How to filter by dateHour on Google Analytics API? - api

I'm trying to retrieve results from the Google Analytics API that are between two specific dateHours. I tried to use the following filter:
'filters' => 'ga:dateHour>2013120101;ga:dateHour<2013120501'
But this doesn't work. What do I need to do? (I've used other filters before, and they work just fine).

First off, you're trying to use greater than and less than on a dimension which doesn't work. Dimension filters only allow ==, !=, =#, !#,=~, and !=.
So, if you want to get ga:dateHour, you'll have to use a regex filter:
I wouldn't hesitate a second to learn RegEx, especially if you're a programmer. Here is a great SO post on learning regular expressions.
So, to break it down:
=~ looking to match the following regex
!= not looking to match the following regex
(check out GA's filter operators)
^ at the start of a string
2013120 since the entire dateHour range contained this string of numbers, look for that
([1-4][0-2][0-9]|500) match every number after 2013120, so the first [1-4] will match 20131201, 20131202, 20131203, and 20131204, then within those strings we want the next number to be [0-2] and likewise with [0-9]. So look at each [ ] as a placeholder for a range of digits.
| means or
500 says, we only want 500 and nothing more, so it's very specific.
The whole statement is wrapped in () so we can say he, match [1-4][0-2][0-9] OR 500, after 2013120.
Then, we end it with $ to signify the end of the string.
This probably isn't the most concise way to describe how this filter is working, but what I would do is use a website like regexpal or some other regex testing tool, and get the range you'd like to filter and start writing regex.
Best of luck!


:ex and :ov adverbs with Perl 6 named captures

I don't fully understand, why the results are different here. Does :ov apply only to <left>, so having found the longest match it wouldn't do anything else?
my regex left {
a | ab
my regex right {
bc | c
"abc" ~~ m:ex/<left><right>
{put $<left>, '|', $<right>}/; # 'ab|c' and 'a|bc'
say '---';
"abc" ~~ m:ov/<left><right>
{put $<left>, '|', $<right>}/; # only 'ab|c'
Types of adverbs
It's important to understand that there are two different types of regex adverbs:
Those that fine-tune how your regex code is compiled (e.g. :sigspace/:s, :ignorecase/:i, ...). These can also be written inside the regex, and only apply to the rest of their lexical scope within the regex.
Those that control how regex matches are found and returned (e.g. :exhaustive/:ex, :overlap/:ov, :global/:g). These apply to a given regex matching operation as a whole, and have to be written outside the regex, as an adverb of the m// operator or .match method.
Match adverbs
Here is what the relevant adverbs of the second type do:
m:ex/.../ finds every possible match at every possible starting position.
m:ov/.../ finds the first possible match at every possible starting position.
m:g/.../ finds the first possible match at every possible starting position that comes after the end of the previous match (i.e., non-overlapping).
m/.../ finds the first possible match at the first possible starting position.
(In each case, the regex engine moves on as soon as it has found what it was meant to find at any given position, that's why you don't see additional output even by putting print statements inside the regexes.)
Your example
In your case, there are only two possible matches: ab|c and a|bc.
Both start at the same position in the input string, namely at position 0.
So only m:ex/.../ will find both of them – all the other variants will only find one of them and then move on.
:ex will find all possible combinations of overlapping matches.
:ov acts like :ex except that it limits the search algorithm by constraining it to find only a single match for a given starting position, causing it to produce a single match for a given length. :ex is allowed to start from the very beginning of the string to find a new unique match, and so it may find several matches of length 3; :ov will only ever find exactly one match of length 3.
To find all possible matches of a regex – including overlapping ones – and several ones that start at the same position, use the :exhaustive (short :ex) adverb
To get several matches, including overlapping matches, but only one (the longest) from each starting position, specify the :overlap (short :ov) adverb:

How to search within a URL field in Solr? (like *wildcard*)

