Get one cell from passed column/row/range VBA Excel - vba

i'm writing a user defined function for excel in VBA.
User may pass a whole column/row into the function instead of one cell. How do you get cell that is in the same row (for column case) and in the same column (for row case), where the function is.
For example, when you are writing in Excel in cell, say, C3 the formula "=A:A*B:B" it calculates A3*B3 in fact. I want to have the same behaiviour in my UDF.
Let's assume function that returns passed argument for simplicity reasons.
This code does not work (returns #VALUE! for columns/rows/ranges):
Public Function MyTestFunction(ByVal arg1) As Variant
MyTestFunction = arg1
End Function
My option is as follows, but I am concerned about performance and the fact that user may want to pass a value to the formula instead of Range.
Public Function MyTestFunction2(ByVal arg1 As Range) As Variant
If arg1.Count = 1 Then
MyTestFunction2 = arg1.Value
' Vertical range
If arg1.Columns.Count = 1 Then
MyTestFunction2 = arg1.Columns(1).Cells(Application.Caller.Row, 1).Value
Exit Function
End If
' Horizontal range
If arg1.Rows.Count = 1 Then
MyTestFunction2 = arg1.Rows(1).Cells(1, Application.Caller.Column).Value
Exit Function
End If
' Return #REF! error to user
MyTestFunction2 = CVErr(xlErrRef)
End If
End Function
How do you solve this problem?
Thanks to valuable comments code has been slightly updated and now can be used in other formulas to filter input values.
Public Function MyTestFunction2(ByVal arg1) As Variant
If Not TypeName(arg1) = "Range" Then
MyTestFunction2 = arg1
Exit Function
End If
If arg1.Count = 1 Then
MyTestFunction2 = arg1.Value
' Vertical range
If arg1.Columns.Count = 1 Then
' check for range match current cell
If arg1.Cells(1, 1).Row > Application.Caller.Row Or _
arg1.Cells(1, 1).Row + arg1.Rows.Count - 1 < Application.Caller.Row Then
' Return #REF! error to user
MyTestFunction2 = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
' return value from cell matching cell with function
MyTestFunction2 = arg1.Worksheet.Columns(1).Cells(Application.Caller.Row, arg1.Column).Value
Exit Function
End If
' Horizontal range
If arg1.Rows.Count = 1 Then
' check for range match current cell
If arg1.Cells(1, 1).Column > Application.Caller.Column Or _
arg1.Cells(1, 1).Column + arg1.Columns.Count - 1 < Application.Caller.Column Then
' Return #REF! error to user
MyTestFunction2 = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
' return value from cell matching cell with function
MyTestFunction2 = arg1.Worksheet.Rows(1).Cells(arg1.Row, Application.Caller.Column).Value
Exit Function
End If
' Return #REF! error to user
MyTestFunction2 = CVErr(xlErrRef)
End If
End Function

In the first code snippet change MyTestFunction = arg1 to Set MyTestFunction = arg1. Also add a small mechanism that recognizes the TypeName() of the arg1 and make sure that the function is receiving a Range type object.
Public Function MyTestFunction(ByVal arg1) As Variant
Set MyTestFunction = arg1
End Function
Then, if you get to your spreadsheet and type in =MyTestFunction(A:A) on any row and you'll receive the equivalent value from the column you're passing to the function that sits on the same row.
And your second idea about getting a similar behaviour as =A:A*B:B you can achieve with
Public Function MyTestFunction2(ParamArray arr() As Variant)
MyTestFunction2 = arr(0)
End Function

I think you need to use Application.ThisCell property to do it. According to MSDN:
Application.ThisCell- Returns the cell in which the user-defined
function is being called from as a Range object.
Let me present how to use it on simple example.
Imagine we have data as presented below in column A:B and we want to achieve results which comes from =A*B for each row separately.
In such situation you need the function below and put it next in C column in this way: =MyTestFunction(A:A,B:B)
Function MyTestFunction(rngA As Range, rngB As Range)
Dim funRow As Long
funRow = Application.ThisCell.Row
MyTestFunction = rngA(funRow) * rngB(funRow)
End Function
Please keep in mind that Application.ThisCell will not work if you call your function from other VBA procedure.


