Fetch data from web Services in android - android-service

Currently i am working on an app which require data from web services to update the list View according to that data received. what should i do to fetch that data without letting user know.Should i use Asynchronous Task class or service ,Looking forward to your answers.

Yes, you may use asynchronous task (AsyncTask) to get the data (json) store it in a variable/array and then add it in your listview.
AsyncTask has four steps:
doInBackground: Code performing long running operation goes in this method. When onClick method is executed on click of button, it calls execute method which accepts parameters and automatically calls doInBackground method with the parameters passed.
onPostExecute: This method is called after doInBackground method completes processing. Result from doInBackground is passed to this method.
onPreExecute: This method is called before doInBackground method is called.
onProgressUpdate: This method is invoked by calling publishProgress anytime from doInBackground call this method.
for further details: http://www.compiletimeerror.com/2013/01/why-and-how-to-use-asynctask.html#.UtP-OfQW1QA


Where is defined which callback used for specific method in EClient

I'm just starting to use the IB API in python. I'm able to retrieve all the desired results I want. However, one big problem arise to me. I don't fully understand how the linkage between the EClient class and a particular callback is made within the EWrapper class.
As of now I understand the workflow like this (high level):
An EClient instance makes a call to IB Gateway.
IB Gateway itself reach out to the IB Data centers to fetch data
Data comes back to IB Gateway
IB Gateway calls the callback, which is the interface
As far as I understand, IB Gateway triggers the correct Callback function. What I don't see from the documentation / source code is the connection between a EClient method and a the interface (callback) I override in my EWrapper class. When I trigger a specific method in step 1 above. How does IB Gateway know, which callback to run? Is this specified somewhere?
The callback functions which handle responses to each function called in EClient are hard-coded and detailed in the TWS API Reference Guide.
For instance, calling EClient.reqAccountUpdates causes responses to be returned in EWrapper::updateAccountValue and EWrapper::updatePortfolio, and you would need to override those functions in your own code.
TWS Python API Traders Academy Course
IBKR Recorded Webinars

Wcf call from one method to another method in the same service

Can a wcf call be made from one service method to another method in the same service, exactly when the first method has returned a response? This is required as i need to trigger a call to an external service once the first call being made by that external service has returned a response back to them. Some kind of a trigger that would initiate a call to them, without them calling my method again.

