Reddit JsonP Request not returning with callback - jsonp

I am trying to make jsonp request to the subreddits_by_topic on reddit api. However, it doesn't appear to be returning my request in callback. Example request:
[{"name": "banana"}, {"name": "trees"}, {"name": "Fitness"},...
However another similar request to Reddit is coming back with callback correctly?{"kind": "Listing", "data": {"modhash": "", "children": [{"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "i.i...
I checked the api but couldn't find any supporting documentation. Is there a different way to specify callback on reddit or is it not supported?


Shopware 6 Admin Api - Updating existing record through patch method. Not working

shopware 6 admin api patch - why it's failing? I get error "Only single write operations are supported"
Following is api for rule-condition entity in the database, I update it with Id.
For same api get method is working!
url: api/rule-condition/dbb0d904c7c14860a9a94cf26b94eca6
method: patch
json body
"op": "replace",
"path": "/data/attributes/value/email",
"value": ""
"errors": [
"code": "0",
"status": "400",
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "Only single write operations are supported. Please send the entities one by one or use the /sync api endpoint.",
I also tried changing json body to following
"data": {
"attributes": {
"value": {
"email": ""
} }
Still it's not updating. Can somebody check and let me know what am i missing?
Documentation I followed:
This website has all apis and example methods.,
rule-condition entity can also be found there.
Btw : I used postman for testing api
You're passing an array of objects in the request body, suggesting you want to update multiple records, but the endpoint only supports updating a single record. The correct payload in your case should look like this:
"value": {
"operator": "=",
"email": ""
Notice that value is a json field and not only includes a single value. The exact content and the names of the properties of value depend on the type of condition used and usually it also includes the operator used in the condition.

Rest API for Authentication with nHost

So I know there's several SDK packages for many languages available for nHost, however I need to create my own interface to the system since the language I'll be using isn't typical.
I basically just need to know how to interact with authentication endpoints, send a users un/pw and recieve a JWT token. I've been successfully able to do this with aws Cognito, but I'd like to explore this instead.
I'm also not sure if I'm using the right base url, here's my thought so far:
So I would POST to there with some json in the body with the un/pw stuff, and the response should be the jwt token right?
I get a "resource does not exist" response from the above, however, so obviously I'm not forming the url correctly in the first place.
Thanks for the help!
Nhost supports multiple sign-on methods.
For example, using the email+password method, you would send:
and the response:
"session": {
"accessToken": "somejwt....",
"accessTokenExpiresIn": 900,
"refreshToken": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"user": {
"id": "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"createdAt": "2022-09-17T19:13:15.440221+00:00",
"displayName": "",
"avatarUrl": "",
"locale": "en",
"email": "",
"isAnonymous": false,
"defaultRole": "user",
"metadata": {},
"emailVerified": true,
"phoneNumber": null,
"phoneNumberVerified": false,
"activeMfaType": null,
"roles": [
"mfa": null
The JWT is short-term, when it expires, the refresh token is used to get a new one.
The Nhost JavaScript SDK handles it automatically for you, that's a big benefit to the platform (in addition to being integrated with Hasura). If you are trying to port it to another unsupported language, you'd have to reimplement it. Probably by reading the library and/or running one of their sample client application and reverse-engineering the HTTP over the wire.

How to know the Shopify username who triggered a webhook?

I have a product/update Shopify webhook. When the webhook event comes, I see the JSON payload but I don't get any clue about who updated the product. I need the username or email or whatever to identify the user who triggered the webhook. Is that even possible ? If yes, how ?
As per Shopify Documentation, product/update hook does not contain any information regarding the user who triggered the action. However, if it is extremely important for you to find out the user, a workaround is to use the Shopify Events API. As you already have the Product ID in the recieved webhook, you may issue another call to
GET /admin/products/#{product_id}/events.json
and in the response
"events": [
"id": 677313116,
"subject_id": 921728736,
"created_at": "2008-01-10T08:00:00-05:00",
"subject_type": "Product",
"verb": "create",
"arguments": [
"IPod Touch 8GB"
"body": null,
"message": "Product was created: IPod Touch 8GB.",
"author": "Shopify",
"description": "Product was created: IPod Touch 8GB.",
"path": "/admin/products/921728736"
you will have the author field. You may further filter the result using verb and created_at fields.
The supported events are
But I am also only able to get the created, published and unpublished events.

How to post event with metadata to stream through HTTP API

I'm using EventStore and want to post a message (event) to it. I use the HTTP API for testing purposes. I've managed to post the event itself, with an event type specified, but I can't figure out how to specify metadata for my event. (and I must provide this metadata because my consuming application on the other side expects it).
This is what my HTTP request looks like:
Content-Type: application/json
ES-EventType: My.own.event.type
"props": "andvalues"
Do I specify metadata in the body in through headers? I can't find much docs about this, only the official that doesn't mention it.
The documentation mentions the full schema for an event being written. It looks like this:
"eventId" : "string",
"eventType" : "string",
"data" : "object",
"metadata" : "object"
For example:
"eventId": "fbf4a1a1-b4a3-4dfe-a01f-ec52c34e16e4",
"eventType": "event-type",
"data": { "a": "1" },
"metadata": { "b": "2" }
Note that it's an array, and that you must pass content-type as application/
Check this page, scroll to Event Store Events Media Type.

Google youtube api v3 does not return part "brandingSettings"

I am trying to extract the banner-image used in a certain youtube channel programmatically.
As far as I know it is to be in the brandingSettings, to be exact I think it is brandingSettings.image.bannerImageUrl, see here for an indetail description of the API:
So, I suppose I should be able to get that information with a GET request like this:[YOURAPIKEY]&forUsername=esltv
But that request (replacing the [YOURAPIKEY] with my actual key of course) returns without the desired part "brandingSettings":
"kind": "youtube#channelListResponse",
"etag": "\"79S54kzisD_9SOTfQLu_0TVQSpY/WJfuNLYVgEQVEhWQ-03PpQlCyzo\"",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1,
"resultsPerPage": 5
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#channel",
"etag": "\"79S54kzisD_9SOTfQLu_0TVQSpY/GwL7oIruOCBr66yiNtrJqE3_Drs\"",
"id": "UC0G2qz-hoaCswQNgoWU_LTw"
I currently have turned on "YouTube Data API v3" in google api console.
Am I missing some permission, or does the channel somehow not suit in regard of retrieving its brandingSettings?
for Username is actually for you to get the channelId. channels.list actually depends on channelId.
So with your first request you get channelID back, then do the same request second time, use channelId instead of username. (If you already know channelID use it first time as well.)