How to use NSWindowController class - objective-c

I am sorry if this seems trivial, but I am sure its a reasonable question to ask here.
I worked a lot around the NSWindowController class, and it seems the only way to get it
to work fully (for my purpose), is by creating a new xib-file along with it.
My question is, would it be somehow feasible to work with MainMenu.xib and the NSWindowController class and an instantiated object controller, to get interaction with the windows' content. So far without xib the only code segments getting executed are within awakeFromNib. The purpose being, I want to save xib-file space, complexity and have it easily integrate with a bigger project. Just fyi this is not a document-based project.
Should I choose a different subclass of NSObject other than NSWindowController? Or is it not possible?
The code required to run for the class to be working fully is as follows:
- (void) tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
NSInteger selectedRow = [logsTableView selectedRow];
if ([directoryList containsObject:[directoryList objectAtIndex:selectedRow]])
NSString *logContent = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[directoryList objectAtIndex:selectedRow]
if (logContent != NULL)
[logsTextView setString:logContent];
} else
[logsTextView setString:#"No permission to read log"];

NSWindowController usually wants to create the window it controls, which means you either need to give it a XIB file that contains the window to create or override the various window creation methods to customize the window in code. So it's probably not feasible to use an already-instantiated window from a different XIB with your NSWindowController.
That said, I almost always create a a XIB and an NSWindowController subclass for every window in my apps. Even the preferences window gets its own window controller class. The only exception would be extremely simple windows, but even now I'm struggling to think of a good example.
Your method isn't being called because window controller instance isn't set as the table view's delegate. The typical pattern here is to create your window in a XIB, set your window controller as the custom class of the File's Owner object, and then hook up the table view's delegate and dataSource outlets to File's Owner. This makes your window controller the table view's data source and delegate, and the connections will be established automatically when the XIB is loaded.


Using separate .nibs and getting logic out of App Delegate

I have a document based app using the standard template. I have two auxiliary panels in Main Menu.xib, and my main logic is currently in the App Delegate, mainly through an IBAction in App Delegate triggered by a button on one of my panels. Everything works fine, but I know it should be organised better.
I have implemented a Preferences panel as suggested by Hillegass in Chapter 12. So:
Create a custom controller called AppController containing instance
of PreferenceController. This is instantiated in Main Menu.xib
Custom PreferenceController class which is subclass of
NSWindowController. This loads the Preferences.xib
Preferences panel created in Preferences.xib
Before I get too far in the app’s development, I want to be sure I’m organising things the right way.
I want to move my main logic out of App Delegate, possibly into App Controller. I want App Controller to be in charge of showing and hiding the various panels, and I want each panel to have its own .xib.
I have created two more subclasses of NSWindowController and made them ivars of the AppController, alongside the PreferencesController eg. Panel1Controller & Panel2Controller.
My problem is that interface builder is not letting me connect an IBAction in AppController to a button on one of my panels. It only lets me connect to the .xib file’s owner, i.e. Panel1Controller in the case of Panel1.xib.
If I put the logic in Panel1Controller, how do I get at one of the other panels (say Panel2Controller?) in order to hide it?
Am I going about this the right way?
Getting very confused….
Any help much appreciated!
Just for simplicity sake I'd move all the nib elements controlled by the NSWindowController sub-classes out of the main nib and into nibs with the same name as the (NSWindowController) sub-classes that control them. DON'T expose IBOutlets or IBActions in the sub-class headers (they should be in a class extension ("#interface MyWindowController ()") in the source file for that sub-class.
Also, is the AppController a 2nd app delegate? Probably not what you want (there can only be one); you should merge its logic into the existing app delegate if that's the case.
I just came across this method.
This seems to do away with NSWindowController altogether, and make the AppController the file's owner of both .xibs. This way IB allows you to create outlets in AppController for each window, and contain actions.
I have created a very simple, two-window app using this method that hides one window when a button on the other is pressed. Before I go away and re-organise my main app, I want to be sure I'm doing this the correct, standard way, if there is one?
This page contradicts this method, by saying one window = one .xib + one NSWindowController subclass.
If you do it the latter way, how can one window talk to another, when you can't create outlets/actions in the AppController? Actions implemented in a window's NSWindowController class can't see outlets of another window, so how can they communicate?
This seems like pretty standard, basic stuff and yet I cannot find any sources which say which way is correct/best practice.
Another method I have read about here mentions using Notifications.
I'm still wondering though - which is the most common "accepted" method of loading two or more windows in separate .nibs and getting them to talk to each other? I'm surprise this info has been so hard to find.
If you're going to follow this pattern, separate AppDelegate and AppController, then your MainMenu.xib should not contain any window objects of any should just contain the application menu. Each additional window (NSWindow/NSPanel, etc.) gets its own .xib and its own NSWindowController.
There are two ways to assign references to your properties (IBOutlets) and methods (IBActions): 1) programatically, 2) via Interface Builder. Let's cover the second method!
To be able to wire things up from Interface Builder (IB) you will need a reference to the target object inside IB. For the MainMenu.xib file, this gets setup automatically: the MainMenu.xib contains an "AppDelegate" Object reference. The Object reference exposes the properties and methods in the AppDelegate class that are prefixed by the "IBAction" and "IBOutlet" macros. I write Object (with a capital O) because it is a widget available in the "Object Library" in IB.
You can easily create an instance of a custom objects inside a .xib file (via IB) by dragging an "Object" widget from the Object Library into your .xib. Then set the Object's class to that of your custom class. Once you've done this, the IBActions and IBOutlets in your custom class object will be available in IB. [Note: one thing to remember when doing this, is that when you load the xib, the object will be instantiated automatically. No need to alloc and init from within still have to call showWindow: on it].
As you mentioned, another approach is to simply have all of your additional .xib files owned by the AppController. That would be convenient, but it also gets 100% away from the architecture that you were trying to follow in the first place. In other words, if you're going to follow that style, why not just skip the separate AppDelegate and AppController in the first place, and just stick with the former (which would then be a Controller and Delegate).

