MS Access Unicode Characters in Where Clause Query - sql

I have a ms access database that contains unicode characters - specifically Chinese characters. When searching for data in the db as shown below nothing is returned:
Select * From 测试 Where 测试 = '测试';
This problem is fixed in sql server by prefacing the search string with N:
Where 测试 = N'测试'
However I am unsure how to resolve the problem in ms access.
It is able to deal with the characters when they are column headers i.e. in the From but any comparision in the Where clause fails.

Try using FIRST instead of WHERE. Are you trying to query text from a memo field, and grouping? you may want to look at the post from Allen Browne about this issue:


DB2 to SQL LinkedServer OpenQuery NonAscii Character Issue

So I've been scouring SO for answer and I've seen some great SQL functions to help try and remove non-ascii characters from my db, but I wanted to post the entire question / process here first to see if maybe upstream on my select from db2 into sql there is a fix.
What I'm doing: Getting data from a db2 database into SQL
Issue: Non-ascii characters causing problems
Process: It's pretty simple. I have a SQL Insert statement to select a bunch of columns from a db2 linkedserver using open query
insert into [table](stuff) select (stuff) From Openquery(SSF400,'select stuff from table')
However, in my SQL db, when editing the landed table, I'm getting weird trailing characters that appear as a space in a sql select statement, but are actually artifacts in SQL Edit mode:
I've tried using a few functions I found here on SO to strip these characters, but after these function(s) I'm leftover with a combination of greek/english characters similar to the below:
I'm thinking there must be a better way for me to do the initial insert other than using openquery so that the junk characters don't come over. I know SQL pretty well, but DB2 not so much...any advice?
Update: There does seem to be a junk character or two in the source system. Discovered using iNavigator. Also, source system is using db2 v7r3m0
Update here is a screenshot of the regexp expression mentioned in the comments used in a query in iNavigator. Although several characters were removed, some do remain. The original column is on the left, the cleansed column is on the right.
I would try REGEXP_REPLACE(stuff,'[^\u0020-\u007E\u0009\u000A\u000D]+','') which will remove everything that is not a character from the 7-bit ASCII set but also removes any 7-bit ASCII control characters apart from Tab, New Line and Carriage Return. It also removes DEL

Microsoft Query; use of SubString in Excel

I'm trying to filter results from a Query i have created in Microsoft Query to pull data from a database into my Excel sheet. Specifically I'm trying to filter out based on the nth character of a string.
I can easily filter out the based on the first char:
SOPOrderReturnLine.ItemCode Like 'A25%'
But I have no idea how I could filter to show only entries where the 10th char = "A". I'm sure I have to use a Substring function, but it's not familiar to me and I'm struggling to get it to work.
Try to edit your sql query and enter the following statement:
select * from SOPOrderReturnLine where substring(SOPOrderReturnLine.ItemCode,10,1) = 'A';
The statement should work for a MySql database as well as for an Sql Server in the background; (I've tested it with an MySql database).
Hope this helps.
In MSQuery (Jet under the covers, I think), the function is Mid.
SELECT * FROM tblLocation WHERE (Mid(LocationName,2,1)='e')
to find a lower case 'e' in the second location.
I assume when you say MS Query, you are running a query against a DBMS (SQL Server or some other via ODBC).
The use of substr, substring or mid should work, depending on which DBMS. That said, unless you're using MS Access, I think most DBMSs will support the underscore character as "any single character." It might even work in Access, but I don't know for sure. Therefore, I think in addition to the suggestions you've gotten, this will also work in most cases:
SOPOrderReturnLine.ItemCode Like '_________A%'
If you want to use substring, don't hold me to these, but I think:
Oracle / DB2 / SQLite - substr
Microsoft SQL Server / Sybase / MySQL - substring
MS Access - mid
PostgreSQL -substr or substring

