How to search in and edit Table by using DataGridView - sql

I have a SQL database with a table "Employees" in it (with large number of rows). By using DataGridView, I want to search for specific "Employee's Name" and change it's "Job". How can I achieve that. I'm using Please Help Me.

Not sure if this will help but write a loop that goes through all the values if it finds a match its true if not it is false ,if found the item can be displayed in a textbox and edited
if not a message is displayed saying "no match found"
the editing part can be done using a procedure that will update the value in your grid with what is entered
i can supply code for this if need be but i am unsure if this is what you wish
and there is most likely a better way of doing it

you can loop through your grid, and check if the data you wish to edit exists using the For loop:
Supposing you are using a textbox as the input, and you use a label to hold the employee ID:
Dim EmpIDColumn as Integer = 'array number of your EmpID Column
Dim EmpNameColumn as Integer = 'The array number of the column where your EmpName is
Dim JobColumn as Integer = 'The array number of your job column
For each dr as Datagridviewrow in Datagridview1.Rows
If dr.cells(EmpNameColumn).value = TxtSearchBox.text Then
txtEmpJob.text = dr.cells(JobColumn).value
lblEmpID.Text = dr.cells(EmpIDColumn).value
End if
Okay, so you've searched the record successfully. Next step (after editing the job, and even other details like the name) would be to update the record in the grid. Remember you set the lblEmpID's text to empID in the column? Use it to find the
Record you wish to change in the grid using the same technique above!
Dim EmpIDColumn as Integer = 'array number of your EmpID Column
Dim EmpNameColumn as Integer = 'The array number of the column where your EmpName is
Dim JobColumn as Integer = 'The array number of your job column
For each dr as Datagridviewrow in Datagridview1.Rows
If dr.cells(EmpIDColumn).value = lblEmpID.text Then
dr.cells(JobColumn).value = txtEmpJob.text
dr.cells(EmpNameColumn).value = txtEmpName.text
'then, type in here your SQL Query Update!
End if


Determine if an integer is a member of a list of integers

I need to determine if a particular integer does not exists in a datagridview column. I assume I should create an array of the integers from the dgv column, and then compare if the integer exists in the array. However, there is perhaps an easier or simpler way.
I have looked at many articles but none of them resolve my task. Some of the Stack Overflow articles show similar solutions but I can't quite determine what to do.
For a = 0 To Dgv1.RowCount - 1
If Not Dgv1(1, a).Value = Dgv0(1, m).Value Then
Dgv0(1, Dgv0.RowCount - 1).Value = Dgv0(1, m).Value
End If
I hope to compare an integer with a column of integers in a datagridview and if it is present do nothing but if is not present add it to the datagrid view
Are you using wpf? If yes, create a model.
provide a checking mechanism at the setter, use observablecollection or list then bind it to the datagirdview
Get the row and column of the datagridview
then compare (means condtional statement) to the variable you wanna check
and of course it should be inside of loop, loop count is equal to the count of rows you have in the datagridview.
Here's an example code:
Dim column As String = "YourColumnNameHere"
' Assuming 2 is the number you wanna compare
Dim value As Integer = 2
For row As integer = 0 to dataGridView.RowCount - 1
If dataGridView.Rows(row).Cells(column).Value = value Then
' Do something here
' Do something here
End If
Next Search for Full or partial match in Datagridview from TextBox and select the first match while displaying the full datagrid

I have a customers table that is displayed in a datagridview. I would like the user to be able to enter the customers full or partial last name and click a buttom that would then find the first customer that met the match in the text box. As an example: The user types "wil" into the text box and the first record found is for "williams" even though the user is looking for "wilson". The record would be highlighted(selected) and the user could scroll to look at other records and select "wilson" manually (the manual part I can code).
I have searched for hours on the internet and cannot find this type of code. Most of it is filtering or searching every cell and returning every value.
I am currently reworking a project I did with an access database and vba several years ago. I had thought would be very similar but it is not similar enough for me to modify this code. I'm also going to use a sql database.
The index field is obviously cell(0) and last name is cell(1).
I have found a solution although I did have to modify it. It will do everything I need except one thing. If I type the letter "H" and do a search on last name, it finds the first lastname that has an "H" in the last name but in a different position from the first letter. I need it to go to the first last name that begins with an "H". I have listed my code below.
Dim srch As String
Dim irowindex As Integer
Dim strl As Integer
srch = txtSearch.Text
For i As Integer = 0 To dgvCustomers.Rows.Count - 1
If dgvCustomers.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value IsNot Nothing Then
If dgvCustomers.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value.ToString.ToUpper.Contains(srch.ToUpper) Then
dgvCustomers.Rows(i).Selected = True
dgvCustomers.RowsDefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.DimGray
irowindex = dgvCustomers.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
try this sir.
for each row as datagridviewrow in nameofdatagrid.rows
if row.cells("Lastname").value = txtbox.text then
row.cells("Lastname").selected = true
exit for
end if
I think this is your problem? finding lastname match in the datagrid and select it?
hope this will help you :)
Dim srch As String
Dim irowindex As Integer
Dim strl As Integer
srch = txtSearch.Text
For i As Integer = 0 To dgvCustomers.Rows.Count - 1
If dgvCustomers.Rows(i).Cells(0).Value IsNot Nothing Then
If dgvCustomers.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value.ToString.ToUpper.StartsWith(srch.ToUpper) Then
dgvCustomers.Rows(i).Selected = True
dgvCustomers.RowsDefaultCellStyle.SelectionBackColor = Color.DimGray
irowindex = dgvCustomers.SelectedCells.Item(0).Value
Exit For
End If
End If

