How to map a single char column in Doctrine 2 - orm

How can I map a single char column in Doctrine 2, using annotations? I would like to have a char type, instead a single char string.

You can always use the string type with the fixed option:
* #Column(type="string", length=2, options={"fixed" = true})
protected $country;
The above code snippet produces the following SQL:
`country` char(2) NOT NULL,

Doctrine doesn't have a CHAR type defined out of the box, however it does allow you to define custom types, which you could use to create a 'char' type to use in annotations.
The Doctrine documentation has an example of this:

You might end up providing your own full-column definition:
* #Column(type="string", columnDefinition="CHAR(2) NOT NULL")
protected $country = null;


Add a VSA (Vendor Specific Attribute) to Access-Accept reply programmatically in FreeRADIUS C module

I have a FreeRADIUS C language module that implements MOD_AUTHENTICATE and MOD_AUTHORIZE methods for custom auth purpose. I need the ability to programmatically add VSAs to the Access-Accept reply.
I have toyed a bit with radius_pair_create() and fr_pair_add() methods (see snippet below) but that didn’t yield any change to the reply content, possibly because I specified ad-hoc values that don’t exist in a vendor-specific dictionary. Or because I didn’t use them correctly.
My FreeRADIUS version is 3_0_19
Any information, pointers and, especially, syntax samples will be highly appreciated.
void test_vsa(REQUEST *request)
vp = radius_pair_create(request->reply, NULL, 18, 0);
if (vp)
log("Created VALUE_PAIR");
vp->vp_integer = 96;
fr_pair_add(&request->reply->vps, vp);
log("Failed to create VALUE_PAIR");
So first off you're writing an integer value to a string attribute, which is wrong. The only reason why the server isn't SEGVing is because the length of the VP has been left at zero, so the RADIUS encoder doesn't bother dereferencing the char * inside the pair that's meant to contain the pair's value.
fr_pair_make is the easier function to use here, as it takes both the attribute name and value as strings, so you don't need to worry about the C types.
The code snippet below should do what you want.
void test_avp(REQUEST *request)
vp = fr_pair_make(request->reply, &request->reply->vps, "Reply-Message", "Hello from FreeRADIUS", T_OP_SET);
if (vp)
log("Created VALUE_PAIR");
log("Failed to create VALUE_PAIR");
For a bit more of an explanation, lets look at the doxygen header:
/** Create a VALUE_PAIR from ASCII strings
* Converts an attribute string identifier (with an optional tag qualifier)
* and value string into a VALUE_PAIR.
* The string value is parsed according to the type of VALUE_PAIR being created.
* #param[in] ctx for talloc
* #param[in] vps list where the attribute will be added (optional)
* #param[in] attribute name.
* #param[in] value attribute value (may be NULL if value will be set later).
* #param[in] op to assign to new VALUE_PAIR.
* #return a new VALUE_PAIR.
VALUE_PAIR *fr_pair_make(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, VALUE_PAIR **vps,
char const *attribute, char const *value, FR_TOKEN op)
ctx - This is the packet or request that the vps will belong to. If you're adding attributes to the request it should be request->packet, reply would be request->reply, control would be request.
vps - If specified, this will be which list to insert the new VP into. If this is NULL fr_pair_make will just return the pair and let you insert it into a list.
attribute - The name of the attribute as a string.
value - The value of the attribute as a string. For non-string types, fr_pair_make will attempt to perform a conversion. So, for example, passing "12345" for an integer type, will result in the integer value 12345 being written to an int field in the attribute.
op - You'll usually want to us T_OP_SET which means overwrite existing instances of the same attribute. See the T_OP_* values of FR_TOKEN and the code that uses them, if you want to understand the different operators and what they do.

Passing array as function parameters in PHP7.0

I have a function as follows:
* #param \string[] ...$whitelist
* #return Array
public function whitelist(string ...$whitelist): Array
// code
How can I pass an array (e.g $arr = [$val1, $val2, ...]) to the function?
Note that I cannot change the function structure because it belongs to a third party class I am using in my code.
* #param \string[] ...$whitelist
* #return Array
public function whitelist(string ...$whitelist): Array
// code
You pass the arguments by separating them by comma, meaning the whitelist function takes n number of arguments. You are using the splat operator ( So, in your case it may be something like:
whitelist(...['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']);

Different Objective-C enums with the same literals

I wish to have two different enums, but they might have the same literal; for example:
typedef enum {ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR,FIVE,SIX} NumbersEnum;
typedef enum {ONE,TWO,THREE,FIVE,EIGHT} FibonacciEnum;
This will raise a compile error because ONE, TWO, THREE, FIVE are repeated in both enums.
Is there a way to make this work as-is (not changing the literals' names or adding a prefix or suffix)?
Is there any way my code using the literals can look like this: int num = NumbersEnum.SIX; and not like this int num = SIX;?
No. That's part of the C and Objective-C language from the beginning of time. You're not going to change it, and nobody is going to change it for you.
You cannot do this with enums; their members are global and the names must be unique. There is, however, a neat technique you can use to make pseudo-namespaces for constants with structs.
Declare your "namespace" in the appropriate header:
extern const struct _FibonacciNumbers
int one;
int two;
int three;
int five;
} FibonacciNumbers;
Then initialize the values in an implementation file:
const struct _FibonacciNumbers FibonacciNumbers = {
.one = 1,
.two = 2,
.three = 3,
.five = 5
You now access a constant as, e.g.,, and other struct types can use the same names since the names are private to each of them.
So that's "No" for your first option, but "Yes" to the second.

adding new operator type to nspredicateoperatortype

NSPredicateOperatorType has a set of operator types.
enum {
NSLessThanPredicateOperatorType = 0,
typedef NSUInteger NSPredicateOperatorType;
It seems no way i could add additional operator. But, is there any way that i could add a new operator to it for my purpose.

Enumerators Cast

I have en error when try to cast own enumerator to address book values:
typedef enum {
kACTextFirstName = kABPersonFirstNameProperty, // error: expression is not an integer constant expression
kACTextLastName = (int)kABPersonLastNameProperty, // error: expression is not an integer constant expression
} ACFieldType;
How to solve the problem?
Thank you.
I need to init my enum using ABAddressBook's framework const values such as kABPersonLastNameProperty or kABPersonFirstNameProperty.
In C (unlike in C++), an object declared const, even if it's initialized with a constant expression, cannot be used as a constant.
You didn't bother to show us the declaration of kABPersonFirstNameProperty, but I"m guessing it's declared something like:
const int kABPersonFirstNameProperty = 42;
If you need to use the name kABPersonFirstNameProperty as a constant expression, you can either declare it as a macro:
#define kABPersonFirstNameProperty 42
or as an enumeration constant:
enum { kABPersonFirstNameProperty = 42 };
Note that the enum hack only lets you declare constants of type int.
Likewise for kABPersonLastNameProperty.
(And why do you cast one of them to int, but not the other?)
If that doesn't answer your question, it's because you didn't give us enough information.