Can't get a RightViewController to work with MEDynamicTransition - ecslidingviewcontroller

I'm trying to modify the TransitionFun example that comes with ECSlidingViewController to include a RightViewController.
I've basically added another ViewController, similar to the existing MenuViewController, that appears on a swipe to the left, (or from extra navigation item on Transition View Controller).
This works fine for the Default transitions but not for the others. Fold and Dynamic transitions jump and behave erratically, while the Zoom transition locks up the app!
(just to clarify - all the transitions initially work fine if I only use the existing left menu view - they only break after transitioning at least once to my new right view).
Has anyone managed to do anything similar? Maybe someone (Mike?) could update the demo to show how its done if possible?


swift adding zoom to container view

I have a page view controller embedded inside a container view in order to swipe between images. But now I am trying to add a touch that will make the image go full screen "lightbox" with zoom available and also swipe through the images while in full screen mode.
I can get it to work, and messing around with auto layout seems to be much work consider I have a lot of other stuff in that VC.
So does anyone know a good image slider from github written in swift? - without the need of cocopods.
It's easy enough to write one yourself. In full-screen mode, use another UIPageViewController, because it already has the swipe left & right support built in.

Is the order of view controller objects in the navigator pane relevant?

I am just beginning to develop an app using Xcode 5 and am very much a newbie.
I have a project where I want the keyboard to hide after editing a UITextView object. I have compared it to a working project (Apple's Keyboard Accessory example) and the only difference I can see is the order of objects under the View Controller. I can't figure out how to reorder them, but I am not sure if it is a problem. It appears that the wrong object is being selected as First Responder.
I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me if it is relevant and if so how to reorder the objects.
I'm attaching screenshots of both View Controllers. The Water View Controller screen shot is mine and the other one is the Keyboard Accessory example.
In general it does not really matter the order you see them in Document Outline.
You can change the order by dragging them around.
However, sometimes changing the order of 2 items can make some details become invisible, so make sure you always check any changes you make.
Hope it helped

MFMailComposeViewController causes other controls to change position

I have three UIViewControllers being shown modally on top of each other. The third one opens a MFMailComposeViewController and send an email. However, after dismissing that view controller, various controls on other view controllers (not necessarily in the chain of view controllers) have moved in position.
For example, after dismissing the MFMailComposeViewController, one of the labels on the parent ViewController has moved down by about 20px. A scrollview on it's parent has also moved down the same amount. If I enter a separate view controller from here, an imageview is displaced. They always seem to be a control near the top of the screen, and only one per screen.
Has anyone seen this before? I've checked all the code and there nothing which could be causing it. I'm having to reset the frame on these controls every time the screen is shown to prevent them from appearing out of place. But it makes no sense to me.
Have you tried presenting it from the parent view controller?? I had a similar problem and it fixed the issue.
It sounds like layout randomly isn't happening, somehow. I can think of a few things to try:
Check that you're not expicitly calling -layoutIfNeeded, especially in places like -setFrame: or -sizeThatFits: — it can cause a layout of the entire view tree, which will tend to do the wrong thing if layout is already happenin (on iOS 5 it can cause inconsistent layout; on iOS 6 I've observed it getting stuck in a layout loop). You also need to be careful around some methods which perform a layout as a side-effect (UIButton.titleLabel comes to mind — the fix is to call it before adding the view to the hierarchy).
If you're using autoresizing then it should just work — except I've seen it not work if the view isn't attached to a window when its frame changes.
If you're doing layout in -layoutSubviews, override -setFrame: to call -setNeedsLayout. The usual symptom is that "switch tabs, rotate, switch back" results in an incorrect layout.

XCode: Best Way To Handle A New View In A Tabbed Application

In an iOS Tabbed Application I'm making, I've got tabs to load different viewControllers, which is pretty standard. What I'd like to do is make a few buttons (with images on them) load up another view with the button image maximized to the screen. However, I'm not really sure how to go about doing this. I don't want a new tab for this, I just want another view to show the full image, and then a button to return to the tabbed view. I've experimented a bit with making a subview to do this, and I've attempted to change the main viewport to the new view, with no success. If someone could point me in the right direction, and maybe give me a solid concept as a jumping-off point, I would really appreciate it.
And to clarify, I'm not looking for "the best way", per se. I'd be willing to accept a quick and dirty fix. But if you know of more than one way to handle this situation, I would appreciate whichever one you personally think is better.
I would do it by creating a UINavigationController to use as the primary tab view. When you want to show the full screen button, you create a new UIViewController subclass (below) and push it. That class will return YES for the method "hidesBottomBar" (its something like that).
This new view controller will be a traditional controller. You can create a UIImageView to fill the view (or you can probably replace the view with the imageView). In the viewDidLoad you'll set the UIImage of the view (or you can enter its name in the nib).
When someone clicks on the button, then you'll pop that view and return to your tabbed view (where the tab bar is showing).
I did something like this (not a big button), so I know the tab bar can be made to hide on the push. You can also hide the navigation bar so it never is even show (again, not 100% sure at the moment how to do it but its possible).

Animating Tab Bar page switching

I'm quite confused with the whole animation stuff in iPhone SDK. I tried to study throught the SDK documentation, this website or tried googling it out without success.
I'm unable to get my scenario work.
I have single XIB file, with tab bar and a 4 tabs.
In a special event i want to switch from one page to another "in code", so I call eg: [tabController selectedIndex: 0].
I need this transition to be animated. Is there a way?
If user switches tabs manually, no animated transitions are needed
Also I have one subquestion:
In one of the tabs I have a UITableView with set of items. When user clicks any of these items, another set of items are beign shown (sort of hierarchy browser)
I tried to animate this transition using -deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation: and -insertRowsAtIndexPaths:withRowAnimation:, but without luck.
Desired transition is shifting the old items set to the left side and the new items from the right side.
This is first time of my iPhone development, when I got lost even with all the forums and documentation. :)
Thanks in advance to anyone trying to help me!
As for your first question: Yes you can.
Try this link for some answer:
transition on tab bar sample code.
In short words: you should add a delegate object to handle the tab bar switching by setting the tabBarController.delegate = self.
Yet, what this forum post won't tell you is that you need to "import" some framework to do it.
First - right-click on the framework folder on the left hand list in Xcode and add an existing framework named: "QuartzCore.framework".
Than - add these lines to your tab bar holder (on .h file):
#import <QuartzCore/CAAnimation.h>
#import <QuartzCore/CAMediaTimingFunction.h>
As for your second question, try to replace the datasource (array or what ever) or create login function on the cell to replace its content.
First Question: No, you can't animate tab switching. Please read Apple's Human Interface Guidelines on this. Tabs are meant to switch instantly. An animated transition would break the "tab" paradigm.
Second Question: When you tap on a row, the user does not expect other rows to disappear and new ones to appear. Instead, this sounds like a case for a UINavigationController. Please refer to Apple's sample code, specifically the UICatalog for sample code on how to implement this.