Matrix to show all months of the year - sql

I have a Web Service that I am getting data from (Not mine and I can't change it)
The data is in the following format
I have a matrix that displays this performance data and works fine - I have a row group on the year and a column group on the month. The problem occurs if a deal has only been running for a short time - I want to display all months regardless of whether we have any data - So for example if a deal started in September and we're in December I'd want the column headings to display for Jan - Aug as well as the data that is returned in the web service.
Any ideas?

Might not be the most elegant way of doing it (I'm a relative newbie to SQL!) but I would create a table which is effectively a calendar of all the months within the period you are interested in (using a recursive CTE) and then just join the results of the query from the web service onto that?

Assuming your metrics end up in a SQL Server table with the following columns:
-- Metrics table:
Create a calendar table to hold all years and months you could possibly be interested in. For instructions on how to create a calendar table, check out this post, for example: How to create a Calender table for 100 years in Sql
Then, when you have your calendar table, use it in an outer join with your metrics table, so that you get all your years and months from the calendar table, and the metric data (if any). The query in your dataset could for example look like this:
ISNULL(NavYear, Months.Year) AS NavYear,
ISNULL(NavMonth, Months.Month) AS NavMonth,
(SELECT DISTINCT Year, Month, MonthNumber FROM Calendar) AS Months
LEFT JOIN Metrics ON Months.Year = Metrics.NavYear AND Months.Month = Metrics.NavMonth
ORDER BY NavYear, NavMonth


Microstrategy: With a drop down box Year, how to show values of the selected Year and Previous year in a grid

With a drop down selector 'Year' attribute (All is disabled), how to target a grid report to show values of the selected Year and Previous year?
For example:
User selects year '2012' from the drop down,
the grid should display values of metrics for year 2012 in one column
and 2011 in another column for comparison purpose.
Metric headers are rows and year attribute is column.
Please note, the dataset is created with freeform sql.
Thank you in advance
This can be achieved using transformations in MicroStrategy. Please go through the link for more details.
Link to MicroStrategy Community
However, As you have mentioned that you are using a free form SQL, In this case write another pass of SQL like below and join result of this pass with original pass of SQL using Year column.
Select Fact.Year, Sum(Fact.Metric)
From Fact JOIN Lookup
on (Fact.Year = Lookup.Year - 1)
Group by Fact.Year

Query to get Daywise on the month selected

I have an MS Access database table datetime column. When I select a particular month (say, July), I have to get datewise data in that month.
The output should appear in the same format as the attached image.
Every Employee who comes in on a particular date should display “P” for that day. If the Employee doesn’t come in on a particular day (like Sat or Sun), then I have to display “WO” for that day.
When an Employee has not come in (like Sat or Sun), then there is no entry in the log table for that date.
How could an Access query be written to obtain this output? I am using an MS Access 2003 database.
Edit: we have to use TRANSFORM and PIVOT, but the issue is when an employee is not available (Sat, Sun) we still need to show data in the output.
Set up a query that reads EmpID and CheckTime from the first table, and adds one additional column:
DateWise: IIf(Weekday([CheckTime])=1 Or Weekday([CheckTime])=7,"WO","P")
You will need an additional table with every date of the year in it (we'll call it YearDates). Left join that table to your query like so:
Select YD.YearDates, Q2.* from YearDates YD LEFT JOIN Query2 Q2 ON YD.YearDates = DATEVALUE(Q2.CheckTime)
The DATEVALUE will strip the time off your dates in CheckTime so they will match date against date.

