putMFARequestForSite request format - yodlee

The documentation for this API is scarce to say the least, and although it says how to specify which type of MFA response is being sent, it does not say how to give the actual user response. How do I actually send the user response?
(API documentation: https://developer.yodlee.com/Indy_FinApp/Aggregation_Services_Guide/REST_API_Reference/putMFARequestForSite )

The putMFARequest has a little better documentation on this: https://developer.yodlee.com/Indy_FinApp/Aggregation_Services_Guide/REST_API_Reference/putMFARequest

Thanks for your input. The document has been updated to provide examples.
Do provide your suggestions to make it better.


How to make api get requests from dukascopy?

I have an api key but i'm not sure on how to make an get request using their api.
The documentation is a bit vague on how to format the url, any help is appreciated!
To use the API you just need to append your key in the URL like,
Another example,
You can use Postman, and should see some values come back (since my key is not valid, I got 401).

Coinbase Webhooks: is there a list of all data available?

I am looking into the webhook notifications and I am struggling to find documentation...
I would need to find the different payload for the "data" in the notification response...
the documentation only have one example: https://developers.coinbase.com/api/v2#show-a-notification
it is almost impossible to built an app if I need to try and see every type of notification by myself... (trial and error approach :( )
any extra resource? any help here?
thank you all
On this page, there is a link that says
See full list of notifications and corresponding payload information
But guess what, it links to the pages in your OP.
Even CB's newest documentation doesn't outline the payload until you run a sample to get the result displayed in the docs page. Here is a simple example, just click Try It to see the payload. It's not a bad thing until you need to see the payload of a signed request, then it's a PITA...
I've never used their webhooks to know how the payload differs but considering their docs you may need to run each notification to see what to expect and save the result to refer to later.

What is profile in accept heading of wiki api request

For example, when you perform an call from summary api of wikipedia, there is this header in the request
accept:application/json; charset=utf-8; profile="https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/Summary/1.3.7"
What is the purpose of this particular bit. I would like to understand since the value changes when you, for example, use the VisualEditor or access the api with different mean.
This specifies the response format and provides convenient access to a human-readable documentation.
The URL in your header leads to nowhere, but https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/Summary/1.3.0 does exist and is probably valid for 1.3.7 as well.

Soundcloud API - Extracting tracks reposted by a user

As reposts where introduced in the new soundcloud website, is it also possible to extract tracks reposted by a given user through the API ?
Thanks in advance for your help
Replace User Id, limit and offset with what you need:
Old answer:
The API endpoints which give you reposts are not yet part of the public API. The only reason for this is that we haven't yet fully decided on a format and so on -- basically, once it's part of the documented API, then we have a complete responsibility never to break that backwards compatibility, and we can't quite promise that yet.

How does Authorize.Net Silent Post work?

Authorize.net offers a "Silent POST" feature for their Automated Recurring Billing. It's supposed to POST data to a url of your choosing, telling you whether they were able to charge the customer, how much, etc. The problem is, it isn't very well documented.
Is there any way to test a post to that URL? I've signed up for a developer account, but there's no way to specify that URL like you could in the actual system. Hence, there doesn't seem to be a way to test it out.
If not, is there a list of possible values it could return? It appears to send x_first_name, x_amount - I've seen code that uses those values - but since I can't actually get it to send a response, I'm not sure.
Is there documentation for this feature anywhere? Or even class that implements it fully?
Better late then never: All About Authorize.Net’s Silent Post
I have not seen much on it only for AIM and SIM, you might just give them a call.
Log in to your Authorize.Net order processing account, and click on the Settings link (under ACCOUNT, in the left column). Then click on the "Silent Post URL" link in the Transaction Format Settings area. You can enter your silent post URL on the next page. The next page also contains a link to the documentation explaining the technical details. HTH
Here's a few more (somewhat) useful posts I found on the subject.
Merchant Account Services - gives some limited sample code (PHP)
Experts Exchange - lists a few helpful variables, gives an idea of what's being sent (ASP).
You still have to call your account rep for them to activate Silent Post URL with your account because that is not something that is enabled automatically
Our clients use the following tool to test silent post url requests sent from the Authorize.Net gateway.
Simply add the following url to your silent post settings and change the email address for the results to be delivered to an email of choice.