to add all five at once. If you update each in a separate query you write another row version each time due to the MVCC model of Postgres.
Related cases with more details, links and explanation:
Updating database rows without locking the table in PostgreSQL 9.2
Best way to populate a new column in a large table?
Optimizing bulk update performance in PostgreSQL
While creating a new table you might also order columns in an optimized fashion:
Calculating and saving space in PostgreSQL
Maybe I'm misreading the question, but as far as I know, you have 2 possibilities for creating a table with the extra columns:
This would create a new table and filling could be done using
CREATE TABLE .. AS SELECT.. for filling with creation or
using a separate INSERT...SELECT... later on
Both variants are not what you seem to want to do, as you stated solution without listing all the fields.
Also this would require all data (plus the new fields) to be copied.
This creates the new columns. As I'm not aware of any possibility to reference existing column values, you will need an additional UPDATE ..SET... for filling in values.
So, I' not seeing any way to realize a procedure that follows your choice 1.
Nevertheless, copying the (column) data just to overwrite them in a second step would be suboptimal in any case. Altering a table adding new columns is doing minimal I/O. From this, even if there would be a possibility to execute your choice 1, following choice 2 promises better performance by factors.
Thus, do 2 statements one ALTER TABLE adding all your new columns in on go and then an UPDATE providing the new values for these columns will achieve what you want.
create new column (modified colour), it will have a value of NULL or blank on all records,
run an update statement, assuming your table name is 'Table'.
update table
set modified_color = 'blue_green'
where initial_color = 'blue'
if I am correct this can also work like this
update table set modified_color = 'blue_green' where initial_color = 'blue';
update table set modified_color = 'red_orange' where initial_color = 'red';
update table set modified_color = 'yellow_brown' where initial_color = 'yellow';
once you have done this you can do another update (assuming you have another column that I will call modified_color1)
update table set 'modified_color1'= 'modified_color'

Optimize Delete

I have a importer system which updates the column of already existing rows in a Table. Since UPDATE was taking time I changed it to DELETE and BULK INSERT.
Here is my database setup snippet
Table: ParameterDefinition
Columns: Id, Name, Other Cols
Table: ParameterValue
Columns: Id, CustId, ParameterDefId, Value
I get the values associated to ParamterDefinition.Name from my XML source, so to import I first delete all the existing ParamterValue with all the ParamterDefinition.Name passed in the XML and finally do bulk insert of all the values from XML. Here is my query
DELETE FROM ParameterValue WHERE CustId = ? AND ParameterDefId IN (?,?...?);
For 1000 Customers the above DELETE statement is called 1000 times which is very time consuming now, approximately 64 seconds.
Is there any better way to handle DELETE of 1000 customers?
Create a temporary table for the bulk-insert (ParameterValue_Import). Do the bulk-inserts to this table, then update/insert/delete based on the imported data.
INSERT INTO .. SELECT .. WHERE NOT EXISTS ( .. ) for the new rows
UPDATE .. FROM for the updates
DELETE FROM WHERE NOT EXISTS ( .. ) for the deletion
Bulk operations have better performance than standalone operations. Most DBMSs are designed to handle set based operations instead of record based ones.
To delete or update one record based on a WHERE clause which refers to only one record, the DBMS should either do a full table scan (if there is no index for the where condition) or do an index lookup. Only after the record successfully identified, the DBMS proceeds the original request (update or delete). Based on the number of records in the table and/or the size/depth of the index, this could be really expensive. This process are done for each and every command in the batch. Summing up the total cost, it could be more than if you are updating/deleting records based on another table. (Especially if the operations are update/delete nearly all records in the target table.)
When you are trying to delete/update several records at once (e.g. based on another table), the DBMS could do the lookups with only one table scan/index lookup and do a logical join when processing your request.
The cost of purely updating a record is the same in each case, just the total cost of lookup could be significantly different.
Furthermore deleting then inserting a record to update it could require more resources: when you are deleting a record, all related indexes will be updates, and when you insert the new record, the indexes will be updated once more, while with updating the record, only those indexes should be updated, which are related to an updated column (and the index update should be done only once).
I am giving the exact syntax to the above idea given by #Pred
After Bulk Insert lets say you have data in "ParamterValue_Import"
To INSERT The Records in "ParamterValue_Import" which are not in "ParamterValue"
INSERT INTO ParameterValue (
CustId, ParameterDefId, Value
CustId, ParameterDefId, Value
FROM ParameterValue
WHERE ParameterValue.CustId = ParameterValue_Import.CustId
To UPDATE The Records in "ParamterValue" which are also in "ParamterValue_Import"
Value = ParameterValue_Import.Value
ParameterValue.ParameterDefId = ParameterValue_Import.ParameterDefId
AND ParameterValue.CustId = ParameterValue_Import.CustId;

Database Update Query for Huge Records

We hare having around 20,80,000 records in the table.
We needed to add new column to it and we added that.
Since this new column needs to be primary key and we want to update all rows with Sequence
Here's the query
FOR loop_counter IN 1 .. 211 LOOP
update user_char set id = USER_CHAR__ID_SEQ.nextval where is null and rownum<100000;
But it'w now almost 1 day completed. still the query is running.
Note: I am not db developer/programmer.
Is there anything wrong with this query or any other query solution (quick) to do the same job?
First, there does not appear to be any reason to use PL/SQL here. It would be more efficient to simply issue a single SQL statement to update every row
UPDATE user_char
SET id = USER_CHAR__ID_SEQ.nextval
Depending on the situation, it may also be more efficient to create a new table and move the data from the old table to the new table in order to avoid row migration, i.e.
ALTER TABLE user_char
RENAME TO user_char_old;
CREATE TABLE user_char
SELECT USER_CHAR__ID_SEQ.nextval, <<list of other columns>>
FROM user_char;
<<Build indexes on user_char>>
<<Drop and recreate any foreign key constraints involving user_char>>
If this was a large table, you could use parallelism in the CREATE TABLE statement. It's not obvious that you'd get a lot of benefit from parallelism with a small 2 million row table but that might shave a few seconds off the operation.
Second, if it is taking a day to update a mere 2 million rows, there must be something else going on. A 2 million row table is pretty small these days-- I can populate and update a 2 million row table on my laptop in somewhere between a few seconds and a few minutes. Are there triggers on this table? Are there foreign keys? Are there other sessions updating the rows? What is the query waiting on?

sqlite: save array?

I have simple table with two columns: "id" INTEGER as a key, and "data" INTEGER.
One of the user's requirement is to save order in which he view data.
So I have to save order of records in table.
The simple solution as I see: id, data, order_id.
But in this case if user add record into the middle of his table's view,
we have to update many records.
Another idea: id, data, next_id, previous_id.
The insertion is fast, but extraction of record in defined order is slow.
So what is the best (fast) method to save order of records in table
using sqlite? fast = fast insert + fast extraction of records in defined order.
The problem with order_id is as I see in insertion of new record. I expect that we have 10 * 10^3 records. The insertion of new records will in the worst case update of all 10 * 10^3 records. sqlite database file is on flash memory. So it is not as fast as on PC, and will be better reduce "write" size, to increase life time of flash.
I think the order_id is better, you only need one update instruction
update table
set order_id = order_id + #newRecordOrder
where id = #id
and order_id > #newRecordOrder
I do wonder if that order is unique to all the table or to a subset, thus needing a second pk field.