Recursively duplicating entries - sql

I am attempting to duplicate an entry. That part isn't hard. The tricky part is: there are n entries connected with a foreign key. And for each of those entries, there are n entries connected to that. I did it manually using a lookup to duplicate and cross reference the foreign keys.
Is there some subroutine or method to duplicate an entry and search for and duplicate foreign entries? Perhaps there is a name for this type of replication I haven't stumbled on yet, is there a specific database related title for this type of operation?
PostgreSQL 8.4.13
main entry (uid is serial)
uid | title
1 | stuff
department (departmentid is serial, uidref is foreign key for uid above)
departmentid | uidref | title
100 | 1 | Foo
101 | 1 | Bar
sub_category of department (textid is serial, departmentref is foreign for departmentid above)
textid | departmentref | title
1000 | 100 | Text for Foo 1
1001 | 100 | Text for Foo 2
1002 | 101 | Text for Bar 1

You can do it all in a single statement using data-modifying CTEs (requires Postgres 9.1 or later).
Your primary keys being serial columns makes it easier:
INSERT INTO main (<all columns except pk>)
SELECT <all columns except pk>
FROM main
WHERE uid = 1
RETURNING uid AS uidref -- returns new uid
, d AS (
INSERT INTO department (<all columns except pk>)
SELECT <all columns except pk>
JOIN department d USING (uidref)
RETURNING departmentid AS departmentref -- returns new departmentids
INSERT INTO sub_category (<all columns except pk>)
SELECT <all columns except pk>
JOIN sub_category s USING (departmentref);
Replace <all columns except pk> with your actual columns. pk is for primary key, like main.uid.
The query returns nothing. You can return pretty much anything. You just didn't specify anything.
You wouldn't call that "replication". That term usually is applied for keeping multiple database instances or objects in sync. You are just duplicating an entry - and depending objects recursively.
Aside about naming conventions:
It would get even simpler with a naming convention that labels all columns signifying "ID of table foo" with the same (descriptive) name, like foo_id. There are other naming conventions floating around, but this is the best for writing queries, IMO.


Tricky PostgreSQL join and order query

I've got four tables in a PostgreSQL 9.3.6 database:
fields (child of sections)
entries (child of sections)
data (child of entries)
CREATE TABLE section (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
title text,
"group" integer
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
title text,
section integer,
type text,
"default" json
CREATE TABLE entries (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
section integer
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
data json,
field integer,
entry integer
I'm trying to generate a page that looks like this:
section title
field 1 title | field 2 title | field 3 title
entry 1 | data 'as' json | data 1 json | data 3 json <-- table
entry 2 | data 'df' json | data 5 json | data 6 json
entry 3 | data 'gh' json | data 8 json | data 9 json
The way I have it set up right now each piece of 'data' has an entry it's linked to, a corresponding field (that field has columns that determine how the data's json field should be interpreted), a json field to store different types of data, and an id (1-9 here in the table).
In this example there are 3 entries, and 3 fields and there is a data piece for each of the cells in between.
It's set up like this because one section can have different field types and quantity than another section and therefore different quantities and types of data.
Challenge 1:
I'm trying to join the table together in a way that it's sortable by any of the columns (contents of the data for that field's json column). For example I want to be able to sort field 3 (the third column) in reverse order, the table would look like this:
section title
field 1 title | field 2 title | field 3 title
entry 3 | data 'gh' json | data 8 json | data 9 json
entry 2 | data 'df' json | data 5 json | data 6 json
entry 1 | data 'as' json | data 1 json | data 3 json <-- table
I'm open to doing it another way too if there's a better one.
Challenge 2:
Each field has a 'default value' column - Ideally I only have to create 'data' entries when they have a value that isn't that default value. So the table might actually look like this if field 2's default value was 'asdf':
section title
field 1 title | field 2 title | field 3 title
entry 3 | data 'gh' json | data 8 json | data 9 json
entry 2 | data 'df' json | 'asdf' | data 6 json
entry 1 | data 'as' json | 'asdf' | data 3 json <-- table
The key to writing this query is understanding that you just need to fetch all the data for single section and the rest you just join. You also can't with your schema directly filter data by section so you'll need to join entry just for that:
SELECT d.* FROM data d JOIN entries e ON (d.entry =
WHERE e.section = ?
You can then join field to each row to get defaults, types and titles:
SELECT d.*, f.title, f.type, f."default"
FROM data d JOIN entries e ON (d.entry =
JOIN fields f ON (d.field =
WHERE e.section = ?
Or you can select fields in a separate query to save some network traffic.
So this was an answer, here come bonuses:
Use foreign keys instead of integers to refer to other tables, it will make database check consistency for you.
Relations (tables) should be called in singular by convention, so it's section, entry and field.
Referring fields are called <name>_id, e.g. field_id or section_id also by convention.
The whole point of JSON fields is to store a collection with not statically defined data, so it would made much more sense to not use entries and data tables, but single table with JSON containing all the fields instead.
Like this:
CREATE TABLE row ( -- less generic name would be even better
id int primary key,
section_id int references section (id),
data json
With data fields containing something like:
"title": "iPhone 6",
"price": 650,
"available": true,
#Suor has provided good advice, some of which you already accepted. I am building on the updated schema.
CREATE TABLE section (
section_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
title text,
grp integer
field_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
section_id integer REFERENCES section,
title text,
type text,
default_val json
entry_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
section_id integer REFERENCES section
data_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
field_id integer REFERENCES field,
entry_id integer REFERENCES entry,
data json
I changed two more details:
section_id instead of id, etc. "id" as column name is an anti-pattern that's gotten popular since a couple of ORMs use it. Don't. Descriptive names are much better. Identical names for identical content is a helpful guideline. It also allows to use the shortcut USING in join clauses:
Don't use reserved words as identifiers. Use legal, lower-case, unquoted names exclusively to make your life easier.
Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?
Referential integrity?
There is another inherent weakness in your design. What stops entries in data from referencing a field and an entry that don't go together? Closely related question on dba.SE
Enforcing constraints “two tables away”
Not sure if you need the complex design at all. But to answer the question, this is the base query:
SELECT entry_id, field_id, COALESCE(, f.default_val) AS data
FROM entry e
JOIN field f USING (section_id)
LEFT JOIN data d USING (field_id, entry_id) -- can be missing
WHERE e.section_id = 1
ORDER BY 1, 2;
The LEFT JOIN is crucial to allow for missing data entries and use the default instead.
SQL Fiddle.
The final step is cross tabulation. Cannot show this in SQL Fiddle since the additional module tablefunc is not installed.
Basics for crosstab():
PostgreSQL Crosstab Query
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
SELECT entry_id, field_id, COALESCE(, f.default_val) AS data
FROM entry e
JOIN field f USING (section_id)
LEFT JOIN data d USING (field_id, entry_id) -- can be missing
WHERE e.section_id = 1
,$$SELECT field_id FROM field WHERE section_id = 1 ORDER BY field_id$$
) AS ct (entry int, f1 json, f2 json, f3 json) -- static
ORDER BY f3->>'a'; -- static
The tricky part here is the return type of the function. I provided a static type for 3 fields, but you really want that dynamic. Also, I am referencing a field in the json type that may or may not be there ...
So build that query dynamically and execute it in a second call.
More about that:
Dynamic alternative to pivot with CASE and GROUP BY

