MS Access: Finding the top of each group in an SQL query - sql

In my table, I have four columns.
I have a player name, an ID, an age, and a score.
ID | Player Name | Age | Score
0 | James | 24 | 20
1 | Carly | 24 | 25
2 | Matt | 24 | 19
3 | Jess | 26 | 35
4 | Jimmy | 26 | 32
5 | Tom | 27 | 19
6 | Brian | 27 | 25
I need to write a query to find the top player of each age group, but I am stumped. I've tried sorting both and using the Max() function, and I have tried manually looping through the values to find the top, but with no avail.
This is the sort of result I'd expect:
ID | Player Name | Age | Score
1 | Carly | 24 | 25
3 | Jess | 26 | 35
6 | Brian | 27 | 25
I am quite confused, and I'm sure there's a simple way to achieve this. Thanks.

One way to solve this is to create an inline view of the max scores per age and then join to it
FROM players p
Max(score) as mScore
FROM players
GROUP BY age) AS mp
ON p.age = mp.age
AND p.score = mp.mscore
You should note that if there is tie for max more than one record can appear per age


How to print the students name in this query?

The concerned tables are as follows:
students(rollno, name, deptcode)
depts(deptcode, deptname)
course(crs_rollno, crs_name, marks)
The query is
Find the name and roll number of the students from each department who obtained
highest total marks in their own department.
i) Courses of different department are different.
ii) All students of a particular department take same number and same courses.
Then only the query makes sense.
I wrote a successful query for displaying the maximum total marks by a student in each department.
select do.deptname, max(x.marks) from students so
inner join depts do
on do.deptcode=so.deptcode
inner join(
select as name, d.deptname as deptname, sum(c.marks) as marks from students s
inner join crs_regd c
on s.rollno=c.crs_rollno
inner join depts d
on d.deptcode=s.deptcode
group by,d.deptname) x
on and x.deptname=do.deptname group by do.deptname;
But as mentioned I need to display the name as well. Accordingly if I include in select list, I need to include it in group by clause and the output is as below:
Kendra Summers Computer Science 274
Stewart Robbins English 80
Cole Page Computer Science 250
Brian Steele English 83
expected output:
Kendra Summers Computer Science 274
Brian Steele English 83
Where is the problem?
I guess this can be easily achieved if you use window function -
select name, deptname, marks
from (select as name, d.deptname as deptname, sum(c.marks) as marks,
row_number() over(partition by d.deptname order by sum(c.marks) desc) rn
from students s
inner join crs_regd c on s.rollno=c.crs_rollno
inner join depts d on d.deptcode=s.deptcode
group by,d.deptname) x
where rn = 1;
To solve the problem with a readable query I had to define a couple of views:
total_marks: For each student the sum of their marks
create view total_marks as select s.deptcode,, s.rollno, sum(c.marks) as total from course c, students s where s.rollno = c.crs_rollno group by s.rollno;
dept_max: For each department the highest total score by a single student of that department
create view dept_max as select deptcode, max(total) max_total from total_marks group by deptcode;
So I can get the desidered output with the query
select a.deptcode, a.rollno, from total_marks a join dept_max b on a.deptcode = b.deptcode and = b.max_total
If you don't want to use views you can replace their selects on the final query, which will result in this:
select a.deptcode, a.rollno,
(select s.deptcode,, s.rollno, sum(c.marks) as total from course c, students s where s.rollno = c.crs_rollno group by s.rollno) a
join (select deptcode, max(total) max_total from (select s.deptcode,, s.rollno, sum(c.marks) as total from course c, students s where s.rollno = c.crs_rollno group by s.rollno) a_ group by deptcode) b
on a.deptcode = b.deptcode and = b.max_total
Which I'm sure it is easily improvable in performance by someone more skilled then me...
If you (and anybody else) want to try it the way I did, here is the schema:
create table depts ( deptcode int primary key auto_increment, deptname varchar(20) );
create table students ( rollno int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(20) not null, deptcode int, foreign key (deptcode) references depts(deptcode) );
create table course ( crs_rollno int, crs_name varchar(20), marks int, foreign key (crs_rollno) references students(rollno) );
