Prevent the `vbLf` being included in a `String.Length` calculation -

I have a Collection of servers which I take from a multiline textbox.
I have some simple validation which should be trimming whitespace (to prevent an entry being created for blank line), but it's not working.
For example, if Me.formServers.txtServers.Text is as follows, the lengths of the lines are returned as 5, 5, 5 and 4. How can I correctly calculate the length of each line and thus avoid erroneous items being added to my Collection? Thanks.
Here is my code
Me.Servers = New Collection ' Reset 'Servers' to ensure only the correct servers are included
For Each Server As String In Me.formServers.txtServers.Text.Split(vbLf)
If Not Server.Trim.Length = 0 Then Me.Servers.Add(Server)

This test was interesting:
Dim s As String = "TTSA" & vbCrLf
s &= "TTSB" & vbLf
s &= "TTSC" & vbCr
s &= "TTSD" & Environment.NewLine
s &= "TTSE" & vbNewLine
Dim Excluded() As String
Excluded = s.Split({vbCrLf, vbLf}, StringSplitOptions.None)
For Each s In Excluded
Debug.Print(s & " " & s.Length)
TTSC ' vbCr was not in list so is still in the string
0 ' last separator honored
Corrected to:
Excluded = s.Split({vbCrLf, vbLf, vbCr}, _


Read message from text file and display in message box in

JavaError.128 = "project creation failed. & vbLf & Please try again and if the problem persists then contact the administrator"
I am able to read this message from text file. the issue is vbLf is not considered as newline in msgbox. it prints vbLf in msgbox.
Using sr As System.IO.StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(errorfilePath)
While ((sr.Peek() <> -1))
line = sr.ReadLine
If line.Trim().StartsWith("JavaError." & output) Then
isValueFound = True
Exit While
End If
End While
End Using
If isValueFound Then
Dim strArray As String() = line.Split("="c)
MsgBox(strArray(1).Replace("""", "").Trim({" "c}))
End If
You can make all your code a simpler one line version using File.ReadAllLines and LINQ. This code will put all the lines starting with javaerror into the textbox, not just the first:
textBox.Lines = File.ReadAllLines(errorFilePath) _
.Where(Function(s) s.Trim().StartsWith("JavaError")) _
.Select(Function(t) t.Substring(t.IndexOf("= ") + 2).Replace(" & vbLf & ", Environment.NewLine)) _
You need to Imports System.IO and System.Linq
This code reads all the lines of the file into an array, then uses LINQ to pull out only those starting with java error, then projects a new string of everything after the = with vbLf replaced with a newline, converts the enumerable projection to an array of strings and assigns it to the textBox lines
If you don't want all the lines but instead only the first:
textBox.Text = File.ReadLines(errorFilePath) _
.FirstOrDefault(Function(s) s.Trim().StartsWith("JavaError")) _
?.Substring(t.IndexOf("= ") + 2).Replace(" & vbLf & ", Environment.NewLine))
This one uses ReadLine instead of ReadALlLines - ReadLines works progressively, and it makes sense to be able to stop reading after we foundt he first rather than have the overhead of reading ALL (million) lines only to then end up pulling the first out and throwing 999,999 lines of effort away. So it's reading line by line, pulls out the first that starts with "JavaError" (or Nothing if there is no such line), then checks if Nothing came out (the ?) and skips the Substring if it was Nothing, or it does a Substring on everything after the = and replaces vbLf with newline
For a straight up mod of your original code:
Using sr As System.IO.StreamReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(errorfilePath)
While ((sr.Peek() <> -1))
line = sr.ReadLine
If line.Trim().StartsWith("JavaError." & output) Then
isValueFound = True
line = line.Replace(" & vbLf & ", Environment.NewLine))
'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ added code
Exit While
End If
End While
End Using
If isValueFound Then
Dim strArray As String() = line.Split("="c)
MsgBox(strArray(1).Replace("""", "").Trim({" "c}))
End If
Note that I've always made my replacement on & vbLf & with a space at each end to avoid stray spaces being left behind - if your file sometimes doesn't have them, consider using Regex to do the replace, e.g. Regex.Replace(line, " ?& vbLf & ?", Environment.NewLine
This could work:
Dim txtFile As String = "project creation failed. & vbLf & Please try again and if the problem persists then contact the administrator"
Dim arraytext() As String = txtFile.Split("&")
Dim txtMsgBox As String = Nothing
For Each row As String In arraytext
If Trim(row) = "vbLf" Then
txtMsgBox = txtMsgBox & vbLf
txtMsgBox = txtMsgBox & Trim(row)
End If

