Non-linear property interpolation for interactive transitions - ios7

In the implementation of an interactive transition, I'd like to mimic the animated transition that uses the non-linear easing functions. After searching around CA, it looks like interpolation machinery is all hidden behind private APIs.
Is there a way to leverage Core Animation to do the grunt work for me?
Do I need to roll my own value interpolation?
Is there some existing open source lib that does this?

It turns out that instead of manually modifying all the properties myself, I can schedule the animation normally, then set the layer speed to 0 and control the progress using the layer's timeOffset property. Given the animation duration is 1 second, the percentComplete maps directly to the timeOffset.
I've learned this from the iOS Core Animation: Advanced Techniques by Nick Lockwood.


What does wxScrolled.SetScale() do?

I am reading the documentation for wxScrolled, and came across wxScrolled.SetScale(). There is no documentation for it, and calling it seems to have no effect. What does it do?
If it matters, I am using wxPython 4.1.0.
In context:
I am writing my own widget subclassing wxScrolled. It displays a graph, and I want my user to be able to zoom in and out of the graph. Can I use safely use wxScrolled.SetScale() and GetScaleX()/GetScaleY() to store zoom ratio information?
The scale values will be forwarded to wxDC::SetUserScale(), when DoPrepareDC() was called (i.e. you should see their effect if you do your own drawing by overriding wxScrolled< T >::OnDraw()).
Probable causes for not having any effect:
you don't do any drawing;
custom drawing is done by directly handling wxEVT_PAINT and not calling DoPrepareDC() explicitly.

MLT - How to add easing to transition or filter?

Is it possible to make some smooth movement with a picture (or anything else)? An acceleration, deceleration...
I know we can use keyframe geometry to move an element but the movement is not smooth. The goal is to add some easing (ease-in / ease-out / ease-inout...) in a pictures slideshow.
This "bouncy ball" example is not really smooth:
My use is with the command line on a linux server, I do not use any Kdenlive or shotcut.
The bouncy ball example is not intended to show smoothness or easing. The examples are basic intended to get people to walk before running.
MLT Property Animation defines "smooth" keyframes. In order to make something move, you need to pick a filter such as affine that supports animated position properties. Then, how you define keyframes and their types depends on whether using the API or a property string value (command line, XML). When using the multi-value string format, you use ~= instead of = between the time and the value. For example with the affine filter:
Now, smooth keyframes alone do not provide easing, but you can add one or more keyframes towards the target (ease in) or leaving the target (ease out). The smooth keyframes simply help make the curve instead of you having to add many keyframes to smooth it out yourself. Think about drawing a curve with an illustration program. If you only have a straight line tool that connects at points, you need many points to make a smooth curve - the more points, the more smooth it will be. Now, if you have a curve tool, then you only need a few points. The Catmull-Rom spline used by MLT smooth keyframes was chosen for simplicity: It draws a curve through the points given.
As is often repeated, the easiest way to learn how to use the filters and their properties is to mock things up in a video editor and view its MLT XML output. Keep the project as simple as possible to keep the amount of XML to look through shorter.

can you set a predetermined billing app qt?

can you set a vertical orientation in a qml app?
if so?
I have searched on various sites to try and solve this problem. I found it in C ++ code but I would need the piece of code in qml language
I'm using the application project - qt quick application - empty
I'm using a version of qt 5.10.1
thank you
You're looking for Screen.orientationUpdateMask.
Once the mask is set, Screen.orientation will contain the current orientation of the screen.You can read more about the Screem QML type here. Of course the orientation in this case is set by the accelerometer.
If you want to be able to go back and forth between portrait and landscape without the use of the accelerometer and while having the logic in qml you will need to use the Transform, Scale and Rotation QML types. I wouldn't recommend this approach.
One alternative to using Transform would be to use two different views all together, which might not be a good idea for maintainability especially if you want to use the 4 orientations.
If you want to force the orientation no matter what you can do it in the manifest file as you would normally without Qt.

Using Core Animation for a custom CATranstion

I would like to implement a new CATransition.
For example, let's say I would like to do this effect: a n by m array of two sided layers that have a portion of the source image on one side, and the a portion of the destination image on the other side. Each layer would rotate around its x axis by 180 degrees to reveal the other side. Can such a logic (animated CALayers) be used for a CATransition ?
I don't think you can do this. The only way to customize CATransition beyond the built-in types and subtypes, is by using a CIFilter(from iOS 5.0 or OSX 10.5). And the only way to create a custom CIFilter beyond chaining and configuring built-in filters is, according to the doc :
You can subclass CIFilter in order to create:
A filter by chaining together two or more built-in Core Image filters (iOS and OS X)
A custom filter that uses an image processing kernel that you write (OS X only)
So doing this based on CALayer animations is not possible.
On OSX this should be managable with some math work, but not directly using CALayers animations. In iOS this is simply not possible.
Instead of doing a CATransition you could achieve the same effect by using layers directly, but obviously it would not integrate as easily in your UI code.
I have written a transition effect like you describe, but it was not a CATransition. Instead, I created my own method to handle view transitions, and invoke that.
My transition cut the two views into vertical slices, and then did an animation where I start rotating the slices around their Y axes, starting with the left-most slice and working to the right, which creates a cool-looking cascade effect. It took quite a bit of work with CAAnimationGroup obbjects, plus using beginTime for each strip's animation to stagger it's beginning. That one transition animation took about 5 pages of code.

Objective-C, Methods for animating gui

I've created many types of interfaces using the Cocoa API — some of them using documented basic animation techniques and others simply by experimenting (such as placing an animated .gif inside an NSImage class) — which had somewhat catastrophic consequences. The question I have is what is the correct or the most effective way to create an animated and dynamic GUI so that it runs optimally and properly?
The closest example I can think of that would use a similar type of animation would be something one might see done in flash on any number of interactive websites or interfaces. I'm sure flash can be used in a Cocoa app, although if there is a way to achieve a similar result without re-inventing the wheel, or having to use 3rd party SDKs, I would love to get some input. Keep in mind I'm not just thinking of animation for games, iOS, etc. — I'm most interested in an animated GUI for Mac OS X, and making it 'flow' as one might interact in it.
If u wish to add many graphics animations, then go for OpenGLES based xcode project for iOS. That helps u to reduce performance problem. You can render each of the frames in gif as 2D texture.
I would recommend that you take a look at Core Animation. It is Apples framework for hardware accelerated animations for both OS X and iOS. It's built for making animated GUIs.
You can animate the property changes for things like position, opacity, color, transforms etc and also animate gradients with CAGradientLayer and animate non-rectagunal shapes using CAShapeLayer and a lot of other things.
A good resource to get you started is the Core Animation Programming Guide.