dynamically selecting workbook and worksheet - vba

I have to copy and paste specific columns from one worksheet in workbook1 to another worksheet in the same workbook1 or it may be workbook2 also. I mean I want to dynamically select the source workbook and worksheet and also the destination workbook and worksheet. I must be able to select the columns that I want to copy also dynamically.
I've tried this:
Dim thisWb As Workbook
Dim destWb As String
Dim destSheet As Worksheet, FromSheet As Worksheet
Dim FromBook As String
Set thisWb = ThisWorkbook
Set destSheet = thisWb.ActiveSheet
FromBook = Application.GetOpenFilename
If FromBook = "False" Then Exit Sub
destWb = Application.GetOpenFilename
Workbooks.Open Filename:=destWb
Set FromSheet = destWb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set sourcecolumn = Workbooks("FromBook").Worksheets("sheet1").Columns("A")
Set targetcolumn = Workbooks("destWb").Worksheets("sheet2").Columns("B")
sourcecolumn.Copy Destination:=targetcolumn
There is an "invalid specifier" compile time error and destwb is highlighted on this line:
Set FromSheet = destwb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
i have tried doing this with static workbooks,worksheets,column names and it works.
Dim sourcecolumn As Range, targetcolumn As Range
Set sourcecolumn = Workbooks("Book1.xlsm").Worksheets("sheet1").Columns("A")
Set targetcolumn = Workbooks("Book1.xlsm").Worksheets("sheet2").Columns("B")
sourcecolumn.Copy Destination:=targetcolumn
The problem is i want to select the workbooks,worksheets and columns dynamically...

There is some type confusion in your variable declarations. On the line on which you get the error, you're trying to assign a Worbook object reference to a String variable. This doesn't work because those are two different data types.
Here's a fix. I commented the lines that I changed:
Dim pthFromBook As String
Dim pthDestWb As String ' to store the path of the workbook file
Dim thisWb As Workbook
Dim destWb As Workbook ' to store reference to workbook object
Dim destSheet As Worksheet, FromSheet As Worksheet
Set thisWb = ThisWorkbook
Set destSheet = thisWb.ActiveSheet
pthFromBook = Application.GetOpenFilename
If pthFromBook = "False" Then Exit Sub
pthDestWb = Application.GetOpenFilename ' first get the path
Set destWb = Workbooks.Open(pthDestWb) ' then open the workbook
Set FromSheet = destWb.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Finally, I don't know if it's a typo, but on the last line above, there appears to be some confusion between From and Dest sheets/workbooks...


Unprotect sheet/Workbook

I managed to get this working but some of my client files are protected.
Sub VBA_Read_External_Workbook()
' Get customer workbook...
Dim customerBook As Workbook
Dim filter As String
Dim caption As String
Dim customerFilename As String
Dim customerWorkbook As Workbook
Dim targetWorkbook As Workbook
Dim sheet As String
' make weak assumption that active workbook is the target
Set targetWorkbook = Application.ActiveWorkbook
' get the customer workbook
filter = "Text files (*.xlsb),*.xlsb"
caption = "Please Select an input file "
customerFilename = Application.GetOpenFilename(filter, , caption)
Set customerWorkbook = Application.Workbooks.Open(customerFilename)
sheet.Unprotect ("CADDRP")
' assume range is A1 - C10 in sheet1
' copy data from customer to target workbook
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = targetWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Dim sourceSheet As Worksheet
Set sourceSheet = customerWorkbook.Worksheets(3)
targetSheet.Range("A1", "C10").Value = sourceSheet.Range("D85", "D95").Value
' Close customer workbook
End Sub
I squeezed sheet.unprotect inside.
It gives me an error
"Object Required" Run time error '424'.
I'm guessing I missed some variable declaration in the process?
Assuming you need to Unprotect the Sheet, not the Workbook.. Remove the sheet.Unprotect line where you have it currently and put it back in after setting the SourceSheet:
Set sourceSheet = customerWorkbook.Worksheets(3)
sourceSheet.Unprotect ("CADDRP")

Copy worksheet and rename it and declare variable vBA

I am copying a worksheet and rename it using the cell values from 3rd sheet. THe only issue I am having is how do I declare the new sheet a a variable since i will be working on that sheet? I get an error saying "expected: end of statement" on the the last line.
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Dim wsIntro As Worksheet
Dim wsUp As Worksheet
Set wsUp = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set wsIntro = Worksheets("Instructions")
Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy after:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count)
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
.Value = .Value
End With
ActiveSheet.name = wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value
Dim wsAllo As Worksheet
Set wsAllo = "wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value"
As the worksheet that you are trying to set a reference to is the ActiveSheet, you can simply change
Set wsAllo = "wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value"
Set wsAllo = ActiveSheet
Refactoring your code slightly gives:
Dim wsNew As Worksheet
Dim wsIntro As Worksheet
Dim wsUp As Worksheet
Dim wsAllo As Worksheet
Set wsUp = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set wsIntro = Worksheets("Instructions")
'You shouldn't use "Sheets(Worksheets.Count)" - it will sometimes not do
'what you expect (when you have Charts as well as Worksheets in the Workbook)
'Use either "Sheets(Sheets.Count)" to place the new sheet as the last sheet
'in the workbook or use "Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)" to place the new sheet
'after the last worksheet in the workbook (but possibly with Charts after that)
wsUp.Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Set wsAllo = ActiveSheet
With wsAllo
.Name = wsIntro.Range("b6").Value & wsIntro.Range("b7").Value
.UsedRange.Value = .UsedRange.Value
End With

