how to show field name if it set to true - sql

I have a table with the 'ContentSubCategory' name.its fields are like below:
Id int
FaName nvarchar(50)
IsSpecial bit
IsPerishable bit
IsDanger bit
now I Want a query that shows list of content names and the attributes that are set to True.
for example:
Row ContentInfo
1 animal - IsSpecial
2 Human Body - IsSpecial,IsPerishable
3 Danger Goods - IsSpecial,IsDanger
how can I do that?

select cast(FaName as varchar)+' - '+cast(
case when IsSpecial = 1 then 'IsSpecial,' else '' as varchar)+cast(
case when IsPerishable = 1 then 'IsPerishable,' else '' as varchar)+cast(
case when IsDanger = 1 then 'IsDanger' else '' as varchar)
from your_table
Try this and adjust to your own like.

You can also use STUFF():
CASE WHEN IsSpecial = 1 THEN ', IsSpecial' ELSE '' END
+ CASE WHEN IsPerishable =1 THEN ', IsPerishable' ELSE '' END
+ CASE WHEN IsDanger = 1 THEN ', IsDanger' ELSE '' END
, 1, 2, '')
, 'Unknown')
As Class
FROM TableName


Concatenation by using CASE statement

I want to CONCAT between this on my SELECT statement in SQL Server.
All the columns are booleans.
The output will be like this if all of columns that are true
I tried to use this and it doesn't work
DECLARE #concat VARCHAR(40) ='';
Smoke, Invoice,
Party, Summary,
MySelf, Export,
WHEN MyTable.Smoke = 1 OR MyTable.Invoice = 1
THEN #concat + 'GG'
WHEN MyTable.Party = 1
THEN #concat + 'P'
WHEN MyTable.Summary = 1
THEN #concat + 'N'
WHEN MyTable.MySelf = 1
THEN #concat + 'E'
WHEN MyTable.Export = 1
THEN #concat + 'S'
I think that you want a concatenation of CASE expressions:
CASE WHEN Smoke = 1 OR Invoice = 1 THEN 'GG' ELSE '' END +
CASE WHEN Party = 1 THEN 'P' ELSE '' END +
CASE WHEN Summary = 1 THEN 'N' ELSE '' END +

SQL query with multiple/embedded CASE

I am stuck in a query; if you have time can you let me know how to fix it?
I have a (hypothetical) table with TypeID, SubTypeID, Option1, Option2 and Option3 columns; last three columns are Boolean.
So, I might have something like this:
TypeID SubTypeID Option1 Option2 Option3
1 5 false false false
2 0 true false false
2 0 false true true
2 0 true true true
What I am trying to get, in case TypeID=2 is the following, using example above:
'Option 1'
'Option 2, Option 3'
'Option1, Option 2, Option 3'
I tried this but getting syntax error and I am not even sure it is correct:
case when fd.TypeID=1 then ft.SubType else (case when fd.Option1=1 then 'Option 1,' else (case when fd.Option2=1 then 'Option 2,' else (case when fd.Option3=1 then 'Option 3' else '' ))) as SubType,
You could use IIF/CASE:
IIF(Option1='true', 'Option 1,', '') +
IIF(Option2='true', 'Option 2,', '') +
IIF(Option3='true', 'Option 3,', '') AS Output
FROM table_name
WHERE TypeId = 2;
If you don't like final comma you could remove it with:
WITH cte AS (
IIF(Option1='true', 'Option 1,', '') +
IIF(Option2='true', 'Option 2,', '') +
IIF(Option3='true', 'Option 3,', '') AS Output
FROM table_name
WHERE TypeId = 2
SELECT LEFT(Output, len(Output)-1)
FROM cte
WHERE Output <> '';
How would I enclose this inside a CASE? Something like: CASE WHEN TypeId=1 THEN something ELSE (your statements)? When I try it I get a bunch of syntax errors.
CASE WHEN Option1='true' THEN 'Option 1,' ELSE '' END +
CASE WHEN Option2='true' THEN 'Option 2,' ELSE '' END +
CASE WHEN Option3='true' THEN 'Option 3,' ELSE '' END AS Output
FROM table_name
WHERE TypeId = 2;
If you want the options with no comma in the middle, then I think the easiest way is:
select stuff( ((case when option1 = 'true' then ', Option1' else '' end) +
(case when option2 = 'true' then ', Option2' else '' end) +
(case when option3 = 'true' then ', Option3' else '' end)
), 1, 2, ''
) as option_list
from t;
If you only want this for one of the types:
select (case when type = 1
then select stuff( ((case when option1 = 'true' then ', Option1' else '' end) +
(case when option2 = 'true' then ', Option2' else '' end) +
(case when option3 = 'true' then ', Option3' else '' end)
), 1, 2, ''
end) as option_list
from t;