Split text in all lines inside of a string

Originally the Keywords will we pulled out from a text file located on a web server.
Dim KeyWords As String = Split(Split(TempSMTPFile, "# Keywords #")(1), "# Keywords #")(0)
I want to create a function that will split out all the keywords inside a string
The keywords in this example will be:
' This list might be changed to more or less keywords.
Dim KeyWords As String = "[One=Test1]" & vbNewLine & "[Two=Test2]" & vbNewLine & "[Three=Test3]"
' I Need a function to split out all keywords and do below check between all splits.
If KeyWords.ToLower.Contains("[" & Splited_keyword & "=") Then ' One, Two, Three
MsgBox(Split(Split(KeyWords, "[" & Splited_keyword & "=")(1), "]")(0)) ' Test1, Test2, Test3
End If
' This should print OneTest1, TwoTest2, ThreeTest3
Thanks for your comments, I was able to solve this with this solution.
Dim str As String() = keywords.Split(New [Char]() {CChar(vbCrLf)})
For Each s As String In str
If s.Contains("[") Then
Dim SplittedKeyword = Split(Split(s, "[")(1), "=")(0)
If TextUserShortDescription.Text.ToLower.Contains(SplittedKeyword.ToLower) Then
MsgBox(SplittedKeyword & (Split(Split(s, "[" & SplittedKeyword & "=")(1), "]")(0)))
End If
End If
This could help you (untested):
Dim keyValues as String()
keyValues = KeyWords.Split(Environment.NewLine)
For Each (keyvalue as string in keyValues)
MsgBox(keyvalue.SubString(1, keyvalue.IndexOf("["c) + " " + keyvalue.SubString(keyvalue.IndexOf("="c), keyvalue.LastIndexOf("]"c)
End For

Display check box selections in one string (Visual Basic)

Trying to get the results of all selected items to display in one message box string. I have this so far, which I know is wrong. If it matters, this list is filled via a text file and objects.
Dim cBike As String = "
For Each cBike In clbBikes.Items
cBike = clbBikes.SelectedItem & ", "
MsgBox(("Your selection of: " & cBike))
Help please, my lecturer is taking forever and helping those who need it more.
You probably meant CheckedItems:
Dim cBike As String = ""
For Each chk As String In clbBikes.CheckedItems
cBike &= chk & ", "
MessageBox.Show("Your selection of: " & cBike)
You need to actually concatenate the strings:
For Each cBike In clbBikes.Items
cBike = cBike + clbBikes.SelectedItem & ", "
You need to then also remove the last comma
If (xml.Length > 2) Then
cBike = cBike.Remove(cBike.Length - 2, 2)
End If

Get Text between characters in a string

I have a text file with a list of music that looks like this:
Song Name
There are multiple instances of this.
I'm wanting to get the text between the BeginSong{ and }EndSong and put the song info
into a string array. Then I want to add each instance to a ListBox as Artist - Song Name
(that part I'm sure I can figure out though). I hope that was a clear description.
Use the ReadLine() function of the FileStream
since you already know the order of the information, you should be able to loop all File Lines and store them in their corresponding properties.
WHILE Reader.Read()
Store Line in BeginSongTextVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in SongNameVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in ArtistNameVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in GenreVariable
Read Next Line
Store Line in EndSongTextVariable
Add The Above Variables in List
End While
You can use a regular expression with named groups:
Something like this:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim s As New Regex("BeginSong{\n(?<song_name>.*)\n(?<artist>.*)\n(?<genre>.*)\n}EndSong")
Dim mc As MatchCollection = s.Matches(inputFile)
For Each m As Match In mc
Dim song_name As String = m.Groups("song_name").Value
Dim artist As String = m.Groups("artist").Value
Dim genre As String = m.Groups("genre").Value
'use or store these values as planned
There is a nice answer from Neolisk that uses Regular Expressions. But since you also included the VB6 tag in addition to VB.NET, I'll take a shot at a VB6 solution.
You can use the string Split function, and split on the "ends", i.e. "BeginSong{" and "}EndSong"
Dim songInfos As String
Dim firstArray() As String
Dim secondArray() As String
Dim thirdArray() As String
Dim songInfoArray() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim songCounter As Integer
' to test:
songInfos = songInfos & "BeginSong{" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Song Name1" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Artist1" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Genre1" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "}EndSong" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "BeginSong{" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Song Name2" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Artist2" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "Genre2" & vbNewLine
songInfos = songInfos & "}EndSong"
firstArray = Split(songInfos, "BeginSong{")
songCounter = 0
ReDim songInfoArray(2, 0)
For i = 1 To UBound(firstArray) Step 1
secondArray = Split(firstArray(i), "}EndSong")
thirdArray = Split(secondArray(0), vbNewLine)
songInfoArray(0, songCounter) = thirdArray(1)
songInfoArray(1, songCounter) = thirdArray(2)
songInfoArray(2, songCounter) = thirdArray(3)
songCounter = songCounter + 1
If i < UBound(firstArray) Then
ReDim Preserve songInfoArray(2, songCounter)
End If
Next i
The watch after the last line. Note the structure of songInfoArray, which was required for it to be ReDimmed

