Access VBA Object Required Error - sql

This has probably been answered before, but in looking, I could not find an answer that suited my situation. I am coding an Access 2003 form button to run an If/Then and do some commands based on that statement when clicked. However I am getting the 'Object Required' error on every click. I am still relatively new to VBA code, so please be gentle.
Here is the code:
Private Sub Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Button_Click
Dim Db As Object
Set Db = CurrentDb
Dim waveset As DAO.Recordset
Set waveset = Db.OpenRecordset("SELECT countervalue FROM dbo_tblSettings")
Dim orderfile As String
orderfile = "\\serverfolder\serverfile.csv"
If Value.waveset > 0 Then
MsgBox "Orders Already Imported; Please Proceed to Next Step", vbOKOnly, "Step Complete"
GoTo Exit_Button_Click
ElseIf Value.waveset = 0 Then
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE FROM dbo_tblOrders", True
DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "dbo_tblOrders", orderfile, True
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE dbo_tblOrders INNER JOIN dbo_MainOrderTable ON dbo_tblOrders.[channel-order-id]=dbo_MainOrderTable.[order-id] " _
& "SET dbo_MainOrderTable.[order-id] = dbo_tblOrders.[order-id], dbo_MainOrderTable.[channel-order-id] = dbo_tblOrders.[channel-order-id], " _
& "dbo_MainOrderTable.[Order-Source] = 'Amazon'" _
& "WHERE dbo_tblOrders.[sales-channel]='Amazon';", True
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE dbo_AmazonOrderTable INNER JOIN dbo_tblOrders ON dbo_AmazonOrderTable.[order-id]=dbo_tblOrders.[channel-order-id] " _
& "SET dbo_AmazonOrderTable.[order-id] = dbo_tblOrders.[order-id], dbo_AmazonOrderTable.[channel-order-id] = dbo_tblOrders.[channel-order-id], " _
& "dbo_AmazonOrderTable.[sales-channel] = 'Amazon' " _
& "WHERE dbo_tblOrders.[sales-channel]='Amazon';", True
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE dbo_tblSettings SET countervaule=1", True
GoTo Exit_Button_Click
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Button_Click
End Sub
-OH! forgot to mention I want to do it this way because the tables are actually linked tables to a SQL server back-end... I've also been trying to figure out how to open the connection to my SQL server and manipulate the tables via the VBA code without having to link them in Access... but that's another post altogether
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

I think the problem is the line
If Value.waveset > 0 Then
Which should be
waveset.Value > 0 Then
.Value is a property - it comes after the object, but it is not itself an object. Thus, asking for the .waveset property of Value will give an error.
The same thing happens again a few lines later:
ElseIf Value.waveset = 0 Then
The advice that #HansUp gave in his comment is a good one. Write Option Explicit at the top of your module, then hit Debug->Compile. Your code will generate errors. Add statements of the form
Dim waveset
to the top of your function. Only declare variables you intend to use. Any remaining errors are now due to typos or other syntax / logic errors, and will be spotted more easily.
If you are sure you know what type a particular variable will be, it is marginally more efficient to declare as that type; so
Dim ii As Integer
For ii = 0 To 10000
is marginally more efficient than
Dim ii
For ii = 0 To 10000
But that's not what your question is about.

Yes, ...If Value.waveset > 0 ... does give an error Object Required
BOTH lines need to be changed, but need to be this syntax ---
If waveset.Fields("countervalue").Value > 0
ElseIf waveset.Fields("countervalue").Value = 0 Then


Updating and Existing OLEDB Connection using VBA

I am tying to update an existing connection in a spreadsheet with a modifiable script.
Basically, I want the use to be able to put in a list of Account References, push a button, and Excel spits out the SQL output where those Account References match what we have one system.
I've managed to collate all of the script into one cell (F1 on my Workings tab), so that's all fine, and I've added the preliminary connection (and called it "CustomerContactDetails").
I have enabled the Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library as well.
My VBA script is:
Sub UpdateScript()
Dim Script As String
SQLScript = Worksheets("Workings").Range("F1").Value
ActiveWorkbook.Connections("CustomerContactDetails").OLEDBConnection.ConnectionString = SQLScript
End Sub
I get the error on the fourth line down (ActiveWorkbook.Connections("CustomerContactDetails").OLEDBConnection.ConnectionString = SQLScript):
Run-time error '9';
Subscript out of range
Does anyone know how to help with this please? It feels like I'm not that far way, and I'm not trying to do anything too complicated. I just can't seem to get it to work!
Try something like this and see what output you get
Sub UpdateScript()
Dim Script As String
Dim conn as WorkbookConnection
For Each conn in ActiveWorkbook.Connections
Debug.Print conn.Name
If conn.Name = "CustomerContactDetails" Then
SQLScript = Worksheets("Workings").Range("F1").Value
conn.OLEDBConnection.ConnectionString = SQLScript
End If
Next conn
End Sub
EDIT: looks like what you have is a WorkbookQuery
I created one (to an Oracle DB) and you can access and revise it something like this:
Sub Tester()
Dim q As WorkbookQuery, lo As ListObject
Set lo = ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Query1")
Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Queries.Count
Set q = ActiveWorkbook.Queries("Query1")
Debug.Print q.Formula
'revise query
q.Formula = "let" & vbCrLf & _
" Source = Oracle.Database(""BLAH"", [HierarchicalNavigation=true," & _
"Query=""select * from table1""])" & _
vbCrLf & "in" & vbCrLf & "Source"
lo.Refresh 'I got a popup "do you want to run this?" here...
End Sub
Note it's nearly always useful to try recording a macro while creating the type of object you're having trouble modifying - that will point you to the syntax you need.