And here all the entries I inserted:
insert into depts (deptname) values ("Computer Science"),("Biology"),("Fine Arts");
insert into students (name,deptcode) values ("Turing",1),("Jobs",1),("Tanenbaum",1),("Darwin",2),("Mendel",2),("Bernard",2),("Picasso",3),("Monet",3),("Van Gogh",3);
insert into course (crs_rollno,crs_name,marks) values
(9,"Sculpture",21),(9,"History",19),(9,"Painting",25) ;
Those inserts will load these data:
select * from depts;
| deptcode | deptname |
| 1 | Computer Science |
| 2 | Biology |
| 3 | Fine Arts |
select * from students;
| rollno | name | deptcode |
| 1 | Turing | 1 |
| 2 | Jobs | 1 |
| 3 | Tanenbaum | 1 |
| 4 | Darwin | 2 |
| 5 | Mendel | 2 |
| 6 | Bernard | 2 |
| 7 | Picasso | 3 |
| 8 | Monet | 3 |
| 9 | Van Gogh | 3 |
select * from course;
| crs_rollno | crs_name | marks |
| 1 | Algorithms | 25 |
| 1 | Database | 28 |
| 1 | Programming | 29 |
| 1 | Calculus | 30 |
| 2 | Algorithms | 24 |
| 2 | Database | 22 |
| 2 | Programming | 28 |
| 2 | Calculus | 19 |
| 3 | Algorithms | 21 |
| 3 | Database | 27 |
| 3 | Programming | 23 |
| 3 | Calculus | 26 |
| 4 | Zoology | 22 |
| 4 | Botanics | 28 |
| 4 | Chemistry | 30 |
| 4 | Anatomy | 25 |
| 4 | Pharmacology | 27 |
| 5 | Zoology | 29 |
| 5 | Botanics | 27 |
| 5 | Chemistry | 26 |
| 5 | Anatomy | 25 |
| 5 | Pharmacology | 24 |
| 6 | Zoology | 18 |
| 6 | Botanics | 19 |
| 6 | Chemistry | 22 |
| 6 | Anatomy | 23 |
| 6 | Pharmacology | 24 |
| 7 | Sculpture | 26 |
| 7 | History | 25 |
| 7 | Painting | 30 |
| 8 | Sculpture | 29 |
| 8 | History | 24 |
| 8 | Painting | 30 |
| 9 | Sculpture | 21 |
| 9 | History | 19 |
| 9 | Painting | 25 |
I take chance to point out that this database is badly designed. This becomes evident with course table. For these reasons:
The name is singular
This table does not represent courses, but rather exams or scores
crs_name should be a foreign key referencing the primary key of another table (that would actually represent the courses)
There is no constrains to limit the marks to a range and to avoid a student to take twice the same exam
I find more logical to associate courses to departments, instead of student to departments (this way also would make these queries easier)
I tell you this because I understood you are learning from a book, so unless the book at one point says "this database is poorly designed", do not take this exercise as example to design your own!
Anyway, if you manually resolve the query with my data you will come to this results:
| deptcode | rollno | name |
| 1 | 1 | Turing |
| 2 | 6 | Bernard |
| 3 | 8 | Monet |
As further reference, here the contents of the views I needed to define:
select * from total_marks;
| deptcode | name | rollno | total |
| 1 | Turing | 1 | 112 |
| 1 | Jobs | 2 | 93 |
| 1 | Tanenbaum | 3 | 97 |
| 2 | Darwin | 4 | 132 |
| 2 | Mendel | 5 | 131 |
| 2 | Bernard | 6 | 136 |
| 3 | Picasso | 7 | 81 |
| 3 | Monet | 8 | 83 |
| 3 | Van Gogh | 9 | 65 |
select * from dept_max;
| deptcode | max_total |
| 1 | 112 |
| 2 | 136 |
| 3 | 83 |
Hope I helped!
Try the following query
select, b.deptname,c.marks
from students a
, crs_regd b
, depts c
where a.rollno = b.crs_rollno
and a.deptcode = c.deptcode
and(c.deptname,b.marks) in (select do.deptname, max(x.marks)
from students so
inner join depts do
on do.deptcode=so.deptcode
inner join (select as name
, d.deptname as deptname
, sum(c.marks) as marks
from students s
inner join crs_regd c
on s.rollno=c.crs_rollno
inner join depts d
on d.deptcode=s.deptcode
group by,d.deptname) x
and x.deptname=do.deptname
group by do.deptname
Inner/Sub query will fetch the course name and max marks and the outer query gets the corresponding name of the student.
try and let know if you got the desired result
Dense_Rank() function would be helpful in this scenario:
SELECT subquery.*
FROM (SELECT Student_Total_Marks.rollno,,
Student_Total_Marks.deptcode, depts.deptname,
rank() over (partition by deptcode order by total_marks desc) Student_Rank
FROM (SELECT Stud.rollno,,
sum(course.marks) total_marks
FROM students stud inner join course course on stud.rollno = course.crs_rollno
GROUP BY stud.rollno,,Stud.deptcode) Student_Total_Marks,
dept dept
WHERE Student_Total_Marks.deptcode = dept.deptname
GROUP BY Student_Total_Marks.deptcode) subquery
WHERE suquery.student_rank = 1