Finding And Removing Duplicates from text file using

I have a huge text file in which a large number of duplication are occurred. The duplications are as follows.
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Pin Code = GFDHG
TITLE = Shop Signs/Projection Signs/Industrial Signage/Restaurant signs/Menu Boards&Box in London
DATE = 12-09-2012
Tracking Key # 85265E712050-15207427406854753
Total Posts 16
Pin Code = GFDHG
TITLE = Shop Signs/Projection Signs/Industrial Signage/Restaurant signs/Menu Boards&Box in London
DATE = 12-09-2012
Tracking Key # 85265E712050-15207427406854753
Total Posts 2894
Pin Code = GFDHG
TITLE = Shop Signs/Projection Signs/Industrial Signage/Restaurant signs/Menu Boards&Box in London
DATE = 15-09-2012
Tracking Key # 85265E712050-152797637654753
Total Posts 2894
Pin Code = GFDHG
TITLE = Shop Signs/Projection Signs/Industrial Signage/Restaurant signs/Menu Boards&Box in London
DATE = 15-09-2012
Tracking Key # 85265E712050-152797637654753
and so on upto 4000 total posts are there in this text file. I want that my program match the total post 6 to all total post that occurred in file and where find the duplicate , then programatically remove that duplicate and also delete the next 7 lines of that duplicate. Thank you
Assuming the formatting is consistent (i.e. each logged event in the file uses 6 total lines of text), then if you're looking to remove duplicates from the file you just need to do something like this:
Sub DupClean(ByVal fpath As String) 'fpath is the FULL file path, i.e. C:\Users\username\Documents\filename.txt
Dim OrigText As String = ""
Dim CleanText As String = ""
Dim CText As String = ""
Dim SReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(fpath, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
Dim TxtLines As New List(Of String)
Dim i As Long = 0
Dim writer As New System.IO.StreamWriter(Left(fpath, fpath.Length - 4) & "_clean.txt", False) 'to overwrite the text inside the same file simply use StreamWriter(fpath)
'Read in the text
OrigText = SReader.ReadToEnd
'Parse the text at new lines to allow selecting groups of 6 lines
TxtLines.AddRange(Split(OrigText, Chr(10))) 'may need to change the Chr # to look for depending on if 10 or 13 is used when the file is generated
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Encountered an error while reading in the text file contents and parsing them. Details: " & ex.Message, vbOKOnly, "Read Error")
End Try
'Now we iterate through blocks of 6 lines
Do While i < TxtLines.Count
'Set CText to the next 6 lines of text
CText = TxtLines.Item(i) & Chr(10) & TxtLines.Item(i + 1) & Chr(10) & TxtLines.Item(i + 2) & Chr(10) & TxtLines.Item(i + 3) & Chr(10) & TxtLines.Item(i + 4) & Chr(10) & TxtLines.Item(i + 5)
'Check if CText is already present in CleanText
If Not (CleanText.Contains(CText)) Then
'Add CText to CleanText
If CleanText.Length = 0 Then
CleanText = CText
CleanText = CleanText & Chr(10) & CText
End If
End If 'else the text is already present and we don't need to do anything
i = i + 6
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Encountered an error while running cleaning duplicates from the read in text. The application was on the " & i & "-th line of text when the following error was thrown: " & ex.Message, _
vbOKOnly, "Comparison Error")
End Try
'Write out the clean text
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Encountered an error writing the cleaned text. Details: " & ex.Message & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "The cleaned text was " & CleanText, vbOKOnly, "Write Error")
End Try
End Sub
If the format isn't consistent you'll need to get fancier and define rules to tell which lines to add to CText on any given pass through the loop, but without context I wouldn't be able to give you any ideas as to what those may be.