Two separate database queries to relate separate tables with Drupal 7 module? - sql

I am developing a custom module for a site I'm working on and have created the following code. This is my first module, so any ideas of what I could be doing better would be appreciate.
As it is, this module works perfectly for me. But, I want to optimize it and be sure that I fix shoddy code.
The function in question is as follows:
// Declared variables for future incrementation
// Call the native global user object from Drupal
global $user;
$userID = $user->uid;
// Check for nodes of given type owned by current user
$sql = db_query("SELECT nid FROM {node} WHERE type = 'content_type' AND uid = " . $userID);
// Iteratively checks each node id against a custom Drupal field on a separate table
foreach ($sql as $record) {
// SQL query for all custom fields attached to the node id given above
$query = db_query("SELECT * FROM {field_birth} WHERE entity_id = " . $record->nid);
$result = $query->fetchObject();
// The unmodified birth format (Y-m-d 00:00:00)
$originalBirth = $result->field_date_of_birth_value;
// The sanitized birth format for comparison (Y-m-d)
$birth = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($originalBirth));
// The current date/time (Y-m-d)
$now = date('Y-m-d');
//Future dates (Y-m-d)
$one_year = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 year', strtotime($birth)));
$two_years = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+2 years', strtotime($birth)));
$three_years = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+3 years', strtotime($birth)));
// A count of all records returned before logical statements
// Logic to determine the age of the records
if($now < $one_year) {
else if($now >= $one_year && $now < $two_years) {
else if($now >= $two_years && $now < $three_years) {
else {
My question is, can I avoid having two separate database queries to hit both tables? I am not really sure how to go about that. Also, am I doing things in a manner which will be resource intensive and highly inefficient? As I am not a programmer by trade, I am not certain when code is 'good'. I do want to try my best to make this good code though since it is a module for a website I hope will last a long time.
Thank you stackoverflow community!
EDIT: The code I got working thanks to Mike is as follows. If anyone has a similar question / problem hopefully this will help!
// Join field_birth_table to nodes of given type owned by current user
$sql = db_select('node', 'n');
$sql->join('field_birth_table', 'b', 'n.nid = b.entity_id');
->fields('b', array('field_birth_field_value', 'entity_id'))
->condition('n.type', 'content_type')
->condition('n.status', '1')
->condition('n.uid', $user->uid)
$results = $sql->execute();

You can use a left join between the node and field_birth table:
$query = db_select('node', 'n');
$query->leftJoin('field_birth', 'b', '(b.entity_id = n.nid AND b.entity_type = :node)', array(':node' => 'node'));
->fields('b', array())
->condition('n.type', 'content_type')
->condition('n.uid', $user->uid)
$results = $query->execute();


Customise zf2 join tables to single table to get arrays

Hi I have a working public function that joins 3 tables to get values for 2 arrays. Now the process only has one table (table2) which contains all the colvalues required for the arrays.
I have tried everything I know to customise this so only table2 is used to get the arrays, but I just get blank results.
Can anyone point to me an example of something similar which takes values from a single table to get 2 separate arrays. I inherited this so I do not know what the thinking behind it was.
thank you in advance.
public function get2ColArray($condition)
$sql =new Sql($this->adapter);
$select = $sql->select();
$select->join('table2', "table1.colval2 = table2.colval3", array('colval4'), 'inner');
$select->join('table3', "tabl1.colval1= table3.colval1", array('colval5'), 'left');
foreach ($condition['in'] as $key=>$val) {
$statement = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$sql_result = $statement->execute();
if ($sql_result->count() > 0) {
$results = new ResultSet();
$data = $results->initialize($sql_result);
return $data;
Got it, its abit blunt but works, thanks ...

