Formatting dates in a combobox dropdown list - vba

I have created a simple userform with a combobox populated with a range of dates (rngWeekList) but I am having serious headaches trying to get the list in the dropdown box to appear in "dd-mmm-yy" format. Here is my code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Populate the list with the date range
ComboBox1.List = Worksheets("Cover").Range("rngWeekList").Value
' Set the defulat selection (based off rngWeekIndex)
ComboBox1.ListIndex = Worksheets("Cover").Range("rngWeekIndex").Value - 1
' Format
ComboBox1 = Format(ComboBox1, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
' Format
ComboBox1 = Format(ComboBox1, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Sub
This manages to format the selected item in the combobox correctly (e.g. "02-Jul-14") but when I open the dropdown list, all the list entries shown are formatted in the default "m/d/yyyy". Is there a way to change the formatting for the list entries? It is confusing for users who are used to seeing the day before the month.
Thanks in advance for your help, it is much appreciated.

I managed to fix it by looping through each item in the comboboax and formatting it (feel free to correct me if there is a more elegant way to do it!)
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Integer
' Populate the list with the date range
ComboBox1.List = Worksheets("Cover").Range("rngWeekList").Value
'Format all items
For i = 0 To ComboBox1.ListCount - 1
ComboBox1.List(i) = Format(DateValue(ComboBox1.List(i)), "dd-mmm-yy")
Next i
' Set the default selection (based off rngWeekIndex)
ComboBox1.ListIndex = Worksheets("Cover").Range("rngWeekIndex").Value - 1
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
' Format the selection
ComboBox1 = Format(ComboBox1, "dd-mmm-yy")
End Sub
Sorry for posting, but I really thought I was stuck.
Thanks again,


Save combobox value as global variable and select row of selected value

I want to save selected combobox value as global variable and select row of selected value.
I have an Excel file, where I want to make calculations based on inputs in sheet1 and data on sheet2.
Inputs are provided by combobox1 (list of names from column A in sheet 2), combobox2 (case yes/no) and combobox3 (values 1,2,3).
After I select value in combobox1 (for example: ABC which is value A7 from sheet2), I want to calculate from data in row 7 in sheet2:
B7 (sheet2) + C7 (sheet2) * combobox3 value + D7 (sheet2) * (combobox2(yes = 2 / no = 0).
Can anyone help me with that?
Public SelectedComboBox1 As String
Public SelectedComboBox2 As String
Public SelectedComboBox3 As integer
Public calculate2 As Integer
Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
Sheet1.ComboBox1.List = Sheet2.Range("A3:A46").Value
SelectedComboBox1 = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox2_DropButton()
With Me.ComboBox2
.AddItem "YES"
.AddItem "NO"
End With
SelectedComboBox2 = Me.ComboBox2.Value
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox3_DropButton()
With Me.ComboBox3
.AddItem "1"
.AddItem "2"
.AddItem "3"
End With
SelectedComboBox3 = Me.ComboBox3.Value
End Sub
Public Sub Calculate2_click()
calculate2 = Sheet2.Range("B7") * Sheet2.Range("C7") * SelectedComboBox3+Sheet2.Range("D7")*??
Sheet1.Range("H10").Value = calculate2
End Sub
It seems like you added a ActiveX combobox. You might want to use a form-combobox instead for Excel Sheets. Nevertheless: in the Editor you can add varioous actions to events in the combobox. What you did is add a reaction to the button-down-click Event. There you told excel to fill the list and set the SelectedCombobox variable to the - as of yet undefined - value of the combobox.
What you might want is one sub to fill the list as you did and another sub reacting to the change event of the combobox. That sub will be called as soon as someone changes the value of the box:
Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
Sheet1.ComboBox1.List = Sheet2.Range("A3:A46").Value
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
SelectedComboBox1 = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
This should get you a good start. There are plenty of resources out-there that teach you how to write effective macros in Excel.
If you just need a result that uses the value of these three comboboxes, you could also connect a simple form-comboboxes with respective cells and claculate the result out of those cells.
But if you still want to use vba, think about using just one button to trigger a sub and access the values immediately:
Private Sub Button1_click
cells("A1").value=Me.ComboBox1.Value * Me.ComboBox2.Value...
End Sub

How to program a UserForm Based on Selections of Markets using ListBox

I have created the following UserForm:
The underlying Subs that were created are:
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
What I basically wanted to do was: Selecting the relevant markets and on that basis entering those exchanges that were selected into separate cells in a listed format on the active sheet.
A process example in short: Selects Xetra, Xontro and Euronext --> Clicks OK --> populates A1 to A3 with the above mentioned names.
I would send my ideas but since I am relatively new in VBA and do not know how to take values out of a ListBox and then use them in a Sub. Any help would be greatly appreciated...
There are plenty of examples online. Here is a basic example which puts selected items in A1 (and down) of sheet1.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(i) Then
j = j + 1
Sheet1.Cells(j, 1).Value = ListBox1.List(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub

