how do we read a csv file and display the same in dojo? - dojo

i want to write a dojo code where upon a button click i want to read a .csv file and display the .csv file in a datagrid using Dojo. Can anyone please help me with this?

Your best try is to retrieve the data using the dojo/request/xhr module, with it you can retrieve an external CSV file. For example:
require(["dojo/request/xhr"], function(xhr) {
xhr.get("myfile.csv", {
handleAs: "text"
}).then(function(data) {
// Use data
Well, now you have the data as a string in your data parameter, what you now need to do is parse that string. The easiest way is to split your string on each enter, for example:
var lines = data.split(/\r?\n/);
The \r is optional (depends on the system you're using), but now you have each line seperated in an array element in lines. The next step is to retrieve each seperate value, for example by doing:
require(["dojo/_base/array"], function(array) {
/** Rest of code */
array.forEach(lines, function(line) {
var cells = line.split(',');
Then you have your data splitted by each comma. The next step is that you have to change it to a format that the dojox/grid/DataGrid can read. This means that you will probably convert the first line of your CSV content to your headers (if they contain headers) and the rest of the data to objects (in stead of arrays of strings).
You can get the first line with:
var headers = lines[0].split(',');
And the rest of the data with:
var otherData = lines.splice(1);
Now you should carefully read the documentation #MiBrock gave you, and with it you can transform the simple array of strings to the correct format.
The headers should become an array of objects like this:
[{ name: "display name", field: "field name" }, { /** other objects */ }]
I did that by doing:, function(header) {
return {
field: header,
name: header
This will actually convert [ "a", "b" ] to:
[{ field: "a", name: "a" }, { field: "b", name: "b" }]
Now you need to convert all other lines to objects containing a field with name a and a field with name b, you can do that using:, function(line) {
var cells = line.split(','), obj = {};
array.forEach(cells, function(cell, idx) {
obj[headers[idx]] = cell;
return obj:
This will actually retrieve the fieldname by retrieving the corresponding header value and output it as a single object.
Now you can put it in a grid, look at #MiBrock's answer for more details about how to do that. The final result would look a bit like this JSFiddle.
Note: Next time you encounter a problem you can't solve, handle the parts you actually can solve first and then ask a question about the other parts. I mean, it's hard to believe that you can actually not solve any of this by yourself. You should try and learn it by yourself first.

The dojo-smore project includes a CSV object store that loads data from CSV into an in-memory store which can then be used with any component that supports object stores, like dgrid. You shouldn’t try to do it yourself, like Dimitri M suggested, and you shouldn’t use the dojox grids, which are deprecated.

You can use to read a CSV store and use it in a data grid.

Have a look here :
and here:
This should help you to start with your Programming.
If you need further help, show us what you have tried to solve the Problem by posting your code and we'll be glad to help you.
Regards, Miriam


Firestore document with umlaut, two different "ö"

My problem is, when I try to set up a new document in my firestore with a name including umlaut "ö" it writes it in a worse way. Can you compare both documents and tell me what the difference between these two "ö" are? In the first picture the "ö" is bigger than in the second picture. Because of that my further functions - for example search function which is looking for the document name - is not working for document names with umlaut. I can't figure out the answer of my problem. I hope you guys can show me the right way to handle this. I don't want to replace the umlauts.
Should I decode my variable which I pass as the document name in my setup function?
First image:
Second image:
I will explain a little bit more about my goal. I have an index.html upload form for multi-image upload to Firebase storage and writing the imageurl and other information to the |irestore. When I upload my image folder, I retrieve the path of the imagedata from my system and make a split to have only the foldername. I use this name as the document name for my firestore (it is working for folders without an umlaut in the name). But when I write the same name for creating a document through the firebase console or replace it with a variable text = "my string for foldername" it is not matching. I would say the retrieved foldername has a different coding for example for the letter "ö".
var relpath = files[i].webkitRelativePath;
folder = relpath.split("/");
var foldername= "";
//foldername = unescape(encodeURIComponent(folder[0]));
foldername = folder[0];
var storage ='kitaDE/duesseldorf/'+foldername+'/'+files[i].name);
//upload file
var upload = storage.put(files[i]); //webkitRelatviPath hinzugefügt
//update progress bar
function progress(snapshot) {
var percentage =
(snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
document.getElementById("progress").value = percentage;
function error() {
alert("error uploading file");
function complete() {
).innerHTML += `${files[i].name} uploaded <br />`;
image: [],
id: "",
active: true,
title: "",
street: "",
zipcode: "",
location: "",
Update 2
I copy & paste the foldername and my direct entry for the name over the firebase console.
Foldername copied:
Am Köhnen
Entered name in firbase console through my keyboard:
Am Köhnen
It looks for me the same. I run my javascript code and give out the following part on the console log.
var relpath = files[i].webkitRelativePath;
folder = relpath.split("/");
var foldername= "";
foldername = folder[0];
var foldername2 = "Am Köhnen";
var foldername3 = decodeURIComponent(escape(foldername2))
My result is the following screenshot.
Console.log Output
You can see that first name seems right, but first and the third output names are not matching. It seems like they are the same but they not, i refer here to my both picture at the begin of my post here. Firestore handle the names different.
To get a hex dump, I ran this command in the parent directory of the problematic one:
bash$ printf '%s\n' Am\K*hnen | xxd
00000000: 416d 204b 6fcc 8868 6e65 6e0a Am Ko..hnen.
There are multiple sequences that result in an ö character being displayed. One of them uses a single Unicode codepoint to represent the character (U+00F6), but the other actually uses a separate codepoint for the o and then another one for the umlaut (U+006F U+0308).
Also see:
The wikipedia page on combining characters
The wikipedia list of unicode characters
My first idea is that the two titles in your documents are written with different Unicode sequences.
I thought that Firestore would equate these two ways of writing, but I can't find anything in the documentation about that now. If it doesn't, then that would explain why a query that matches one of the codepoint combinations for ö doesn't match the other combination.