Multiple records in a table matched with a column

The architecture of my DB involves records in a Tags table. Each record in the Tags table has a string which is a Name and a foreign kery to the PrimaryID's of records in another Worker table.
Records in the Worker table have tags. Every time we create a Tag for a worker, we add a new row in the Tags table with the inputted Name and foreign key to the worker's PrimaryID. Therefore, we can have multiple Tags with different names per same worker.
Worker Table
ID | Worker Name | Other Information
1 | Worker1 | ..........................
2 | Worker2 | ..........................
3 | Worker3 | ..........................
4 | Worker4 | ..........................
Tags Table
ID |Foreign Key(WorkerID) | Name
1 | 1 | foo
2 | 1 | bar
3 | 2 | foo
5 | 3 | foo
6 | 3 | bar
7 | 3 | baz
8 | 1 | qux
My goal is to filter WorkerID's based on an inputted table of strings. I want to get the set of WorkerID's that have the same tags as the inputted ones. For example, if the inputted strings are foo and bar, I would like to return WorkerID's 1 and 3. Any idea how to do this? I was thinking something to do with GROUP BY or JOINING tables. I am new to SQL and can't seem to figure it out.
This is a variant of relational division. Here's one attempt:
select workerid
from tags
where name in ('foo', 'bar')
group by workerid
having count(distinct name) = 2
You can use the following:
select WorkerID
from tags where name in ('foo', 'bar')
group by WorkerID
having count(*) = 2
and this will retrieve your desired result/
This article is an excellent resource on the subject.
While the answer from #Lennart works fine in Query Analyzer, you're not going to be able to duplicate that in a stored procedure or from a consuming application without opening yourself up to SQL injection attacks. To extend the solution, you'll want to look into passing your list of tags as a table-valued parameter since SQL doesn't support arrays.
Essentially, you create a custom type in the database that mimics a table with only one column:
CREATE TYPE list_of_tags AS TABLE (t varchar(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)
Then you populate an instance of that type in memory:
DECLARE #mylist list_of_tags
INSERT #mylist (t) VALUES('foo'),('bar')
Then you can select against that as a join using the GROUP BY/HAVING described in the previous answers:
select workerid
from tags inner join #mylist on tag = t
group by workerid
having count(distinct name) = 2
*Note: I'm not at a computer where I can test the query. If someone sees a flaw in my query, please let me know and I'll happily correct it and thank them.

