how to get current page size (that is raw content) in mediawiki api? - api

I don't know where to put the size argument, here I only managed to get a single edit size:
but I need the size of whole raw content as it is on last revision.

You are getting that, the page United States of America contains the following 69 bytes:
#REDIRECT [[United States]]
{{Redr|move|from long name|printworthy}}
What this code means is that it's a redirect and the name of the real article is United States.
This returns the size you want: 267582 bytes.
Another option would be let the API follow the redirect automatically using redirects:

rvsize does lead to the output of the size of the whole revison.
In your example the size is really only 69 bytes, as you can see when you also read the content:
REDIRECT [[United States]]
{{Redr|move|from long name|printworthy}}
To automatically follow such redirects, use the redirects parameter for resolving redirects - in your case prop=revisions&rvprop=size&titles=United_States_of_America&redirectss which outputs a size of currently 267582 bytes.


How to split a PDF based on a size limit?

I have searched many places but unable to find a pretty good solution as such.
So what I am trying to achieve is as below:
My program will have quite a lot of PDF docs which I will have to send via mail. There is a mail server limitation of 4 MB. So if all the PDFs are less than 4 MB it will be sent as a single mail. Else I will have to create multiple files each less than 4 MB.
Now my program works fine for the following cases:
1: Lots of files but each less than 4MB and hence keeping a tab during merging so that none of the merged files get over 4MB.
2: All files are pretty small and hence merging them together does not go to 4MB limit.
But there can be a scenario where there is one file which is, say, 14MB. I can split that document by pages. But that is also not a good solution as the pagesize is also not evenly distributed across the pages. I have used iText and PDFBox. Any help/pointer will be highly appreciated!
Imagine a 3000 KB document with ten pages and the following objects:
four font subsets used on every page, each about 50 KB
ten images that figure on a single page, each about 200 KB (one image per page)
four images that figure on every page, each about 50 KB
ten pages with content streams of about 25 KB each
about 350 KB for objects such as the catalog, the info dictionary, the page tree, the cross-reference table, etc...
A single page will need at least:
- the four font subsets: 4 times 50 KB
- the single image: 1 time 200 KB
- the four images: 4 times 50 KB
- a single content stream: 1 time 50 KB
- a slightly reduced cross-reference table, a slightly reduced page tree, an almost identical catalog, an info dictionary of identical size,... 200 KB
Together that's 850 KB. This means that you end up with 8500 KB (10 times 850 KB) if you split up a 10-page 3000 KB PDF document into 10 separate pages.
This example is the result of guess work (based on experience) and it assumes that the PDF is predictable. Most PDFs aren't:
some pages will require high-definition images (maybe even megaBytes), other pages won't have any images,
some pages will need many different fonts and font subsets (lots of kiloBytes), other pages will consist of merely some vector drawings (tiny content stream if compressed).
different pages can share a large amount of resources (Form XObjects, Image XObjects,...), other pages won't share any resources.
and so on...
You have noticed that yourself, as you write: I can split that document by pages. But that is also not a good solution as the pagesize is also not evenly distributed across the pages.
That's exactly why your question can have no other answer than: you'll have to do trial and error. No software can predict how much space is needed by a page before you look at what is needed by that page.
As David indicates in the comments, it is possible to calculate all the resources needed for a page, and to check if the current resources plus the needed resources exceed the maximum file size.
I have written a small example:
public void manipulatePdf(String src, String dest)
throws IOException, DocumentException {
Document document = new Document();
PdfCopy copy = new PdfSmartCopy(document, new FileOutputStream(dest));;
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
for (int i = 1; i <= reader.getNumberOfPages(); i++) {
// check resources needed for reader.getPageN(i);
copy.addPage(copy.getImportedPage(reader, i));
System.out.println("After adding page: " + copy.getOs().getCounter());
System.out.println("After closing document: " + copy.getOs().getCounter());
I have executed the example on a PDF sample with 18 pages and this was the output:
After adding page: 56165
After adding page: 111398
After adding page: 162691
After adding page: 210035
After adding page: 253419