AppDelegate instantiated last on launch

I'm very comfortable with writing iOS apps, but OS X unexpectedly seems somewhat alien.
Here's the question upfront (read on for context):
When my application launches using the .xib set in the Main Interface field under the deployment info of my apps target, why does the AppDelegate get instantiated after the ViewControllers?
Context (no pun intended):
The reason I ask is because I'm using Core Data (spare me any heckling for this decision), and typically you keep a pointer to the MOC (Managed Object Context) in AppDelegate. One of my controllers is trying to get this MOC instance variable but the AppDelegate instance isn't around yet and therefore my app doesn't present data just after launch.
The AppDelegate and the two ViewControllers are in the .xib. The VCs are hooked to views inside a split view. They're trying to use the MOC in viewDidLoad to make queries. They are accessing the AppDelegate like this:
let delegate = NSApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as AppDelegate
let moc = delegate.managedObjectContext
This will crash as the .delegate property of the sharedApplication() returns nil.
I tried making an NSWindowController from the .xib in applicationDidFinishLaunching and removing the .xib from the Main Interface field, but then applicationDidFinishLaunching doesn't get called at all.
I've ensured that all the connections in IB for from the Application and the Files Owner (NSApplcation) delegate IBOutlets to the AppDelegate have been made.
UPDATE - 31/03/15
Stephen Darlington's answer below offers a good solution for my/this case. And as I understand it's actually better to setup the MOC in the way he's suggested.
If a correct answer arrives that explains why the AppDelegate is being instantiated at some later time in the launch process, I'll mark it correct instead of Stephen's. Thanks Stephen!
The "easy" solution would be to have managedObjectContext create a MOC if one doesn't exist (i.e., change it from a property to a method). That way which ever code gets there first the stack will be available.
(I'll spare the lectures about both creating the Core Data stack in the app delegate and accessing the app delegate like that!)
Here's another option without having to subclass NSApplication:
Don't put your view controllers in the .xib that you set as the Main Interface, just have the Main Menu (menu bar), AppDelegate and Font Manager in there.
Then make your view controllers in other .xibs.
Then in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method init your view controllers from their .xib files.
I also faced this issue with setting up Parse. To get around it, I simply subclassed NSApplication and set it as the Principle class in the Info.plist. In your NSApplication subclass, override the init methods and initialise Parse or anything else you need to, there.

Saving UIViewController in appDelegate

I am using Xcode 4.3 and need to know the parent view controller of the current view.
I am also using storyboard.
self.parentViewController always returns nil.
I saw different answers to save the parent view controller in AppDelegate class as a property. E.g., To create a variable: UIViewController parentViewController in AppDelegate and in the code write:
appDelegate.parentViewController = self;
I am afraid that it will consume memory - as this is a heavy object.
What is the best approach to know aretnViewController when using story board?
Whether or not an object is "heavy" does not matter as long as you store only a reference to it (in your case in the application delegate). Creating a second object would make a difference, but the line
appDelegate.parentViewController = self;
does not do that, it merely stores a reference to the object.
I know that this does not answer your direct question, but I think you should go ahead with the "store a reference in the app delegate" approach.

