Re-sizing visual image while maintaining image dimensions - imageresizer

I'm working with documents, so maintaining the the original image dimensions and subsequent dpi is important.
The aspect ratio is always maintained so the automatic fill modes and alike don't seem to have any effect.
Say I have a 300 dpi document and the user want to clear an inch border around the image. So I need an inch cropped from the image but the result needs to be the original image dimensions (2550x3300).
I have been able to achieve this effect with...
This works, but seems more than a little clunky. I've tried a lot of other combinations but they all seem to enlarge or reduce the image size which is undesirable in my case.
So does someone know a simpler syntax to achieve the desired result, or do I need to re-size the image then calculate and fill with a margin as I'm doing now.
It turns out that my example requests the image in it's full size which turns out to be a special case. When I introduce a width or height into the command line things don't work very well since crop size is in respect to the original image dimensions and margin size is in respect to the result image.
Thinking about it more I abandoned the crop approach. What I really needed was a way to introduce a clipping region into the result bitmap. So I built an extension to do just that. It works well as it doesn't interfere with any of Resizer's layout calculations and the size of the returned image is whatever the height or width were specified as. Which is just what I needed. The Faces plugin has an example of introducing a clipping region.

Cropping and re-adding 300px on each edge is best accomplished exactly the way you're doing it:
What kind of improved syntax would you expect? This isn't a common operation.


Measuring sizes of before/after images in Photoshop

Perhaps my mind isn't mathematically competent enough to do this, but here it goes:
I am using Photoshop. I have 2 images taken from different heights. Both images have the same object in it (so the size of this object remains the same) but I am trying to resize both images so that this object is the same pixel size. That way I can properly measure the difference between other objects in the images with the proper ratio.
My end goal is to measure the differences of scars healing (before and after) using a same-size object in both images as a baseline.
To measure the difference in the photo, I have been counting pixels using the histogram feature:
Even though i changed the pixel width and height to roughly the same size, the 2 images have a drastically different number of pixels. So comparing the red or white from the before to the after won't make sense until I can get these to match.
Can anyone point me in the right direction here? How can I compare apples to apples here?
So went a different route here in case anyone was trying wondering what I did.
Rather than change the size of the images, just calculated the increase manually separately.

GIMP & Photoshop Gaussian Blur issue?

I'm trying hard to nicely blur a red circle but everytime i get gradient levels of red and the image looks choppy.
How i can acheive a smooth blur ?
If you are referring to the visible circles that separate the gradation levels, that is called banding Here are some ways to fix that:
Increase your document's bit level from 8-bit to 16-bit
This will increase the amount of colors your file can represent, creating more colors that can be used to represent the gradient, making it smoother in appearance.
In Photoshop navigate to Image>Mode>16-Bits/Channel
In GIMP 2.10 (or higher?), navigate to Image>Precision>16 bit..
Display or system settings might be unable to display enough colors
If changing the bit depth does not fix the issue then you might have a hardware or system settings issue.
If it's a hardware issue, your monitor might not have the capability to display enough colors to render the gradient smooth
If it's system settings you will need to go to your operating systems color depth setting, usually located under the system's display settings. It could say something like Millions of Colors, or True Color (32-bit).
The last thing related to settings is that you have a bad color profile set in your system or in your image editing software. It's beyond the scope of this answer. If you don't know how to color calibrate your monitor, then it most likely isn't this and you can skip this.
If you have to have 8-bits
If you absolutely have to keep your document in 8-bit color space then you will have to use dithering or add some noise to your image to confuse the viewers brain into seeing a smooth gradient.
Noise or dithering will confuse the viewers brain into seeing a smoother gradient by setting some focus on the imperfections of the noise/grain/dithering. This doesn't exactly answer your question, but it is about the only option you have if you keep your ultra smooth gradient in 8-bit mode.
Good Luck!
I think you are applying the Gussain-Blur to the entire image try to Select the red circle and apply the Gussain-Blur filter to it

Conditionally resize images using

I want to intercept the pipeline to conditionally resize an image. The scenario is this.
Any image 600px or larger should be resized down to 600px wide
if an image is 300-> 599px it should be resized to 300px wide
if its less than 150px it should be padded with whitespace to 300px wide.
I know i can achieve each of the above using the library but i don't know in advance of making the call the size of the source image. Is there an entry point where i can intercept the original image size and adjust the resize criteria as above?
I did find this but I'm not certain exactly how to implement it. How to avoid imageresizing if width and height is same as original?
To accomplish this in an efficient manner, you would have to store the source file width/height somewhere fast. Opening the source file each time isn't acceptable.

How to get crisp image for search result suggestion in Windows 8?