Supply Test Data into Nightwatch

I tried to supply test data to nightwatch but i don't know how. How to supply any dynamic test data to Nightwatch testing?
I don't want to hardcoded the value into the code. I want to supply it from file.
.setValue('selector', 'DEBBIE A/P EKU')
Since you mentioned it in one of your comments you want to read the values from a file, I recommend you doing it via pseudo-JSON (actually .js). Also a solution I applied in my company.
I have multiple json files which contain certain test data that I didn't want to have in the code. The basic structure of those looks like this:
module.exports = {
My Page Object contains a line like this:
const STATIC = require('path/to/static/file')
And yea, it is not highly sophisticated but it fulfils the purpose.
If you don't want to use module.exports and .js you can still use some node methods to load and parse a JSON. E.g.
fs.readFileSync / fs.readFile (to load the JSON file)
const file = fs.readFileSync('path/to/file')
JSON.parse() (to retrieve a JavaScript Object)
const STATIC = JSON.parse(file)
Hope this is useful for you :)
I've been through the same issue. At the moment my set up is like this:
Raw data are in the excel sheet. I use node.js to convert excel sheet into json file. Then use json data in nightwatch.
Here is the code to read the json file in nightwatch:
module.exports = {
tags: ['loginpage'],
// if not regular size logout button is not visible
'Login' : function (client) {
var credentials;
credentials = require('./path/to/inputJsonData.json');
} catch(err) {
console.log ('Couldn\'t load the inputJsonData file. Please ensure that ' +
'you have the inputJsonData.json in subfolder ./path/to ' +
'in the same folder as the tests');
Here is the code that use data from it:
.waitForElementVisible('body', 1000)
.assert.title('Sign In Home Page')
// some more steps here
inputJsonData.json data
"url": "http://path/to/my/input/credentials/file",
"username": "yourUserName",
"password": "yourPassword"
My problem/question:
How to find the count of elements read into the json object from a file when the file has following format?:
My failed attempt to get the number of elements: JSON.parse(company).count where company is another json read file like credentials in above code.
Answer: use standard javascript array property length company.length
TheBayOr answered the question concisely regarding the use of files. Just to add that if you don't literally mean a non 'code' file but simply using a different location to store the values then the most common approach is using globals.
You can place an array of values in either your nightwatch.json...
"test_settings" : {
"default" : {
"selenium_port" : 4444,
"selenium_host" : "localhost",
"silent": true,
"globals" : {
"VARIABLE_1" : "i'm a variable",
"VARIABLE_2" : "i'm a variable too"
"desiredCapabilities": {
"browserName": "chrome",
"javascriptEnabled": true,
"acceptSslCerts": true
"other_environment" : {
"globals" : {
"VARIABLE_1" : "i'm a different variable",
"VARIABLE_2" : "i'm a different variable too"
You can use them in tests with something like....
Notice in the above you can have sets of globals under different environments. This has the advantage of meaning you can have multiple sets and use the one you want by running nightwatch -e 'my desired environment'.
Similarly this can be achieved by putting your array of data in a globals file e.g. globals.js and referencing it in your 'globals.path'.
If you want to get really into it you can even store your variables in global.js then use the 'fs' library to write the values to a file, then have your tests read from there. I'd recommend a new question if thats what you intend.
Hopefully that adds something :)
In my case I just created a function which read variables , data ,etc
more details here:

OpenUI5 sap.m.Input Currency Formatting

This looks to be answered many different times but I can't seem to get it working with my implementation. I am trying to format and limit the data in a sap.m.Input element. I currently have the following:
var ef_Amount = new sap.m.Input({
label: 'Amount',
textAlign: sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Right,
value: {
path: '/amount',
type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Currency'
The first problem is that it kind of breaks the data binding. When I inspect the raw data (with Fiddler) submitted to the server it is an array like this:
"amount": [1234.25,null]
The server is expecting a single number and as such has issues with the array.
When I use the following, the binding works as desired but no formatting is performed.
var ef_Amount = new sap.m.Input({
label: 'Amount',
textAlign: sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Right,
value: '{/amount}'
The second problem is that the data entered is not limited to numbers.
I have tried using sap.m.MaskedInput instead but I don't like the usage of the placeholders because I never know the size of the number to be entered.
And lastly, it would be nice if when focus is placed on the input field, that all formatting is removed and re-formatted again when focus lost.
Should I be looking into doing this with jQuery or even raw Javascript instead?
Thank you for looking.
the array output is a normal one according to documentation. So you need to teach your server to acccept this format or preprocess data before submission;
this type is not intended to limit your data input;
good feature, but ui5 does not support this, because the Type object has no idea about control and it's events like "focus" it only deals with data input-output. So you have to implement this functionality on your own via extending the control or something else.
I would suggest using amount and currency separately. It's likely that user should be allowed to enter only valid currency, so you can use a combobox with the suggestions of the available currencies.
So, after much work and assistance from #Andrii, I managed to get it working. The primary issue was that onfocusout broke the updating of the model and the change event from firing. Simply replacing onfocusout with onsapfocusleave took care of the issues.
The final code in the init method of my custom control:
var me = this;
var numberFormat = sap.ui.core.NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance({maxFractionDigits: 2});
onAfterRendering: function() {
// for formatting the figures initially when loaded from the model
path: me.getBindingPath('value'),
formatter: function(value) {
return numberFormat.format(value);
onfocusin: function() {
// to remove formatting when the user sets focus to the input field
onsapfocusleave: function() {
path: me.getBindingPath('value'),
formatter: function(value) {
return numberFormat.format(value);