Display Column value according to need in sql

if i have a column in which ten digit values occurs like Column A = 11111000 so how to show this value in sql like (List,Add,Edit,Delete,Export) in sql.
there is a condition means if first position have 1 then it show List, If second Position have 1 it show Add, third position have 1 then Edit, fourth position have 1 then Delete, fifth position have 1 then Export.
If the value is a string, you can do:
select stuff( ((case when substring(a, 1, 1) = 1 then ',List' else '' end) +
(case when substring(a, 2, 1) = 1 then ',Add' else '' end) +
. . .
), 1, 1, '')
The logic is similar for bitwise operators:
select stuff( ((case when a & 2^9 then ',List' else '' end) +
(case when 2 & 2^8 then ',Add' else '' end) +
. . .
), 1, 1, '')
Maybe Substring function can help you to identify these values
id, ColumnA,
case when substring(ColumnA,1,1) = '1' then 'X' end as List,
case when substring(ColumnA,2,1) = '1' then 'X' end as [Add],
case when substring(ColumnA,3,1) = '1' then 'X' end as Edit,
case when substring(ColumnA,4,1) = '1' then 'X' end as [Delete],
case when substring(ColumnA,5,1) = '1' then 'X' end as [Export]
from Table1
I update the query according to comment
id, ColumnA,
case when substring(ColumnA,1,1) = '1' then ',List' else '' end +
case when substring(ColumnA,2,1) = '1' then ',Add' else '' end +
case when substring(ColumnA,3,1) = '1' then ',Edit' else '' end +
case when substring(ColumnA,4,1) = '1' then ',Delete' else '' end +
case when substring(ColumnA,5,1) = '1' then ',Export' else '' end
from Table1