Converting SQL to Joomla Syntax (set and update)

Ok so basically I need to convert this regular sql statement to the syntax joomla uses via
here is my statement
SET #myunsubid = (
SELECT subid
FROM aqbi8_acymailing_subscriber s
WHERE = ''
SELECT #myunsubid;
UPDATE aqbi8_acymailing_listsub a
SET a.`status` = 1
WHERE a.subid = #myunsubid AND a.listid = 232
So id like it to be like
$db->set(#myunsubid = ( $db->select($db->quoteName('subid') )
$db->from($db->quoteName('aqbi8_acymailing_subscriber s') )
$db->where($db->quoteName('') = '')
$db->update($db->quoteName('aqbi8_acymailing_listsub a'))
$db->set($db->quoteName('a.status') = 1)
$db->where ($db->quoteName('a.subid') = #myunsubid AND $db->quoteName('a.listid') = 232 )
But this isnt quite right. please help!
I actually figured it out got it to work like this.
$db = &JDatabase::getInstance($option);
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// make a variable for subID
$query->where($db->quoteName('email') . " = '" . $email ."'");
$test = $db->loadObjectList();
print_r( $test );
$myid = $test[0]->subid;
// // Create Database query
$fields = $db->quoteName('status') . ' = 1';
$conditions = array(
$db->quoteName('subid') . ' = ' . $myid,
$db->quoteName('listid') . ' = ' . $listid
// // update query
You don't need to make two trips to the database, you can write a subquery into your UPDATE's WHERE condition (no mysql variables or table aliases are necessary).
Raw Query:
UPDATE aqbi8_acymailing_listsub
SET status = 1
WHERE listid = 232
AND subid = (
SELECT subid
FROM aqbi8_acymailing_subscriber
WHERE `email` = ''
Tested Code:
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
try {
$subquery = $db->getQuery(true)
->where("email = ''");
$query = $db->getQuery(true)
->set("status = 1")
->where(["listid = 232", "personid = ($subquery)"]); // or make 2 where() calls
echo $query->dump(); // if you want to see; *during development ONLY
if ($affrows = $db->getAffectedRows()) {
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("Updated. Rows affected: $affrows", 'success');
} else {
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("Logic Error", 'error');
} catch (Exception $e) {
JFactory::getApplication()->enqueueMessage("Query Syntax Error: " . $e->getMessage(), 'error'); // never show getMessage() to public
It is not clear if any of your values are coming from users/untrusted sources, so be sure to follow good practices when writing variables into your queries -- like casting integers with (int) and calling $db->quote() on string values.
If you want to see a complex/convoluted UPDATE query with several other tables and techniques blended in, here is a comprehensive post:
Please DON'T USE JDatabase Object to update Joomla tables, when there's an API available for the extension.
Whilst I appreciate the OP's question is pertaining to how to update the joomla database using the joomla database object (JDatabase), I propose a safer and more robust method, the "ACYMailing API".
"BUT WHY?", I hear you ask...
Good question!!!
There are 2 pitfalls in updating the joomla database directly - be it on the command-line, in a GUI such as MySQL Workbench or PHPMyAdmin, or even with the Joomla Database Object. Simply put, they both concern compatibility - 1. regarding third party integrations, and 2. concerning the future compatibility of your code. In a nutshell, whenever there's a an API for interacting with a component, I'd use it, over JDatabase every time to future proof your code, and ensure that all pre and post save, update, delete... ...move, and publish plugin events take care of your integrations, just as if you'd performed the action authentically.
To elaborate on these points a bit...
Most Joomla extensions (core and 3rd-party) make use of Joomla's powerful plugin architecture. By doing so, extensions can perform actions at key points in the application's life cycle. For example, after deleting a record from a table belonging to component1, delete related records from a table relating to compnent2. Therefore, one run's the risk of breaking the behaviour/functionality of the component in question - i.e. ACY Mailing, as in your case. Potentially, other core/3rd-party extensions that rely on ACY's data, that would otherwise, get updated through onAfterSave() or onAfterDelete() plugin events, as they will not get called.
There's a big risk that your code to break with future Joomla/ACY Mailing updates, if/when the table structure changes.
OK, so how do we use the API?
The following example code displays everything that you should need to update a subscription record. Each step explains the code, which for reference, is summarised in doc and inline comments in the code itself. To begin, navigate to the file where you are entering your code, then...
STEP 1: Check the existence of ACY Mailing by attempting to include it's helper class, as follows. N.B. If the include_once() fails, you should see the echo statement, indicating that ACY Mailing IS NOT installed.
// load the ACY Mailing helper - bail out if not
if(!include_once(rtrim(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_acymailing' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'helper.php')){
echo 'This code can not work without the AcyMailing Component';
return false;
STEP 2: Set-up your parameters by inputting values into the following 3 variables. See examples in code comments.
// array $lists An array of integer IDs (primary keys) of the lists you want the user to be subscribed to (can be empty).
// e.g. array(2,4,6)
$lists = array();
// array $unsubs An array of integer IDs (primary keys) of the lists you want the user to be un-subscribed from (can be empty).
// e.g. array(2,4,6)
$unsubs = array();
// string $userID Numeric Joomla User or user e-mail. For example: '42' or ''
$userID = '';
STEP 3: Add the following code to find the ACY Mailing user, from the Joomla User ID/Email address passed in to the ->subid() method, and bail out if not found.
// instantiate the ACY Mailing Subscriber (user) Class
$user = acymailing_get('class.subscriber');
// find the ACY Mailing user id (subid) from the joomla ID or email address set in $userID
$subID = $user->subid($userID);
// No ACY Mailing user/subscriber?
return; // bail out
STEP 4: Add the following code to check, and setup the data for any of the subscriptions/unsubscriptions you've configured to update ($lists and $unsubs arrays). If any found, they will be updated. If not found, return.
// create an array to store data in
$data = array();
// Set up new newsletter subscriptions from the $lists array()
if(!empty($lists)) foreach($lists as $listId)
$data[$listId] = array("status" => 1);
// Set up un-subscriptions from the $unsubs array()
if(!empty($unsubs)) foreach($unsubs as $listId)
$data[$listId] = array('status' => 0);
// no data, bail out...
return; //there is nothing to do...
// update the user's subscription records, creating/removing subscriptions/unsubsriptions accordingly
$user->saveSubscription($subID, $data);

