Mapping folder to different folder on the same Apache Server - apache

I have My old domain on my server with folder name "myexample" and a have different domain, What i am looking is whenever user opens it opens the site that is in "myexample" folder and still keep the url in address bar using htaccess or httpd on apache server.

Alias /contest /public_html/myexample
in the virtual host definition for Note though, that this may cause links in your content to be wrong if they expect to be located at / instead of at /contest.


Rewrite with multiple symfony projects under same directory

I'm trying to make some personal projects in my development server, like some sort of intranet.
If I divide each project in a different virtualhost, I set in each computer the host file to each server name and I don't have problems with the rewrite rule and the app.php. But the problem is that I can't modify the host file in an android device so I can't access those webs.
What I have in mind is something like this:
I have three symfony projects under my home folder
Then, under the default folder of apache I make soft links to the web folder to every project:
ln -s /home/user/projects/project1/web /var/www/html/project1
ln -s /home/user/projects/project2/web /var/www/html/project2
ln -s /home/user/projects/project3/web /var/www/html/project3
So I can access them this way:
The problem is that I use those url I need to add the default app.php. I've been trying to modify the .htaccess file of each project, but I don't what to modify. I'm using the default virtualhost configuration and the default .htaccess file of each project.
I think that I need to modify the RewriteCond line, but I don't know what to do.
I've got a local development environment (it's actually running on a linux server, under my desk, but the same setup would apply to any other configuration of server).
The webserver has a local IP address, reachable from elsewhere on the local network, including from my phone over WiFi.
All the development sites have their own Vhost configured on the server, with a common DNS prefix - something like *
The DNS is configured so that and the wildcard * return (or whatever the internal, static IP address is). This is a public domain name that has an A record to a local-range IP address, but it's entirely valid.
If you don't have a domain name that you can add wildcard DNSs to, you can use a service such as - and so the vhost Servername would be something like:
... etc
You may end up regularly editing the apache vhost if you internal IP changes at all, and maybe finding alternate wildcard DNS servers (my go-to was, but that isn't diffcult to do).
You may also be able to use an internal wildcard for an Apache ServerName/serverAlias: ServerAlias mysite.*

Apache Web Server - How do I make my index page point to one of the folders

I have establish a web server on ubuntu.I have created some web sites on apache, each site has different folder.
In order to browse to my site website1 for example I need to type mymachine/Website1.
I want to type mymachine and it will redirect to the folder website1 , i.e. to my website.
Any suggestion, tried several settings.
You have to it with Virtual hosts option,
first: you need to make specific folder in /var/www/..
second: point your folders with ServerName in Virtualhost file

Home apache web server - final hurdle

Ok, so bit of noob question - having one of those days.
I have set up a home apache web server on Ubuntu. I have configured vhosts as I want to host multiple websites. These work fine in the local browser, e.g.
both display their various contents.
For the server side of things, I've configured port forwarding on my router to send all port 80 requests to the server IP.
When I go to an external browser and type in my servers external IP address I get the standard apache "It works!" message. When I type in ipaddress/site1 I get 404. The site1 is not in the standard apache default directory, I have it in home/username/Sites/site1 folder and httpd.conf file knows this.
How is it I can access these site1 and site2 sites externally?
Just as you would do in your local browser. So typing in http://site1 would lead you to the first site. This is based on an assumption though, which is that you put the http://site1 address in your /etc/hosts file. When your computer looks up an URL, it first checks the hosts file (and your case will find the correct IP address there) and next will ask a global mechanism for the address.
The reason why it doesnt find anything at "ipaddress/site1" is because of the vhosts configuration. This teel Apache serve the content of a folder somewhere on your server as a separate hostname, e.g. http://site1. If you're requesting "ipadress/site1", you're actually telling Apache to look in the folder "site1" in its first root it encounters in your Vhost configuration.

Hosting not loading pages

i am new to web hosting, but i purchased a domain from and i purchased web hosting from to host my domain, i am using centOS 32bit as my server, and i have pointed my domain to ramnode nameservers that were provided to me.
The problem i am having here is that everytime i load my website, it just says
Index Of/
even though i have placed my web page files in var/www, and var/www/html like ramnode support told me too, it still does not want to work. Any suggestions?
It all depends on how your server is setup but here are a few things to check.
What are the permission levels for your files, who owns them and what group are they in? If you don't have proper permissions set they may not show. If the wrong person owns them they may not show.
Read over your httpd.conf (centos should have it in /etc/httpd/conf) see how your server is setup. It may not have a default setup, perhaps your using a virtual host?
In a nutshell we need more information to help you out.
You should have an
.htaccess or htaccess.txt file in your WWW root, whithin that file you need the following line:
DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.php
That is the priority order of your index page. (Your web project needs an index page)
So in otherwords your webserver will serve the first matching file that it finds in that list.
A quick fix if you cant find the htaccess file, is just make sure you have an index.html file in your var/www
I just reset my nameservers to point to ramnode's last night and am experiencing the same issue as the OP this morning.
I previously had no FQDN for the ramnode server and simply used my /etc/hosts file locally to point to the ramnode server. Through that method, I was able to make sure everything was setup just so - apache virtualhosts, .htaccess files, apache.conf, and httpd.conf files all operating as desired.
It seems to have something to do with the installation of the cpanel, which auto-fills DNS A records with a different IP than the one I was provided. changing it to ramnode's original IP simply leads to the same cgi-bin directory index. But going going to the original ip in the browser leads to my site, as I have the apache virtualhost set for the IP.
Ramnode sets subdomain a records such as all set to the same new IP and those do function, so it leads me to believe a ramnode server is capturing the trafic elsewhere and should be sending it on but isn't.
It's a bit confusing where cpanel is taking me and why redirecting to my the A record to the original IP seems to have no effect.

Add Multiple Apache Document Root under one port

I'm looking to have 1 domain point to different drives in my pc.
I've got my document root on D:\ working fine on port 80.
But I also want drive E:\ to show when I load my domain.
I understand I can use virtual hosts on different ports but thats not what I want because I want everything visible under the single domain of the root folder when I load
Is this possible?
No, you cannot have more than one domain root.
You can use mod_alias to configure other file system paths
for example, you could have:
Alias /working d:/working
Alias /other e:/