If statement to json value - objective-c

I´m trying to do an If statement from my viewcontroller to my weathercondition.m in which the web service is gathering weather information. It picks up the json from openweathermap API and shows the correct temperature in my app. However I would like to do an If statement to the temperature - like if it´s below 10 Celcius - a label can write out: "It is cold".
When I do this: newsCondition is from weathercondition.m
if (newsCondition.temperature.floatValue == 0) {
[label1 setText:#"It´s really cold today!"];
The label shows in the app but says "It´s really cold today" even though the temperature isn´t zero. Does anyone know how to write the If statement to compare it to the number parsed from the json?

"floatValue" isn't a property.
Why not change your code to something like:
if ([newsCondition.temperature floatValue] <= 0.0f)
[label1 setText:#"it's really cold today!"];
[label1 setText:#""];
You'll also see I set the label to be blank if the temperature is greater than 0. That's because table view cells (which is what I suspect you are using here) get recycled when old ones scroll out of view.


Do - While now i am Logically Stuck

I am proper confused.com now and my lack of programming knowledge is clearly showing... so time to call in the pro's! (as a side note i do feel that i have learned a great deal already from you all)
The Problem
I have a little app that takes the width of a virtual wall then asks for the tile size, it then works out how many tiles you can fit with no gap between the width, if the tiles do not fit equally the user is presented with two buttons "grow wall" or "shrink wall", in this example the code below if for growing the wall. It should then run through the while trying to find out in increments of 0.1 how wide the wall needs to be to allow the tiles to fit exactly. It needs to be able to handle double values such as the wall being 12.5 feet wide with a tile width and length 13.6 that is why i am using doubles not ints
I have the following code (but think i am simplifying this way too much)
either way it is not working i have spent half a day reading playing etc but can't figure it out, am i going down the wrong road or am i on the correct track
As always any advice would be warmly received
Mr H
double wWdth;
double tWdth;
double wdivision = 3;
NSString *growstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#,%#", self.wallWidth.text, self.tileWidth.text];
NSArray *wall = [growstring componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
wWdth = [[wall objectAtIndex:0]doubleValue];
blkWdth = [[wall objectAtIndex:1]doubleValue];
NSLog(#" INSIDE WHILE %.f",wdivision);
wWdth = wWdth;
wWdth += 0.1;
wdivision = fmod(qWdth,blkWdth);
} while (wdivision ==! 0);
NSString* newWdth = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%.f", wWdth];
Your while loop condition has several problems. It is based on the value of wdivision and the value of wdivision is from fmod(qWdth,blkWdth). But neither qWdth nor blkWdth ever change. So your loop will either execute once or forever.
Your loop condition needs to be based on a value that will eventually become false so the loop terminates at some point.
Also, you are using ==! for (what I assume) to be the "not equal" operator. The "not equal" operator is !=. What you have is really:
while (wdivision == !0);
and !0 equates to 1 so you really have:
while (wdivision == 1);
So your loop will end after one iteration unless is just so happens that wdivision is equal to 1. And if it is, your loop will never end.
Since wdivision is a double based on the fmod function, it may never actually equal 0 exactly. You should probably use this instead:
while (division > DBL_EPSILON);
But again, you need to change how wdivision is calculated so it is different each iteration.
If you want to stick with the code you have, recognize that "getting within half of the increment" is as close as you can get. So the lines
wWdth += 0.1;
wdivision = fmod(qWdth,blkWdth);
} while (wdivision ==! 0);
Should be replaced with
wWdth += increment;
wdivision = fmod(qWdth,blkWdth);
} while (abs(wdivision) > 0.5*increment);
Maybe I'm not understanding the question completely correctly, so I apologize if I don't. You say you ask for a tile size right? And then you grow/shrink the wall if the tiles can't fit perfectly into that wall size? If so, can't you just take the current wall size and set it to the next multiple (up or down) of the tile size based on when you click grow/shrink wall? Setting it to a multiple of the tile size will allow for the tiles to fit exactly in it.

Limiting NSTableView to two selections

I am wondering if anyone has a method to limiting the number of selections allowed in an NSTableView to 2 concurrent selections. I am trying to calculate the delta between two selected values and would like for it to only select two at a time.
I was thinking of trying to keep track of what has been selected so that I can programmatically unselect anything if the selection expands above two, but this seems kludgy and possibly not as easy as it sounds.
Implement the delegate method tableView:shouldSelectRow: and return NO if you don't think the user should be allowed to select the row. For any reason you decide - for instance because the number of selected rows is already 2.
To get the number of currently selected rows at any given time, just call selectedRowIndexes on the table view (not the delegate, nor data source). This will give you an NSIndexSet, which has a count method with the information you are looking for.
The index set also holds the information about the other row indexes already selected, in case you want to deselect them.
Not knowing anything about the app, the user experience sounds a bit... strange. It is easy enough to implement, though, so no harm done in trying it out.
In your Table View's delegate you can implement -[<NSTableViewDelegate> tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)]
Maybe something like this:
- (void)tableViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
switch ([notification.object numberOfSelectedRows]) {
case 0: break; // Nothing is selected
case 1: break; // Only one row selected
case 2: break; // Two rows
... unselect rows ...
Of course you can also use an if statement. Maybe you also want to store in which order the rows are clicked—this could be done in the cases one and two.
Thank you both for coming up with something to help jog my brain into the right direction. I started exploring the NSTableViewDelegate a little bit more hoping to find something to help with this and re-read this method: tableView:shouldSelectRow and it allows me to permit or reject the row selection. So now I can simply reject selecting a third row provided I have 2 already selected:
- (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView shouldSelectRow:(NSInteger)rowIndex
BOOL returnValue = YES;
if (_timeStampList.selectedRowIndexes.count >= 2)
returnValue = NO;
return returnValue;
I'll have to work on it some more to get exactly the behavior I want because with this small snippet it just rejects the user from selecting anything more; kind of abrupt about it too. So I'll probably add some more code to allow the user to select a new row while auto-un-selecting something else.
Thanks again!

