Yii DataProvider with two tables - yii

I have two tables
id | name | gender(boolean)
gender_id (boolean) | gender_name (text)
I want to display the text representation of gender through DataProvider
public function actionIndex()
$crt = new CDbCriteria();
$crt->alias = 'so';
$crt->select = 'so.id, so.name, so.gender, fl.Gender_name';
$crt->join = " left join " . Gender::model()->tableName() . " as fl on fl.Gender_id = so.Gender";
$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('User', array('criteria' => $crt));
As a result, I can not pass through dataProvider table gender

You can beter create a relation in the models. This way you dont have to use the criteria, and the value canbe accessed through $model->gender->gender_name for example


Magento 2: Get Product, Sku and Manufacturer name from database

I use this query to get Product Name and Sku.
I would to add "brand name" that is stored in Manufacturer attributes . Is it possible to expand this query to get manufacturer name by product?
SELECT nametable.value,
FROM `m2_catalog_product_entity_varchar` AS nametable
LEFT JOIN m2_catalog_product_entity
ON nametable.entity_id = m2_catalog_product_entity.entity_id
WHERE nametable.attribute_id = (SELECT attribute_id
FROM `m2_eav_attribute`
WHERE `entity_type_id` = 4 and store_id = 0
AND `attribute_code` LIKE 'name');
I would highly recommend leveraging Magento 2 product object for retrieving the information instead of building queries yourself.
Inside a php class you can retrieve it like this using factory method:
public function __construct(
\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context,
\Magento\Catalog\Model\ProductFactory $product
) {
$this->product = $product;
public function getProduct($id)
$product = $this->product->create()->load($entity_id);
$sku = $product->getSku(); // get SKU
$name = $product->getName(); // get name
$manufacturer = $product->getManufacturer(); // get manufacturer
Or via Object Manager
$entity_id = "your product id";
$objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
$product = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load($entity_id);
$sku = $product->getSku(); // get SKU
$name = $product->getName(); // get name
$manufacturer = $product->getManufacturer(); // get manufacturer
To retrieve any attribute you want, you can use
$attribute = $product->getData("attribute_code"); // get any attribute

how to check, if authenticated user in array from db

In my DB I have a project table which has
id | title | users |
1 | First | 1,2,3 |
2 | Second| 2,6 |
how can I check Yii::app()->user->id contained in users field? I want to check, if true then show row in gridview.
Which $criteria must I use?
Use LIKE query for checking your user id exist or not in users column.
$user = Yii::app()->user->id;
$result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM project WHERE users LIKE "%'.$user.'%"')->queryAll();
//Your other scripts to show in grid view
If you have a Project model class then you also can use:
$user = Yii::app()->user->id;
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select = '*';
$criteria->compare('t.users', $user, true);
$results = Project::model()->findAll($criteria);

sprintf and php

The following function gives all the related data except artist_id, when run I have checked all elements in the database and ok.
If I change the artist_id to an actual 'id' it shows in the result of the function as WHERE artist_id = 4 AND........
Confess I do not understand what is causing this.
Result of the function:
SELECT `image_album_id`, `member_id`, `artist_id`, `albumname`, `ext`, `timestamp`
FROM album_images WHERE artist_id = AND member_id = 1 AND
image_album_id = 160
function get_data_nxtprv($fields, $where) {
$return = FALSE;
// Template
$template = "SELECT %s "
. "FROM album_images "
. "WHERE artist_id = " . $artist_id. "
AND member_id = ".$_SESSION['member_id']." %s";
// Current record
$sql = sprintf($template, $fields, $where);
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$query_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
// If data has been found
if ($query_result)
$return = $query_result;
return $return;
I am not entirely sure I understand your question. But I noticed that your function uses three input variables:
$artist_id, $fields, $where
But $artist_id is not getting passed as an argument.
You would need to modify the function call:
function get_data_nxtprv($artist_id, $fields, $where)
There is an error in your SQL
SELECT `image_album_id`, `member_id`, `artist_id`, `albumname`, `ext`, `timestamp`
FROM album_images WHERE artist_id = AND member_id = 1 AND
image_album_id = 160
should it not be
SELECT `image_album_id`, `member_id`, `artist_id`, `albumname`, `ext`, `timestamp`
FROM album_images WHERE member_id = 1 AND
image_album_id = 160
if artist_id is one of the fields you're looking for?

Get data from another column where first column id is equals other and other column equals X

My problem is:
I would like to get all advertistments where id of Description column is equals with Advertistment's column.
Let's say that Advertistment column is connected with Description column.
I would like to gain all description's id where one of its column called type_of_house is equals m.
Then show all advertistment where advertistment's id is equals with description's id.
In short way: advertistment shows info about houses, descriptions store houses type D and M and I want show all advertistments with houses type of M.
This is correct sql:
SELECT * FROM advertistment, description WHERE advertistment.id_advertistment = description.id_description AND description.type_of_house = "m"
I have no idea how write it into zend. I tried something like that. This function I wrote in model folder.
public function takeAll() {
$select = $this->_db->select();
$select->from(array('a' => 'advertistment', 'd' => 'description'));
$select->where('a.id_advertistment = d.id_description AND d.type_of_house = m');
return $select->query()->fetchAll();
You're actually quite close. This should work:
public function takeAll() {
$select = $this->_db->select();
$select->from(array('a' => 'advertistment'));
$select->join(array('d' => 'description'), 'a.id_advertistment = d.id_description');
$select->where('d.type_of_house = ?', 'm');
return $this->_db->fetchAll($select);

Yii: adding custom fields

Is there a simple way of adding custom fields to a model? Say I have a table "user" with 3 fields: id, name and surname. I want this:
$user = User::model()->findByPk(1);
$echo $user->fullName; // echoes name and surname
Please note: I want this custom field to be added via sql, smth like
$c = new CDbCriteria();
$c->select = 'CONCAT("user".name, "user".surname) as fullName';
$user = User::model()->find($c);
Problem is that fullName property is not set.
here is the code for a little bit trickier problem -- custom field from another table. This is how it's done:
$model = Application::model();
$model->getMetaData()->columns = array_merge($model->getMetaData()->columns, array('fullName' => 'CONCAT("u".name, "u".surname)'));
$c = new CDbCriteria();
$c->select = 'CONCAT("u".name, "u".surname) as fullName';
$c->join = ' left join "user" "u" on "t".responsible_manager_id = "u".id';
foreach ($model->findAll() as $o) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
You can add a function to the User class:
public function getFullName() { return $this->name.' '.$this->surname; }
This will return the full name as if it were an attribute from the database. This is much easier than adding a calculated column to the SQL.
In model
public function getMetaData(){
$data = parent::getMetaData();
$data->columns['fullName'] = array('name' => 'fullName');
return $data;
Thus not recommended