I'm using a 40 x 40 sized image as a search result suggestion image in Windows 8 search. Only advice about the image format I can find is to have correct size for it ( "Windows will scale or crop smaller or larger images").
However, the correctly sized image blurs annoyingly. The same thing happens whether I use jpg or png. Original image looks fine, but the result suggestion in the search charm is very ugly, being still of same size! Is Windows converting the image somehow, and how could I get the image to stay crisp?
I haven't noticed blurring with photo-like images, but this image contains clear lines and areas which are vulnerable to any scaling etc.
Update Sep 24:
Here is the test image I used when trying to figure out the problem. I also created different scale versions, but in my case the 100% version was used (that's why the "100" marking) - as I supposed because the resulting image really is 40x40. As you can see, the resulting image (right) is of same size as original (left), but blurry.
it does not happen that often but it seems the right solution in this case was simply to wait ;) I haven't done anything new regarding result suggestion images in my solution and today I realized that the images became crisp. Probably fixed by any of the windows updates.
[Took a stab at answering what seems the related question mentioned in the comments, so I'm posting here as well.]
It sounds like this could be related to automatic scaling of the images. Windows will automatically scale up/down based on pixel density, and you can help things scale well by either using vector-based images or, for bitmap images, supplying scale-specific versions.
For example, to scale an image referenced in markup as "AppLogo.jpg", you'd include these images:
You can also use folders, e.g. "\scale-140\AppLogo.jpg".
For search result images, the 100% image is the 40x40 pixel version, 140 is 56x56, and 180 is 72x72. Just reference the image as "AppLogo.jpg" and the appropriate version will be used automatically. (You can also detect scale with DisplayProperties.ResolutionScale and manually choose an image.)
Here's a couple of articles with more examples/details:
"Guidelines for scaling to pixel density"
"Quickstart: Using file or image resources"
There's also some scaling discussion in the forums (general, not specific to search) here and here.

iOS Quartz/CoreGraphics drawing feathered stroke

I am drawing a path into a CGContext following a set of points collected from the user. There seems to be some random input jitter causing some of the line edges to look jagged. I think a slight feather would solve this problem. If I were using OpenGL ES I would simply apply a feather to the sprite I am stroking the path with; however, this project requires me to stay in Quartz/CoreGraphics and I can't seem to find a similar solution.
I have tried drawing 5 lines with each line slightly larger and more transparent to approximate a feather. This produces a bad result and slows performance noticeably.
This is the line drawing code:
CGContextMoveToPoint(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(),((int)lastPostionDrawing1.x), (((int)lastPostionDrawing1.y)));
CGContextAddCurveToPoint(UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(), ctrl1_x, ctrl1_y, ctrl2_x, ctrl2_y, lastPostionDrawing2.x, lastPostionDrawing2.y;
[currentPath addCurveToPoint:CGPointMake(lastPostionDrawing2.x-((int)furthestLeft.x)+((int)penSize), lastPostionDrawing2.y controlPoint1:CGPointMake(ctrl1_x, ctrl1_y) controlPoint2:CGPointMake(ctrl2_x, ctrl2_y)];
I'm going to go ahead and assume that your CGContext still has anti-aliasing turned on, but if not, then that's the obvious first think to try, as #Davyd's comment suggests: CGContextSetShouldAntialias is the function of interest.
Assuming that's not the problem, and the line is being anti-aliased by the context, but you're still wanting something 'softer.' I can think of a couple of ways to do this that should hopefully be faster than stroking 5 times.
First, you can try getting the stroked path (i.e. a path that describes the outline of the stroke of the current path) using CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath you can then fill this path with a gradient (or whatever other fill technique gives the desired results.) This will work well for straight lines, but won't be straightforward for curved paths (since the gradient is filling the area of the stroked path, and will be either linear or radial.)
Another perhaps less obvious option, might be to abuse CG's shadow drawing for this purpose. The function you want to look up is: CGContextSetShadowWithColor Here's the method:
Save the GState: CGContextSaveGState
Get the bounding box of the original path
Copy the path, translating it away from itself by 2.0 * bbox.width using CGPathCreateCopyByTransformingPath (note: use the X direction only, that way you don't need to worry about flips in the context)
Clip the context to the original bbox using CGContextClipToRect
Set a shadow on the context with CGContextSetShadowWithColor:
Some minimal blur (Start with 0.5 and go from there. The blur parameter is non-linear, and IME it's sort of a guess and check operation)
An offset equal to -2.0 * bbox width, and 0.0 height, scaled to base space. (Note: these offsets are in base space. This will be maddening to figure out, but assuming you're not adding your own scale transforms, the scale factor will either be 1.0 or 2.0, so practically speaking, you'll be setting an offset.width of either -2.0*bbox.width or -4.0*bbox.width)
A color of your choosing.
Stroke the translated-away path.
Pop the GState CGContextRestoreGState
This should leave you with "just" the shadow, which you can hopefully tweak to achieve the results you want.
All that said, CG's shadow drawing performance is, IME, less than completely awesome, and less than completely deterministic. I would expect it to be faster than stroking the path 5 times with 5 different strokes, but not overwhelmingly so.
It'll come down to how much achieving this effect is worth to you.