UFT showing some popup error's while running the scripts - testing

Am using descriptive programming, while running the scripts in some playback UFT showing some error popup message. So we need to manually handle that uft window and after that script playback starts. Is there any solution to avoid this poop up messages? Attaching snap shotsof UFT error popup's

You can disable popUp error messages by :
File->Settings-> Run and set the "When error occurs during run session " to "proceed to next step".
I hope this answer your question


How to solve Mouse over error in Selenium IDE Script Recording

I'm new to selenium. Currently trying to automate the testing process of a react Django based app using selenium script recording in selenium IDE. I'm facing repeated issues in mouse click parts.
After i record the process and run it, it breaks in a mouse click script. My testing software have a create, update and delete function. most probably the error comes in clicking the update and delete button. So, right now i'm using Tab button to reach update and delete button which is a little time consuming in the recording process.
The above given image is where i get the error
The below is the log of the error
Is there any way to overcome this issue or any way to change the script on the error part to make it right.
Also, it would be kind if you suggest me any other best way to automate testing of my react application other than this way.

Insight tool shows error icon, but shows message "No failure was detected"

I am using a tool for verifying if app is compliant with windows accessibility feature
Tool web link - https://accessibilityinsights.io/downloads/
Test tool have simple MFC combo box .
Tool says "No Failure was detected",
Insight tool shows a error icon.
Below are steps to get above state.
Launch app
Launch Insight tool
select what to test = element
Mouse hover on combo box
expand the combobox
mouse hover on item
click on brush icon on right
It will enter the state described abovewith no error but with error icon
Issue doesn't repro when "Entire App" is selected.
When "Entire App" is selected, tool does not show any error or any error icon. App pass accessiblity
Question is if this tool is reporting valid error ?
What is the error as tool says " No failure was detected."
What you're seeing here is an artifact of trying to capture a transient state. Combobox content goes away when the combobox closes, and that happens as soon as you start the scan. Accessibility Insights for Windows allows you to trigger a scan using a timer, as documented at https://accessibilityinsights.io/docs/windows/getstarted/automatedchecks/#running-automated-checks-with-a-timer. The "short version" is that you start the timer, then open the combobox while the timer is counting down, and the checks will run when the timer reaches zero. The combobox will still be fully opened at this point, so the tests will apply to the combobox contents.
My personal recommendation is to set the scope to the entire application when using the timer, just because transient controls sometimes have multiple layers and trying to have the scope of just the element can tend to hide children of the layers in question.
Thanks for using Accessibility Insights
Accessibility Insights team

Selenium IDE Custom error messages

I have read this (How to customize Selenium test error/fail message) question and it gave me some hope but can this be done with selenium IDE also? My boss wants to automate all tests but wants to keep it simple for non programmers to use so I cannot use WebDriver or jUnit.
I had a similar issue and came out with a surprisingly amusing answer. Selenium will write a failure only upon stepping on an error. In the current case I wanted Selenium to warn me if the 'Log In' button was absent on my page but a gotoIf wasn't going to do the job alone. Therefore I forced Selenium into an error by writing a click command that didn't exist 'TestLoginB2B failed because the login button was' and using it as my custom error line as Selenium will mention the name of a failed click command and always write them in red therefore allowing my file logging addon to spot them.
Custom error message

Selenium IDE: Is it possible to continue a failed test after manually fixing an issue?

I'm using the recorder for creating a large test case. The recorder sometimes records a click rather than a clickAndWait which results in a failed test.
When the test fails while running the replay I would like to be able to fix the test and then hit resume. However, I haven't found any way of resuming. I can fix the issue, but then I have to re-run the test from the beginning...
Does anyone know of any selenium version that has this kind of resuming functionality? I'm currently using Selenium IDE 1.10.0.
Dont know there is a resume option but we can start the play back from the error position by using "set/clear start point" ,right click on the position you want to resume and select set/ clear start point

Selenium RC - selenium-browserbot.js error

I'm writing some automated tests in C# and a JavaScript error is thrown when I try to click on a button that will submit changes made to a web form. The error I am recieving is:
An error has occured in the script on this page
Line: 2004
Char: 9
Error: Permission denied
Code: 0
URL: file:///C:/DOCUME~1/nkinney/LOCALS~1/Temp/customProfileDir6c0c7d7226cc463fb­b1a7f6253c4df62/core/scripts/selenium-browserbot.js
Once the test is finished, the error will still be displayed if I manually click on the button while selenium is running.
The line in selenium to select this button is:
selenium.Click("//input[contains(#id, 'SubmitBtn')]");
I've also tried submit.
A pop-up should be displayed asking the user to confirm they want to make the changes. This error is thrown before the pop-up is displayed and after Selenium 'clicks' on the button.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
After further investigation, I found that Selenium is unable to work with custom modal dialog boxes. That said, I don't think I will be able to use Selenium to automate UI testing in our current release. Thanks to anyone who looked at this post.
From the Selenium FAQ
I can't interact with a popup dialog. My test stops in its tracks!
You can, but only if the dialog is an alert or confirmation dialog.
Other special dialogs can't be dismissed by javascript, and thus
currently cannot be interacted with. These include the "Save File",
"Remember this Password" (Firefox), and modal (IE) dialogs. When they
appear, Selenium can only wring its hands in despair.
To solve this issue, you may use a workaround (if one exists);
otherwise you may have to exclude the test from your automated corpus.
For the "Save File" dialog in Firefox, a custom template may be
specified when running via the RC that will always cause the file to
be downloaded to a specified location, without querying the user (see
http://forums.openqa.org/thread.jspa?messageID=31350). The "Remember
this Password" dialog should not appear again after you've chosen to
remember it. Currently there is not much that can be done about IE
modal dialogs.
Do you have the option of seeing if the test runs in another browser (Firefox, Chrome)?
A very similar answer is also here: How do I test modal dialogs with Selenium?