How to get features *not equal* to a spatial intersection? - sql

I'm trying to get features back that are outside the intersection of themselves and a polygon defined in a query.
When I run the query with the intersection set to true (ie. =1) the results are normal and expected.
However, when I use the not equal to flag (!= or <>), I get very unexpected numbers - many records per student, and even when using the distinct flag, it seems the STIntersects function isn't respected.
from Students
on (Points.shape.STIntersects(Boundaries.shape) !=1)
where Boundaries.BNum = '408'
Can the STIntersects function handle this type of request?

Further to this, the STDisjoint function will return multiple records as it will test the intersection (or lack thereof) for points against multiple polygons.
So the real answer was to use the STIntersects function as a sub-selection, and basically grab all the features that are NOT IN that sub selection.
A post describing this can be found here.


MS SSAS - Need to return a measure in a calculated member based on a tuple set and a max ofunderlying ID

I require some more advanced MDX knowledge than mine.
I need to get the RepoRate_MAX for repo products, at book and instrument level, but also looking at the Java code I'm replacing that code always uses the max MurexId.
How can I perform the below (I've placed MAX in here on the dimension but this is wrong) and I need the combo of the dimensions and also the MAX MurexId:
[Measures].[RepoRate_VAL] = (([Deal].[ProductType].&[REPO],[Deal].[Book],[Deal].[Instrument],MAX([Deal].[MurexId])),[Measures].[RepoRate_MAX])
I'm sure it's a simple one but my mind is part way between the Java OO and MDX worlds currently haha :D
So after some experimenting I found out about the TAIL and Item MDX functions.
I think at one point I did get it working, but didn't make a note of what did work. I was playing around with this and variants of it..but most versions ended up in unusable query times:
[Measures].[RepoRate_VAL] = (([Deal].[ProductType].&[REPO],[Deal].[Book],[Deal].[Instrument],TAIL(EXISTING([Deal].[MurexId].[MurexId])).Item(0)),[Measures].[RepoRate_MAX])
So I then decided to push the RepoRate calculation back to the SQL data preparation script. Cleaner/smoother data is always better and then to have simple calculated members.
I used SQL to determine the RepoRate from tradelevel with MAX(MurexId) and GROUP BY on Book, Instrument to then update my main fact table to ensure that the correct RepoRate was set at Book, Instrument level.
Thus the calculated member is then:
[Measures].[RepoRate_VAL] = (([Deal].[Book],[Deal].[Instrument]),[Measures].[RepoRate_MAX])
Fast data prep and a fast calculated member on the Excel/Pivot/UI layer.

BigQuery SQL computing spatial statistics around multiple locations

Problem: I want to make a query that allows me to compute sociodemographic statistics within a given distance of multiple locations. I can only make a query that computes the statistics at a single location at a time.
My desired result would be a table where I can see the name of the library (title), P_60YMAS (some sociodemographic data near these libraries), and a geometry of the multipolygons within the buffer distance of this location as a GEOGRAPHY data type.
I have two tables:
'' or library, that have points as GEOGRAPHY data type;
'cis-sdhis.inegi.resageburb' in which I have many sociodemographic data, including polygons as GEOGRAPHY data type (column name: 'GEOMETRY')
I want to make 1 Km Buffer around the libraries, make new multipolygons within this buffers and get some sociodemographic data and geometry from those multipolygons.
My first approach was with this query:
SUM(P_60YMAS) AS age60_plus,
id = 'bpm-mty3'))
As you can see, this query only gives me one library ('bpm-mty3'), an that's my problem: I want them all at once.
I thought that using OVER() would be one solution, but I don't really know where or how to use it.
OVER() could be a solution, but a more performant solution is JOIN.
You first need to join two tables on condition that the distance between them is less than 1000 meters, that gives you pairs of row, where libraries are paired with all relevant data, note we'll get multiple rows per library. The predicate to use is ST_DWithin(geo1, geo2, distance), alternative form is ST_Distance(geo1, geo2) < distance - in both cases you don't need buffer.
`cis-sdhis.inegi.resageburb` data,
`` lib
ST_DWITHIN(lib.geometry, data.geography)
Then we need to compute stats per library, remember we have many rows per-library, and we need a single row for each library. For this we need to aggregate per library, let's do GROUP BY using id. When we need an info about the library itself the cheapest way to do it is to use ANY_VALUE aggregation function. So it will be something like
SELECT, ANY_VALUE(lib.title) AS title,
SUM(P_60YMAS) AS age60_plus,
-- if you need to show the circle around library
ST_BUFFER(ANY_VALUE(lib.geometry)) AS buffered_location
`cis-sdhis.inegi.resageburb` data,
`` lib
ST_DWITHIN(lib.geometry, data.geography)
One thing to note here is that ST_BUFFER(ANY_VALUE(...)) is much cheaper than ANY_VALUE(ST_BUFFER(...)) - it only computes buffer once per output row.