Redbean: How does one get last inserted id of owned Bean?

I use RedBeanPHP 3.5.1 for ORM in my MVP project (powered by Nette FW).
I need to get ID of the last inserted element, that is owned by element from another table. Below you can find method representing functionality which I just described:
public function createSite($userId, $siteName, $feedUrl, $reloadTime, $reloadRate){
$site = R::dispense('site');
$site->user_id = $userId;
$site->name = $siteName;
$site->feed = $feedUrl;
$site->reload_time = $reloadTime;
$site->reload_rate = $reloadRate;
$user = R::load('user', $userId);
$user->ownSite[] = $site;
$id = R::store($user);
return $id;
Now I would assume that line
$id = R::store($user);
would store site ID into $id variable since it is owned by already existing user. Instead of that it fills variable with user ID that I have no further use for.
So my question is: How do I get last inserted ID of owned bean that was just created by calling R::store() method on parent (just loaded) bean? Is there an implementation on this in RedBean or do I have to do this manually?
I browsed every corner of RedBeanPHP project web but so far no luck.
Thanks for possible suggestions, guys.
Using common sense I finally figured out how to solve this elegantly and since no one answered my question so far let my just do that myself.
Since R::store($user) is capable of storing both $user and $site, there is misleadingly no need to store $site object manually.
But if you need to get last inserted id of owned bean, there is really no harm in doing so. By storing $site object framework will do the exact same thing and on top of that it returns resired id.
So the correct method implementation looks like this:
public function createSite($userId, $siteName, $feedUrl, $reloadTime, $reloadRate){
$site = R::dispense('site');
$site->user_id = $userId;
$site->name = $siteName;
$site->feed = $feedUrl;
$site->reload_time = $reloadTime;
$site->reload_rate = $reloadRate;
$user = R::load('user', $userId);
$user->ownSite[] = $site;
$id = R::store($site);
return $id;
So in conclusion, hats off to RedBeanPHP ORM FW and I sincerely hope this helps people with similar problem in the future.
There is a function called R::findLast('...')
$last_record = R::findLast('...');
Not sure if this would have been a correct answer 7 years ago but at least now there is no need to do any kind of extra work:
$shop = R::dispense( 'shop' );
$shop->name = 'Antiques';
$vase = R::dispense( 'product' );
$vase->price = 25;
$shop->ownProductList[] = $vase
R::store( $shop );
echo $vase->$id; // <-- yes, id which was created by database is present here