IsNull(rst.FIelds("field").Value) Giving Error '3021' No Current Record

Morning all! I am stuck and would appreciate any help I can get.
Part of my subroutine gets a value from a recordset. If the query that the recordset is based on doesn't return a value then I get the error:
'3021' No Current Record
I'm trying to check for null records and redirect my vba code elsewhere to avoid this error but I'm unable to do so. All references I have seen so far have said to do this same thing, which is what I tried
and still doesn't work. I'm not sure where to do from here.
Code is below.
At the moment for debugging purposes I have hardcoded values 27 and Schematic but please note that in the real subroutine these will be variables.
All your help is much appreciated! Have a great day :)
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst_Trim As DAO.Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
qrystring = "SELECT tblDocuments.Trim FROM tblDocuments WHERE (tblDocuments.ID = 27 AND tblDocuments.type = 'Schematic')"
Set rst_Trim = dbs.OpenRecordset(qrystring, dbOpenSnapshot)
If IsNull(rst_Trim.Fields("trim").Value) Then
'do stuff
MsgBox "null"
trimNumber = rst_Trim.Fields("trim").Value
'do stuff
MsgBox trimNumber
End If
As you expect only one or "a" value, DLookup can do it:
Dim TrimValue As Variant
TrimValue = DLookup("[Trim]", "[tblDocuments]", "[ID] = 27 And [Type] = 'Schematic'")
If IsNull(TrimValue) Then
' Do stuff.
MsgBox "null"
trimNumber = TrimValue
' Do stuff.
MsgBox trimNumber
End If
Does not like use of .Value property when recordset is empty. Value is default property and not necessary to reference. Just remove it from your code and it should work.
Otherwise, another way to test if recordset has records:
If rs.EOF Then
MsgBox "No records"
'do something
End If

SQL - Save record with listbox and textbox change

I have a list box - The user clicks one of the results in the list box that's populated from a table.
When they click one of the items in a list box the text boxes populate the results that are in the table
On the textbox I have on change code of:
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tbl_ComplaintsCoded SET [TicketNumber] = '" & Text3 & "' WHERE ID = " & List1.Column(0)
Text3 shows the Ticket number
Text5 shows the department
Its the department that the user is trying to change before getting an error of:
data type mismatch in criteria expression
Thanks for the help
Just for fun, I rewrote what you put together in something a little more elegant with some basic error handling and a little more streamlined.
Option Compare Database
'Added the option explicit to verify your variables
Option Explicit
Private Sub Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Button_Click_Err_Handler
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
'Is your TicketNumber column a Text data type? Me.List1.Column(0) should return a variant value, so assuming
'your TicketNumber column is of a number type as the name implies, I think you could just use:
'Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE TicketNumber = " & Me.list1.Column(0))
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE TicketNumber = '" & Me.list1.Column(0) & "'")
'You should always check for BOF and EOF if you're checking if there is no record.
If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then
MsgBox "You have not selected a record, nothing to save!", vbInformation
'Exiting here, instead of wrapping the entire sub in the if... ...end if statement. You could also just use "Exit Sub", but I added
'the exit and error handling to make it a little more graceful.
GoTo Button_Click_Exit
End If
'I wrapped the rs edits in a with statement and used the direct column name operator ! instead of the collection searching rs() feature.
'For illustration, I wrapped a few of the references in the Nz() function. If none of the fields are ever null, bravo to you for excellent
'database design and database users discipline, but I almost always have a couple columns where nulls are allowed.
With rs
'Top Categories
!Business = Me.Text5
!Status = Me.Text8
!MailDate = Me.Text10
'Complaint Detail Section
!Type = Me.Text19
!Sub = Me.Text21
!c = Me.Text23
'Complaint Coding Section
!touch2 = Me.Combo29
!touch1 = Me.Combo33
!Cause2 = Me.Combo31
!cause1 = Me.Combo35
'CS Account Details Section
!Account = Me.Text39
!Feed = Me.Combo41
'Logged Audit User
!LoggedUser = Me.Text43
!DateTimeLogged = Me.Text49
End With
On Error Resume Next
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error"
Resume Button_Click_Exit
End Sub
I solved this by doing this instead:
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from tbl_name WHERE TicketNumber = '" & Me.List1.Column(0) & "'")
If rec.EOF Then
MsgBox "You have not selected a record, nothing to save!", vbInformation
'Top Categories
rec("Business") = Me.Text5
rec("Status") = Me.Text8
rec("MailDate") = Me.Text10
'Complaint Detail Section
rec("Type") = Me.Text19
rec("Sub") = Me.Text21
rec("C") = Me.Text23
'Complaint Coding Section
rec("touch2") = Me.Combo29
rec("touch1") = Me.Combo33
rec("Cause2") = Me.Combo31
rec("cause1") = Me.Combo35
'CS Account Details Section
rec("Account") = Me.Text39
rec("Feed") = Me.Combo41
'Logged Audit User
rec("LoggedUser") = Me.Text43
rec("DateTimeLogged") = Me.Text49

