Insert data into database whose name is not known at execution time - sql

As part of an application installer, I need to insert some data into an already existing database. The structure of the database is known, however the exact name is not; i.e. I know the name of the table I need to insert into and its structure, but the db name is variable.
The db name's structure is: AppDB_<version#> (ex: AppDB_V20_1_2). Unfortunately, when new major versions of this application are installed, the previous dbs are left on the server, so a query to:
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE name LIKE 'AppDB%'
returns multiple results.
Is it possible to create a query which inserts the same table across the entire range of results?
That is, if I have databases:
Can I write a query that effectively does:
INSERT INTO [AppDB_V1].[dbo].[TableName] ...
INSERT INTO [AppDB_V2].[dbo].[TableName] ...
INSERT INTO [AppDB_V3].[dbo].[TableName] ...
without knowing the number or names of the AppDBs beforehand?

You can use dynamic sql to build you insert statement. Take a look at sp_executesql
Query the db names. Then use a cursor to go though the database names and create a insert string. Then execute it with sp_executesql.
Hope it helps!

You could generate a dynamic sql statement thus:
declare #sql mvarchar(max);
set #sql = N'';
select #sql = #sql + N', insert into ' + quotename( + N'.dbo.Table1 from dbo.SourceTable;' + char(13);
from sys.databases db
where like ...
set #sql = stuff(#sql, 1, 1, N'');
exec (#sql);


Should I always use dynamic sql when programatically use some stored procedure?