How to make ASP.NET MVC Controller Methods Async

I'm launching multiple ajax calls to various MVC controllers to load different parts of my page. However it seems that when this gets to the controller only one runs at a time. I'm guessing this is because by default ASP.Net MVC controllers are synchronous? I've also tested loading a page on 2 browser tabs and the second tab always waits for the first.
To get round this I've attempted to make the controller methods in question asynchronous. I've done this by doing the following
Append Async to controller method name
Make the controller methods return async Task
Used the Task.Factory.StartNew method to do the body of work in the method in a separate thread.
For example the controller methods in question now look like this...
public async Task<JsonResult> GetUser(int userId)
var result = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Task.Run(() =>
return userService.GetUser(userId);
return new JsonResult()
Data = result,
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
However it still seems to be synchronous. Am I missing something or going about this completely the wrong way? I've not really used the Task Library much so may be missing something big?
No, your assumptions are most likely wrong. Your problem is likely one (or both) of two problems.
First, most web browsers have request limits that only allow a certain number of request to the same server at a time.
Second, you are probably running into a limitation of the Session object that causes multiple requests that use session to be serialized, because Session is not, itself, multi-threaded.
See http://tech-journals.com/jonow/2011/10/22/the-downsides-of-asp-net-session-state
The short answer is that if you don't use session in your action method, simply add this to the method...
public class AjaxTestController : Controller
//...As above
If you only need to read the session, then do this:
public class AjaxTestController : Controller
//...As above
There's not much you can do about the browser limitations though, since different browsers have specific request limits. These can be changed with registry (or browser config) entries (usually), but you can't force your users to do that in most cases.
One of the important feature introduced in MVC 4.0 was of Asynchronous controllers which enables to write the asynchronous action methods. Asynchronous controller allows an operation to get performed without making the working thread idle.
When an asynchronous action is invoked, the following steps occur:
The Web server gets a thread from the thread pool (the worker thread) and schedules it to handle an incoming request. This worker thread initiates an asynchronous operation. The worker thread is returned to the thread pool to service another Web request. When the asynchronous operation is complete, it notifies ASP.NET. The Web server gets a worker thread from the thread pool (which might be a different thread from the thread that started the asynchronous operation) to process the remainder of the request, including rendering the response.
Converting Synchronous Action Methods to Asynchronous Action Methods
Following is the example of synchronous action method and the its asynchronous equivalent version.
Synchronous Controller:
public class TestController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
Asynchronous variant of above operation:
public class TestController : AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
return View();
public ActionResult IndexCompleted()
return View();
Synchronous Controllers are the classes derived from the Controller
class to implement an AsyncController instead of deriving the
controller from Controller, derive it from AsyncController class.
Controllers that derive from AsyncController enable ASP.NET to
process asynchronous requests, and they can still service synchronous
action methods.
Corresponding to the synchronous action method in Synchronous
controller you need to create two methods for the action in
asynchronous controller.First method that initiates the asynchronous
process must have a name that consists of the action and the suffix
"Async". The other method that is invoked when the asynchronous
process finishes (the callback method) must have a name that consists
of the action and the suffix "Completed".
In the above sample example, the Index action has been turned into two methods in asynchronous controller: IndexAsync and IndexCompleted.
The IndexAsync method returns void while the IndexCompleted method returns an ActionResult instance. Although the action consists of two methods, it is accessed using the same URL as for a synchronous action method (for example, Controller/Index).
Note the following about asynchronous action methods:
If the action name is Sample, the framework will look for
SampleAsync and SampleCompleted methods.
View pages should be named Sample.aspx rather than SampleAsync.aspx
or SampleCompleted.aspx. (The action name is Sample, not
A controller cannot contain an asynchronous method named SampleAsync
and a synchronous method named Sample. If it does, an
AmbiguousMatchException exception is thrown because the SampleAsync
action method and the Sample action method have the same request
For more details click here : http://www.counsellingbyabhi.com/2014/05/asynchronous-controllers-in-aspnet-mvc.html
mvc controllers are async in nature, how did you determine it's synchronous? The only reason could only be some lock implemented within your userService.
You can try by making a couple of hundreds of ajax calls to your web services using jquery

Calling WCF operation that has no return value asynchronously

I have a long running operation:
void LongRunningOperation(string someValue);
How do i call it asynchronously (I want a fire and forget mechanism)?
you can set the mode to oneway.
you do not require to call these methods asynchronously. call to the methods returns as soon as they are call if the mode is one way.
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] attribute to describe your operation contract.
Assuming that you have already configured your proxy to the service, you will need to do the following (in VS):
Open your project that references the service, then go to service references.
Right-click the relevant service reference and select 'Configure Service Reference' from the context menu.
Tick the box that says 'Generate asynchronous operations'
After your client code regenerates, you will see a method that says BeginLongRunningOperation; that's your async method.

How can I disable MessageInspector of my condition

I inpesct WCF Service With IDisptachMessageInspector and then I call service operation at BeforeSendReply Method which changes context of message. But it when I call service , Inspector runs again. I want to not run inspector. Do you know any way to do that scenerio?
The purpose of a message inspector is to allow you to modify the message before or after the rest of the service model layer processes it
BeforeSendReply is called after the operation has been invoked already, AfterReceiveRequest is called before the operation is invoked.
The behavior you are seeing is that your message inspector is being fired after the operation. You are then firing another operation which then ends up calling your message inspector again. BeforeSendReply is often used to manipulate the response message to some format that WCF has problems with generating using its default serialization, etc. Its not going to be able to give you the behavior you are looking for
To decide on which operation is invoked you normally implement an IDispatchOperationSelector. The specific idea of this extension point looks like it will be exactly what you need
Answer is implementing IOperationInvoker