VBA DAO.OpenRecordSet Inconsistent Errors

Running Access 2016
I am attempting to import data from an MS Access .mdb table from Excel. (The proprietary software my client uses only recognizes *.mdb files.) When I run this code when the table is closed, I get the error:
Run-Time Error 3061
Too few parameters - Expected 2
If I run the code when the table is open in Access, HALF the time, I get that error and half the time I get:
Run-Time error '3008'
The table 'Daily_Logs_of_Flows' is already opened exclusively by
another user, or it is already open through the user interface
and cannot be manipulated programmatically.
That seems to indicate that VBA gets past the first error sometimes.
I have checked variable names and have used both single quotations in and number signs (#) before and after monthToImport because of this post on StackOverflow. The error went from
Expected 3
Expected 2
Here is the code
Sub importPLCDataFromAccess(monthToImport As Date)
Dim myDbLocation As String
myDbLocation = "K:\Users\WWTP Computer\Documents\POV_Projects\PLC Interface\PLC_Data.mdb"
DIM mySQLCall as String
Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set myDataSheet = myWorkbook.Worksheets("Page 1")
Set myEngine = New DAO.DBEngine
'Set myWorkspace = myEngine.Workspaces(0)
Set myDB = myEngine.OpenDatabase(myDbLocation)
' I deleted the workspace
' Set myDB = myWorkspace.OpenDatabase(myDbLocation)
mySQLCall = "SELECT Time_Stamp, GolfVolume, CreekVolume, InfluentVolume FROM Daily_Logs_of_Flows "
' Limit records to month requested...
mySQLCall = mySQLCall & "WHERE (DATEPART(m,Time_Stamp) = DATEPART(m,#" & monthToImport & "#)) "
' ... during the year requested
mySQLCall = mySQLCall & "AND (DATEPART(yyyy,Time_Stamp) = DATEPART(yyyy,#" & monthToImport & "#)) "
mySQLCall = mySQLCall & "ORDER BY Time_Stamp"
Debug.Print "mySQLCall = " & mySQLCall
Debug.Print "monthToImport: " & monthToImport
'Error occurs on next line where execute query & populate the recordset
Set myRecordSet = myDB.OpenRecordset(mySQLCall, dbOpenSnapshot)
'Copy recordset to spreadsheet
Application.StatusBar = "Writing to spreadsheet..."
Debug.Print "RecordSet Count = " & myRecordSet.recordCount
If myRecordSet.recordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No data retrieved from database", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No Data"
GoTo SubExit
End If
End Sub
Here is the Debug.Print of SQL statement as currently reads:
mySQLCall = SELECT Time_Stamp, GolfVolume, CreekVolume, InfluentVolume FROM Daily_Logs_of_Flows WHERE (DATEPART(m,Time_Stamp) = DATEPART(m,#6/1/2016#)) AND (DATEPART(yyyy,Time_Stamp) = DATEPART(yyyy,#6/1/2016#)) ORDER BY Time_Stamp
Any thoughts on what I am missing here? Thanks in advance for your help.
The problem is that the DATEPART function needs the first parameter in quotes, otherwise it looks for the field yyyy or m.
For example:
DATEPART("yyyy", #6/1/2016#)
DATEPART("m", #6/1/2016#)
In total:
SELECT Time_Stamp, GolfVolume, CreekVolume, InfluentVolume _
FROM Daily_Logs_of_Flows
WHERE (DATEPART("m",Time_Stamp) = DATEPART("m",#6/1/2016#))
AND (DATEPART("yyyy",Time_Stamp) = DATEPART("yyyy",#6/1/2016#))
ORDER BY Time_Stamp
To do this in VBA (in case you don't know, but I'm guessing you do), just double up the quotation marks each time you call the DATEPART function...
For example:
mySQLCall = mySQLCall & "AND (DATEPART(""yyyy"",Time_Stamp)...."
Just to be complete, Run-Time error '3008' is actually the first error....Access won't attempt to run any SQL until it can determine that it has the proper permissions.

