Facebook 3.6 Jar is not working in Android - facebook-android-sdk

I have to use Facebook 3.6 jar instead of Facebook sdk.
While using Facebook 3.6 as jar in my application getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.facebook.android.R$string
at com.facebook.widget.LoginButton.setButtonText(LoginButton.java:596)
But if i am using facebook sdk (Source code) its working fine.


Facebook android sdk 4.9 can't open share dialog

I have developed an app using facebook android sdk 4.9 and I am in the testing phase. All was well until I tested the app on a Samsung tab running android 4.0.3 (API 15).
I have followed the exact guide, but it shows a dialog which says
"Unable to show the provided content via web or installed version of Facebook app. Some dialogs are only supported starting API 14"
Again, if the device has the latest Facebook app, its works. But my guess is it should work for all devices on and above API 14 with/without Facebook app. Any ideas?

Titanium app running on titanium sdk 3.4.0 but not on titanium sdk 3.5.0

Titanium app is running fine on titanium sdk 3.4.0 but when I updated titanium sdk to 3.5.0,the app is installing on device but application does not starts.I have not used any module,so I do not converted any module to 64 bit.
What should I do? I have created adhoc provisioning profile to test the app on device,but after updating to 3.5.0 titanium sdk,the app is not working..

Issue in installing Android platform 2.2

I am new to titanium, i already set Android sdk its working fine with my eclipse indigo. I mean i can able to launch android 2.2 google api emulator in that IDE. But In titanium it showing error message Items required An Android SDK is missing.Titanium requires Android platform 2.2 I have follow this post Titanium Studio cannot find Android SDK and fixed some path issues. But still i am getting same error. Need guidance to set up environment.

Trigger.io Android mobile app using outdated Facebook SDK? Warning to upgrade to 3.0.1 from Facebook

I've recently received an alert in developer.facebook.com for my Android app built using Trigger.io Forge:
Please upgrade to the Facebook SDK 3.0.1 for Android
This app uses an outdated version of the Facebook SDK for Android. Please download the latest version: Android SDK 3.0.1. You can also learn how the newest SDK makes it easier and faster to build great mobile apps.
We also provide an upgrade guide to make this process as easy as possible.
Facebook will stop supporting v2.0 of the SDK in June 2013, so you are advised to upgrade to the new SDK as soon as possible.
I'm using the latest forge platform version 1.4.38.
What version of the FB SDK is Trigger.io using, and what is the schedule for updating to 3.0.1?
We updated our integration to the latest Facebook Android SDK (3.0.1 at this time) in our v1.4.41 platform version:

android facebook sdk app: minimum android version

What's the minimum version of an android app taking advantage of the latest android facebook sdk 3.0 ?
I'm reading this in the facebook sdk source manifest: <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8" />.
Can it be as low as SDK_INT=4 if we're using the android-support-v4.jar library ? Or will the facebook library make our apps impossible to use on versions lower than sdkint=8 ?
i tried using with (api 4), the facebook 3.0 sdk does not work and crashes with it. Went to the next highest (android 2.1 api 7) and that worked....