Communication between UIViewControllers

I am new with Objective-C so apologies for a dumb question.
I am opening an "options" view controller from my main view controller. Both are built in the storyboard. Before and after presenting the options controller I need to stop and start a timer on my main view controller. After the options controller is closed (a button calls dismiss) I need to send some info back to my main controller or at least let my main controller know that it needs to refresh some values.
What's the best way of presenting a view controller and executing some presenter's methods before and after opening?
I found a few ways to do it, but they are all cumbersome and I assume that there must be some plausible way of doing it.
Ideally I'd like to use the segue I set up in the storyboard between the two controllers.
I managed to call the options controller programmatically by accessing the storyboard and calling instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier. It worked but looks a bit complex.
I was not able to find a delegate method on the UIViewController to handle the dismiss event
When I was trying to access the main controller in the options controller via presentingViewController and downcasting it, I got a linkage error by including my .h file twice (not sure what are the Obj-C standards of using #define).
Appreciate your help...
For communication between ViewControllers that are weakly linked, you could use the NSNotificationCenter:
Here you can send a message to all ViewControllers listening, which need to process some changes (for example an option to change the font size).
It's really easy to implement and it keeps certain ViewControllers less dependent on each other.
All of this can be done quite easily with storyboard and NSNotificationCenter, and NSCoding. In the viewDidLoad method of your main controller, put this code:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Then create this method in the same controller:
When you want to make the main controller update from the options controller:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"Update" object:self];
Also, I would suggest using NSArchiving for Basic Data Persistence. Just found this tutorial, looks pretty good.
Basically, create an object that can store information, code it using nscoding, and then uncode it whenever you need it. It has worked great for me.
Hope that helps!
MAIN QUESTION What's the best way of presenting a view controller and executing some presenter's methods before and after opening?
Just in case the answers above are a bit more involved than you'd like, I'll suggest that the easiest way to execute a presenter's methods before opening is to do so in the presenter's prepareForSegue method. If you need to send data to the destination view controller, you can access its properties this way:
ViewController *destinationVC = [segue destinationViewController];
An easy way to execute the presenter's methods after opening would be:
ViewControllerSubclass *previousVC = [self presentingViewController];
And then use the class or instance to execute your class or instance methods. You could do this in the destination's viewWillAppear.
Sorry if you already knew all this; it's often difficult to surmise what level of complexity is needed.
I have run into this with almost every app I have on the market. Difference is I have never decided to go down the storyboard path.
The way I have always been able to accomplish this is to provide accessor functions between the controllers. You get past the linker issue by defining the cross defined controller as simply a UIViewController type within your options view header, then including the main view controller' header only in the .m file. Now when you call a main view controller routine from your options view, you will have to cast it to the type of your main view controller!
You will also have to provide a routine in your options view that will allow you to set the variable that will hold a pointer to your main view controller to self.
Example for your optionsView
#interface optionsViewController : UIViewController{
UIViewController * myReactiveMainViewController;
-(void)setMyReactiveMainViewController:(UIViewController *)controller;
No in the .m file for the optionsView
#import "myMainViewController.h"
-(void)setMyReactiveMainViewController:(UIViewController *)controller{
myReactiveMainViewController = controller;
In any other call back to the main view controller you will have to do this:
[(myMainViewController *)myReactiveMainViewController someCall:variable];
This example would of course assume that your myMainViewController implements a method called "someCall" that take on input parameter.
Thanks for replies.
I ended up with
Calling prepareForSegue to execute pre-transition code
Calling performSelector on presentingViewController when releasing presented view controller.
I am sure other suggestions would work too.

Showing an NSPanel on demand - NSPanel not showing?

Hey guys,
I thought this would be an incredibly simple thing to do, but it's proving trickier than I thought.
I want to be able to show an NSPanel that displays a circular progress bar and the name of the thing that's being processed.
So, I made an NSPanel containing those controls in IB, then I created a subclass of NSWindowController. Created outlets for the controls and linked those up.
However, when I try using this code to display the NSPanel, nothing happens:
[[[self controller] msgSubject] setValue:[msg subject]];
[[[self controller] window] setLevel:NSFloatingWindowLevel];
[[self controller] showWindow:self];
[[[self controller] window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
[self controller] is a method that lazily instantiates the NSWindowController subclass. I tried adding the call to makeKeyAndOrderFront: in vain, but the panel still isn't popping up.
I tried debugging and what I found is that when -initWithWindow: is called, the NSWindow that's passed in as an argument has all zeroed out instance variables, leading me to believe there's some sort of IB linking issue going on here.
Any ideas? I'm guessing I missed something really obvious, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is.
Please post the contents of the [self controller] method so we can begin to see exactly how you're creating and using the NSWindowController subclass. Are you creating it using the initWithWindow: method directly, or is that method (which is the designated initializer) being called indirectly from one of the other init methods? If you are calling it directly, that doesn't really make sense to me as you said you already created the window in nib file itself. If on the other hand, it's being called indirectly by -initWithWindowNibName:, then it would help to see that code.
NSWindowController's are primarily used/set up in 2 different ways. One way is to create an NSWindow programmatically, and then create the NSWindowController subclass and feed that window in as the window the controller will manage. The second, and more frequently used method, is to create a nib file that houses the window, which is what it sounds like you're trying to do. In this method, you generally use the -initWithWindowNibName: initializer. As long as you pass in the proper nib name (generally without the ".nib" part of the filename), and that nib file can be properly found at runtime, and the file's owner in this nib file is set to be the custom NSWindowController subclass, and the window outlet of this subclass is properly hooked up to your window, then you should be all set.
Might want to double-check to make sure that the nib file you want to load is actually in the app bundle. (I've occasionally forgotten to add it to the target so at runtime the nib file couldn't be located and so the -initWithWindow: method would always show a nil parameter).