Combining SQL string alias into comma delimited string

I am working on this stored proc which check to see which BIT fields are true and depending on it assigns a text to it using alias name. I want to be able to combine these alias values (string) and have it comma delimited to I can display it on my SSRS report.
Below is part of my stored proc.
WHEN sr.[ReservationAlreadySentAttached] = 1 THEN 'Reservation Already Sent'
END AS ReservationAttached
WHEN sr.[HPOfficeAttached] = 1 THEN 'H&P Office'
END AS HPOfficeAttached
WHEN sr.[NotesAttached] = 1 THEN 'Notes'
END AS NotesAttached
WHEN sr.[OpPermitAttached] = 1 THEN 'Op Permit'
END AS OpPermitAttached
WHEN sr.[TestResultsAttached] = 1 THEN 'Test Results'
END AS TestResultsAttached
WHEN sr.[ConsultationReportsAttached] = 1 THEN 'Consultation Reports'
END AS ConsultationReportsAttached
WHEN sr.[OtherAttached] = 1 THEN 'Other'
END AS OtherAttached
so lets say in case where only NotesAttached and ReservationAlreadySentAttached were only true ones then I want the end result to come out as Notes, Reservation Already Sent.
How do i concatenate these aliases ?
Another option is to build your string and then just remove the leading comma with STUFF()
Example (abbreviated)
Declare #YourTable table (ReservationAlreadySentAttached bit,HPOfficeAttached bit,NotesAttached bit)
Insert Into #YourTable values
Select NewValue = stuff(
case when ReservationAlreadySentAttached = 1 then ', Reservation Already Sent' else '' end
+case when HPOfficeAttached = 1 then ', H&P Office' else '' end
+case when NotesAttached = 1 then ', Notes' else '' end
From #YourTable
Reservation Already Sent, Notes
EDIT - Just the Expression
NewValue = stuff(
case when sr.[ReservationAlreadySentAttached] = 1 then ', Reservation Already Sent' else '' end
+case when sr.[HPOfficeAttached] = 1 then ', H&P Office' else '' end
+case when sr.[NotesAttached] = 1 then ', Notes' else '' end
Not the prettiest solution...
WHEN sr.[ReservationAlreadySentAttached] = 1
THEN ',Reservation Already Sent'
WHEN sr.[HPOfficeAttached] = 1
THEN ',H&P Office'
WHEN sr.[NotesAttached] = 1
THEN ',Notes'
WHEN sr.[OpPermitAttached] = 1
THEN ',Op Permit'
WHEN sr.[TestResultsAttached] = 1
THEN ',Test Results'
WHEN sr.[ConsultationReportsAttached] = 1
THEN ',Consultation Reports'
WHEN sr.[OtherAttached] = 1
THEN ',Other'
WHEN sr.[ReservationAlreadySentAttached] = 1
THEN ',Reservation Already Sent'
WHEN sr.[HPOfficeAttached] = 1
THEN ',H&P Office'
WHEN sr.[NotesAttached] = 1
THEN ',Notes'
WHEN sr.[OpPermitAttached] = 1
THEN ',Op Permit'
WHEN sr.[TestResultsAttached] = 1
THEN ',Test Results'
WHEN sr.[ConsultationReportsAttached] = 1
THEN ',Consultation Reports'
WHEN sr.[OtherAttached] = 1
THEN ',Other'
END) - 1 )
Edit: You may have to take into consideration when NONE of them are 1 so you don't get Invalid length parameter passed to the right function.
WHEN sr.[ReservationAlreadySentAttached] = 1 THEN ', Reservation Already Sent' ELSE ''
WHEN sr.[HPOfficeAttached] = 1 THEN ', H&P Office' ELSE ''
+ CASE etc...
And wrap this in some function to remove the first comma + space.

How to count non-null/non-blank values in SQL

I have data like the following:
And what I want is to count the PONo, PartNo, and TrinityID fields with a value in them, and output data like this:
How can I do this counting in SQL?
Job_number, Item_code,
case when RTRIM(PONo) = '' or PONo is null then 0 else 1 end +
case when RTRIM(PartNo) = '' or PartNo is null then 0 else 1 end +
case when RTRIM(TrinityID) = '' or TrinityID is null then 0 else 1 end
as [Count]
from YourTable
Try this:
select Job_Number = t.Job_Number ,
Item_Code = t.Item_Code ,
"Count" = sum( case ltrim(rtrim(coalesce( PONo , '' ))) when '' then 0 else 1 end
+ case ltrim(rtrim(coalesce( PartNo , '' ))) when '' then 0 else 1 end
+ case ltrim(rtrim(coalesce( TrinityID , '' ))) when '' then 0 else 1 end
from dbo.my_table t
group by t.Job_Number , t.Item_Code
If you want to exclude data where all the tested fields are null or empty, add a having clause:
having sum( case ltrim(rtrim(coalesce( PONo , '' ))) when '' then 0 else 1 end
+ case ltrim(rtrim(coalesce( PartNo , '' ))) when '' then 0 else 1 end
+ case ltrim(rtrim(coalesce( TrinityID , '' ))) when '' then 0 else 1 end
) > 0