Editing BuddyPress email body link in the user activation email link - buddypress

How can I edit the [wordpress#example.com] shown as part of title email of user registration? I want to edit the [wordpess#example.com] to a custom one by removing the "wordpress".
Thanks for your kind effort.

It's a WordPress related thing, not actually a BuddyPress. So below is the code for that:
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'change_mail_from');
function change_mail_from($from_email){
$from_email = 'support#example.com';
return $from_email;
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'change_mail_from_name');
function change_mail_from_name($from_name){
$from_name = 'Support Team';
return $from_name;
Just modify $from_email and $from_name variable according to your needs and insert in either your plugin or functions.php of a theme.


Prestashop 1.7 How to Display data from database to tpl

i'm new on Prestashop, i have a little problem on prestashop 1.7, i just bought a module for my orders, on the page of details when i launch smarty i can see the array $order_reference with some information, but when i go to the page of my history i can't access to this information, i don't know how to add this information to access it with my page history, do i have to create a function on history controller or class with dbclass or do u have any others solutions to add my details information of my order ?
The problem is my information is in a another table who call eo_orderreference and i can't access to it with my orders object. I think i need to write a function but as i see on internet it is wrong to write it on a tpl file, i have to do it on my class but i don't know how.
This is the information i want to add
SELECT 'order_reference' FROM eo_orderreference
Sorry i can't upload image because it contains sensible informations.
Thank for your time.
Smarty templates are meant to display data,
you should perform your query in the PHP file that recall your TPL and then use the Prestashop
method to return data to your TPL as smarty variables that you can show at front office.
See here for more details.
you can create the sql query within a function either within a module or a controller.
For example:
public function getAccessories($id_product)
// Your code
into a hook or initcontent, you can call the function on the query sql and assign it a template:
public function hookDiplayAccessoryExtraProduct($params)
$accessories = $this->getAccessories((int)$params['id_product']);
'accessories_custom' => $accessories,
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/front/accessory.tpl');

Carry get parameter to checkout in Shopify

If a customer lands on any page of the Shopify site (not Plus), with a referral parameter in GET (?ref=something), how can this value be carried over to the checkout and order confirmation pages, where the domain is different?
One idea I had was to set a cookie on our domain, and then modify URL one navigates to upon clicking Checkout to include the values of the cookies, but I am unsure if this is the cleanest way, and where the best place to modify the URL would be.
I see that _ga parameter appears to be included automatically, in checkout URL. How can this be done for custom GET parameters?
One is the tricky way for doing this by modifying the checkout URL before submitting.
For doing this on your cart.liquid file find the form with action="/cart" and add attribute:
And add the javascript code at the bottom of your theme.liquid file :
<script type="text/javascript">
function update_action(form){
var new_action;
var some_value = "something";
var form_action = form.action;
if( (form_action.indexOf("?") >= 0) ) {
if(form_action.indexOf("ref")>=0) {
new_action = form_action.replaceAt(form_action.indexOf("ref"),"ref="+some_value);
new_action = form_action+"&ref="+some_value;
new_action = form_action+"?ref="+some_value;
Hope this will solve your problem.
Note that the ref and landing page are automatically stored by Shopify, meaning without you doing anything, you get those values in the order placed by the customer. You do not have manually manipulate them as per this thread.
Why do you need the value on checkout (you can do nothing with it anyway) and why on the order confirmation where again, it serves no purpose for the customer?

Automatically add a voucher code if the URL conains a KeyWord in Prestashop

The main goal that I want to achieve is to add a voucher code if the user has clicked on a specific external link that point to my shop.
So the (javascript?) script will analyze the url and if it contains any selected keyword will add the voucher.
Anyone knows how to do that?
I found a pretty simple solution.
I made a module.
You can find it here: GITHUB
Was pretty easy:
Generated a basic module HERE
Selected Header Hook for my new module
Modified the header hook function in the modulename.php file in root with this one:
public function hookHeader()
if (Tools::getValue('voucher')){
$cartVoucher = Tools::getValue('voucher');
$idDiscount = Discount::getIdByName($cartVoucher);
Hope will help someone.
Thanks to all.

Adding quick link on admin home page (Prestashop 1.5.4)

Good day! Tell me, how can I add a quick link on the home page of the administrator to configure my module?
Follow the following steps:
1) In admin section to go Administration at top menu and then click on Quick Access.
2) IN next page click on Add new and you will see a form
3) Now open admin panel in another tab and to the module page or section, of which you want to place a link in quick access.
4) Copy that complete link in note pad and remove the token section of the link. It is required to remove the token section according to Prestashop.
5) Now come back to the add new form for quick access, give your link a name and then copy that modified link to the Url field.
6) Save it and you will have that link in quick access.
The above is method is used to add it at admin. Now if you want to add it pro-grammatically you can follow the following steps.
1) In your module in the install function, user a code like below
Db::getInstance()->insert('quick_access', array('new_window' => 0, 'link' => 'link_to_your_module_page'));
//an entry is made in quick_access table, get the quick_access id to insert lang data
$id = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID(); //this will give you last inserted ID from quick_access table which is your current quick_access id.
//now make insertions in quick_access_lang table for multi language data.
//get all your site languages, and place a foreach loop and in that loop insert
//data into the quick_access_lang table using below code
Db::getInstance()->insert('quick_access_lang', array('id_quick_access' => $id, 'id_lang' => 'lang_id', 'name' => 'name of your link'));
//Now for uninstalling module, you want to delete the link, so you need to store the quick access link id in configuration table so you can use it later.
Configuration::updateValue('MY_QUICK_ACCESS_LINK_ID', $id);
2) Now in your uninstall function in your module class, place the below code
$id = Configuration::get('MY_QUICK_ACCESS_LINK_ID'); //get id of your quick access link
Db::getInstance()->delete('quick_access', 'where id_quick_access = '.$id);
Db::getInstance()->delete('quick_access_lang', 'where id_quick_access = '.$id);
//now delete the id from config table
Note : The above code is not tested, it may / may not need some adjustments.
Thank you
There is a hook in Prestashop DisplayAdminHomeQuickLinks it will help you to add quick link on prestashop admin panel. I have use this in my theme. http://goo.gl/0S3mn And it will help you to solve the quick link.
In Prestashop 1.6.1 (maybe earlier too) in Admin view, at the top of the page, Quick Access has the option to "Add current page to QuickAccess". So just navigate to the Configuration page you need and use it.

Handling a return from Google Checkout

I need to capture server side a notification of a users payment. I've gone through a good majority of the documentation with no luck, but will go through it again. Is there a way to enable a "return to site" after they complete the order?
I searched google checkout return url and got http://www.phpexpertsforum.com/return-url-in-google-checkout-after-payment-t561.html
veerlapallavi wrote...
There are 2 methods through which you
can provide the return URL. 1) Go to
your Google checkout account and Open
the settings. In the settings>>Profile
you can find a field with name "Public
business website:" provide your return
URL there.
2) The second method is , You can pass
the value to Google Checkout with the
HTML form as a hidden variable.
<input name="continue_shopping_url"
Set a function as below
function SetContinueShoppingUrl($url)
{ $this->continue_shopping_url =
$url; }
Hope that helps.
It looks like you can configure gcheckout to send you XML notifications, but I don't see how you can associate it with a particular order ID other than matching fields or something...