How to get latest only from certain folders in TFS using tfpt uu? - tfs-power-tools

My workspace is set to map to the root of the TFS server, which has many projects. When I do a tfpt uu, it gets the entire server. I don't want to cloak every folder that I don't currently need. Is there as easy way to do something like
tfpt uu root/theFolderINeed

tfpt uu will undo any pending changes (check-outs) on files that are identical to the server version of that file (undu unchanged).
The only files that command should be "getting" are files which you have pending change on, so it can do a compare to determine if they are unchanged.
If you are trying to get (aka download) a specific folder, then tfpt uu is not the correct command.


Can't recover accidentally deleted project in IntelliJ

I was working on a project in IntelliJ, where I put in some code to delete some files from my project. This accidentally deleted the whole project from the filesystem (Windows 10). The only file left is the .idea directory that probably stores some IntelliJ configuration. The Local History option in IntelliJ has been disabled ever since (which means it wiped the Local History of this project), so there is no way of recovering the project via Local History either.
I used recovery programs like Recuva and EaseUS which for some reason didn't recover the lost files (EaseUS in particular shows files from 2 or 3 days ago instead of today).
I also doubt I can recover these files via Git since Git does not use a single file to store its history.
Any suggestions? core gulp path too long

The gulp files installed in a asp.net5 web project use the maximum path length. If you have a project path with more than a few characters long, the folders cannot be deleted.
This post refers to how to build using a short temp directory:
"Path too long" when publishing 5 from Visual Studio 2015
The question is, how do you easily remove these files when you need to clean up, restore, or archive a project?
Simple answer is file system basics. Create a directory in the same root as your project and give it a really short name (like "c:\t"). Then move all the files in node_modules there. then delete them.
I hear ms is working on a more workable gulp folder structure.
The reason you are hitting the NTFS file, path and name length limit of 255 characters is because of NPM nesting of package dependencies, which is a known Node issue on the Windows stack. You should try to update NPM to the latest version, 3.0 or greater, where they now use a flat approach to handle package dependencies. This will help you avoid the problem "unable to delete" because you will never have paths beyond 255 characters.
Perform the following:
1) Update NPM on your machine, by updating to the latest version of Node (download from
2) Update Visual Studio 2015 External Web Tools to point to the folder with the new tools. (Tools-Options-Projects And Solutions-External Web Tools).
C:\Program Files\nodejs"
C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs"
Make sure this is the top option on the list of paths.
3) (On automated build) Make sure that Visual Studio does not use the packaged NodeJS version when building your project by passing in the following parameter to MSBuild.
/p:ExternalToolsPath="C:\Program Files\nodejs"
or (x86) if applies:
/p:ExternalToolsPath="C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs"
After doing a lot of head hunting, I found about robocopy and this command has been my friend since then. I use the following steps to remove a file or folder when the windows path is too long
Create a folder anywhere in your system to use as a source (leave it empty).
Take back up from the folder you want to delete (if there is something important)
Open Command prompt
Type the following command. Modify the placeholders to suit your needs.
robocopy C:\path-to-source-empty-folder E:\path-to-folder-you-cant-delete /purge.
Note: If there are spaces in source or destination path in Step 4, the path must be enclosed by quotation marks.
After successful execution of the command, you will get execution report like the following
Everything inside the destination folder will be deleted forever.
You can also type robocopy in command prompt to see other options.
I hope this helps.

Programmatically access tfs build output

I'm trying to write a powershell script to allow a user to specify a tfs build id (or alternately a changeset id) and download the build output to the current directory. I have the build configured to copy the output to the server, which means only the most recent build output will be accessible in that directory. However from Visual Studio, or from the TFS Web Access, I can download the drop as a .zip file.
How can I access this .zip file programmatically (either in powershell, or even if I could figure out VB code to do this I can convert it to a powershell script)? Am I thinking about build output wrong, and there's a easier, more obvious way to handle this? Is the build output of the older builds being stored somewhere else on the server, or is it store in the database? Should I be configuring the build differently to store each build in a separate folder rather than overwriting each build in a single folder?
You can access the download zip via a properly constructed URL. For example:

Can node webkit build in a single windows .exe file

I have a project that need to run in a pen drive, the content is updated daily, and i need a automated way to generate a single file (.exe) to be downloaded by users.
I use this tool, but when build for windows, the build generate multiple files ( dlls, dat ,exe ).
This break my automation because the content need to be downloaded (single file).
Any help?
As far as I know, it can't. You could try making a 7zip SFX archive and running your own program instead of an installer.
This needs to create temporal files when run (which are deleted when the program quits) and I don't think you can remove the initial prompt. If you're okay with that, it might be what you need.
Edit: You can get the necessary SFX modules here.

FTP only changed files in MSBuild

An MSBuild project copies its output to a directory on a server. Each day, only a few files change and most have an older creation date.
I can FTP this to a remote server with MSBuild tasks. But how can I do this FTP and only copy the few files that have changed?
To do this you'll need something that will manage the sync for you - that is that will keep track of what file is where and update accordingly.
We have used FTPSync to do the file sync bit very tidly for a number of sites.
From MSBuild you can call an external program - so putting the two together will probably work providing your are consistently synching from the same location (otherwise its going to be more interesting!)