SQL optimisation

I want to optimize some of the SQL and just need an opinion on whether I should do it or leave it as is and why I should do it. SQL queries are executed via PHP & Java, I will show an example in PHP which will give an idea of what Im doing.
Main concerns are:
-Ease of altering tables without messing with all the legacy code
-Speed of SQL (is it a concern???)
Example of what I have right now:
I take a LONG array from a customer (cant make it smaller unfortunately) and update the existing values with the new values provided by a customer in the following way:
$i = 0;
foreach($values as $value)
$sql = "UPDATE $someTable SET someItem$i = '$value' WHERE username='$username'";
mysql_query($sql, $con);
Its easy to see from the above example that if the array of values is long, than I execute a lot of SQL statements.
Should I instead do something like:
$i = 0;
$j = count($values);
$sql = "UPDATE $someTable SET ";
foreach($values as $value)
if($i < $j) //append values to the sql string up to the last item
$sql .= "someItem$i = '$value', ";
$sql .= "someItem$i = '$value' WHERE username='$username'"; //add the last item and finish the statement
mysql_query($sql, $con); //execute query once
OR which way should it be done / should I bother making these changes? (there a lot of the type and they all have 100+ items)
Thanks in advance.
The only way you'll get a definitive answer is to run both of these methods and profile it to see how long they take. With that said, I'm confident that running one UPDATE statement with a hundred name value pairs will be faster than running 100 UPDATE statements.
Don't run 100 seperate UPDATE statements!
Use a MySQL wrapper class which, when given an array of name => value pairs will return an SQL UPDATE statement. Its really simple. I'm just looking for the one we use now...
We use something like this (registration required) but adapted a little more to suit our needs. Really basic but very very handy.
For instance, the Update method is just this
* Generate SQL Update Query
* #param string $table Target table name
* #param array $data SQL Data (ColumnName => ColumnValue)
* #param string $cond SQL Condition
* #return string
function update($table,$data,$cond='')
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET ";
if (is_string($data)) {
$sql .= $data;
} else {
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$sql .= "`" . $k . "`" . " = " . SQL::quote($v) . ",";
$sql = SQL::trim($sql , ',');
if ($cond != '') $sql .= " WHERE $cond";
$sql .= ";";
return $sql;
If you can't change the code, make sure it is enclosed in transaction (if the storage engine is InnoDB) so no non-unique indexes will be updated before commiting transaction (this will speed up the write) and the new row won't be flushed to disk.
If this is MyISAM table, use UPDATE LOW_PRIORTY or lock table before the loop and unlock after read.
Of course, I'm sure you have index on the username column, but just to mention it - you need such index.

Kohana ORM count_all() working but find_all() is not

I'm having an issue where I'm building an ORM query based on several conditions from a $_POST. The final query looks fine and returns records in a direct SQL query (phpmyadmin) but in my application does not return any records. here is the code...
$records = ORM::factory('record')->where(array('date >='=>$_POST['fromdate'],'date <='=>$_POST['todate']));
if ($_POST['agent'] != '0') $records->where(array('ccp_id'=>$_POST['agent']));
if ($_POST['supervisor'] != '0') {
$ccps = ORM::factory('employee')->where(array('supervisor_id'=>$_POST['supervisor'],'active'=>'1'))->find_all();
foreach ($ccps as $ccp) {
$agents[] = $ccp->id;
// echo kohana::debug($agents);
if ($_POST['lead'] != '0') $records->where(array('lead_id'=>$_POST['lead']));
if ($_POST['reasons'] != '[]') {
$reasons = explode(',',str_replace(array('[',']','"'),'',$_POST['reasons']));
$records->loaded is false. If I change out the find_all() with count_all() I get an accurate count.
With sample data in the $_POST I have this query in $records->last_query()
SELECT `records`.*
FROM (`records`)
WHERE `date` >= '2010-10-10'
AND `date` <= '2010-11-09'
AND `ccp_id` IN ('E128092','E128093','E124874','E124414','E129056','E137678','E078952','E112701','E084457','E098047','E099221','E001131','E120892')
AND `lead_id` = 'E110873'
AND `reason_id` IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24)
ORDER BY `records`.`id` ASC
this returns 4 records in phpmyadmin and (4) for count_all().
I do not understand why this is happening. Any insights would be helpful. Thank you.
In your last line you should have
$records = $records->find_all();
instead of
// this actually returns you the resultset and resets the query builder object
$records is a Database_Result and has no loaded property. Use count($records) or iterate it with foreach statement to get ORM objects.
Just a note: It's probably better not to wipe out the ORM object ( $results = $records->find_all() instead of $records = $records->find_all()) if you wish to use $records->count_all() or other calls later in your code. Just an issue I ran into.