Yodlee executeUserSearchRequest error - yodlee

I try to get information from Yodlee API.
I have a test user where I've implemented adding an account and I got refresh OK from the site:
{ siteRefreshStatus: {
siteRefreshStatusId: 8
- siteRefreshMode: {
refreshModeId: 2
refreshMode: "NORMAL"
- updateInitTime: 0
nextUpdate: 1391603301
code: 403
noOfRetry: 0
Now when I try to perform search and get the actual transactions I get this error:
errorOccured: "true"
exceptionType: "com.yodlee.core.IllegalArgumentValueException"
refrenceCode: "_57c250a9-71e8-4d4b-830d-0f51a4811516"
message: "Invalid argument value: Container type cannot be null"
The problem is that I have container type!
Check out the parameters I send:

There is an error occurred while adding the account, which can be interpreted by this parameter code: 403 and hence you will not be seeing that account when you call the getItemSummary API. An account is successfully linked if the code has zero as value. E.g.code:0 . 403 is an error which is show if Yodlee's data agent has encountered an unhandled use case. Hence for any such error you should file a service request using Yodlee customer care tool.
To know more about error codes please visit -
The status is show as completedsiteRefreshStatus: "REFRESH_COMPLETED_WITH_UNCERTAIN_ACCOUNT"because addition of any account is followed by a refresh in which Yodlee's data agent logs into the websites of FIs and try scraping data. Hence completion of this activity is denoted as REFRESH_COMPLETED even when there is an error occurred.
TranasctionSearch issue -
I can see two of the parameters with a "+" sign. Since transactionSlipttype and containerType are dependent on each other the error is thrown.
The right parameters are -


Debugging "Transaction simulation failed" when sending program instruction (Solana Solidity)

When attempting to make a call to a program compiled with #solana/solidity, I'm getting the following error:
Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: Program failed to complete
Program jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N invoke [1]
Program log: pxKTQePwHC9MiR52J5AYaRtSLAtkVfcoGS3GaLD24YX
Program log: sender account missing from transaction
Program jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N consumed 200000 of 200000 compute units
Program failed to complete: BPF program Panicked in solana.c at 285:0
Program jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N failed: Program failed to complete
jdN1wZjg5P4xi718DG2HraGuxVx1mM7ebjXpxbJ5R3N is the program's public key and pxKTQePwHC9MiR52J5AYaRtSLAtkVfcoGS3GaLD24YX is the sender's public key.
I'm using a fork of the #solana/solidity library that exposes the Transaction object so that it can be signed and sent by Phantom Wallet on the front end. The code that results in the error is as follows:
// Generate the transaction
const transaction = contract.transactions.send(...args);
// Add recent blockhash and fee payer
const recentBlockhash = (await connection.getRecentBlockhash()).blockhash;
transaction.recentBlockhash = recentBlockhash;
transaction.feePayer = provider.publicKey;
// Sign and send the transaction (throws an error)
const res = await provider.signAndSendTransaction(transaction);
I would attempt to debug this further myself, but I'm not sure where to start. Looking up the error message hasn't yielded any results and the error message isn't very descriptive. I'm not sure if this error is occurring within the program execution itself or if it's an issue with the composition of the transaction object. If it is an issue within the program execution, is there a way for me to add logs to my solidity code? If it's an issue with the transaction object, what could be missing? How can I better debug issues like this?
Thank you for any help.
Edit: I'm getting a different error now, although I haven't changed any of the provided code. The error message is now the following:
Phantom - RPC Error: Transaction creation failed. {code: -32003, message: 'Transaction creation failed.'}
Unfortunately this error message is even less helpful than the last one. I'm not sure if Phantom Wallet was updated or if a project dependency was updated at some point, but given the vague nature of both of these error messages and the fact that none of my code has changed, I believe they're being caused by the same issue. Again, any help or debugging tips are appreciated.
I was able to solve this issue, and although I've run into another issue it's not related to the contents of this question so I'll post it separately.
Regarding my edit, I found that the difference between the error messages came down to how I was sending the transaction. At first, I tried sending it with Phantom's .signAndSendTransaction() method, which yielded the second error message (listed under my edit). Then I tried signing & sending the transaction manually, like so:
const signed = await provider.request({
method: 'signTransaction',
params: {
message: bs58.encode(transaction.serializeMessage()),
const signature = bs58.decode(signed.signature);
transaction.addSignature(provider.publicKey, signature);
await connection.sendRawTransaction(transaction.serialize())
Which yielded the more verbose error included in my original post. That error message did turn out to be helpful once I realized what to look for -- the sending account's public key was missing from the keys field on the TransactionInstruction on the Transaction. I added it in my fork of the #solana/solidity library and the error went away.
In short, the way I was able to debug this was by
Using provider.request({ method: 'signTransaction' }) and connection.sendRawTransaction(transaction) rather than Phantom's provider.signAndSendTransaction() method for a more verbose error message
Logging the transaction object and inspecting the instructions closely
I hope this helps someone else in the future.