How to get around a GEOS error when doing st_union?

I have a big layer with lines, and a view that needs to calculate the length of these lines without counting their overlaps
A working query that does half the job (but does not account for the overlap, so overestimates the number)
select name, sum(st_length(t.geom)) from mytable t where st_isvalid(t.geom) group by name
The intended query that returns SQL Error [XX000]: ERROR: GEOSUnaryUnion: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING (446659 422287, 446661 422289) and LINESTRING (446659 422288, 446660 422288) at 446659.27944086661 422288.0015405959
select name,st_length(st_union(t.geom)) from mytable t where st_isvalid(t.geom) group by name
The thing is that the later works fine for the first 200 rows, it's only when I try to export the entire view that I get the error
Would there be a way to use the preferred query first, and if it returns an error on a row use the other one? Something like:
case when st_length(st_union(t.geom)) = error then sum(st_length(t.geom))
else st_length(st_union(t.geom)) end
Make sure your geometries are valid before union by wrapping them in ST_MakeValid(). You can also query their individual validity using select id, ST_IsValid(t.geom) from mytable; to maybe filter out or correct the affected ones. In cases where one of you geometries is itself invalid in this way, it'll help. This will still leave cases where the invalidity appears after combining multiple valid geometries together.
See if ST_UnaryUnion(ST_Collect(ST_MakeValid(t.geom))) changes anything. It will try to dissolve and node the component linestrings.
When really desperate, you can make a PL/pgSQL wrapper around both of your functions and switch to the backup one in the exception block.
At the expense of some precision and with the benefit of a bit higher performance, you could try snapping them to grid ST_Union(ST_SnapToGrid(t.geom,1e-7)), gradually increasing the grid size to 1e-6, 1e-5. Some geometries could be not actually intersecting, but be so close, PostGIS can't tell at the precision it operates at. You can also try applying this only to your problematic geometries, if you can pinpoint them.
As reminded by #dr_jts PostGIS 3.1.0 includes a new overlay engine, so if your select postgis_full_version(); shows anything below that and GEOS 3.9.0, it might be worth upgrading. The upcoming PostGIS 3.2.0 with GEOS 3.10.1 should also provide some iprovement in validity checks.
Here's a related thread.

Searching for groups of objects given a reduction function

I have a few questions about a type of search.
First, is there a name and if so what is the name of the following type of search? I want to search for subsets of objects from some collection such that a reduction and filter function applied to the subset is true. For example, say I have the following objects, each of which contains an id and a value.
I want to search for "all the sets of objects whose summed values equal 30" and I would expect the output to be, {{A,B,C}, {A,D,E}, {B,D,E}, {C,D,E}}.
Second, is the only strategy to perform this search brute-force? Is there some type of general-purpose algorithm for this? Or are search optimizations dependent on the reduction function?
Third, if you came across this problem, what tools would you use to solve it in a general way? Assume the reduction and filter functions could be anything and are not necessarily the sum function. Does SQL provide a good API for this type of search? What about Prolog? Any interesting tips and tricks would be appreciated.
I cannot comment on the problem in general but brute forcing search can be easily done in prolog.
solve(0, [], _).
solve(N, [X], [X|_]) :- w(X, N).
solve(N, [X|Xs], [X|Bs]) :-
w(X, W),
W < N,
N1 is N - W,
solve(N1, Xs, Bs).
solve(N, [X|Xs], [_|Bs]) :- % skip element if previous clause fails
solve(N, [X|Xs], Bs).
Which gives
| ?- solve(30, X, [a, b, c, d, e]).
X = [a,b,c] ? ;
X = [a,d,e] ? ;
X = [b,d,e] ? ;
X = [c,d,e] ? ;
(1 ms) no
Sql is TERRIBLE at this kind of problem. Until recently there was no way to get 'All Combinations' of row elements. Now you can do so with Recursive Common Table Expressions, but you are forced by its limitations to retain all partial results as well as final results which you would have to filter out for your final results. About the only benefit you get with SQL's recursive procedure is that you can stop evaluating possible combinations once a sub-path exceeds 30, your target total. That makes it slightly less ugly than an 'evaluate all 2^N combinations' brute force solution (unless every combination sums to less than the target total).
To solve this with SQL you would be running an algorithm that can be described as:
Seed your result set with all table entries less than your target total and their value as a running sum.
Iteratively join your prior result with all combinations of table that were not already used in the result set and whose value added to running sum is less than or equal to target total. Running sum becomes old running sum plus value, and append ID to ID LIST. Union this new result to the old results. Iterate until no more records qualify.
Make a final pass of the result set to filter out the partial sums that do not total to your target.
Oh, and unless you make special provisions, solutions {A,B,C}, {C,B,A}, and {A,C,B} all look like different solutions (order is significant).

