count calculation on the basis of date - sql

I have this query where I am counting values from three different tables and getting two columns, date and count from each of it. Getting 3 records for first 12 for second and 12 for third. Finally I am doing little calculation from this count columns from all these table where there date from the second column is finding a match..
For eg if date of first table column is matching with second and third one I am adding all these values and getting percentage of it… though I ‘ve created a query for it…but it is got giving correct data..
I need to know how could I perform calculation form this table on the basis of date.. I am using oracle DB
(a.count1+b.count2+c.count3)*100/count4 AS status
(SELECT COUNT(pans.actual)count1,
TRUNC( AS subdate
FROM pans, ans
WHERE pans.actres ='1'
AND TRUNC( > sysdate-100
(SELECT COUNT(conans.actres)count2,
TRUNC( AS subdate
FROM conans, anss
WHERE conans.actres ='1'
AND TRUNC( > sysdate-100
(SELECT COUNT(anss.submitted)count3,
TRUNC( AS subdate
FROM anss
WHERE submitted = 1
AND TRUNC( > sysdate-100
(SELECT COUNT(pans.actres) count4
FROM pans, anss
WHERE > sysdate-100
WHERE a.subdate = b.subdate
AND b.subdate = c.subdate
AND a.subdate = c.subdate
AND TRUNC( > sysdate-100
GROUP BY TRUNC(,a.count1,b.count2,c.count3,d.count4
count | date
3 | 12/12/1928
5 | 12/12/1998
6 | 12/12/1995
count| date
3 | 12/12/1928
5 | 12/12/1998
6 | 12/12/1995
23 | 12/12/1924
56 | 12/12/1993
68 | 12/12/1992
39 | 12/12/1921
58 | 12/12/1990
63 | 12/12/1999
count| date
3 | 12/12/1928
5 | 12/12/1998
6 | 12/12/1995
23 | 12/12/1924
56 | 12/12/1993
68 | 12/12/1992
39 | 12/12/1921
58 | 12/12/1990
63 | 12/12/1999
now I have to calculate

You take all anns records of the last 100 days and cross join pans. Is this cross join desired? (It would be better you used ANSI join syntax to avoid accidental cross joins.)
You find all dates that are present in all of a, b and c and join accordingly.
You cross join the a-b-c join with your anns-pans cross join. Again: Do you really want to cross-join here? You group by (date is a bad name as it is a keyword, by the way), but what does habe to do with the records retrieved???
Syntactically your statement looks correct, but I mistrust your joins :-)


How to aggregate based on various conditions

lets say I have a table which stores itemID, Date and total_shipped over a period of time:
ItemID | Date | Total_shipped
1 | 1/20/2000 | 2
2 | 1/20/2000 | 3
1 | 1/21/2000 | 5
2 | 1/21/2000 | 4
1 | 1/22/2000 | 1
2 | 1/22/2000 | 7
1 | 1/23/2000 | 5
2 | 1/23/2000 | 6
Now I want to aggregate based on several periods of time. For example, I Want to know how many of each item was shipped every two days and in total. So the desired output should look something like:
ItemID | Jan20-Jan21 | Jan22-Jan23 | Jan20-Jan23
1 | 7 | 6 | 13
2 | 7 | 13 | 20
How do I do that in the most efficient way
I know I can make three different subqueries but I think there should be a better way. My real data is large and there are several different time periods to be considered i. e. in my real problem I want the shipped items for current_week, last_week, two_weeks_ago, three_weeks_ago, last_month, two_months_ago, three_months_ago so I do not think writing 7 different subqueries would be a good idea.
Here is the general idea of what I can already run but is very expensive for the database
sq1 as (
SELECT ItemID, sum(Total_shipped) sum1
FROM table
WHERE Date BETWEEN '1/20/2000' and '1/21/2000'
sq2 as (
SELECT ItemID, sum(Total_Shipped) sum2
FROM table
WHERE Date BETWEEN '1/22/2000' and '1/23/2000'
sq3 as(
SELECT ItemID, sum(Total_Shipped) sum3
FROM Table
SELECT ItemID, sq1.sum1, sq2.sum2, sq3.sum3
FROM Table
JOIN sq1 on Table.ItemID = sq1.ItemID
JOIN sq2 on Table.ItemID = sq2.ItemID
JOIN sq3 on Table.ItemID = sq3.ItemID
I dont know why you have tagged this question with multiple database.
Anyway, you can use conditional aggregation as following in oracle:
sum(case when "date" between date'2000-01-20' and date'2000-01-21' then total_shipped end) as "Jan20-Jan21",
sum(case when "date" between date'2000-01-22' and date'2000-01-23' then total_shipped end) as "Jan22-Jan23",
sum(case when "date" between date'2000-01-20' and date'2000-01-23' then total_shipped end) as "Jan20-Jan23"
from my_table
group by item_id
sum(total_shipped) filter (where date between '2000-01-20' and '2000-01-21') as "Jan20-Jan21",
sum(total_shipped) filter (where date between '2000-01-22' and '2000-01-23') as "Jan22-Jan23",
sum(total_shipped) filter (where date between '2000-01-20' and '2000-01-23') as "Jan20-Jan23"
from my_table
group by 1
item_id | Jan20-Jan21 | Jan22-Jan23 | Jan20-Jan23
1 | 7 | 6 | 13
2 | 7 | 13 | 20
(2 rows)