Oracle: apply condition over aggregated functions and not for all rows of the SQL statement

I want to calculate for an Oracle table the max value from a select statement based not on all rows returned from the query, but on a condition over a sub-set of those rows.
I'll try to explain better with an example:
1 | Alex | 28 | A
2 | Alan | 22 | A
3 | Bob | 21 | B
4 | Carl | 20 | C
5 | Dave | 24 | C
6 | Eric | 26 | C
7 | Matt | 33 | D
I want to obtain the max age for every company under-25 years, but I also want to count the total numbers of persons for every company.
So, I want this result:
A | 2 | 22
B | 1 | 21
C | 3 | 24
D | 1 | (null)
How can I obtain this result with a single SQL query, without joining the elaboration for the sum of records and the other elaboration for the max with condition ?
I want to avoid this select:
It is possible to obtain that with a more simple query?
Simply use a case expression when aggregating MAX:
select company, count(*), max(case when age < 25 then age end)
from table
group by company

How to compute a sum based on the 2 biggest values for each group (group by)?

Let's say, I have this table below:
| Name | Voters
| George | 10
| Barack | 20
| Barack | 50
| Barack | 40
| Donald | 30
| Bill | 20
| George | 10
| Bill | 30
| Bill | 15
| Bill | 10
I would like to get the sum of the 2 biggest numbers of Voters for each Name(or less)
| Name | Sum2BiggestVoters
| George | 20 (10 + 10)
| Donald | 30 (30)
| Bill | 20 (30 + 20; 10 and 15 are not considered not part of the 2 biggest numbers of voters for Bill)
| Barack | 90 (50 + 40; 20 is not considered here for the same reason as above)
It looks a bit like this post: How to get summation with count larger than certain amount, except that I am using SQLite which lacks the row_number() over feature as well as the partition by.
Any idea?
This is a pain in SQLite, because it doesn't support variables and it doesn't support window functions. Assuming you have no ties for a given name, you can do:
select, sum(t.voters)
from t
where t.voters in (select t2.voters
from t t2
where =
order by t2.voters desc
limit 2
group by;