I have a stored procedure that can get the number of records in a table, in which the #tableName is the parameter of the stored procedure. Let's call it FastCount:
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id), SUM(row_count) AS rows
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(#tableName)
AND index_id < 2
Now, let's say I have 50 tables, like data_1950, data_1951, .....data_2000. I wrote a batch, query each table's records count, and put them into a temporary table. It works like a charm
TableName varchar(30),
RecordsCount int
DECLARE #sql as varchar(max)
DECLARE #yearN as int = 1950
DECLARE #tbName as sysname
WHILE #yearN <= 2000
SET #tbName = QUOTEName(N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(varchar,#yearN))
SET #sql = N'Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=' + #tbName
EXEC (#sql)
SET #yearN = #yearN + 1
However, if I replace the dynamic SQL string part
SET #sql = N'Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=' + #tbName
EXEC (#sql)
with a straightforward call
EXEC [dbo].FastCount #tableName = #tbName
Then the whole batch just not work...
So I don't understand why... Should I always use dynamic SQL string and exec(#sql) when programmatically using the stored procedure. A big thanks for taking the time to look.
OK, here is what is happening in the two scenarios that you posed in your original question. (Yes, the reality is that there are probably better ways to achieve your end result, but let's look at the actual problem that you posed .... why is the behaviour of your INSERT / EXEC different, depending on how you made the call).
First, you have your variable declared, that will contain your table name:
DECLARE #tbName as sysname
Then you have your looping block that incrementally increases the year number, to generate the different table names. There's nothing inherently wrong with the looping block, so let's just look at an example using one of the table names, to see what's happening within the WHILE block. Take the first table name as the example, which would be [dbo].data_1950.
Your statement:
set #tbName = QUOTEName(N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(varchar,#yearN))
ultimately takes the string "[dbo].data_1950" - which comes from concatenating '[dbo].data_' with the year number (in this case, 1950) converted to a string (varchar) - and passes it to the QUOTENAME() function. The QUOTENAME() function takes its input and a second parameter, which is the character that the input should be quoted with (if the 2nd parameter is not passed, then the default is []). Thus, if we then converted the #tbName variable to a string, it would appear like this:
Now we get to see the funky way that SQL deals with "sysname" data-types. (In fact, as you read further down, maybe the issue is not primarily tied to the "sysname" data-type, but anyhow, take away from this what you will). To be honest, "sysname" is, in itself, a little bit of a funky data-type anyway, which I tend to steer away from, unless absolutely necessary. But anyhow, on to the details of the issue that you were seeing.
Step 1 - I created a version of your stored proc, but I included a statement that would output the value of the #tableName parameter that was passed in. This gives us an opportunity to see what SQL is doing in the two different scenarios, and then explain why the results are different.
CREATE PROC [dbo].FastCount
#tableName varchar(100)
PRINT #tableName;
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(object_id), SUM(row_count) AS rows
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(#tableName)
AND index_id < 2
Step 2 - our first scenario is executing the dynamic SQL.
set #tbName = QUOTEName(N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(varchar,#yearN))
set #sql = N'Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=' + #tbName
Insert Into #Temp Exec(#sql)
Now, we know that the #tbName variable contains
and therefore we can then infer that the #sql variable contains
Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName=[[dbo].data_1950]
so that is effectively the statement that is executed by the Exec(#sql) command.
When this runs, and we look at the output of the PRINT command, we see
and we see a result from our query (the table name and row count). This makes sense, of course, because our table name is "data_1950", and the schema of the table is "dbo", so the SELECT statement to get the row count is going to work as expected.
Step 3 - run the EXEC command directly, without the use of the #sql variable, ie.
Insert Into #Temp Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName = #tbName
Now, when we look at the output of the PRINT command for this execution of the "FastCount" stored procedure, we see
Of course, this is now NOT going to produce the results that we expect, because we're telling SQL to find the row count for a table named "[dbo].data_1950" (in the absence of the specific schema, SQL will just assume the default schema. In this case, with a schema of [dbo], we'd be telling SQL to get the row count from a table named [dbo].[[dbo].data_1950] - which is clearly NOT the table name).
You should see the obvious difference - in one scenario, the parameter value that is passed into the stored is the "correct" reference to the table name, and in the other scenario it is not.
As a final step, let's look at how the "non-dynamic" SQL would be executed, to achieve the results that we need. In this instance, there's no need for the QUOTENAME() function:
set #tbName = N'[dbo].data_' + Convert(nvarchar,#yearN)
Insert Into #Temp Exec [dbo].FastCount #tableName = #tbName
When we run it in this way, we see the expected output ([dbo].data_1950) from the PRINT command, and we see the expected query results (containing the table name and row count).
Can I explain this behaviour, exactly? Errr, not necessarily ... maybe someone else will be able to explain specifically what is happening, and why. My only interpretation is that when the EXEC() statement is passed the dynamic sql (ie. #sql variable) it is first interpreting the entire string and stripping out identifiers (in the case, the surrounding [] ... on what basis is it making that decision, I don't know). As opposed to the non-dynamic execution, where the #tbName value ([[dbo].data_1950]) is just being passed straight in as the parameter, with no modification (and thus causing the unexpected end result that we saw).
Hopefully this information is useful to you (or, at least, to someone else in the future!).
In general you should avoid dynamic SQL, and you should avoid granting rights to execute dynamic SQL, unless absolutely necessary. This is for performance and security reasons.
The typical way to deal with this situation is to use a partitioned view:
SELECT '1950' TableName, * FROM Data_1950
SELECT '1951' TableName, * FROM Data_1951
SELECT '1952' TableName, * FROM Data_1952
SELECT '1953' TableName, * FROM Data_1953
SELECT '1954' TableName, * FROM Data_1954
SELECT '1955' TableName, * FROM Data_1955
(Keep adding select statements until you have covered all of your tables.)
Now to get your table counts all you need to do is execute this:
SELECT TableName, COUNT(*) RecordCount
FROM DataView
GROUP BY TableName
Isn't that much easier?

How to dynamically create and populate a local temp table (when the table headers are unknown)?

I am currently using code similar to the following:
SET #Query = 'SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM MyTable'
EXEC sp_executesql #Query
Obviously, this does not work. Until now, I have been getting around this problem by using global temporary tables within my dynamic sql. However, this is not an option once the stored procedure is released to users, as their global temp tables would conflict with one another.
How might I get around this issue? I must specify that the structure of the table MyTable is unknown, so creating the temp table outside of the dynamic sql is (presumably?) not an option.
Edit: Apologies if I was not specific enough with exactly what I am trying to achieve - I thought it would be best to keep this question as relevent to the actual issue as possible.
Obviously, the string that I am trying to execute is not fixed. It is instead constructed so that the table, from which the data is being retrieved, may be specified. Although still not overly complex, the actual query string that I am using is more along the lines of
#Query = CONCAT('SELECT * INTO #Temp FROM ', #Environment, '.[schema].', #Table)
Hopefully this sheds more light on the problem?
Few points:
1. If you want to store the output of dynamic sql into temp table, you need to create the temp table structure first(with CREATE TABLE #TEMP script) and then you can insert data by doing something like below:
INSERT INTO #TEMP EXEC sp_executesql #Query
This will populate data into temp table with all properties of local temp table.
Seeing your query, it does not look like you have a need of dynamic sql unless you are forming some clause like where clause dynamically.
Let me know if this helps.
Couldn't you do something like this:
declare #query nvarchar(4000) = '
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N''[dbo].[temp]'') AND type in (N''U''))
drop table temp
Select top 2 *
into temp
from sys.databases
exec sp_executesql #query
Select * from temp
With Select into you don't need to know the structure of your query:
Just as an idea.