Target Highest Primary Key When Adding New Row to DataGridView

So I have a DataGridView filled with data with the Primary Key being ex."Order Number". Whenever a new row is added to the DGV, I have this line of code added to target the new row.
dgv.Rows(dgv.Rows.Count - 1).Selected = True
This works great and all, but whenever a user is sorted on a column header, this will go to the last row like it is supposed to do, but that's not where the new row is.
So is it possible for me to do this, but to target the highest primary key number? Since the newest row being added will contain the highest primary key number at the time of creation.
Thank you.
UPDATE: I have found a way to get the highest value of such primary key by using:
Dim MaxID = dgv.Rows.Cast(Of DataGridViewRow)().Max(Function(r) Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells("Order Number").Value))
But whenever I use:
dgv.Rows(MaxID).Selected = True
I get an error saying the value is outside the bounds of the array. I tried MaxID - 1 as well.
One way to get there:
Dim qry = (From r As DataGridViewRow In Me.dgv1.Rows
Order By r.Cells("Order Number").Value Descending
Select r.Index)
If qry.Any Then
Dim idx As Integer = qry.First
Me.dgv1.Rows(idx).Selected = True
End If
Or you can directly select the row
Dim targetRow = Me.dgv1.Rows.Cast(Of DataGridViewRow)().
OrderByDescending(Function(r) r.Cells("Order Number").Value).FirstOrDefault
If targetRow IsNot Nothing Then targetRow.Selected = True
The way that I had to resort to doing is by resetting the sort from the DataSet that was filling the DataGridView, and then select the row and currentcell.
DataSet.Tables("TableName").DefaultView.Sort = ""
dgv.Rows(dgv.Rows.Count - 1).Selected = True
dgv.CurrentCell = dgv.Rows(dgv.Rows.Count - 1).Cells(dgv.FirstDisplayedCell.ColumnIndex)
Definitely not the best fix, because I am resetting the sort before focusing on a row, but it will hold the users over for the time being.

How can I display column names of one table in a combobox?

In 2008, how can I display table column names in a combobox?
In SQL I have a Document table and there are columns in this table like Doc_id, Size, Path.
The combobox must display the columns name like
doc_id in the first line, size in the second line, path in the last line
Probably a little too late since I see this thing is about eight years old, but I just ran into this issue where I had to do exactly what the initial questioner was asking for. Since I resolved it, I will leave it here just incase another poor sap like us comes along looking for answers
Dim ds As DataSet = <define your dataset here>
Dim dt As DataTable = ds.Tables(<Your tablename here>)
For Each column As DataColumn In dt.Columns
As per our discussion , i will suggest you not to bind the combobox directly with the DataTalble. you can bind it by looping all the row of the DataTable. you use following snipped as a reference:
Dim objDataTable As DataTable = ds.Tables("Document")
IF objDataTable <> NULL Then
For j As Integer = 0 To objDataTable.Rows.Count
Dim str As String = objDataTable.Rows(j)("Doc_id").ToString()
str = objDataTable.Rows(j)("Size").ToString()
str = objDataTable.Rows(j)("Path").ToString()
Hope this will work for you ;)

How can I update a row in a DataTable in VB.NET?

I have the following code:
Dim i As Integer = dtResult.Rows.Count
For i = 0 To dtResult.Rows.Count Step 1
strVerse = blHelper.Highlight(dtResult.Rows(i).ToString, s)
' syntax error here
dtResult.Rows(i) = strVerse
I want to add a strVerse to the current row.
What am I doing wrong?
The problem you're running into is that you're trying to replace an entire row object. That is not allowed by the DataTable API. Instead you have to update the values in the columns of a row object. Or add a new row to the collection.
To update the column of a particular row you can access it by name or index. For instance you could write the following code to update the column "Foo" to be the value strVerse
dtResult.Rows(i)("Foo") = strVerse
You can access columns by index, by name and some other ways:
dtResult.Rows(i)("columnName") = strVerse
You should probably make sure your DataTable has some columns first...
Dim myRow() As Data.DataRow
myRow = dt.Select("MyColumnName = 'SomeColumnTitle'")
myRow(0)("SomeOtherColumnTitle") = strValue
Code above instantiates a DataRow. Where "dt" is a DataTable, you get a row by selecting any column (I know, sounds backwards). Then you can then set the value of whatever row you want (I chose the first row, or "myRow(0)"), for whatever column you want.