Change Part of text font in Excel cell using vba

Hi I am trying to create a function to calculate milliohms (mOhms)
my function is
Function mOhms(Current, Voltage)
mOhms = Format((Voltage / Current) * 1000, "00.00 m") & Chr(87)
End Function
with results being
40.00 mW
(if cell values are 24 and 1 respectivly)
How do i get the W as (Ω) ohms symbol
if i change the cell font style to Symbol m changes to micro (μ) symbol
i have tried paying with
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=Len(ActiveCell) - 1, Length:=1).Font
.FontStyle = "Symbol"
End With
Which results in "Circular reference error"s
Need some help to resolve this
Try using Unicode in place of the Chr(87)
Function mOhms(Current, Voltage)
mOhms = Format((Voltage / Current) * 1000, "00.00 m") & ChrW(&H2126)
End Function
should you want to stick with Characters object you have to:
use Name property, instead of FontStyle one
set its Start parameter to the last character of the range text, instead of the second to last one
so you may want to code like follows:
Sub main()
With Range("G1") '<--| change this to any valid Range reference
.Value = mOhms(24, 1) '<--| set the referenced range value
FormatOhm .Cells '<--| format the referenced range value last character
End With
End Sub
Function mOhms(Current, Voltage)
mOhms = Format((Voltage / Current) * 1000, "00.00 m") & Chr(87)
End Function
Sub FormatOhm(rng As Range)
With rng
.Characters(Start:=Len(.Value), Length:=1) = "Symbol"
End With
End Sub
a possible enhancement of which could be the handling of "W" character actual position in the string, should it not always be the last character
then you could add the following function:
Function GetCharacter(rng As Range, char As String) As Long
Dim i As Long
With rng
For i = 1 To .Characters.Count
If .Characters(i, 1).Text = char Then
GetCharacter = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
End With
End Function
that returns a Long with the passed character position inside the passed range value or 0 if no match occurred
in this case you'd have to slightly change FormatOhm() function to have it handle the actual character position:
Sub FormatOhm(rng As Range, iChar As Long)
If iChar = 0 Then Exit Sub '<--| exit if no character matching occurred
With rng
.Characters(Start:=iChar, Length:=1) = "Symbol"
End With
End Sub
and your "main" code would then get to:
Sub main()
With Range("G1") '<--| change this to any valid Range reference
.Value = mOhms(24, 1) '<--| set the referenced range value
FormatOhm .Cells, GetCharacter(.Cells, "W") '<--| format the referenced range value character corresponding to "W", if any
End With
End Sub
of course what above could be further both improved and made more robust, for instance handling char parameter length in GetCharacter() and correspondingly in FormatOhm()

Custom Function Entering the Result Array into a Different Cell

I have created my own function to determine count the values in between to given values in increments of 30 as seen here
Function InBetween(First As Integer, Last As Integer)
Dim i As Long, F As String, a() As String
F = First
For i = First + 30 To Last Step 30
F = F & "|" & i
Next i
InBetween = F
End Function
When I use this function, I currently have it returning the result array in the cell the formula was entered into in the format of "1|2|3|4". Is there a way I can get this array to populate into the cell below the one containing the formula?
Note: I don't want the formula in the cell as I need to refer to the cell in a future equation that will use the result and not the equation.
This was surprisingly difficult. At first I tried calling a sub from the function to affect the cell below using application.caller but this always returned a #value error. It seems a UDF can't run anything that affects the worksheet.
Eventually I came up with this:
Create a worksheet change event by pasting this into the worksheet object in vb:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
If Left(Target.Offset(-1, 0).Formula, 10) = "=InBetween" Then Call DoX(Target.Offset(-1, 0), InBetween(10, 60))
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Then paste this into a module
Sub DoX(r As Range, val As String)
Sheets(r.Parent.Name).Cells(r.Row, r.Column) = ""
Sheets(r.Parent.Name).Cells(r.Row + 1, r.Column) = val
End Sub
Then use your function as normal, but remember to hit return after you enter it so the active cell is the cell below where you entered the formula.

Knowing the assigned name of a cell instead of the "A1" name

I have several lists in my sheet (1 column wide, 1-10 rows long). When I right click a cell in these lists, I can do several options, that all work well. I have given a name to the cell at the top of each of these lists (ex. Cell A1 has been given the name cell_1, B10 is names cell_2, etc).
I would like to know if the cell I am right clicking on is the one at the top of the list; is it named "cell_(number)"? If it is not, it checks the cell on top of that one. Does it have a name that starts with "cell_"? If not, check the one on top, etc. Until I can figure out the user clicked on an element of WHICH list.
TL;DR The actual question
I can use ActiveCell.Address, which gives me something like "A1" whether or not I have assigned a name to that cell. ActiveCell.Name gives "Sheet1!A1", so it's not much better. Any idea how to get it to return the name I have assigned instead?
Create a UDF to test the application names, it's less efficient but contains error handling within the function itself:
Sub SO()
'// Example how to call function
Debug.Print GetCellName(Range("A1"))
End Sub
Function GetCellName(myCell As Excel.Range) As Variant
Dim nameCheck As Variant
For Each nameCheck In Application.Names
If Replace(Replace(Replace(nameCheck, "=", ""), "'", ""), "!", "") = _
CStr(myCell.Parent.Name & myCell.Address) Then
GetCellName = CStr(nameCheck.Name)
Exit Function
End If
GetCellName = CVErr(Excel.xlErrName)
End Function
Note you can also use this function in a worksheet cell like so:
Perhaps this would work. This function returns the names assigned to a cell (or bigger range for that matter). If there's more than one name, it returns it as an array for array formula...or the user can supply an index to return only the desired name position
Public Function CellIsInRangeNames(sheetname As String, checkRange As Range, Optional itemNumber As Variant) As Variant
Dim oNM As Name
Dim oSht As Worksheet
Dim isect As Range
Dim namesCollection() As Variant
Set oSht = Worksheets(sheetname)
Dim i As Integer
i = -1
For Each oNM In oSht.Names
Set isect = Application.Intersect(Range(oNM.Name), checkRange)
If Not isect Is Nothing Then
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve namesCollection(0 To i)
namesCollection(i) = CStr(oNM.Name)
End If
Next oNM
If i = -1 Then
'didn't find any
CellIsInRangeNames = xlErrName
ElseIf Not IsMissing(itemNumber) Then
'user wanted this instance only
If (itemNumber - 1 > UBound(namesCollection)) Or (itemNumber - 1 < LBound(namesCollection)) Then
CellIsInRangeNames = xlErrValue
CellIsInRangeNames = namesCollection(itemNumber - 1)
End If
Else 'here's the list as an array
CellIsInRangeNames = namesCollection
End If
End Function