Access & SQL Server: Number of uses since date aggregate problem - new reporting problem (solved aggregate issue)

I've been trying to streamline the work involved in running a report in my program. Lately, I've had to supply a listing of job numbers an instrument has been used on with the listing of items for cost/benefit analysis. Mostly to see how often an instrument is used since it was last serviced/calibrated and the last time anyone did use it. I was looking to integrate this into the query that helps generate the report - but I keep hitting a brick wall of sorts with the number of uses - since I want that aggregate to be based on the date the instrument was last calibrated (a field based in the same query). I can get it to give me the number of uses in the system total - but it will not accept the limitation that I want it to be only counting the times used since the last time it was calibrated
Attempts to put an aggregate function in my report for the number of uses since the item's calibration are met either with undesired results, or the dreaded 'aggregate missing' error (don't remember the exact warning).
-- Edited to add 8/12/2011 # 16:09 --
An additional problem with the use of the Max aggregate has been found for instruments that have never been used being excluded by this query.
Here is the query that does work so far:
FROM (dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail
INNER JOIN dbo_Gage_Master ON dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID = dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID)
INNER JOIN qryRCEquipmentLastUse ON dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID = qryRCEquipmentLastUse.Gage_ID
ORDER BY dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID;
But I can't seem to aggregate a count of Uses (making a Count(strCustomerJobNum)) from the tblGageActivity with the following fields:
I tried to add a field to the formerly listed query to do a Count(strCustomerJobNum) where datDateEntered matched the Last_Calibration_Date from the calling query - but I got the 'missing aggregate' error. If I leave this condition out - it will run - but will list every instrument ever sent out only if it's had a usage count of at least one (not what I want at all, sadly).
I also want to make sure that if I should get a zero uses count - I will get a zero back instead of my expected records minus the null results.
I hope someone out there can tell me where I am going wrong with this - I want to save the time I am currently spending running an activity report in another program whenever I want to generate this report. Thanks in advance, and let me know if you need me to post more information.
-- Edited to add 08/15/2011 # 14:41 --
I managed to solve the Max() aggregate problem by creating a 'pure' first-step query to get a listing of all instrument with most modern date as qryRCEquipmentUsed.
SELECT dbo.tblGageActivity.strGageID, Max(dbo.tblGageActivity.datDateEntered) AS datLastDateUsed
FROM dbo.tblGageActivity
GROUP BY dbo.tblGageActivity.strGageID;
Then I created a 'pure' listing of all instruments that have no usage at all as a query named qryRCEquipmentNeverUsed.
SELECT dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID, NULL AS datLastDateUsed
FROM dbo_Gage_Master LEFT JOIN dbo_tblGageActivity ON dbo_Gage_Master.Gage_ID = dbo_tblGageActivity.strGageID
WHERE (((dbo_tblGageActivity.strGageID) Is Null));
NOTE: The NULL was inserted so that the third combining UNION query will not fail due to a mismatch in the number of fields being retrieved from the tables.
At last, I created a UNION query named qryCombinedUseEquipment to combine the two into a list:
FROM qryRCEquipmentLastUse
FROM qryRCEquipmentNeverUsed;
Using this last union query to feed the Last Used date to the parent query works in datasheet view, but when the parent query is called in the report - I get a blank report; so a nudge in the right direction would still be wonderfully appreciated.
Same script as above, but with shorter table aliases (in case someone finds that clearer):
FROM (dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail gd
INNER JOIN dbo_Gage_Master gm ON gd.strGageDetailID = gm.Gage_ID)
INNER JOIN qryRCEquipmentLastUse lu ON gm.Gage_ID = lu.Gage_ID
ORDER BY gd.strGageDetailID;
Piece by piece...
First -- I suspect you're trying to answer too many questions at once (as evidenced by 23 fields in your SELECT), which will make aggregation near-impossible. Start by narrowing down the scope of the query -- What question is this query attempting to answer? (You can always make more queries to answer other questions... :-)