In Solr I have a field dedicated to URLs. The URL field can be anywhere up to 2000 in length. However, I only ever need to search the first 200 characters.
Example URL:
I've experimented over the last 2 weeks with Grams and various combinations of Tokenizers to no avail. I always seem to fall short. I would provide examples but they are all standard so no point cluttering this with non-working types.
The main problem seems to be with how Solr deals with punctuation. It treats non-A-z/0-9 characters as separators. How do I disable this for a field?
For example I can search: 'google' and get the correct result, but when I search '' nothing comes back. Same problem with most of the non-A-z/0-9 characters, it seems to treat them as a separator.
Everything needs to be *wildcard*searchable from 4char strings up to 200 char strings.
So the following search terms would return the above result. '&aqs','ow&aqs=','ps://','q=help+','2014/he'... etc
How would you define a field type for the URL wildcard use case?
You can use a string field for your url and use a filter that cuts it off to 200 characters.It can be a regex expressions also to keep only 200 characters for that field.
String field will match the exact tokens

regex skip prefix if it's there, like country code of phone number

I need a regex to get phone numbers without country codes, if they're there. It seems like lookarounds should work for this, but I can't quite get to the final solution. Here are the subjects:
In-country: 0008003428573
Outside: +91 4058 825058
With dots: +91.88.4732.1354
The desired matches are:
4058 825058
I know I can use (?!91) to avoid matching 91 such as
(?!91)[1-9][-. 0-9]{8,11}[0-9](?![0-9])
...but then it matches the 1 like 1 4058 825058.
I also found a complete solution using an if-then condition while testing in Perl:
(?!91)(?(?=1)(?<!9)|)[1-9][-. 0-9]{8,11}[0-9](?![0-9])
but then found out it doesn't work with NSRegularExpression in Objective C.
The solution cannot use groups, since I have multiple regexes for different situations that are processed by the same code. The code can't use group 1 in some cases and group 2 in others..unless there's no way to solve this with regular expressions. The `91 must not be in the overall match.
Is there a way to do this with a regex in Obj-C?
A solution using groups, please note, that the group with the result is always in group 1, since the other groups are non-capturing! A group that starts with ?: is a non-capturing group.
(?:\b0+|\B\+91[. ]?)([1-9]\d+(?:[. ]\d+)*)\b
See it here on Regexr. When you hover the mouse over the match you can see the content of the only group.

How SQL/sqlite wildcars work? LIKE operator

How wildcards in sqlite work. Or how LIKE operator matches.
For examle lets say:
1: LIKE('s%s%', 's12s12')
2: LIKE('asdaska', '%sk%')
In 1st example what % matches after 1st s, and how it decides to continue matching % or s after %.
In 2nd example if s matches first then FALSE returned.
Both examples return TRUE. From my Programming knowledge I came up with that LIKE function is some like a recursive function that when 2 possibilities appear function calls itself with 2 different params and uses OR between them, then obviously if one call returns true, upper function directly returns true. If it is so, then LIKE operator is quiet slow to use on large DBs.
P.S. There is one more '_' wildcard which matches exactly one character
I couldnt find any detailed documentation of LIKE operator.
% matches zero or more characters, _ matches exactly one.
Your first pattern 's%s%' would match, 'ss', 's1s', 's1111s', 'ss1111', etc. etc.
However if you wrote 's_s_' it would match 's1s1', but none of the above.

Change Url using Regex

I have url, for example:
I want to change this url to
(Add D after image name and before point)
i.e I want add some words after image name and before point using regex.
What is the best way do it using regex?
Try using ^(.*)\.([a-zA-Z]{3,5}) and replacing with \1D\2. I'm assuming the extension is 3-5 alphanumeric numbers but you can modify it to suit. E.g. if it's just jpg images then you can put that instead of the [a-zA-Z]{3,5}.
Sounds like a homework question given the solution must use a regex, on that assumption here is an outline to get you going.
If all you have is a URL then's solution will suit. However if you have a chunk of text within which is one or more URLs and you have to locate and change just those then you'll need something a little more involved.
Look at the structure of a URL: {protocol}{address}{item}; where
{protocol} is "http://", "ftp://" etc.;
{address} is a name, e.g. "", or a number, e.g. "" - there will always be at least one dot in the address; and
{item} is "/name" where name is quite flexible - there will be zero or more items, you can think of them as directories and a file but this isn't strictly true. Also the sequence of items can end in a "/" (including when there are zero of them).
To make a regex which matches a URL start by matching each part. In the case of the items you'll want to match the last in the sequence separately - you'll have zero or more "directories" and one "file", the latter must be of the form "name.extension".
Once you have regexes for each part you just concatenate them to produce a regex for the whole. To form the replacement pattern you can surround parts of your regex with parentheses and refer to those parts using \number in the replacement string - see's solution for an example.
The best way to learn regexs is to use an editor which supports them and just experiment. The exact syntax may not be the same as NSRegularExpression but they are mostly pretty similar for the basic stuff and you can translate from one to another easily.