How to Query for Due Dates in Access 2007 - sql

I have a 2 access 2007 tables with the following fields:
Table 1: Loan Release Table
ReleaseDate as Date
Maturity as Date
MemberName as Text
MemberNo as Text
Term (in months) as Number
Mode (M/Q/Semi-Monthly) as Text
LoanType as Text
LoanAmount as Currency
LoanCode as Text
Table 2: Payments Table
ReceiptNo as Text
DatePaid as Date
MemberName as Text
MemberNo as Text
LoanCode as Text
LoanReceivable as Currency
InterestPaid as Currency
I would like to ask on how to use Query to create a temporary table that will display Members that should pay on current date or a specified date base on their Term, Mode of Payment and Loan Type (Regular Loans every 30 days to pay, Special Loans every 45 days to pay) and their remaining balance.
Here's my First Attempted Query: I tried to subtract 30 days from Current Date and it obviously gave me just the transactions last month. I would like it to list all transactions including those for example Member with Regular Loan 12 month term on their 3rd monthly payment, Member with Special Loan that is due today.
I am thinking of creating another table that contains the schedule of payments of every Loan released and then go from there.
Is there another way than this? Like a Query that can be run everyday without the need for a bulky ScheduleOfPayments table?
I'm an office clerk who 'graduated' from Excel and a novice using Access at worst and I'm not afraid of VBA codes if that is necessary.
If you know of a better way of doing this, please do tell me or point me in the right direction. I'm all for learning new things and having read and learned a lot from stackoverflow before, I am sure that with your help, my question is as good as solved.
Thank you guys for reading my inquiry.

You have here two solutions:
You can write a procedure that will, when needed, calculate\generate a matrix containing payment schedule for each loan and compare it to payment done.
You can write a procedure that will, when a loan is created, generate corresponding records in a payment schedule table. further comparison will be done between the ScheduledPayment table and the Payment table.
So basically you have to manage a similar set of data, either as a calculated/on the fly matrix or as a permanent set of data kept in a table.
The second version is by very very far the most effective one. You think of it as bulky but it is exactly the opposite, and indeed what is done every time you get a loan from a bank, where your banker will let you sign the reimbursement schedule.
The table solution will allow you to make use of all querying facilities, while the calculated solution will force you to write specific procedures each time you'll want to do some data mining. Just think about a question like "What are the expected reimbursements for the month of April 2014?". Answering this question with the ScheduledPayment table will be as easy as getting a cafe out of your nespresso machine. The same answer without the ScheduledPayment table will be like having to do the whole coffee production process before getting your cup ready.


Add column of customer's past purchase total at time of current purchase and find rate of purchases that are from a returning customer - SQL

I am working with a table containing the purchase history for a shop. There is a purchase id, a date column and a customer id. I am trying (without much success so far) to do two things:
Add a column which for each purchase tells how many purchases the customer made before this (in the last month). I started by joining the table on itself but haven't got much further. I know I'll need to somehow filter the date so it only counts purchases before this date and not more than a month ago. Any suggestions on a simple way to tackle this?
The second thing I would like to see is what the weekly rate of returning customer transactions is. That is, what proportion of the purchases are by someone who purchased recently (in the last month). Ideally I would be able to graph this so from my sql queries I would like to end up with a date, weekly total (the 7 days up to the date) and weekly rate. I have been reading up on rolling windows and to be honest am having a bit of trouble getting my head around it. My SQL level is still quite low unfortunately. Any tips on a relatively simple way to do this would be much appreciated.
I would need to see your data structure for the table(s) to better answer your question. But right off the top of my head is seems like you just need a simple SELECT COUNT.
So something like this would return all transactions from a single customer made in the past month:
SELECT COUNT(purchase_id)
FROM purchases
WHERE customer_id='some_customer_id'
AND date >= DATEADD(m, -1, GETDATE());
As for your second question you would probably want to setup a job (jenkins, ect..) that would run a query every month. The results of which you would plot. Checkout for graphing

Specific info on access report

Probably get shot for posting this again but last attempt was put on hold so sorry in advance. i am very new at this so apologies if its a simple answer;
I created a table with name of purchaser, items purchased, date of purchase and cost of purchase. From that i wanted to create a report that would show each purchasers name only once with a combined total cost of all purchases.
I created a query that did just that using only the purchasers name and the total cost of their purchases. I then created the report from that query.
The report shows each name once with a total cost of purchases which was great except for the query continually adds those total purchases without the ability to select a date range and likewise the report shows the same info.
When i add the purchased date to the query/report so i can filter between 2 date ranges it then shows each name "X" amount of times with a total for each purchase made which is not what i am looking for as this ends up with a long report.
Hope this makes more sense than my last attempt at this question. I am very new at this so a simple answer would be great.
Thanks in advance
You need to get two parameters for the query, say [Start] and [End].
You need to add the date column twice so that it can be compared to [Start] AND [End]
You need to add the date column (on both occasions) with a Total "Where"; this tells access that the column has no other purpose than to impact a WHERE-constraint on the base dataset.
If you run into trouble, take the SQL below, correct all names in it, paste it into the query's SQL view, and then see what the design view looks like!
SELECT table.customer, Sum(table.price) AS sum
FROM table
WHERE (((>=[Start]) AND ((<=[End]))
GROUP BY table.customer;