VBA excel - adding combo box item to list box

guys I hope someone can help me with this one.
I have a combo box that has data from a named range and I would like to select a value from the combo box and add it to the list box.
Currently I can add an item into the list box with a button but once I add another it overwrites the current item.
Also It needs to be able to add an item at the bottom if the list box already has some values in it.
I think it has something to do with finding the last row but I'm not sure, any help would be highly appreciated :)
image of the issue
Dim i As Integer
With Me.lb_lease
.ColumnCount = 3
.ColumnWidths = "200;50;50"
.List(i, 0) = cbox_hardware.Column(0)
.List(i, 1) = cbox_hardware.Column(1)
.List(i, 2) = cbox_hardware.Column(2)
i = i + 1
End With
I suggest to separate the actions of setting up the listbox and adding items to it. The procedure below will set up the box and clear all existing content. Change the names of the worksheet and the Listbox to match your circumstances. The code will also work if the listbox is in a userform.
Private Sub ResetListBox()
With Worksheets("LibraryAccount").ListBox1
.ColumnCount = 3
.ColumnWidths = "80;50;50"
.Clear ' delete current list
End With
End Sub
The next procedure adds an item to it. It requires a semi-colon separated string, like "One;Two;Three". You might concatenate it from your combobox result using ListIndex to identify the row. The procedure will disassemble the string and add it at the bottom of the list. Worksheet and ListBox names must be changed.
Private Sub AddToListBox(AddArray As String)
Dim Arr() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim C As Long
Arr = Split(AddArray, ";")
With Worksheets("LibraryAccount").ListBox1
i = .ListCount
For C = 0 To 2
.List(i, C) = Arr(C)
Next C
End With
End Sub
The procedure below is for testing the above procedure. You can run ResetListbox and then call TestAdd several times.
Private Sub TestAdd()
AddToListBox "One;Two;Three"
End Sub

VBA: ComboBox only showing one item after Workbook_Open event

I am attempting to have a Workbook_Open event populate a controls ComboBox
so that when the user goes to the Worksheet("Benchmarking"), they have a pre-populated list to choose from that includes all the items in the array datesArr.
The problem i am having is, upon opening the spreadsheet and navigating to the Worksheet("Benchmarking"), i am only seeing one item in the drop down list:
If i select that item then the list actually populates:
Desired result:
I want the full list to be available from the first time the user tries to make a selection not just after the ComboBox1_Change event is fired.
Having reviewed numerous post e.g. Sometimes the ActiveX Combobox only shows one row, why? , Populating Combo Box on WorkBook Open I have tried several different approaches including the following in the Workbook_Open event code:
.ListFillRange = "DropDownDates"
.List = DateArrToStrAr
I have also looped the array adding the items to ComboBox1. Each time i get the same 1 visible item in drop down result.
Is someone able to tell me where i am going wrong please?
My current code is
1) ThisWorkbook
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Worksheets("Benchmarking").OLEObjects("ComboBox1").Object
.List = DateArrToStrArr '
End With
End Sub
2) Worksheet("Benchmarking"):
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() 'QH 2/11/17
Dim datesArr() As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lkup")
datesArr = DateArrToStrArr 'function that reads a named range of dates and converts to string to avoid dd/mm becoming mm/dd
If ComboBox1.Value = vbNullString Then ComboBox1.Value = "01/04/2016"
ComboBox1.List = datesArr
'.....other code
End Sub
The array datesArr is populated by the function DateArrToStrArr() which reads in a named range of dates "DropDownDates" (workbook scope) and converts them to a string array. This is then assigned to the ComboBox.
DropDownDates is a dynamic named range with formula =OFFSET(Lkup!$F$16,,,Lkup!$M$12,)
Set-up: Excel 2016 64 bit Windows.
Thanks to #CLR for making me think about recalcs. I decided to hack my way around this with the following:
I have added in Worksheet("Benchmarking") a Worksheet_Activate event and removed the Workbook_Open code. This seems to do the trick
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
' ComboBox1.Clear
ComboBox1.List = DateArrToStrArr
End Sub

Filling VBA userform's combobox with table column plus an additional option

I am developing an application, in excel with VBA forms. in one form I have a combobox to that let user select customer name, the rowsource of this combobox is a named range (name column of customers table). Everything working fine but I need to add 1 or more additional items in the combobox that not exist in the table column. For example I need to add "All" item in the cobmobox so user can select a particular customer name or All. at other place I wan't to add "Other" item in combobox with same rowsource so if the customer is new user can select Other and then type name in textbox.
I tried following code to add an item
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
With Me.testCombo
.AddItem "All"
End With
End Sub
but i got error
Run-time error '70'
permission denied
if i remove rowsource property from the combobox then the above code work but only one item "All" display.
Note: I don't want to add "All" and "Other" in customer table, this could be easy solution but will cause other problem.
Try like this:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim rowValue As Variant
Dim lngCount As Long
Dim myCell As Range
Dim varCombo() As Variant
With Me.ComboBox1
ReDim varCombo(Me.ComboBox1.ListCount)
For Each myCell In Range(.RowSource)
varCombo(lngCount) = myCell.value
lngCount = lngCount + 1
Next myCell
.RowSource = ""
For lngCount = LBound(varCombo) To UBound(varCombo) - 1
.AddItem CStr(varCombo(lngCount))
Next lngCount
.AddItem "All"
.AddItem "Nothing"
End With
End Sub
As mentioned in the comments, by A.S.H., you should unset the .RowSource property. However, you do not lose it, if you run the code twice, it would be the same. In my code I use UBound(varCombo) - 1, because I use lngCount=lngCount+1 on the last looping over the cell.
Something like this could do what you need
Dim a() As Variant
Dim b() As String
Dim s As String
a = Application.Transpose(Range("a1:a5").Value)
s = "Please select;" & Join(a, ";")
Erase a
b = Split(s, ";")
Me.ComboBox1.List = b
Thank you everyone for helping, the main problem was permission as A.S.H said if Rowsource is set then cannot add any item in the ComboBox. So I delete the RowSource from the properties in form. and wrote following code and it seems everything working fine. I hope my codes are good enough and simple.
Private Sub fillComboBox()
Dim comboData As Range
With Me.CWR_CustName
' first option of comobobox will be All
.AddItem "All"
For RW_Cust = 1 To Range("tblCust").Rows.Count
' add each customer name from customer table name column
.AddItem (Range("tblCust[Name]")(RW_Cust))
Next RW_Cust
End With
End Sub