How do I find a value in a row and return the column number with VBA?

My excel sheet is filled with zeroes except for one cell in every row.
I want to find that cell and return the column.
For example: In the cell T616 is a value other than 0. May it be -15400.
I want to find that cell(T616) based on the row(616) and have the column returned(T). May it even be in a MsgBox.
This is my result of many tries and long Google-sessions:
Public Function find_Column(lRange As Range, lValue As String) As Integer
Dim vCell As Range
For Each vCell In lRange.Cells
If vCell.Value = lValue Then
find_Column = vCell.Column
MsgBox (find_Column)
Exit Function
End If
Next vCell
End Function
I found this code somewhere and modified it a little bit, but I can't remember where. So thanks to the creator!
How do I search for a number other than 0?
I'm relatively new to VBA and don't really have an idea what I am doing. Sorry for my bad English (foreigner). I'd appreciate any help. Thank you!
Try this:
Public Function findNonZeroValueInColumn(lRange As Range) As Integer
Dim vCell As Range
For Each vCell In lRange.Cells
If vCell.Value <> 0 Then
find_Column = vCell.Column
Exit Function
End If
Next vCell
End Function
Sub ShowValue()
call MsgBox(findNonZeroValueInColumn(Range("A:A")))
End Sub
Remember that Functions are supposed to return values. Subs (Procedures) do not return values.
The <> symbol is the "Not Equal" Comparison. So if you wanted to check if a cell didn't equal 0, you would write
If vCell.Value <> 0 Then
... ' rest of code here
In your problem:
Public Function find_Column(lRange As Range) As Integer
Dim vCell As Range
For Each vCell In lRange.Cells
If vCell.Value <> 0 Then
find_Column = vCell.Column
MsgBox (find_Column)
Exit Function
End If
Next vCell
End Function
Also since you are only checking against 0, you wouldn't need the extra lValue As String argument.
As the other part of your question has been answered while I was typing, if you want to return the column letter instead of the number...
find_Column = Replace(Replace(vCell.Address, vCell.Row, ""), "$", "")
If this is what you want the function to return, you would have to change the type your function is returning to string

Convert VBA Macro to Function

I have been trying to create a function to retrieve column titles found in row four in an excel sheet. This is what I have so far, can anybody help me please?
Sub Test_Click()
Dim text As String
Dim titles(200) As String
Dim nTitles As Integer
For i = 1 To 199
If Trim(Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(4, i).Value) = "" Then
nTitles = i - 1
Exit For
End If
titles(i - 1) = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(4, i).Value
For i = 0 To nTitles
Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(20 + i, 1).Value = titles(i)
End Sub
You need to make an array function for this. So your function will take in inputs through a range
Function ReturnArray(Input as Range) as Variant
' Do stuff with the Input range
Dim Output(m,n) as Variant
'Loop through m,n to fill in the output values as you would in a range
ReturnArray = Output
End Function
And when you put in the function in excel, type it in the cell after highlighting where you want the output and press Ctrl-Shift-Return
Just as you write a Sub you can write a Function, just substitute the words at the beginning and at the end of your code.
Now, about how to return the values, obviously it will be an array, so you'll need to declare the array, set its size, fill its cells and return it. This can be done like this:
Function yourFunction() as String()
' You already have an array named "titles" which stores the values you want
' to return. Fill it exactly as you do in your original code.
yourFunction = titles ' This is the way to return the array.
End Function
If you want to use this function in a worksheet (as a formula), remember that this is an array-function, so you'll need to press Ctrl+Shitf+Enter after you enter the function in the cell instead of just [Enter].