Getting the range in SQL when given between

I am wondering if it's possible (without actually parsing the given string) to get the actual range (in terms of days, minutes or seconds) that is specified when you have an SQL statement like
[select 'x'
from dual
where date between to_date('20111113152049')
and to_date('20120113152049')]
I am working on a query where I'm given a string in the form of
"between to_date(A) and to_date(B)"
and would like to get that value in days to compare to a policy we let the user set so they don't enter a date range longer than say a week.
Assuming you're looking for a theoretical answer (that is: don't take this into production) this could work:
have three tables: days_seq(day_seq), month_seq(mth_seq) and year_seq(yr_seq)
days has the numbers 1...31, month 1..12, years 2011....?
Use te following query (I used access because I don't have proper RDBMS available here, keep in mind that MS-ACCESS/JET is forgiving in the use of the Dateserial function, that is, it doesn't break when you ask the dateserial for february, 30th, 2012)
SELECT Max(DateSerial(
, [days_seq]![day_seq]))
,[days_seq]![day_seq])) AS days
FROM days_seq, month_seq, year_seq
WHERE DateSerial(
BETWEEN #2012-02-1# AND #2012-02-28#
The query basically produces a carthesian product of three tables which generates all possible days in months, months in a year for as many years as you have in the years table.
You could off-course generate a permanent Calendar table as X-Zero suggests.
table calendar([date])
INSERT INTO calendar
, [days_seq]![day_seq]))
FROM days_seq, month_seq, year_seq
You still have to pick your start year and your end year wisely. According to the Maya's an enddate of december 21st, 2012 will do.

GROUP BY with date range

I have a table with 4 columns, id, Stream which is text, Duration (int), and Timestamp (datetime). There is a row inserted for every time someone plays a specific audio stream on my website. Stream is the name, and Duration is the time in seconds that they are listening. I am currently using the following query to figure up total listen hours for each week in a year:
SELECT YEARWEEK(`Timestamp`), (SUM(`Duration`)/60/60) FROM logs_main
WHERE `Stream`="asdf" GROUP BY YEARWEEK(`Timestamp`);
This does what I expect... presenting a total of listen time for each week in the year that there is data.
However, I would like to build a query where I have a result row for weeks that there may not be any data. For example, if the 26th week of 2006 has no rows that fall within that week, then I would like the SUM result to be 0.
Is it possible to do this? Maybe via a JOIN over a date range somehow?
The tried an true old school solution is to set up another table with a bunch of date ranges that you can outer join with for the grouping (as in the other table would have all of the weeks in it with a begin / end date).
In this case, you could just get by with a table full of the values from YEARWEEK:
And here is a sketch of a sql statement:
SELECT year_weeks.yearweek , (SUM(`Duration`)/60/60)
FROM year_weeks LEFT OUTER JOIN logs_main
ON year_weeks.yearweek = logs_main.YEARWEEK(`Timestamp`)
WHERE `Stream`="asdf" GROUP BY year_weeks.yearweek;
Here is a suggestion. might not be exactly what you are looking for.
But say you had a simple table with one column [year_week] that contained the values of 1, 2, 3, 4... 52
You could then theoretically:
(SELECT SUM('Duration')/60/00) FROM logs_main WHERE
stream = 'asdf' AND YEARWEEK('TimeStamp') = A.year_week GROUP BY YEARWEEK('TimeStamp'))
tblYearWeeks A
this obviously needs some tweaking... i've done several similar queries in other projects and this works well enough depending on the situation.
If your looking for a one table/sql based solution then that is deffinately something I would be interested in as well!

Selecting records from the past three months

I have 2 tables from which i need to run a query to display number of views a user had in the last 3 months from now.
So far I have come up with: all the field types are correct.
, Count(*) AS No_of_Sessions
WHERE (((DateDiff("m",[dbo_SDB_SESSION].[SESSIONSTART],Now()))=0
Or (DateDiff("m",[dbo_SDB_SESSION].[SESSIONSTART],Now()))=1
Or (DateDiff("m",[dbo_SDB_SESSION].[SESSIONSTART],Now()))=2))
Basically, the code above display a list of all records within the past 3 months; however, it starts from the 1st day of the month and ends on the current date, but I need it to start 3 months prior to today's date.
Also to let you know this is SQL View in MS Access 2007 code.
Thanks in advance
Depending on how "strictly" you define your 3 months rule, you could make things a lot easier and probably efficient, by trying this:
SELECT dbo_LU_USER.USERNAME, Count(*) AS No_of_Sessions
WHERE [dbo_SDB_SESSION].[SESSIONSTART] between now() and DateAdd("d",-90,now())
(Please understand that my MS SQL is a bit rusty, and can't test this at the moment: the idea is to make the query scan all record whose date is between "TODAY" and "TODAY-90 days").