How to Sign-Out from an authenticated ListDataProvider/Authenticator in Windows Phone 8 - authentication

I am reading a SharePoint list from Office 365 inside a Windows Phone 8 app. My app-code is based on this sample code from Microsoft. It uses
The actual problem beeing signout not working!
On the first request to the server, the client asks for authentication and shows a hosted browser window where I can enter my account credentials. I select to stay logged in here.
If i restart the app, it authenticates me without showing the UI again.
I would like to be able to switch user or simply signout leaving no credentials on the phone behind.
I found the following static methods on Authenticator which do not change anything:
What is the prefered way to do this?

This is an example of how I am logging out a user in my SP list App for WP8:
App.MainViewModel.IsInitialized = false;
MessageBox.Show("You have been successfully logged out, click refresh to login again.");
Your app maybe a little different, but you should at least get to the App and ViewModel to set Initialized as false. I did expxect the App.MainViewModel.Initialize() to show the login page but need to click refresh after calling this SignOut method to do so, that is why I displayed the messagebox.
Hope this helps you.


WebView2 - SSO, Recognize Login, or Persist Cookies/Identity

I am running into an issue, working win WebView2 in a WPF application.
The one complaint we are getting from users is that the MS login gets 'forgotten' after the browser window closes, requiring that they login via a popup MS window on subsequent webview loads, and click on their identity. If a webview2 app that has already stored the user identity is open, it seems to reuse that authentication.
Is there a way to persist that login, so that after the window closes, subsequent windows reuse that login, along with maybe an expiration on the file(s) that have that information?
Some thoughts:
Prevent the deletion of the files providing identity
Launching and hiding a window that would persist the identity (very old-school)
Find a parameter that enables it to login automatically
I've already tried setting the environment variable for AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount, but that didn't work.
It is using Fixed Binaries, so passing a relative path.
var options = new CoreWebView2EnvironmentOptions(default, default, default, true);
string installPath = #"./Microsoft.WebView2.FixedVersionRuntime.91.0.864.48.x86";
CoreWebView2Environment env = await CoreWebView2Environment.CreateAsync(installPath, userFolder, options);
await this.webView.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(env);

xcode twitter api authorize screen issue

I have an app that I'm using the xcode IDE and writing in Objective-C that uses the twitter api and the 'default' twitter login page for username and password.
I already have all the oauth stuff set up and it is working fine.
I create a new view controller with a web view inside it, and pass the URL of
If I put in my email and password, everything works fine - the view disappears, and we are then off and running.
If I press cancel on the twitter login screen, I get a twitter page saying I need to log in. I need to capture the cancel in my code so I can dismiss the view controller, but I cannot find out what the name of the callback is? I tried didFailLoadWithError but that is not it.
Can someone shed some light on this please?
It turns out it can be handled from the same callback that handles a 'correct' login. except looking for a failure.
So, they have handled it correctly within the original callback.

How to set auto login in windows 8 app

I need to keep a auto login to my windows8 app. When user login with email and password i need to store in local and next time when app opened those details need to be auto filled.
I am new to these apps so please provide some code lines
Instead of building your own login functionality from scratch you could use the Microsoft account sign in. Have a look at this:
and this:

Office 365 JavaScript API, redirect back to WP app after launching Store

I am creating a Windows Phone app using HTML And JavaScript. I am able to add connected services and have selected "Users and Groups" and given it Read permissions.
I am then making the following calls on button click:
var authContext = new O365Auth.Context();
function (token){
Services/Office365/Settings.js has been edited to the following:
Settings.clientId = "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx";
Settings.authUri = "";
Settings.redirectUri = "ms-app://s-1-15-2-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx/";
I got the redirectUri value by calling the following function:
I do get the login screen for my organization and I am able to provide credentials and it tries to redirect it back to my application, but then I get asked the following question:
"You need to install an app for this task. Would you like to search for one in the Store?"
If I click on yes, it takes me to the store and says "No apps found". If I click on no, it doesn't do anything.
How could I possibly get it redirected back to my app?
The connected services experience only works in Multi-device hybrid apps (a.k.a. Cordova), not in Windows Phone apps.

Sorry, something went wrong after cancel application connexion on SDK 3.0

I'm using the new PHP SDK 3.0 and I use the new getLoginUrl() function with the following parameters.
$paramsLogin = array(
'scope' => PERMISSIONS,
'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI
If the user clicks "cancel" on the application permissions popup, I redirect the user on an error page which contains a message explaining that he has to accept the permissions in order to participate to the contest and a new login button.
But when i click on the login button again, facebook displays the following message :
Sorry, something went wrong. We're working on getting this fixed as
soon as we can.
If I wait for a while then click again on the login button It works as expected.
I read somewhere that facebook should be displaying "Leave application" in the permission popup instead of "Cancel" I guess this is the issue.
Anyone has any clue on how to solve that problem or should I submit a bug report on facebook.
This is currently open as a bug in Facebook's bug tracker, see here: - I reproduced it myself earlier, and it's been assigned for fixing
I believe if you wait a while the dialog works again (i.e the failure only happens if you go back to the dialog quickly after rejecting it, which shouldn't really happen except when aggressively testing).