1) How many uses since last calibration?
2) How many uses since last ...use? (not sure what you mean by that -- maybe last sign-out, or last rental, etc.?)
Tip -- learn to use table aliases. Large queries are difficult to read; worse because of repeated table names.
1) Ex.: dbo_tbl_POGaugeDetail.intGagePOID becomes d.intGagePOID
Here's a sample that might get you started:
Max(d.last_calibration_date) -- not sure what you named that field
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail d
Does this work:
SELECT dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.intGagePOID, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID,
OuterGageMaster.Description, OuterGageMaster.Manufacturer, OuterGageMaster.Model_No,
OuterGageMaster.Gage_SN, OuterGageMaster.Unit_of_Meas, OuterGageMaster.User_Defined,
OuterGageMaster.Calibration_Frequency, OuterGageMaster.Calibration_Frequency_UOM,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageLeavePriceBlank, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.intGageCost,
OuterGageMaster.Last_Calibration_Date, OuterGageMasterNext_Due_Date,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageEvaluate, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageExpedite,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageAccredited, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageCalibrate,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageRepair, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageReturned,
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.bolGageBER, dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.intTurnaroundDaysOut,
(Select Count(strCustomerJobNum)
FROM tblGageActivity WHERE
OuterGageMaster.Last_Calibration_Date=tblGageActivity.datDateEntered) As JobCount
(dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail INNER JOIN dbo_Gage_Master OuterGageMaster ON
dbo_tblPOGaugeDetail.strGageDetailID = OuterGageMaster.Gage_ID) INNER JOIN
qryRCEquipmentLastUse ON OuterGageMaster.Gage_ID = qryRCEquipmentLastUse.Gage_ID
or is that what you tried?
Summary Problem:
Attempts to put an aggregate function in my report for the number of uses since the item's calibration are met either with undesired results, or the dreaded 'aggregate missing' error.
I decided to leave the query driving the report alone - instead choosing to employ the use of DLookup and DCount as appropriate to retrieve the last used date from a query that provides the last used date of all the instruments, and the number of uses an instrument has had since it's last calibration, using the aforementioned domain aggregates respectively.
Using the query described in the problem description, I am able to retrieve the last used date for all instruments. I used a =DLookup statement as the source for a text box on the report's subreport dealing with various items as such:
=IIf((DLookUp("[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![datLastDateUsed]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![strGageID]=[strGageDetailID]")) Is Null Or ([bolGageReturned]=True),"",DLookUp("[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![datLastDateUsed]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]","[qryRCCombinedUseEquipment]![strGageID]=[strGageDetailID]"))
This allows items that have never been used to return a NULL result, which will display as a blank text box.
The number of uses, however, would not feed off a query using =DCount (I tried, it would take over ten minutes to retrieve results, if it ever did). However, using the underlying activity table, I used the following statement:
=IIf([bolGageReturned],"","Used " & DCount("[dbo_tblGageActivity]![strGageID]","[dbo_tblGageActivity]","[dbo_tblGageActivity]![strGageID] = [strGageDetailID] And [dbo_tblGageActivity]![datDateEntered] Between [txtLastCalibrationDate] And date()") & " times since last calibration")
It would retrieve a number of times used since the instrument was last calibrated, but no uses that are before that or after today (some jobs are post dated, strangely). Of course, this is SLOW (about thirty seconds for a large document with thirty or forty instruments).
Does anyone else have a better solution for this, or will I have to take the performance hit? If no one has any better ideas, I will accept this as the answer after five days (8/21/2011) .