MSSQL Loop through list of tables to perform alter statement

My SQL is quite limited and I have a number of databases within my server, I'm wondering whether its possible to write an SQL Query to loop through a listing of table names and then alter a particular table within the database name to modify a table in that database ?
Im simply wishing to add a new column to a table called site_settings.
Does MSSQL have this ability ?
You can use the script below. It returns an alter statement for each user table (you need to change your new column type as you didn't specify it) and then executes the query.
declare #sql nvarchar(max) = ''
select #sql = #sql + 'alter table ' + name + ' add site_settings int null;'
from sys.tables where type ='U'
exec sp_executesql #sql

Display results of dynamic SQL stored in a table SQL Server 2012

I have a table that's being used by and application to set some variables over there.
However one of the things that it does is creating files, and the file names and directories are saved in the tables.
but i want the file name to be an expression like CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),20) + '.txt' so I'd like to have this saved in the table as a SQL Expression and then evaluate it to get the value 2012-03-27.txt out of it.
Does anyone have any idea how to do it?
Dynamic SQL SP might work but it'll be way complicated, is there any other way?
A computed column won't work because i want different expressions on each row.
if there would such a thing that i can have a computed column where i can enter a different value in each line would be awesome!
Just put it in as a computed column in the table definition with the expression for the column having exactly the code you supplied, and you should be all set!
Well, not likely to be incredibly efficient, but here's one way:
('CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),20) + ''.txt'''),
('CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 112) + ''.sql''');
SELECT #sql += ' UNION ALL SELECT ' + sql FROM #x;
SET #sql = STUFF(#sql, 1, 11, '');
EXEC sp_executesql #sql;
In my perticular case the "Application" is an SSIS package, so what i did is very simple,
I grab the value from the table into a variable #User::srcFile
I make an execute SQL task, setting the sql statement expression to "SELECT " + #[User::srcFile] + " AS FileName"
At the result set section i assigned the FileName to User::srcFile
Thanks everyone for your help!

Using Parameter Values In SQL Statement

I am trying to write a database script (SQL Server 2008) which will copy information from database tables on one server to corresponding tables in another database on a different server.
I have read that the correct way to do this is to use a sql statement in a format similar to the following:
INSERT INTO <linked_server>.<database>.<owner>.<table_name> SELECT * FROM <linked_server>.<database>.<owner>.<table_name>
As there will be several tables being copied, I would like to declare variables at the top of the script to allow the user to specify the names of each server and database that are to be used. These could then be used throughout the script. However, I am not sure how to use the variable values in the actual SQL statements. What I want to achieve is something like the following:
How should I use the # variables in this code in order for it to work correctly?
Additionally, do you think my method above is correct for what I am trying to achieve and should I be using NVARCHAR(50) as my variable type or something else?
There is probably a better way to do this, but what you are probably trying to do in your example is what's called dynamic SQL where you treat the statement as a string and the execute it. This would be section #2 here:
There are some major downsides to dynamic SQL. You see a couple other approaches that might be better in that article.
If you want to execute a dynamically generated query then you have to use sp_ExecuteSQL
For the nvarchar(50) - you'd be better using sysname. This is a synonym in SQL Server (for nvarchar(128)) and represents the maximum length of an object identifier.
have a look at - sp_executesql takes a parameter that is a string and executes the sql in that string. so you'd need to concatenate #SERVER_FROM and other params with the INSERT INTO part to make the entire sql statement, and then pass to sp_executesql.
nvarchar(50) is fine, unless your server/database names are longer than that :)
You can create the select statement by concatenating all the information together and then use sp_executesql
sp_executesql 'INSERT INTO ' + #SERVER_TO + '.' + #DATABASE_TO +
'.dbo.TableName SELECT * FROM ' + #SERVER_FROM + '.' +
I like to make templates for dynamic SQL things like this - it's a lot easier to maintain complex statements and also sometimes easier to handle nested quotes - and definitely easier when terms need to be repeated in multiple places (like column lists):
DECLARE #sql AS nvarchar(max);