After adding page: 273429
After adding page: 330696
After adding page: 351564
After adding page: 400351
After adding page: 456545
After adding page: 495321
After adding page: 523640
After adding page: 576468
After adding page: 633525
After adding page: 751504
After adding page: 907490
After adding page: 957164
After adding page: 999140
After closing document: 1002509
You see how the file size of the copy gradually grows with each page that is added. After all pages are added, the size is 999140 bytes, and then the page tree and cross-reference stream are written, adding another 3369 bytes.
Where it says // check resources needed for reader.getPageN(i);, you could make a guesstimate of the size that will be added for the page and break out of the loop if it exceeds a maximum value.
Why would this be a guesstimate:
You could be counting objects that are already added. If you keep track of the objects (not that difficult), your guess will be more accurate.
I'm using PdfSmartCopy. Suppose that there are two identical objects inside your PDF. Bad PDF software often causes such problems. For instance: the same image bytes are added twice to the file. PdfSmartCopy can detect this and will reuse the first object it encounters instead of adding the redundant bytes of the extra object.
We currently don't have a reader.getTotalPageBytes() in PdfReader because PdfReader tries to use as little memory as possible. It won't load any objects into memory as long as these objects aren't needed. Hence it doesn't know the size of each object before the page is imported.
However, I'll make sure that such a method is added in the next release.
In the next version, you'll find a tool named SmartPdfSplitter that depends on a new class named PdfResourceCounter. You can use it like this:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
SmartPdfSplitter splitter = new SmartPdfSplitter(reader);
int part = 1;
while (splitter.hasMorePages()) {
splitter.split(new FileOutputStream("results/merge/part_" + part + ".pdf"), 200000);
Note that this can result in a single-page PDF that exceeds the limit (which was set to 200000 bytes in the code sample) in case that single page can not be reduced to less bytes. In that case, splitter.isOverSized() will return true and you'll have to find another way to reduce the PDF.
PDF Clown supports page data size prediction without need of trial and error: since 2010 it has been featuring a dedicated method ( that calculates in memory the actual page data size without the need to write it to a file for trial.
Furthermore, there's another method ( maxDataSize)) purposely implemented to address your kind of scenario which leverages the above-mentioned PageManager.getSize method: it automatically splits a file based on a size limit without creating any intermediate, ugly, stupid, temporary file for trial and error.
You can see a practical example of its use in the org.pdfclown.samples.cli.PageManagementSample (PageDataSizeCalculation and DocumentSplitOnMaximumFileSize cases) included in the downloadable distribution -- here it is an example of console output from the PageDataSizeCalculation case:
Page 1: 29380 (full); 29380 (differential); 29380 (incremental)
Page 2: 30493 (full); 1501 (differential); 30881 (incremental)
Page 3: 21888 (full); 1432 (differential); 32313 (incremental)
Page 4: 33781 (full); 4789 (differential); 37102 (incremental)
. . .
full is the page data size encompassing all its dependencies (like shared resources) -- this is the size of the page when extracted as a single-page document;
differential is the additional page data size -- this is the extra content that's not shared with previous pages;
incremental is the data size of the page sublist encompassing all the previous pages and the current one.

Twitter url shortened entity length count?

Twitter automatically shortens links posted via their api to a link. You can however mask the link with a link entity twitter entity docs. However, i cannot find any definitive answer to this question:
Does the length of the entity display link count towards your 140 characters or is it only the link length that gets counted?
39 Characters
Hello this url is shortened:
This example still links to but is 54 characters long
Hello this url is shortened:
Which one is the correct length when using entities?
All URLs inside Tweets are wrapped in a shortened URL. The full expanded and display-friendly URLs are exposed in Tweet Entities objects on the API, but only the URLs matter in the Tweet length.
For instance, if you are tweeting any HTTPS URL today, it will be 23 characters long when shortened (22 for HTTP URLs), leaving you 117 characters for your Tweet text.
To answer your question, both examples Tweets you mentioned would have a length of 51 characters: 29 for the sentence, 22 for the HTTP URL, regardless of its original length.

