Edit Pentaho User Console homepage - pentaho

I need to edit the homepage in Pentaho user console. I want to change it to my own design. However, I don't know how to change it. Can someone guide me to do this?
I'm totally a beginner in using pentaho. I also not really good in Java. I use Pentaho Enterprise Edition.

take a look at this page
it explains how to do Customising Login Dialog Messages, Customising User Console Messages, productName, loadingConsole, etc


Expres JS admin panel

How does express js come in the usage where it doesn't have a built-in admin panel? If there's an admin panel I can use readily, please refer one.
I tried Admin Js, but it's not reliable I guess. Because it's in baby-phase still. I'm deciding to stay away from MERM Stack because of it's lack of a built-in admin panel. I mean would I tolerate the hazard of making an admin panel every time for every client? Please help me out on this.
Correct, unfortunately there is not a built-in panel, anyway keep supporting the mern community, here is a website with plenty of ideas https://reactjsexample.com/tag/admin-template/

Azure API Management Developer Portal

I have a requirement to expose the APIM Developer Portal to external partners, I want the developer portal to be my one stop shop for these partners to access and learn everything they need to know about my APIs, in the main APIM Developer Portal satisfies that requirement but when I want to add new content e.g. specific design, architecture, user guide documentation etc about the API it starts to get very confusing, for a start it looks like the depreciated publisher portal (which still exists) is the only place that I can add new pages. The new pages seem very limited and clunky and cannot be amended in the new version of the portal. There is also very limited documentation outside the standard MS stuff and nearky all of that relates to amending the current pages and templates.
My site will go live at the end of the year and I don't want to find one day these new content pages missing from the portal and my supporting documentation removed.
Does anybody know where Microsoft is going with the developer portal for customizing outside outside the standard templates they offer or can anybody supply me with a link of documentation that addresses new content pages?
It looks like the depreciated publisher portal (which still exists) is the only place that I can add new pages
Yes, you need to use the publisher portal to add new pages.
The new pages seem very limited and clunky and cannot be amended in
the new version of the portal.
What do you mean by new version of the portal?
I am going live at the end of the year and I don't want to find one day these new content pages missing from the portal and my supporting documentation removed.
If your worry is that API Management will automatically remove your content because of publisher portal deprecation - you can rest assured this is not going to happen, especially without any previous notice.
Does anybody know where Microsoft is going with the developer portal for customizing outside the standard templates they offer?
There is some work planned to refresh the developer portal. Can you please elaborate more on what you are trying to achieve? What is your goal?
One can edit those pages in 2 places: Publisher Portal and Developer Portal.
In the Publisher portal you can add widgets to predefined areas on the page. For example you can add a HTML widget to the home page for authenticated and non-authenticated users. Rasmas Gude has a great article about that here.
In the Developer Portal you can change the information shown on each page by editing the template. There's a edit template icon available on the left for administrator. If you click that and then select the section you want to edit a split screen will appear below. The left have is DotLiquid markup and the right is the data model for that section. With that information you should be able to modify the page in the manner you wish.
If they are decommissioning the publisher portal, it will be enabled in the azure portal. Earlier we have the API, Products and users etc in the publisher portal. that are added in the other portal. The deprecation of the portal, dosnt mean the existing functionality will fail, which have the alternatives.

Pentaho Business Intelligence

Is there anywhere i can get like a tutorial to watch and build out a full dashboard or different charts? I have already watched a few tutorials but still didn't get the hang of it. Or is there anywhere i can download a demo dashboard or report to set up on my side?
What about the official http://www.pentaho.com/service/custom-dashboards.
And if you need something specific about CDE, browse the web site of the author http://www.webdetails.pt/. Or send them a mail, Perdo Alves will answer you with pleasure.

IBM MobileFirst - Login form database

Good morning,
Do you know any example or can you provide me with a link that explains the best possible way to create a login screen for validation on the server side, through the access to a database in mobile first platform studio (in this case is informix, but I guess that any other conector could do, I would just have to change the settings)?
This Forum is not used for general discussion.
However, if you would like to know more about IBM MFP Getting started will help you.
A sample for Login screen and Server side validation will help you, follow this Guide
I will recommend you to invest some time in google to find the resources.

Intellij IDEA plugin for YouTrack

I got interested in YouTrack and thought I should give it a go since apparently it has good integration with IDEA. I've setup the tasks server in IDEA, but what now? How can I view the list of all tasks, start/stop work on them, etc.? (I was previously using JIRA with it's connector plugin in IDEA so I'm trying to do the same with YouTrack)
Make sure to read the related documentation sections. If you have more specific questions, please edit your original question.
YouTrack can only be integrated as a provider of tasks. It is not like Atlassians IDE-Connector which allows you to eork completely in the IDE with issues.
Also note that when you connect YouTrack as a task provider, by default you will only see open tasks assigned to you. So you need to first go to the YouTrack web and assign an issue to you, then it will show up in IDEA.
Unlike using JIRA as task provider it will not provide you with a list of tasks, you have to search by complete task id for it to show up.