right to left string in SQL server

Consider below query containing both Persian(a right to left language) and English(a left to right language):
SELECT 'نرم افزار SQL سرور'
the required result is this string :
سرور SQL نرم افزار
Is there any function or any other way to converting string from ltr to rtl??
It is required to add N before string literal: SELECT N'نرم افزار SQL سرور'. This is needed to correctly interpret contained Unicode characters. (Source)
Important: In some cases, please avoid using standard copy-paste in order to put SELECT into SSMS command window. This could affect the RTL/LTR order. Instead, try to open correctly composed file using File > Open.
And regarding your comment:
the result should be : سرور SQL نرم افزار`
I admit I understand RTL writing system only partially, but from what I can see, Persian words are put to the output exactly in order as you entered them (even if reading right to left). Could you show me based on Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm or similar standards document why the word order should be changed by SQL Server? Shouldn't be change you expect made by preprocessing on another place, sending expected string form SELECT N'سرور SQL نرم افزار'? I see no point why just SQL SELECT should perform the change. If it did, what would happen if you feed result of such a SELECT into another SELECT? Another transformation? I have reasons to think that SQL server is interpreting your input technically correctly.
Hint: maybe you can try to surround your RTL text by different Directional formatting characters.
Please try the same SELECT with MySQL server at SQL Fiddle. Different server and technology, but the same result as Microsoft SQL Server gave.
Result from SSMS with MS SQL Server:
Conclusion: in order to get expected result, please form the input accordingly.
Related: Transformation of word order you expected can be done by appropriate settings in user interface.
When we add digit with english this will again not work following solution will work
SELECT nchar(8234)+ N' 33-M ' + N'کلینک کمرہ نمبر' +nchar(8236) + N'میں تشریف لائیں'

SQL Left/Deliminated Character

Pretty simple one today. I've got a column, let's call it title, with a bunch of project titles. What I need to to pull everything from the left of the ":" and do a left/right trim (I'm then going to be using that in a join later on but I just need a column with the new data for now). So here's an example of what the current column looks like:
And here's what I need it to look like after the query is run:
The problem is while the # are 6 characters now, I can't guarantee they'll always be 6 characters. So if I was doing this in Excel I'd use the deliminated feature or just write a left/len/search function. Wondering how to do the same in SQL. BTW, I'm using SQL Server Management Studio.
Assuming that your number is always followed by a [space]:[space], then simply look for that first space, and use its location as the argument for a left-substring operation:
SELECT LEFT(Title, CHARINDEX(' ', Title, 0)) AS "New Title"
p.s. Just say you're using MS SQL Server. SSMS is just a management front-end for that database.
check this post out. it does exactly what you are trying to do.
SQL Server replace, remove all after certain character

Use of Like * Works in MS-Access but Not VBA

I have a simple query but am running into problems using LIKE in VBA. My SQL string in VBA is:
stsql1 = "Select Top 25 data.* from data where data.Description Like ('*') "
When I run this sql string in my VBA code I get no records returned, but if I copy/paste the same string into a query in SQL View in MS Access, the query returns the values I expect. Is there a trick to using the "Like" syntax in VBA?
I can provide additional code and a small version of the database if that would help.
For SQL, the database engine will accept either single or double quotes as text delimiters. So either of these 2 WHERE clauses will work.
WHERE some_field Like '*'
WHERE some_field Like "*"
VBA however only accepts double quotes as text delimiters, so you would have to use the second form.
Two other points about your SELECT statement:
Select Top 25 data.* from data where data.Description Like ('*')
TOP [number] is arbitrary without an ORDER BY clause
You don't need parentheses surrounding your Like pattern ... you can use Like "*"
If your VBA code is using ADO with that SELECT statement, you must change the wild card character from * to % ...
WHERE data.Description Like '%'
In ADO/VBA, you have to use % instead of * as the wildcard. I ran into this a couple times in the past ....
Realize that there are at least 2 (yes two!) LIKE operators here.
One is the LIKE operator of VBA.
The other is the LIKE operator of the SQL of the database you are attached to.
The usual wildcards in SQL are % (for any # of any characters) and _ (for one of any character).
Know also that MS Access can open databases that aren't Access; it could be Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle or IBM DB2. (BTW, the database that is normal for Access is called Microsoft JET.) You may be sheltered from that truth when you create a Query object in Access - in that circumstance, you are using JET SQL even when it's a linked table you are querying.
However, under VBA, when using either DAO or ADO, you're talking directly to whatever the database system happens to be, in which case you MUST use the SQL of that specific system.
OK, short answer: Use % like cularis said.
I can't add a comment, but I think it would be worth noting that you have to use % even if you are querying MS Access.
(example: Outlook VBA runs query on an Access database. The proper query is select * where user like '%bob%', even though this query would not work if plugged directly into an MS Access query).