Objective-c dynamically loading more UITableViewCells

I am writing a iPhone app that calls a web service. Let say the web service returns 1000 elements in the json object. I don't want to load all 1000 of them since parsing can take some time. What I would like to do is load the first 15 elements of the NSDictionary that I created from the json object and then when the user scrolls to the bottom of the tableview have a 16th row that says "load more....". Since I already have all of the data stored in the NSDictionary object is there a way to break this up so that it returns the 15, then the user clicks "load more...." and it loads the next 15 and continues until there are no more elements in the NSDictionary? I can present examples of my code but I am wondering if anyone has an example of how to accomplish this. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
i think a UITableView does this for you. Only the visible cells are ever constructed. Their memory is then swapped with the next rows as you scroll down. I don't see a point in re-inventing the wheel.
Also as a note, only the visible cells are "parsed" as you put it. It will not construct a cell for every item in your datasource on load.
Assuming I hear you correctly I would say you just need a little tricky logic to get this working
I would simply maintain an index offset which I would multiply by the amount of rows you want to show at any time(15 in your case)
Your logic is to always return the amount of rows that you want to allow + 1 for the final. ex: return _indexOffset * 15 + 1; //for your numberOfRowsForSection
In your didSelectIndexPathOf you check if you're the last row:
if(indexPath.row == _indexOffset * 15)
_indexOffset ++;
[tableView reloadData];
This isn't an exact answer but I think it can get you started

Generate a random Y for a sprite

I need some help (duh). I want to generate a random Y position for my game in cocos2d.
So the situation goes like this:
The game spawns a platform every 0.2 second. The iPhone / iPad is in landscape mode. Platform appear on the right of the screen (bigger x than width so that the platform appears outside the screen) and starts moving towards the left end of the screen using CCMoveTo.
I pick a random Y for every platform. The problem is that I do not want to spawn a platform on top of another. This means that I need to make a randY which is not "already taken".
The code I've tried so far is this:
//this is a part of code from my addPlatform function. This part in particular cares for the generation of my Y coordinate.
int randY = arc4random() % (int)(3 * (winSize.height/4)); //This prevents to spawn a Y larger than 3/4 of the screen
//here I would like to loop long enough to find a good Y
while (![self isGoodPlatformY:randY])
randY = arc4random() % (int)(3 * (winSize.height/4));
The next part is my isGoodPlatformY function
- (bool)isGoodPlatformY:(int)platY
CGSize winSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
int padding = 100;
bool ok = true;
for (CCSprite *body in [self children])
if (body.tag > platformBody)
if (body.position.x < (winSize.width - padding))
if (abs(body.position.y - platY) < 20)
ok = false;
return ok;
I loop through all the bodies with larger tag than my platform. I have different types of platform which I separate by using tag. If the body is a platform I first check the X coordinate. If the platform is enough away (padding) I can spawn a new one at that exact point so I check the next one. If not I want to check the Y of that platform. If the Y coordinate is less than 20 pixels in this case I must find a new Y so thats why set the bool to false and return it after the for loop.
I know there is no need for those curly brackets but I was testing some other stuff, thats why I put them there.
This doesn't seem to work. Hope I made myself clear what I want to accomplish. Any help from your side would be much appreciated. Hope I didn't miss something too newbie style :)
I tagged the question in other languages to because this problem could occur "everywhere".
Assuming that all the spawned platforms have the same tag as you mentioned that you are using tags to separate different types of platforms.
All previous platforms will not return true for this line
if (body.tag > platformBody)
because they all have the same tag, you will compare (1 > 1) which is false.
Therefore your method will always return YES (which is your default value for ok) and will never check to see if the platforms collide with each other.
I recommend stepping through the method to see if this is the case.
Now I have discovered that I can answer my own questions :) (silly me). So yeah, the problem was fixed a long time ago but to anyone who might be reading this, the solution was to change the line:
if (body.position.x < (winSize.width - padding))
if (body.position.x > (winSize.width - padding))

Quartz Composer Objective C compare previous with current input

I'm trying to build something that will only fire a command once per keyboard input (as opposed to every frame like QC does natively). In order to do so, I'm trying to listen in on the keyboard inputs (via Freeboard) and compare the current input versus a previous version.
What seems to be happening is the previous version is getting wiped every time the patch executes, so my conditional to compare strings is failing every time. Here's some code to make it a bit clearer:
- (BOOL)execute:(id <QCPlugInContext>)context atTime:(NSTimeInterval)time withArguments:(NSDictionary *)arguments
if ([self.inputCharacter caseInsensitiveCompare:previousCharacter]){
else {
previousCharacter = [NSString stringWithString:self.inputCharacter];
[previousCharacter retain];
return YES;
where self.outputText is the text that tells me the result of the if, self.outputPrevious is telling me what the previous character input was, and self.inputCharacter is the current keyboard input.
previousCharacter is defined in the header and instantiated in -init, so it shouldn't be being reset every time.
I've tried pretty much everything with this, so if you have any ideas or insights, that would be awesome. Thanks!
Figured it out eventually. Full solution can be found here