How to fill in empty date rows multiple times?

I am trying to fill in dates with empty data, so that my query returned has every date and does not skip any.
My application needs to count bookings for activities by date in a report, and I cannot have skipped dates in what is returned by my SQL
I am trying to use a date table (I have a table with every date from 1/1/2000 to 12/31/2030) to accomplish this by doing a RIGHT OUTER JOIN on this date table, which works when dealing with one set of activities. But I have multiple sets of activities, each needing their own full range of dates regardless if there were bookings on that date.
I also have a function (DateRange) I found that allows for this:
SELECT IndividualDate FROM DateRange('d', '11/01/2017', '11/10/2018')
Let me give an example of what I am getting and what I want to get:
BAD: Without empty date rows:
date | activity_id | bookings
1/2 | 1 | 5
1/4 | 1 | 4
1/3 | 2 | 6
1/4 | 2 | 2
GOOD: With empty date rows:
date | activity_id | bookings
1/2 | 1 | 5
1/3 | 1 | NULL
1/4 | 1 | 4
1/2 | 2 | NULL
1/3 | 2 | 6
1/4 | 2 | 2
I hope this makes sense. I get the whole point of joining to a table of just a list of dates OR using the DateRange table function. But neither get me the "GOOD" result above.
Use a cross join to generate the rows and then left join to fill in the values:
select, a.activity_id, t.bookings
from DateRange('d', ''2017-11-01',''2018-11-10') d cross join
(select distinct activity_id from t) a left join
on = and t.activity_id = a.activity_id;
It is a bit hard to follow what your data is and what comes from the function. But the idea is the same, wherever the data comes from.
I figured it out:
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT masterlist.dt, masterlist.activity_id, count(r_activity_sales_bymonth.bookings) AS totalbookings
FROM (SELECT c.activity_id, dateadd(d, b.incr, '2016-12-31') AS dt
FROM (SELECT TOP 365 incr = row_number() OVER (ORDER BY object_id, column_id), *
FROM (SELECT a.object_id, a.column_id
FROM sys.all_columns a CROSS JOIN
sys.all_columns b) AS a) AS b CROSS JOIN
(SELECT DISTINCT activity_id
FROM r_activity_sales_bymonth) AS c) AS masterlist LEFT OUTER JOIN
r_activity_sales_bymonth ON masterlist.dt = r_activity_sales_bymonth.purchase_date AND masterlist.activity_id = r_activity_sales_bymonth.activity_id
GROUP BY masterlist.dt, masterlist.activity_id
ORDER BY masterlist.dt, masterlist.activity_id