Crosstab Query with Dynamic Columns in SQL Server 2005 up

I'm having a problem with Crosstab query in SQL Server.
Suppose that I have data as below:
| ScoreID | StudentID | Name | Sex | SubjectName | Score |
| 1 | 1 | Student A | Male | C | 100 |
| 2 | 1 | Student A | Male | C++ | 40 |
| 3 | 1 | Student A | Male | English | 60 |
| 4 | 1 | Student A | Male | Database | 15 |
| 5 | 1 | Student A | Male | Math | 50 |
| 6 | 2 | Student B | Male | C | 77 |
| 7 | 2 | Student B | Male | C++ | 12 |
| 8 | 2 | Student B | Male | English | 56 |
| 9 | 2 | Student B | Male | Database | 34 |
| 10 | 2 | Student B | Male | Math | 76 |
| 11 | 3 | Student C | Female | C | 24 |
| 12 | 3 | Student C | Female | C++ | 10 |
| 13 | 3 | Student C | Female | English | 15 |
| 14 | 3 | Student C | Female | Database | 40 |
| 15 | 3 | Student C | Female | Math | 21 |
| 16 | 4 | Student D | Female | C | 17 |
| 17 | 4 | Student D | Female | C++ | 34 |
| 18 | 4 | Student D | Female | English | 24 |
| 19 | 4 | Student D | Female | Database | 56 |
| 20 | 4 | Student D | Female | Math | 43 |
I want to make query which show the result as below:
| StuID| Name | Sex | C | C++ | Eng | DB | Math | Total | Average |
| 1 | Student A | Male | 100| 40 | 60 | 15 | 50 | 265 | 54 |
| 2 | Student B | Male | 77 | 12 | 56 | 34 | 76 | 255 | 51 |
| 3 | Student C | Female | 24 | 10 | 15 | 40 | 21 | 110 | 22 |
| 4 | Student D | Female | 17 | 34 | 24 | 56 | 43 | 174 | 34.8 |
How could I query to show output like this?
Subject Name:
will be changed depend on which subject student learn.
Please go to!6/2ba07/1 to test this query.
There are two ways to perform a PIVOT static where you hard-code the values and dynamic where the columns are determined when you execute.
Even though you will want a dynamic version, sometimes it is easier to start with a static PIVOT and then work towards a dynamic one.
Static Version:
SELECT studentid, name, sex,[C], [C++], [English], [Database], [Math], total, average
select s1.studentid, name, sex, subjectname, score, total, average
from Score s1
inner join
select studentid, sum(score) total, avg(score) average
from score
group by studentid
) s2
on s1.studentid = s2.studentid
) x
for subjectname in ([C], [C++], [English], [Database], [Math])
) p
See SQL Fiddle with demo
Now, if you do not know the values that will be transformed then you can use Dynamic SQL for this:
select #cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(SubjectName)
from Score
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
set #query = 'SELECT studentid, name, sex,' + #cols + ', total, average
select s1.studentid, name, sex, subjectname, score, total, average
from Score s1
inner join
select studentid, sum(score) total, avg(score) average
from score
group by studentid
) s2
on s1.studentid = s2.studentid
) x
for subjectname in (' + #cols + ')
) p '
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
Both versions will yield the same results.
Just to round out the answer, if you do not have a PIVOT function, then you can get this result using CASE and an aggregate function:
select s1.studentid, name, sex,
min(case when subjectname = 'C' then score end) C,
min(case when subjectname = 'C++' then score end) [C++],
min(case when subjectname = 'English' then score end) English,
min(case when subjectname = 'Database' then score end) [Database],
min(case when subjectname = 'Math' then score end) Math,
total, average
from Score s1
inner join
select studentid, sum(score) total, avg(score) average
from score
group by studentid
) s2
on s1.studentid = s2.studentid
group by s1.studentid, name, sex, total, average
See SQL Fiddle with Demo
You need to use SQL PIVOT in this case. Plese refer the following link:
Pivot on Unknown Number of Columns
Pivot two or more columns in SQL Server
Pivots with Dynamic Columns in SQL Server
This requires building a SQL query string at runtime. Column names, counts and data-types in SQL Server are always static (the most important reason for that is that the optimizer must know the query data flow at optimization time).
So I recommend that you build a PIVOT-query at runtime and run it through sp_executesql. Note that you have to hardcode the pivot-column values. Be careful to escape them properly. You cannot use parameters for them.
Alternatively you can build one such query per column-count and use parameters just for the pivot values. You would have to assign some dummy column names like Pivot0, Pivot1, .... Still you need one query template per count of columns. Except if you are willing to hard-code the maximum number of pivot-columns into the query (say 20). In this case you actually could use static SQL.

Using Group By on a non numeric field

If I have a table like this:
ID | Name | Age
1 | Bill | 30
2 | Jim | 20
3 | Bill | 30
4 | Bill | 30
5 | Bob | 25
I want to return this:
ID | Name | Age
1 | Bill | 30
2 | Jim | 20
5 | Bob | 25
I tried this but it doesn't work:
What do I got to do?
This should work:
select MIN(ID), NAME, AGE from TABLE group by NAME, AGE
Grouping by ID has no sense, because ID is already unique.