Why do I keep getting a 500 error when I calling the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice::getItems interface?

Recently I was developing a project that relied on the softlayer interface. I want get the invoice details about the bare metal server. But I keep getting a 500 error when I call the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice::getItems interface. And other interfaces are normal.
code show as below:
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env(username="username",
sl_billing_invoice = client['Billing_Invoice']
result = sl_billing_invoice.getItems(id=id)
print result
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as sl_exc:
msg = 'result:(%s, %s)' % (sl_exc.faultCode, sl_exc.faultString)
print msg
Return error message as blow:
result:(500, 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error)
The issue is likely that your request is returning a big amount of data, this case commonly happens with invoices and billing items. In order to solve that issue you have the followings options:
Reduce the amount of data through object-masks or using object-filters.
Use pagination (result limits) in order to fetch less data in the request.
result = sl_billing_invoice.getItems(limit=50, offset=0, id=id)
Softlayer doc and similar questions:
Softlayer getAllBillingItems stopped working?
Getting 500 Internal Server Error from Account.getVirtualGuests()
getInvoices method failing
Getting "error": "Internal Error" on Postman and getting error Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of START_OBJECT token

WSO2 API Manager returning RunTime Error

I have an API in WSO2. When I try to test it in the store with valid parameters via GET, it returns the following error message:
<am:fault xmlns:am="http://wso2.org/apimanager">
<am:type>Status report</am:type>
<am:message>Runtime Error</am:message>
<am:description>Send timeout</am:description>
I have already searched and tried a lot, but with no success, always returning the same error. Don't know if helps, but the api that I try to access is a PHP file.
Any ideas?
I have identical apis to this one, changing only the response, that are working properly. Even if I erase the php file that the API is pointing, the error keep coming.
I changed the code in Management Console, in Metadata>List>APIs:
to this:
And this error message vanishes. But this new one appears:
<am:fault xmlns:am="http://wso2.org/apimanager">
<am:type>Status report</am:type>
<am:message>Runtime Error</am:message>
<am:description>Currently , Address endpoint : [ Name : admin--myapi_APIproductionEndpoint_0 ] [ State : SUSPENDED ]</am:description>
EDIT: this error message is appearing just sometimes. Most of the time the request takes long time to run and then returns nothing( no content )
Any ideas how to solve it?

Paypal error 10413

I am working with the paypal express checkout API and am having issues.
I have a request like so:
I have reviewed this many times and see no error in the math, yet this is what paypal sends me.
TIMESTAMP : 2017-03-22T01:41:05Z
CORRELATION ID : e22e8009c7018
ACK : Failure
VERSION : 88.0
BUILD : 31129382
Error Code : 10413
Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details.
The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts.
I found that PayPal responded this way because I did not include L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER0 . After including that field, it was accepted. I must say that the error message sent to me lead to me to the wrong issue

mod_perl error returning 202 Apache2::Const::HTTP_ACCEPTED

I am trying to build a simple asynchronous web service with Apache and mod_perl. But every time I try to return HTTP status 202 (Accepted), I get an error.
Below a very simple example (non-asynchronous):
package MyHandler;
use Apache2::Const '-compile' => qw 'OK HTTP_ACCEPTED HTTP_OK';
use Apache2::RequestRec;
use CGI;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
print "Hallo";
return Apache2::Const::HTTP_ACCEPTED;
I get the error
calling the handler in my browser on localhost, I get the output but also an error:
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator, [no address given] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
I also get an error with Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK, the only one that works without error is Apache2::Const::OK.
My apache error log makes no mention of this error.
With mod_perl2 you do not return HTTP status codes (this is why it is necessary to use $r->status() so set the HTTP status code.
Instead, you return a value depending on what you want the server to do. The most common would be Apache2::Const::OK. This tells the server your handler has finished successfully. This constant, if I recall correctly, has an integer value of 0, not 200.
Returning an HTTP status code from a mod_perl handler will be interpreted as an error.
Different handler groups are supposed to return different values.
Make sure that you always explicitly return a wanted value and don't rely on the result of last expression to be used as the return value -- things will change in the future and you won't know why things aren't working anymore.
The only value that can be returned by all handlers is Apache2::Const::OK, which tells Apache that the handler has successfully finished its execution.
Apache2::Const::DECLINED is another return value that indicates success, but it's only relevant for phases of type RUN_FIRST.
HTTP handlers may also return Apache2::Const::DONE which tells Apache to stop the normal HTTP request cycle and fast forward to the PerlLogHandler, followed by PerlCleanupHandler. HTTP handlers may return any HTTP status, which similarly to Apache2::Const::DONE will cause an abort of the request cycle, by also will be interpreted as an error. Therefore you don't want to return Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK from your HTTP response handler, but Apache2::Const::OK and Apache will send the 200 OK status by itself.
Try NOT printing anything BEFORE you set your content-type header.