SQL Server - Avoiding write timeouts on logging table due to reporting queries - sql

I have two very busy tables in an email dispatch system. One is for batching mail for dispatch, the other is used for logging. Expensive queries are ran that use both of these tables to produce stats for a UI. I would like to remove the reporting overhead on these tables as I am seeing timeouts during report generation.
My question is - what are my options for reducing the query overhead on these two tables while generating the report data.
I've considered using triggers to create exact copies of the tables. Is there any built in functionality in SQL server for mirroring data within a database? If I can avoid growing the database unnecessarily though that would be an advantage. It doesn't matter if the stats are not real time.

There is a built in functionality for this scenario and it's known as Database Snapshot.
If you run a query against a DB snapshot table, no shared locks should be created on original database.

You can use Resource Governor for SQL Server. Unfortunately, I have only read about it and haven't used it yet. It is used to isolate workloads on SQL Server.
Please try and let us know if it helps.
Some helpful links: MSDN SQLBlog technet
Kind Regards,


Trigger Based Replication (Live Sync) OR Transactional Replication in MSSQL

can someone give me a clear idea about which technique/ method is more reliable, less memory consuming and faster in replicating data from one Database to another in MSSQL database(SQl Server 2012) and why. We are in the process of developing a Live GPS based tracking application and I am confused with which method to proceed with
Trigger Based Replication (Live Sync)
Transactional Replication
Thanks in Advance ☺
I would recommend using standardised solutions whenever possible. Within the choice given to you, transaction replication should be an obvious favourite, because:
It doesn't require any coding and can be deployed using standard tools. This makes it much faster to deploy and maintain - any proper DBA can do it, some of them even being blindfolded.
Actual data transfer is done by replication agents which are separate applications external to the SQL Server process and client connections. Any network issues within the publisher-distributor-subscriber(s) chain will lead to delays in copying the data, but they will not affect the performance of the publisher database itself.
With triggers, you have neither of these advantages: you will have to add a lot of code, and sluggish network will make data-changing queries slower, potentially leading to timeouts.
Of course, there are many more ways to move the data between the databases in SQL Server, such as (in no particular order):
AlwaysOn Availability Groups (Database mirroring);
Log shipping;
CDC (Change Data Capture);
Service Broker.
However, given your needs, transaction replication still looks like your best bet, overall.

Best way to synchronize sql table to another db sql table?

I'm building a monitoring tool which analyzes information in some sql tables and creates some charts and alerts based on some configurable criterias. However the underlying application is now getting some errors. I think it's because my queries are rather intensive on the tables which causes them to be locked for some amount of time and my idea of a work around is to synchronize the tables to a monitoring database and do my operations there.
Do you have any other ideas? And if I do the sync, whats the best way of syncing tables in SQL server? I prefer if the sync is as close to real-time as possible.
If you are running SQL Server 2008 R2 or above, Transactional Replication is usually a good fit for this type of scenarios and can support near real time synchronization. Here are few links to get familiar with Replication
Overview of replication
Use of replication for data warehousing and reporting applications.
The other solution is to Log ship the transactional database to reporting database.But
Log shipping is asynchronous operation, so the state of data in reporting database will be behind that of the data in transactional database.
You need to log ship the entire database even if you end up using only couple of tables.
The reporting database is not available when it is restoring from the transactional database.
so that would not match to your requirements.