Copy cell range between workbooks from same folder

I currently have:
Sub Ranger()
Dim rng As Range
Dim WB1 As Workbook, WB2 As Workbook, ActiveWB As Workbook
Dim WS1 As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet
Dim FName As String
FName = "General Text"
Set WB1 = ThisWorkbook
Set WS1 = WB1.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set WB2 = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=FName)
Set WS2 = WB2.Sheets(1)
With WS2
Set rng = .Range(Range("A1"), Range("A5"))
End With
With WS1
rng.Copy .Cells(1, 1)
End With
End Sub
Which aims to copy the range A1:A5 in the newly opened workbook into the original workbook (ThisWorkbook). It currently opens the second workbook but does not copy anything into the first workbook. There are also no errors and I would like to avoid using specific names in setting WB1/WB2 as WB2 could be either .xls or .xlsx
Try this, it works for me:
Sub Ranger()
Dim rng As Range
Dim WB2 As Workbook
Dim FName As String
FName = "D:\Tuchanka\Temp\pelda.xlsx"
Set WB2 = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FName)
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A5").Value = WB2.Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A5").Value
End Sub
Using variables and with statements is pointless in your situation, as instead of making your code simpler and easier to read, they just add a lot of gibberish and make your code seem way too complex. Only use these if you need them.

VBA Copy data from one sheet to another

I'm pretty new to VBA and need some help with a project. I need to write a macro that reads the Sheet Name in Column C, and pastes the values from a source workbook to a range in a target workbook, which is specified in Column D.
So for example, it needs to copy the data in Sheet2 of Myworkbook book, and paste it into range of Theirworkbook Sheet2. The place where the range and sheet number information is stored in a separate workbook.
Edit: I've added a picture of what wbOpen looks like. This is it here.
Option Explicit
Sub PasteToTargetRange()
Dim arrVar As Variant 'stores all the sheets to get the copied
Dim arrVarTarget As Variant 'stores names of sheets in target workbook
Dim rngRange As Range 'each sheet name in the given range
Dim rngLoop As Range 'Range that rngRange is based in
Dim wsSource As Worksheet 'source worksheet where ranges are found
Dim wbSource As Workbook 'workbook with the information to paste
Dim wbTarget As Workbook 'workbook that will receive information
Dim strSourceFile As String 'location of source workbook
Dim strTargetFile As String 'location of source workbook
Dim wbOpen As Workbook 'Current open workbook(one with inputs)
Dim wsRange As Range 'get information from source workbook
Dim varRange As Range 'Range where values should be pasted
Dim i As Integer 'counter for For Loop
Dim wbkNewSheet As Worksheet 'create new worksheet if target workbook doesn't have
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet 'target workbook worksheet
Dim varNumber As String 'range to post
Set wbOpen = Workbooks.Open("WorkbookWithRanges.xlsx")
'Open source file
MsgBox ("Open the source file")
strSourceFile = Application.GetOpenFilename
If strSourceFile = "" Then Exit Sub
Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open(strSourceFile)
'Open target file
MsgBox ("Open the target file")
strTargetFile = Application.GetOpenFilename
If strTargetFile = "" Then Exit Sub
Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open(strTargetFile)
'Activate transfer Workbook
Set wsRange = ActiveSheet.Range("C9:C20")
Set arrVarTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets
For Each varRange In wsRange
If varRange.Value = 'Target workbook worksheets
varNumber = varRange.Offset(0, -1).Value
Set wsTarget = X.Offset(0, 1)
wsSouce.Range(wsTarget).Value = varNumber
wbkNewSheet = Worksheets.Add
wbkNewSheet.Name = varRange.Value
End If
End Sub
Something like this (untested but should give you an idea)
Sub PasteToTargetRange()
Set wsRange = wbOpen.Sheets(1).Range("C9:C20")
For Each c In wsRange
shtName = c.Offset(0, -1).Value
Set wsTarget = GetSheet(wbTarget, shtName) 'get the target sheet
wbSource.Sheets(shtName).Range(c.Value).Copy wsTarget.Range(c.Value)
End Sub
'Get a reference to a named sheet in a specific workbook
' By default will create the sheet if not found
Function GetSheet(wb As Workbook, ws As String, Optional CreateIfMissing As Boolean = True)
Dim rv As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next 'ignore eroror if no match
Set rv = wb.Worksheets(ws)
On Error GoTo 0 'stop ignoring errors
'sheet wasn't found, and should create if missing
If rv Is Nothing And CreateIfMissing Then
Set rv = wb.Worksheets.Add(after:=wb.Worksheets(wb.Worksheets.Count))
rv.Name = ws
End If
Set GetSheet = rv
End Function

How to compare two workbooks

I like to compare two workbooks with different sheet, How can I set as an object for workbook1-->Sheet1 , workbook2--->(sheet1)
I can able to compare the worksheet inside the same workbook, Butwhere as if I want to select the sheet the "getopenfilename". how can i assign the name as an object.
Dim tabWb As Workbook 'Workbook2
Dim tabWS As Worksheet 'analysing worksheet
Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls*),*.xl*", Title:="Open data")
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set tabWS = Sheets("Tabelle1")
Dim bsmWS As Worksheet ' workbook1
Set bsmWS = Sheets("Sheet1") ' currentworksheet
Workbook1(sheet1) is my current workbook and work sheet, I like to get some data from the another workbook2(sheet1). How can i make an object for the both worksheets.I am getting compileing failure in "set bsmws"
Sub test()
Dim strFileName as String
Dim wbTarget As Workbook
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wsTarget As Worksheet
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
strFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel files (*.xls*),*.xl*", Title:="Open data")
Set wbSource = ThisWorkbook
Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open(strFileName)
Set wsSource = wbSource.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set wsTarget = wbTarget.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'to copy from Target - > Source
wsTarget.Range("B2").Resize(5, 5).Copy wsSource.Range("B2")
End Sub