htaccess allow if page number is supplied or not supplied

RewriteRule ^/?(us|uk)/(national|regional)/([a-z0-9]+)/?$ /fetch/index.php?country=$1&scope=$2&page=$3 [NC,L]
In the above rule, the last part ([a-z0-9]+) specifies the page number. The page number may be there or may not be there. In both cases, the rule should work. Is it possible to do this?
Right now, I have one rule for when a page number is supplied, and another for when it's not.
How can I write a single rule that'll get through when a page number is supplied and even when not?
So: -> allowed with no page number -> allowed with page number
Change the + to a * in the last segment should do it

Google Line Chart Single Value

I am using google line chart API but It seems like it does not render correctly when there is only one single data. Here's the URL. My value should be at X=50 and Y=5.0 but the point shows up at (0,5.0):|0|X|100|1:|0|Y|5.0&chxt=x,y&chs=560x240&cht=lxy&chco=5EB3FFFD&chds=0,100,0,5.0&chd=t:50|5&chg=25,50&chls=2&chm=o,3366CC,0,-1,8,1
This apparently is a bug with the Google Charts API but I just figured a workaround. For those who may encounter the same issue, just double your single point by repeating the value twice:
in the URL change:
chd=t:50|5 (generates single point but in (0,5) position - WRONG)
chd=t:50,50|5,5 (generates correct placement of the single point (50,5)
Here's the complete URL:|0|X|100|1:|0|Y|5.0&chxt=x,y&chs=560x240&cht=lxy&chco=5EB3FFFD&chds=0,100,0,5.0&chd=t:50,50|5,5&chg=25,50&chls=2&chm=o,3366CC,0,-1,8,1

SEO/Web Crawling Tool to Count Number of Headings (H1, H2, H3...)

Does anyone know of a tool or script that will crawl my website and count the number of headings on every page within my website? I would like to know how many pages in my website have more than 4 headings (h1). I have Screaming Frog, but it only counts the first two H1 elements. Any help is appreciated.
My Xidel can do that, e.g.:
xidel -e 'concat($url, ": ", count(//h1))' -f '//a[matches(#href, "http://[^/]*")]'
The xpath expression in the -e argument tells it to count the h1-tags and the -f option on which pages
This is such a specific task that I would just recommend you write it yourself. The simplest thing you need is an XPATH selector to give you the h1/h2/h3 tags.
Counting the headings:
Pick any one of your favorite programming languages.
Issue a web request for a page on your website (Ruby, Perl, PHP).
Parse the HTML.
Invoke the XPATH heading selector and count the number of elements that it returns.
Crawling your site:
Do step 2 through 4 for all of your pages (you'll probably have to have a queue of pages that you want to crawl). If you want to crawl all of the pages, then it will be just a little more complicated:
Crawl your home page.
Select all anchor tags.
Extract the URL from each href and discard any URLs that don't point to your website.
Perform a URL-seen test: if you have seen it before, then discard, otherwise queue for crawling.
URL-Seen test:
The URL-seen test is pretty simple: just add all the URLs you've seen so far to a hash map. If you run into a URL that is in your hash map, then you can ignore it. If it's not in the hash map, then add it to the crawl queue. The key for the hash map should be the URL and the value should be some kind of a structure that allows you to keep statistics for the headings:
Key = URL
Value = struct{ h1Count, h2Count, h3Count...}
That should be about it. I know it seems like a lot, but it shouldn't be more than a few hundred lines of code!
I found a tool in Code Canyon: Scrap(e) Website Analyser:
As you will see from some of my comments, there was a small amount of configuration, but it is working well so far.
Thanks BeniBela, I will also look at your solution and report back.
You might use xPather chrome extension or similar, and the xPath query:
count(//*[self::h1 or self::h2 or self::h3])
Thanks to:
SEO/Web Crawling Tool to Count Number of Headings (H1, H2, H3...)