Performance hit on DB2 transactional database after linking to SQL Server 2005

We have an AS400 mainframe running our DB2 transactional database. We also have a SQL Server setup that gets loaded nightly with data from the AS400. The SQL Server setup is for reporting.
I can link the two database servers, BUT, there's concern about how big a performance hit DB2 might suffer from queries coming from SQL Server.
Basically, the fear is that if we start hitting DB2 with queries from SQL Server we'll bog down the transactional system and screw up orders and shipping.
Thanks in advance for any knowledge that can be shared.
Anyone who has a pat answer for a performance question is wrong :-) The appropriate answer is always 'it depends.' Performance tuning is best done via measure, change one variable, repeat.
DB2 for i shouldn't even notice if someone executes a 1,000 row SELECT statement. Take Benny's suggestion and run one while the IBM i side watch. If they want a hint, use WRKACTJOB and sort on the Int column. That represents the interactive response time. I'd guess that the query will be complete before they have time to notice that it was active.
If that seems unacceptable to the management, then perhaps offer to test it before or after hours, where it can't possibly impact interactive performance.
As an aside, the RPG guys can create Excel spreadsheets on the fly too. Scott Klement published some RPG wrappers over the Java POI/HSSF classes. Also, Giovanni Perrotti at Easy400.net has some examples of providing an Excel spreadsheet from a web page.
I'd mostly agree with Buck, a 1000 row result set is no big deal...
Unless of course the system is looking through billions of rows across hundreds of tables to get the 1000 rows you are interested in.
Assuming a useful index exists, 1000 rows shouldn't be a big deal. If you have IBM i Access for Windows installed, there's a component of System i Navigator called "Run SQL Scripts" that includes "Visual Explain" that provides a visual explanation of the query execution plan. View that you can ensure that an index is being used.
On key thing, make sure the work is being done on the i. When using a standard linked table MS SQL Server will attempt to pull back all the rows then do it's own "where".
select * from MYLINK.MYIBMI.MYLIB.MYTABE where MYKEYFLD = '00335';
Whereas this format sends the statement to the remote server for processing and just gets back the results:
select * from openquery(MYLINK, 'select * from mylib.mytable where MYKEYFLD = ''00335''');
Alternately, you could ask the i guys to build you a stored procedure that you can call to get back the results you are looking for. Personally, that's my preferred method.

Continuously synchronize tables between two databases

I have had my experience with MSSQL Server somewhat 6 years ago, so I have only basic knowledge of its workings now.
The problem I'm posed with is that of syncing the databases between two live CRMs (NopCommerce and Rainbow Portal-based one if anyone's curious) running on the same DB server. The data I'm interested in is spread out among 7 tables in one DB and 5 in the other one. The idea is to have two web applications with same data with updates in one instantly propagating to the other.
Each database has numerous triggers and stored procedures that are used to keep the data consistent.
I am not aware of all possibilities of SQL Server, so I am open to suggestions as to what is the best and quickest way to achieve the goal. Is it about writing more triggers? Should I create a "watcher" application? Is there some built-in mechanism for that?
You should look at SQL Replication, and / or using SSIS for the integration ETL and scheduling etc.
Triggers (especially cross DB) can be messy to maintain and debug - you might also consider loading data into a separate (third) staging database, before then propogating the data into your other 2 databases?
(Other alternatives include Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirroring, which would require the entire DB's to be in synch, and log shipping - also entire DB - which would be one way only, typically for redundancy - These aren't likely to be useful for your purpose though)
You might want to look at SQL Server Replication - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb500346.aspx in particular Merge Replication

MS SQL Concurrency, excess Locks

I have a database on ms sql 2000 that is being hit by hundreds of users at a time. There are intense reports using reporting services 2005 hitting the same database.
When there are lots of reports running and people using the database concurrently we see blocking processes to the level that the system starts to give time out to any transaction made after some time in that situation.
Is there a global way of minimize blocking so the transaction can continue to flow.
Use optimistic locking, if updates are not happening often and the database is mainly used for reporting.
SQL Server has quite a pessimistic locking default.
A look into SQL Server Table Hints might get you started.
The reports can use WITH(NOLOCK).
Other possibilities are having the reports run off a read-only replica of the database or running off a datawarehouse version of the database which is optimized for the reporting needs.
Since you are already using NOLOCK hints and READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level for your reports, the investigation needs to turn to the transactional queries coming in. This may get deep. Perhaps applications are keeping transactions open too long. It may also be the case that you have a lot of table scans or range scans in some of the other query volume, and those may be holding shared locks for long-running transactions. Those shared locks will block your writers.
You need to start looking at sp_lock, and seeing what kinds of locks are outstanding, see what locks the blocked queries are trying to obtain, and then examine the queries that are blocking the requestors.
This will help you if you are unfamiliar with SQL Server locking:
Understanding SQL Server 2000 Locking
Also, perhaps you could describe your disk subsystem. It may be undersized.
Thanks everyone for your support. What we do to mitigate the problem was to create a new database whit a logshipping procedure every hour to mantain in sync to the real one. The reports that do no need real time data where point to that database and the ones that needs real time data where restricted so only a few people can access them. The drawbacks whit the method is tha the data will be up to one hour out of sync and we need to create a new server for that purpose only. Also when the loggshipping procedure runs every connetion is drop for a very short period of time but it can be a problem to really long procedures or reports. After this I will verify the querys from the reports so I can understand what can be optimize. Thanks and I will recomend the site to the whole IT department.