How to make jqGrid dynamically populate options list based on row data

I am using jQrid version 3.8.1 with inline editing and each row in the grid has several dropdown lists to populate. When the user edits the row, I need to do an AJAX query to get the values for each of these lists. I've seen this post regarding how to do that. It appears that the dataUrl and buildSelect features are the standard answer here. There are a few issues I can't figure out though:
The row the user is editing has a value that must be passed into the dataUrl value. For example, say each row contains a field called "SpecialValue" and that for row 1, SpecialValue = 100. The dataUrl field for row 1 would be "". How do I do that?
Each row in the grid has about 10 select boxes that need to be populated. For efficiency reasons, I don't want to make 10 separate AJAX calls. It would be much better to make one call to get all the data, split it up, and fill each select box accordingly. Is that possible? I tried doing this inside onSelectRow but the grid ended up ignoring the values I put in there (I'm guessing do the ordering of the events that fire when you edit a row).
After reading Oleg's answers and working on it more, it's clear to me that using dataUrl and buildSelect are not going to work well for me. The version of jqGrid I'm using doesn't support using dataUrl the way I would need. And even if it did I don't want to send multiple separate requests for each dropdown list.
I've decided to do one request when gridComplete fires to pull all the data needed for all dropdown lists into a single JSON structure. Then when the user selects a row to do inline editing, I will populate each list in the row from that JSON structure (the code below uses the getSelectValuesFromJSON() function for that--I don't give its definition but you can imaging it looks through the structure and gets an appropriate list of values to but in the list box).
I have a few candidate solutions but I'm not 100% happy with either one.
Solution 1:
Inside onSelectRow, I call editRow overriding the on oneditfunc to get the data out of the grid that I need. Assume that the value in Field1 is required to get the values to be put into the list in Field2.
onSelectRow: function (index, status, e) {
jQuery('#my_grid').jqGrid('editRow', index, true, function(rowId) {
var f1Val = $('#my_grid').jqGrid('getCell', index, 'Field1');
var selectVals = getSelectValuesFromJSON(f1Val); //gets data out of previously loaded JSON structure
var select = $('#my_grid').find('tr[id="' + index + '"] td[aria-describedby="my_grid_Field2"] select');
_.each(selectVals, function(selectVal) {
$(select).append($("<option></option>").attr("value", selectVal).text(selectVal));
This works but I'm hesitant about the line
var select = $('#my_grid').find('tr[id="' + index + '"] td[aria-describedby="my_grid_Field2"] select');
which relies on this aria-describedby attribute that I don't know much about. Seems hacky and brittle.
Solution 2:
Make use of beforeSelectRow to dynamically change the model of the Field2 column when the user selects a row.
beforeSelectRow: function(index, e) {
var f1Val = getGridCellValue('#my_grid', index, 'Field1');
var values = getSelectValuesFromJSON(f1Val); //gets data out of previously loaded JSON structure
var valStr = "";
_.each(values, function(value) {
valStr += value + ":" + value + ";"
jQuery('#grid_pipes').setColProp('Field2', { editoptions: { value: valStr } });
return true;
This also works but I'm not sure about whether or not this is really a good idea. Is it valid to dynamically change the model of a column like that? What if the user has several rows selected at the same time? Isn't there only one model for a column? What would that mean?
To answer some of Oleg's questions, the dataType has been set to a function that uses $.ajax to post data to the server. I think I read that's not the recommended approach anymore. I inherited this code so I'm not sure why it was done that way but it probably won't change unless there is a really compelling reason.
The loadonce boolean is not specified so I guess that means it defaults to false.
Here is an abbreviated version of the column model (nothing terribly out of the ordinary):
colModel: [
{ name: 'PK', index: 'PK', hidden: true, editable: true, sortable: true, search: true },
{ name: 'Field1', index: 'Field1', hidden: true, editable: true, sortable: true, search: true },
{ name: 'Field2', index: 'Field2', sortable: false, editable: true, search: false, edittype: "select", editoptions: {} },
{ name: 'Field3', index: 'Field3', sortable: false, editable: true, search: false, edittype: "select", editoptions: {} },
You don't wrote which version of jqGrid you use currently, but dataUrl can be defined as callback function with (rowid, value, name) parameters, which have to return the URL which you can build dynamically based on the information. The feature exist starting with v4.5.3 (see the line). You can use getCell, getRowData or getLocalRow inside of the callback to get the data from another columns of the row. Thus you can solve your first problem relatively easy.
You second question seems to me absolutely independent from the first one. It's better to separate such questions in different posts to allow the searching engine better to index the information and so to help other people to find it.
There are no simple way how to solve the second problem, but one can sure suggest a solution, but one have to know much more details what you do and how you do. How you start inline editing (do you use inlineNav, formatter: "actions" or you call editRow directly)? Which version of jqGrid (till version 4.7), free jqGrid or Guriddo jqGrid JS you use? How the columns with selects are defined in colModel? Which datatype you use and whether loadonce: true you use? I recommend you to post separate question with the information.
UPDATE: If you have to use old version of jqGrid then you can't generate dataUrl full dynamically, but because you need to add only SpecialValue=100" part to the URL you can follow the trick which I described in many my old answers (the first one was probably here, but the choice on property names which asked the user could be misunderstood). You can use which will define the data parameters of jQuery.ajax request. The problem only that you can define only one property. So you can add the following jqGrid option:
ajaxSelectOptions: {
data: {
SpecialValue: function () {
var rowid = $myGrid.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow");
return $myGrid.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, "SpecialValue");
($myGrid is something like $("#grid"))
UPDATED: You used unknown functions getSelectValuesFromJSON, getLookupValuesFromJSON in the updated part of your question. Both of there seems to use synchronous Ajax request which is not good. Moreover you set editoptions.value for only one Field2 instead of setting all selects.
onSelectRow: function (rowid) {
var $myGrid = $(this);
url: "someUrl",
dataType: "json";
data: {
specialValue: $myGrid.jqGrid("getCell", rowid, "Field1")
success: function (data) {
// for example response data have format:
// { "Field2": ["v1", "v2", ...], "Field3": ["v3", "v4", ...] }
var filed, str;
for (filed in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(filed)) {
str = $.map(data[filed], function (item) {
return item + ":" + item
$myGrid.jqGrid("setColProp", filed, {
editoptions: {
value: str
$myGrid.jqGrid("editRow", rowid, true);
Nevertheless the "Solution 2" is more close to what I would recommend you. It's not really important whether to use onSelectRow or beforeSelectRow. You can make asynchronous Ajax request to the server which returns information for all select which you need. After you get the response from the server (inside of success callback) you can set editoptions.value for all selects and only then you can start editRow. In the way you will be sure that editing of the line will use row specific options in all select.
Some additional remarks. I recommend you to verify gridview: true option in the grid. Additionally I suspect that you fill the grid in not full correct way because you have hidden PK column and you use index instead of rowid as the first parameter of beforeSelectRow and onSelectRow. It's very important to understand that the current implementation of jqGrid always assign id attribute on every row (<tr> element) of the grid. So you have to provide id information in every item of input data. If you want to display the id information to the user (and so to have column in colModel with the primary key) then you should just include key: true property in the column definition. For example you can add key: true to the definition of PK column and so you will have rowid (or index in your case) with the same value like PK. It simplify many parts of code. For example jqGrid send id parameter in the editing request to the server. It's practical to have PK in the request. Moreover if you use repeatitems: false format of jsonReader the you can include id: "PK" in the jsonReader instead of having hidden PK column. It informs jqGrid to get rowid from PK. jqGrid will save PK in id attribute of <tr> and you will don't need to have additional <td style="display:none"> with the same information in the grid.
The last remark. I would strictly recommend you to update the retro version jqGrid 3.8.1 to some more recent version, for example to free jqGrid. Even if you would use no features (like Font Awesome for example) you will have performance advantages, and the look of modern web browsers will looks much better. You should understand the jqGrid 3.8.1 was tested with old (and slow jQuery 1.4.2). The version used with Internet Explorer 8 as the latest IE version (IE9 was published later in March 2011) and it's more oriented on IE6/IE7. The look in modern Chrome/Firefox/Safari can be bad. Is it what you want?