How to change values of foreign keys in postgresql?

Let's say I have two tables: Customer and City. There are many Customers that live in the same City. The cities have an uid that is primary key. The customers have a foreign key reference to their respective city via Customer.city_uid.
I have to swap two City.uids with one another for external reasons. But the customers should stay attached to their cities. Therefore it is necessary to swap the Customer.city_uids as well. So I thought I first swap the City.uids and then change the Customer.city_uids accordingliy via an UPDATE-statement. Unfortunately, I can not do that since these uids are referenced from the Customer-table and PostgreSQL prevents me from doing that.
Is there an easy way of swapping the two City.uids with one another as well as the Customer.city_uids?
One solution could be:
1. Drop foreign key
2. Make update
3. Create foreign key
1. Insert "new" correct information
2. Remove outdated information
My instinct is to recommend not trying to change the city table's id field. But there is lot of information missing here. So it really is a feeling rather than a definitive point of view.
Instead, I would swap the values in the other fields of the city table. For example, change the name of city1 to city2's name, and vice-versa.
For example:
id | name | population id | name | population
------------------------- -------------------------
1 | ABerg | 123456 1 | BBerg | 654321
2 | BBerg | 654321 2 | ABerg | 123456
3 | CBerg | 333333 3 | CBerg | 333333
(The ID was not touched, but the other values were swapped. Functionally the same as swapping the IDs, but with 'softer touch' queries that don't need to make any changes to table constraints, etc.)
Then, in your associated tables, you can do...
city_uid = CASE WHEN city_uid = 1 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END
city_uid IN (1,2)
But then, do you have other tables that reference city_uid? And if so, is it feasible for you to repeat that update on all those tables?
You could create two temporary cities.
You would have:
City 1
City 2
City Temp 1
City Temp 2
Then, you could do the follow:
Update all Customer UIDs from City 1 to City Temp 1.
Update all Customer UIDs from City 2 to City Temp 2.
Swap City 1 and 2 UIDs
Move all Customers back from City Temp 1 to City 1.
Move all Customers back from City Temp 2 to City 2.
Delete the temporally cities.
You can also add an ON UPDATE CASCADE clause to the parent table's CREATE TABLE statement, as described here:
How to do a cascading update?

Save new id into old table

I want to move data from these old tables
restaurant_id | restaurant_nm | more data
bar_id | bar_nm | more data
venue_id | venue_nm
I'll add field venue_id to the old tables
Then I want to run a query similar to this:
INSERT INTO `venue` (SELECT null, `restaurant_nm` FROM `restaurant`)
However, while do the copy I want the new id to be stored into the old table. Is this possible with pure mysql?
Edit The old restaurants can be chains (multiple messy joe's), the only thing that identifies them 100% is the id
You could temporarily store the old ID in the new table (in an extra column) and then do an UPDATE on the old table. That's two lines of 'pure SQL.'
restaurant_id |restaurant_name | v_id
venue_id | venue_name | rest_id
INSERT INTO `venue` (SELECT null, `restaurant_nm`, `restaurant_id` FROM `restaurant`)
and then
UPDATE restaurant r
INNER JOIN venue v
ON r.restaurant_id = v.rest_id
SET r.v_id = v.venue_id
Interested to see what a more elegant solution might be.

Remove rows NOT referenced by a foreign key

This is somewhat related to this question:
I have a table with a primary key, and I have several tables that reference that primary key (using foreign keys). I need to remove rows from that table, where the primary key isn't being referenced in any of those other tables (as well as a few other constraints).
For example:
groupid | groupname
1 | 'group 1'
2 | 'group 3'
3 | 'group 2'
... | '...'
tableid | groupid | data
1 | 3 | ...
... | ... | ...
tableid | groupid | data
1 | 2 | ...
... | ... | ...
and so on. Some of the rows in Group aren't referenced in any of the tables, and I need to remove those rows. In addition to this, I need to know how to find all of the tables/rows that reference a given row in Group.
I know that I can just query every table and check the groupid's, but since they are foreign keys, I imagine that there is a better way of doing it.
This is using Postgresql 8.3 by the way.
FROM group g
FROM table1 t1
WHERE t1.groupid = g.groupid
FROM table1 t2
WHERE t2.groupid = g.groupid
At the heart of it, SQL servers don't maintain 2-way info for constraints, so your only option is to do what the server would do internally if you were to delete the row: check every other table.
If (and be damn sure first) your constraints are simple checks and don't carry any "on delete cascade" type statements, you can attempt to delete everything from your group table. Any row that does delete would thus have nothing reference it. Otherwise, you're stuck with Quassnoi's answer.