Multiple ImageView's that allow for deletion - cocoa-touch

I am currently trying to add multiple imageviews like in this picture ( to a view controller. I would also like the option to be able to delete specific images, and also have the whole view controller in a scrollview incase the user wants to add numerous images.
So far I have one imageview that can be set to either a picture from the camera or from the photo library, what I would like is when a user add's a image, another option displays next to it to upload another image such as the picture in the link I provided.
I am currently using the Xcode 5 with storyboards and developing for iOS 7 also.
Any help is appreciated.

Simply use a UICollectionView !
Reference :
It will allow you to add functionalities like delete or add for example (w/ ScrollView ;) )!


Objective C: Custom keyboard extensions with images in iOS

I have created custom keyboard in my application.Now i want to display only 8 images at the beginning and later after payment i want to display whole collection of images. I am checking condition for payment if its done then only show all images but i cant debug it why images are not displayed even though condition is satisfied.
Also my question is keyboard view is base class of UIInputViewController so it will hit only once after app execution.
Please any help would be appreciated.
Click on image resources and then File Inspector tab in right side. Check Targets are selected or not.

Camera with Overlay in UIViewController

currently trying to make a ViewController, which include a Camera with a Overlay. I want to implement a scan function. the camera should show a field where it is scanned and save it then as a picture.
one of you has an idea? Thanks in advance!
I used this tutorial: to create a viewcontroller similar to that. The code a little old but if you make some changes you can easily create a ViewController like that.
Try this Github repo, It provides a default view controller with camera view and scan area overlay and it also provides a button to switch between the front and the back cameras.

Add Stickers in Custom KeyBoard Extension

I am looking to create a Custom Keyboard for iPhone,iPad. I have successfully integrated Phrases and Emoticons into the Keyboard, But couldn't get any idea how to add stickers in the keyboard.
Anyone knows how to add ?
I recently created a custom keyboard for sending stickers on iPhone. I noticed this question is tagged as Objective-C but I will be responding in Swift since that’s how I did it.
If I am understanding your question correctly, “add stickers in the keyboard” may refer to stickers similar to those on Facebook Messenger or Peach. My personal inspiration came from wanting to create something similar to Kim Kardashian’s KIMOJI app. This custom keyboard extension works by allowing the user to tap on a sticker, copy it, and then paste it into an input field to send.
To begin with, I found this great custom keyboard tutorial on AppCoda: Creating a Custom Keyboard Using iOS 8 App Extension (written in Swift). The tutorial walks you through how to create a new keyboard extension within an app, add a view which holds buttons (or keys), and apply appropriate constraints. However, I found all the details of creating keys less necessary for a sticker keyboard.
Following the tutorial, once you create a basic keyboard with a KeyboardViewController and KeyboardView xib, I added UIButtons. In my case, I added six buttons to correspond to six stickers. The first UIView row and second UIView row both held three buttons each. I applied constraints so that each button was equal height and width (approximately 100 x 100). In Storyboard, I clicked on each button and in the attributes inspector I set the button “image” property to the corresponding sticker image I had in my assets. Also, to determine an appropriate height for my keyboard, I found this helpful resource: iPhone Development 101 - iPhone & iPad Keyboard Sizes.
Note: In order to create stickers you need images of some sort. I drew / designed my own. You could also design them using Adobe Illustrator or an equivalent program.
Once you set the images for each button and run the app, the images may not appear. To fix this, I had to visit my sticker keyboard Target > Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources to ensure Assets.xcassets was included. Running the app again, the images appeared.
Next, assuming you have created a KeyboardViewController that corresponds to your KeyboardView.xib, you can create a corresponding #IBAction for each button/sticker in the view controller. We want the user to copy the sticker selected to Pasteboard so they can send the stickers. To enable your custom keyboard to access Pasteboard, go into the keyboard extension’s Info.plist file. Under Information Property List > NSExtension > NSExtensionAttributes, change the RequestsOpenAccess property to YES.
Now, the IBAction method you created can assign the appropriate sticker image path to the Pasteboard! This is very generally how my code looked:
#IBAction func stickerPressed(sender: UIButton) {
let image = UIImage(named: "sticker")
UIPasteboard.generalPasteboard().image = image
When you run and test your app on a device and install it, click the globe icon on the keyboard to switch to your custom keyboard. Tap on a button/sticker, then tap in an input field to paste. In Facebook Messenger, options may appear to “Send Photo” “Edit” or “Cancel.” In Peach or Messages, it will send inline. It just depends on the app.
This process worked for me and I hope it can help someone else out there!
You can create UIImageView inside UICollectionView or UITableView, and show sticker images inside these UIImageViews. And when user taps on them, just get the UIImage present in that view.

How to create a master view for an iPad app

What I'm looking to do is create some kind of master view, that would have the same header (with a logo), footer (with some text and a button), background image and navigation (not a navigation bar, just a few buttons) on every view.
You could think of what I'm after doing is like a PowerPoint presentation. Create a master slide that's layout is used through every slide, you create a new slide and it takes across all the masters properties (header, footer, background etc) and then it's just the content that changes on each new slide.
However, I'm not too sure how I would do this in an iOS application. I've had a look on Google searching many different phrases but all seem to be about iPad split views and using cells of a tableview, which isn't what I'm after.
All I can think to do is create a single view controller class, with a view, and then add a sub UIView for each page I want (about 15-20), but with the one class, and every page having different content and a lot of code required for each one, that's going to get messy! Or I simply recreate the footer and header etc on every view controller, so if there were to be a change, then I'd have 20 views (more if it grows) to edit! So I'm just wondering if there's a simple way of getting what I'm after.
The app will be for iPad only, and I can use any OS up to 5, so xibs or storyboards are fine. And this won't be on the app store if that helps.
I've done a quick drawing below. The master view with all my bits to be used on each page, and then content slides that will slot in and out of the mater's content area.
Check out Containment View Controllers. This kind of presentation is exactly what they are designed to handle. There is a really nice WWDC presentation from 2012 I believe that illustrates how these work. There are also several tutorials online if you search.
maybe the best option is to create a master detail page. Then for each new page, call the master?
If u want to show header and footer view in whole apps then add header and footer view in window not in view controller i think it will work

Using UIImagePickerController on the iPad

I'm developing an iPad app for use in-house. It's basically a SplitView based app, with a list of items. The details view contains a navigation controller. When the user selects an item in the rootview, it displays the definition of that item in the details view.
I want them to be able to drill-down into a gallery of images for that item, and be presented with a UI similar to the iPad photos app. Basically thumbnails with the ability to view it at original size and then go back to the thumbnails.
I was looking at using the UIImagePickerController but it looks like you need to use that in a Popover control, is that the case? It also looks like you can also only use it with pictures stored in the photo area on the iPad.
The images I use are downloaded to the iPad at startup, if it makes the whole thing do-able, can I save them into the users photo's area? As an album for each item?
Failing all of that, is there a nice clean, simple solution that would meet my requirements? I've tried using the Three20 solution but couldn't get it to work with my SplitView. Can the OOTB UIImagePickerController do what I need?
Three20 right now is not iPad ready, for your requirement, you can fine-tune Three20 and use it to display the original size images, and then pop-back to view controller which shows the thumbnail images.
I suggest using Three20 in a modal view controller with a pagesheet or formsheet preeentation style.