Getting id from row clicked on a dgrid List

I just started using dgrid, and going through the dTunes sample, I'm unable to find the id associated with each row in the list. This is pretty remedial on my part, but how would I also get the id I sent from the datasource?
], function (require, List, Grid, Selection,
Keyboard, Hider, declare, arrayUtil, Stateful,
when, RequestMemory, put) {
var cstsNode = put(listNode, 'div#cstsCars');
var cstsList = new TunesList({}, cstsNode);
var dataCSTS = new RequestMemory({ target: require.toUrl('./dataCSTS.json') });
dataCSTS.fetch().then(function (cars) {
cstsCars =, pickField('Description'));
cstsCars.unshift('All (' + cstsCars.length + ' CSTS Cars' + (cstsCars.length !== 1 ? 's' : '') + ')');
cstsList.on('dgrid-select', function (event) {
var row = event.rows[0];
console.log(; // shows row number. How do I get the real id or other fields?
console.log(; // shows row text that is displayed ("sample text 1")
console.log(; // undefined
Here is a snippet of sample data like I'm supplying:
[{"id":"221","Description":"sample text 1"},
{"id":"222","Description":"sample text 2"},
{"id":"223","Description":"sample text 3"}]
I'd like to see the id. Instead, returns 1,2 and 3, ie the row numbers (or id dgrid created?).
You haven't really shown a complete example, but given that you're using a store anyway, you'd have a much easier time if you let dgrid manage querying the store for you. If you use dgrid/OnDemandList (or dgrid/List plus dgrid/extensions/Pagination), you can pass your dataCSTS store to the collection property, it will render it all for you, and it will properly pick up your IDs (since Memory, and RequestMemory by extension, default to using id as their identity property).
The most appropriate place to do what you're currently doing prior to renderArray would probably be in the renderRow method if you're just using List, not Grid. (The default in List just returns a div with a text node containing whatever is passed to it; you'll be passing an object, so you'd want to dig out whatever property you actually want to display, first.)
If you want a header row, consider setting showHeader: true and implementing renderHeader. (This is false in List by default, but Grid sets it to true and implements it.)
You might want to check out the Grids and Stores tutorial.
I think the problem might be that I was modeling my code based on the dTunes sample code, which has 3 lists that behave a little differently than a regular grid.
For now, I'm using the cachingStore that is available in the lists. So the way I get the id:
cstsList.on('dgrid-select', function (event) {
var row = event.rows[0];
var id =[ - 1].id; // -1 because a header was added
I'm not sure whether this will work if I ever try to do sorting.