MS access latest date issue

I have 2 excel files at work where I maintain the rates of assets and the dates when the rates were issued. Another excel file has the list of assets and the dates when they were sold.
So one excel file has the following columns:
1. X-------1500------21-Apr-2014
2. X-------2000------28-Aug-2013
3. Z-------2200------11-Jan-2014
4. X-------3000------1-Jan-2014
The other excel file has (let's suppose):
1. X------1-Dec-2013
2. Z------12-Mar-2014
Now since the sold date of Asset X lies between 1-Jan-2014 and 28-Aug-2013 it should take the rate of 2000. If for example the sold date was 22-Apr-2014 it should take the rate as 1500. If the sold date is 27-Aug-2013 it should display a blank record. So basically the sold date should be greater than the latest Issued date and rate will correspond to that particular date.
I can easily get this working in excel but the problem is that the excel file has now become so large that it runs very slow. So I just want this incorporated in ms access. Is this possible? (I am a novice in ms access so kindly requesting you to go a little easy on me)
Yes - a few simple queries can match up the data they way you want. If your two tables are called Rates and Sales, you could use two queries to get the results you need. The 1st query would use the Sales and Rates table to find the largest Rate_date that is less than the Sale_date, and the second query would match this back to the Rate table to get the rate on that date.
A very similar problem is described in How to use another table fields as a criteria for MS Access

Table design for payments

I have a table that holds data for a person who is on a project. The table has a Start date field a nullable End date field. So, a person is on a project from Start to End.
At the moment, they are always billable to the project. But I now have a new requirement that, for a period, they can be non-billable, yet, still working on the project. So, they have been assigned to the project, and are working, but for some reason, the client isn't billed for part of the period they are assigned, or maybe billed at a lower rate.
My idea is to have an exclusion type table, linked to the person assignment table which would have a start date, and end date, and a Rate column, which could be set to zero for no-charge, or else, works as an override value for a period.
Does this seem like valid design? As the person is billed 95% of the time, and probably will never had any exclusion, it makes more sense to me to have an exclusion table.
If anyone has an idea of how to do this better, it would be great.
At the moment, I also have a 'calendar' table, which I join to based on the start/end date of the person's schedule to get the daily rate. So, I could then join to the exclusion date as well, to see if there is an override of the rate?
Issues I might find with my design, are a lot of the joins are based on:
ON DateValue BETWEEN Start AND End
And I am not sure they're the most efficient joins.
If the exception could be one or more period of times (one-to-many) for one project then your design using an exclusion table is the best design.
June 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013
June 9, 2013 - 0 Rate
June 25 to 27 - 30% of Original Rate
However, if the exclusion is possible and can only be a maximum of ONE single period (or one-to-one type of relationship) then you might instead put it on the same fields as other fields on project table.
June 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013
June 9, 2013 - 0 Rate
I would use this "exclusion" table as single storage for person-project occupation data. In case when person is assigned to project one time without changes in rate, you will have one record in this table. In other cases you will have a history of rate changes in this table.
It looks like your are allowing discount on standard rate to the customer for specific period. for such case, you can set the rate to be negative eg.-$100/hours for the duration to set resource rate for free in your discount/exclusion table. you can find the final rate for that resource for particular period by adding your discount amount and standard amount to get net amount. In your design, you have already mentioned the relation will be made between exclusion and person assignment table. your design will allow to show what discount has been given to the customer. This approach is ok when your are adjusting the billing for exception cases.
In case, your are trying to do correction in project billing, IMO, you should have separate entries in person assignment table for each rate with the duration.
While generating Invoice to the customer, you can show adjusted discounted rate or new revised billing based on the correction.

SQL query in Access

Basically, I've been trying to make this query work for a while in Access and it's really frustrating me so instead of playing around with the criteria, I've decided to just do it in SQL instead but I can't quite figure out how to do this bit.
What I need to do is create a query that shows which members haven't returned an item that they're currently taking out on loan. If possible I'd like to include a calculated field to state the date is was due back and how many days late it is.
The fields I'm using are as follows;
Table = Loan
Toy Name
Hire Date
Duration (in days)
Returned Date (if it hasn't been returned, the cell is blank)
Table = Toy
Purchase Price
Hire Price
you wrote:
a query that shows which members haven't returned an item
your table does not have members in it. secondly table toy have nothing related to toy like toy name or something. Please provide further detail of tables.
one more question what is the meaning of blank? Is it Null or blank string?