SQL union / join / intersect multiple select statements

I have two select statements. One gets a list (if any) of logged voltage data in the past 60 seconds and related chamber names, and one gets a list (if any) of logged arc event data in the past 5 minutes. I am trying to append the arc count data as new columns to the voltage data table. I cannot figure out how to do this.
Note that, there may or may not be arc count rows, for a given chamber name that is in the voltage data table. If there are no rows, I want to set the arc count column value to zero.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
Voltage Data:
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.CoatingChambers.Name,
AVG(dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data.ChanA_DCVolts) AS ChanADC,
AVG(dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data.ChanB_DCVolts) AS ChanBDC,
AVG(dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data.ChanA_RFVolts) AS ChanARF,
AVG(dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data.ChanB_RFVolts) AS ChanBRF FROM
dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.CoatingChambers ON
dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data.CoatingChambersID =
dbo.CoatingChambers.CoatingChambersID WHERE
(dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data.DT > DATEADD(second, - 60,
SYSUTCDATETIME())) GROUP BY dbo.CoatingChambers.Name
Name | ChanADC | ChanBDC | ChanARF | ChanBRF
OX2 | 2.9099999666214 | -0.485000004371007 | 0.344801843166351 | 0.49748428662618
S2 | 0.100000001490116 | -0.800000016887983 | 0.00690172302226226 | 0.700591623783112
S3 | 4.25666658083598 | 0.5 | 0.96554297208786 | 0.134956782062848
Arc count table:
SELECT CoatingChambers.Name,
SUM(ArcCount) as ArcCount
FROM CoatingChambers
LEFT JOIN CoatingArc_Data
ON dbo.[CoatingArc_Data].CoatingChambersID = dbo.CoatingChambers.CoatingChambersID
where EventDT > DATEADD(mi,-5, GETDATE())
Group by Name
Name | ArcCount
L1 | 283
L4 | 0
L6 | 1
S2 | 55
To be clear, I want this table (with added arc count column), given the two tables above:
Name | ChanADC | ChanBDC | ChanARF | ChanBRF | ArcCount
OX2 | 2.9099999666214 | -0.485000004371007 | 0.344801843166351 | 0.49748428662618 | 0
S2 | 0.100000001490116 | -0.800000016887983 | 0.00690172302226226 | 0.700591623783112 | 55
S3 | 4.25666658083598 | 0.5 | 0.96554297208786 | 0.134956782062848 | 0
You can treat the select statements as virtual tables and just join them together:
isnull( y.ArcCount, 0 ) ArcCount
select distinct
AVG(cgv.ChanA_DCVolts) AS ChanADC,
AVG(cgv.ChanB_DCVolts) AS ChanBDC,
AVG(cgv.ChanA_RFVolts) AS ChanARF,
AVG(cgv.ChanB_RFVolts) AS ChanBRF
dbo.CoatingGridVoltage_Data cgv
left outer join
dbo.CoatingChambers cc
cgv.CoatingChambersID = cc.CoatingChambersID
cgv.DT > dateadd(second, - 60, sysutcdatetime())
group by
) as x
left outer join
sum(ac.ArcCount) as ArcCount
dbo.CoatingChambers cc
left outer join
dbo.CoatingArc_Data ac
ac.CoatingChambersID = cc.CoatingChambersID
EventDT > dateadd(mi,-5, getdate())
group by
) as y
x.Name = y.Name
Also, it's worthwhile to simplify your names with aliases and format the queries for readability...which I shamelessly took a stab at.

Perform right outer join with a condition for left table

I have two tables,
rollno | name
1 | Abc
2 | efg
3 | hij
4 | klm
name | date |status
Abc | 10-10-2013 | A
efg | 10-10-2013 | A
Abc | 11-10-2013 | A
hij | 25-10-2013 | A
My required output is:
Some query with where condition as "where date between '10-09-2013' and '13-10-2013' "
rollno| name |count
1 | Abc | 2
2 | efg | 1
3 | hij | 0
4 | klm | 0
I tried using:
SELECT p.rollno,,case when s.statuss='A' then COUNT(p.rollno) else '0' end as count
from attendance s
right outer join student p
on s.rollno=p.rollno
where between '10-09-2013' and '13-10-2013'
group by p.rollno,p.regno,,s.statuss
order by p.rollno
And the Output is:
rollno| name |count
1 | Abc | 2
2 | efg | 1
I want the remaining values from the student table to also be appended. I have tried many different queries, but all have been unsuccessful. Is there a query that will return the required output above?
You need to move the criteria from the where to the join:
SELECT p.rollno,,case when s.statuss='A' then COUNT(p.rollno) else 0 end as count
from attendance s
right outer join student p
on s.rollno=p.rollno
and between '10-09-2013' and '13-10-2013'
group by p.rollno,p.regno,,s.statuss
order by p.rollno;
At the moment even though you have an outer join, by referring to the outer table in the where clause you effectively turn it into an inner join. Where there is no match in attendance, s.Date will be NULL, and because NULL is not between '10-09-2013' and '13-10-2013' the rows are excluded.
It is not apparent from the question, but I would image that what you are actually looking for is this. It appears you are just after a count of entries in attendance where status = 'A' by student:
SELECT p.rollno,,
COUNT(s.statuss) as count
from attendance s
right outer join student p
on s.rollno=p.rollno
and between '10-09-2013' and '13-10-2013'
AND s.statuss = 'A'
group by p.rollno,p.regno,,
order by p.rollno;
I have removed s.statuss from the group by, and changed the count so that there is only one row per student, rather than one row per status per student. I have changed the column within the count to a column in the attendance status table, to ensure that you get a count of 0 when there are no entries in attendance. if you use a column in students you will get a count of 1 even when there are no entries. Finally, since you are only interested in entries with statuss = 'A' I have also moved this to the join condition.
On one final note, it is advisable when using strings for dates to use the culture insensitive format yyyyMMdd, as this is completely unanbiguous, 20130201' is always the 1st February, and never 2nd January, whereas in your query10-09-2013' could be 10th September, or 9th October, depending on your settings.