Trying to use VBA to write query in Access

I am getting a type mismatch with the following syntax in my Access VBA. I am trying to update my table named "Billing" by seeing if any records have a date that looks at a string value in my "Certs" table like "2012-07-01" corresponding to my form's billYear textbox e.g. 2012 and my billMonth textbox e.g. 07. Is there a better way to write the VBA or see an error - many thanks:
Dim sRecert As String
Dim byear As Integer
Dim bmonth As Integer
byear = Me.billYear
bmonth = Me.billMonth
sRecert = "Update Billing set recertifying = -1 where (select certificationExpireDate from certs where Left((certificationExpireDate),4) = " & byear
& " and Mid((certificationExpireDate),6,2) = " & bmonth & ")"
DoCmd.RunSQL sRecert
I may not have explained it well. I created a real Query called from my form:
DoCmd.OpenQuery "updateRecert"
I set up my SQL below as a test on a real date I’m working with. It is in SQL Server (ODBC linked)
My dbo_certs table and my dbo_billing table share only one joinable field peopleID:
UPDATE dbo_Billing AS a INNER JOIN dbo_certs AS b ON a.peopleid = b.peopleid
SET a.recertifying = -1
WHERE b.certificationExpireDate = '2015-08-31 00:00:00.000';
The above gave a data mismatch error.
My bottom line is I have two text boxes on my form to pass in data preferably into my VBA code:
billMonth which in this case is 8 because it is an integer so that is
a problem
billYear is 2015
so I need to update my dbo_billing table’s ‘recertifying’ field with -1 if the dbo_cert’s field ‘certificationExpireDate’ is '2015-08-31 00:00:00.000' but only if that can be gotten from the form.
Is there a better way to write the VBA or see an Error?
Yes. You need Error Handling
I don't think the issue is in the code, I think it's in the SQL.
To troubleshoot your code, wrap it in an good error handler.
Public Sub MyRoutine()
On Error GoTo EH
'put your code here
With Err
MsgBox "Error" & vbTab & .Number & vbCrLf _
& "Source" & vbTab & .Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& .Description
End With
'for use during debugging
Debug.Assert 0
'any cleanup code here
End Sub
When the msgbox shows the error, make note of the Source. This should help you determine where the error comes from.
The lines following 'for use during debugging are helpful. Here's how to use them:
execution will stop on the Debug.Assert 0 line
drag the yellow arrow (which determines which line to run next) to the Resume line
hit {F8} on the keyboard (or use the menu Debug > Step Into)
This will go to the line where the error occurred. In your case, it will probably be the last line of your code.
Error in SQL... but!! Are you sure that certificationExpireDate is string and all the time equal to yyyy-mm-dd pattern?? It's dangerouse to have relation with "not certain" key like you have. I think this is not a good db design.
But, after all, for your case:
sRecert = "UPDATE Billing a inner join certs b " & _
"on format(a.imaginary_date_field, """yyyy-mm-dd""") = b.certificationExpireDate " & _
"set a.recertifying = -1 " & _
"where CInt(Left((b.certificationExpireDate),4)) = " & byear & " and CInt(Mid((b.certificationExpireDate),6,2)) = " & bmonth
PARAMETERS Forms!your_form!byear Short, Forms!your_form!bmonth Short;
UPDATE Billing a inner join certs b
on format(a.imaginary_date_field, "yyyy-mm-dd") = b.certificationExpireDate
set a.recertifying = -1
where CInt(Left((b.certificationExpireDate),4)) = Forms!your_form!byear and CInt(Mid((b.certificationExpireDate),6,2)) = Forms!your_form!bmonth
mismatch error
You get error probable because you have date/time field, not a string. Date in MS Access queries write with # symbol. WHERE b.certificationExpireDate = #2015-08-31 00:00:00.000#;
In your case:
PARAMETERS Forms!your_form!byear Short, Forms!your_form!bmonth Short;
UPDATE dbo_Billing AS a INNER JOIN dbo_certs AS b ON a.peopleid = b.peopleid
SET a.recertifying = -1
WHERE year(b.certificationExpireDate) = Forms!your_form!byear and Month(b.certificationExpireDate) = Forms!your_form!bmonth;
For more info follow this link