Select multiple (non-aggregate function) columns with GROUP BY

I am trying to select the max value from one column, while grouping by another non-unique id column which has multiple duplicate values. The original database looks something like:
mukey | comppct_r | name | type
65789 | 20 | a | 7n
65789 | 15 | b | 8m
65789 | 1 | c | 1o
65790 | 10 | a | 7n
65790 | 26 | b | 8m
65790 | 5 | c | 1o
This works just fine using:
SELECT c.mukey, Max(c.comppct_r) AS ComponentPercent
GROUP BY c.mukey;
Which returns a table like:
mukey | ComponentPercent
65789 | 20
65790 | 26
65791 | 50
65792 | 90
I want to be able to add other columns in without affecting the GROUP BY function, to include columns like name and type into the output table like:
mukey | comppct_r | name | type
65789 | 20 | a | 7n
65790 | 26 | b | 8m
65791 | 50 | c | 7n
65792 | 90 | d | 7n
but it always outputs an error saying I need to use an aggregate function with select statement. How should I go about doing this?
You have yourself a greatest-n-per-group problem. This is one of the possible solutions:
select c.mukey, c.comppct_r,, c.type
from c yt
inner join(
select c.mukey, max(c.comppct_r) comppct_r
from c
group by c.mukey
) ss on c.mukey = ss.mukey and c.comppct_r= ss.comppct_r
Another possible approach, same output:
select c1.*
from c c1
left outer join c c2
on (c1.mukey = c2.mukey and c1.comppct_r < c2.comppct_r)
where c2.mukey is null;
There's a comprehensive and explanatory answer on the topic here: SQL Select only rows with Max Value on a Column
Any non-aggregate column should be there in Group By clause .. why??
x1 y1 z1
1 2 5
2 2 7
Now you are trying to write a query like:
select x1,y1,max(z1) from t1 group by y1;
Now this query will result only one row, but what should be the value of x1?? This is basically an undefined behaviour. To overcome this, SQL will error out this query.
Now, coming to the point, you can either chose aggregate function for x1 or you can add x1 to group by. Note that this all depends on your requirement.
If you want all rows with aggregation on z1 grouping by y1, you may use SubQ approach.
Select x1,y1,(select max(z1) from t1 where tt.y1=y1 group by y1)
from t1 tt;
This will produce a result like:
x1 y1 max(z1)
1 2 7
2 2 7
Try using a virtual table as follows:
SELECT c.mukey, Max(c.comppct_r) AS ComponentPercent
GROUP BY c.muke;
) as VT, c
WHERE VT.mukey = c.mukey
You can't just add additional columns without adding them to the GROUP BY or applying an aggregate function. The reason for that is, that the values of a column can be different inside one group. For example, you could have two rows:
mukey | comppct_r | name | type
65789 | 20 | a | 7n
65789 | 20 | b | 9f
How should the aggregated group look like for the columns name and type?
If name and type is always the same inside a group, just add it to the GROUP BY clause:
SELECT c.mukey, Max(c.comppct_r) AS ComponentPercent
GROUP BY c.muke,, c.type;
Use a 'Having' clause
GROUP BY c.mukey
HAVING c.comppct_r = Max(c.comppct_r);