gEdit External Tools Output - gedit

I'm new to these forums, so I'm sorry if I've not put this in the correct place or followed forum rules.
I am writing a gEdit External Tools shell script.
In the 'Manage External Tools' dialogue box there is a drop down menu to choose the output.
These options are:
Display in bottom pane
Create new document
Append to current document
Replace current document
Replace current selection
Insert at cursor position
So the script can only use one of these.
I want to be able to choose the output from the script. Is there an output variable that can be set in the script? Is what I want even possible?
I've scoured the web for a solution, but to no avail, so I've come here for help.
Thank-you in advance.

It depends on exactly what you want to do, but you definitely have some options:
Inside your script, you can use > /dev/stderr to redirect output to stderr -- that will make it appear in the "Shell Output" pane. In one script of mine that is set to "replace current document" I also write to the Shell Output pane with echo "Something something" > /dev/stderr
You can overwrite the current document the same way: echo "Something something" > $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME will replace the current document with "Something something"
And you can append to current document with >> eg. echo "Something something" >> $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME will add "Something something" to the end of the current document.


Shorten a text into one word in Jira

I summarize a lot of data in Jira often, and need to provide a CML (command line) to each line in the table I create.
The CML is long, meaningless, has spaces in it and is only used to copy-paste into a Linux shell for running a script.
What I do today is write up a table in the description and then open a comment and repeat every line with a CML below it. Primitive....
I would like to add to the table in the description a one word link that when clicked on, copies the text to the clipboard.
I converted the CML into a link by doing this: [OneWord|#CML]] and indeed the long CML was replaced with OneWord.
I hoped that when I right-clicked on it and selected "Copy link address" it would copy the CML to the clipboard.
What actually happend is that it copied to the clipboard also the Jira URL and replaces every space with %20.
So for example if the CML is:
abc -j xyz -c
What i get is:
I would appreciate any help possible.

PhpStorm "Find In Path" defaulting to cryptic string

Normally, using cmd+shift+f will launch PhpStorm's "Find in Path..." feature, and the search text defaults to whatever text is highlighted in the IDE. For me, it defaults to what is highlighted for a fraction of a second, before being replaced with this code:
2223 2BC9 EA71 DED7 8AAE DB73 C773 21A0 E816 78AE
I am not sure what this code represents but it is always the same. I have to delete and re-type or paste the content I want to search in order to continue with my search. The next time I open the "Find in Path" dialog, it happens again.
Does anyone have any clue what this might mean?
It must be caused by GPG tool:
Unchecking the box next to OpenPGP: Insert my Fingerprint in Mac System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> System should help

Append multiple PDF files

I have about 600 PDF files that I want to add a single disclaimer page to the beginning of each of them. So, I need to find a way to merge two PDF documents where one file is always the same and and comes first and the second file is changing.
Please let me know how I can do this.
I found this:
So you could do something like this in a shell script:
for f in {a.pdf b.pdf c.pdf}; do
"/System/Library/Automator/Combine PDF Pages.action/Contents/Resources/" -o "$f" "$page1" "$f"
You can wrap this in an Applescript or automator workflow it you like.
Combine an unknown PDF with a known PDF
Automator can do this. You would save it as an application, so that you can drop the second file onto it. Your steps would be something like:
Get Specified Finder Items: Add the known PDF document here, the one that is “always the same and comes first”.
Combine PDF Pages
Move Finder Items: To: Combined Files. This will create a randomly-named file in the folder “Combined Files” which you will need to create.
If this Automator workflow is saved as an application, you can drop your second, "changing" file onto the application icon. The workflow will combine the two, putting the named file first.
Loop this workflow for each dropped file
In order to do this on multiple files at once, you will need to create a second workflow that loops through each dropped file and calls the above workflow. This second workflow is also created as an application. It has only one step:
Run Workflow: choose the workflow created in the previous step, and process items in batches of 1 at a time using 1 workflow.
Give the files a more usable name
That’s the basics. The obvious drawback is that all of the files have random names. That can be fixed by grabbing the original filename into a variable, and saving the new, combined document using that name in your new folder.
First, add four new steps to the top of the first workflow, in front of “Get Specified Finder Items”:
Run AppleScript
Set Value of Variable: name the variable filepath.
Run AppleScript
Set Value of Variable: name the variable filename.
Get Value of Variable: filepath
The first two steps save the full path to the dropped PDF. The second two steps get just the filename portion. The fifth new step pops the full path back into the workflow so that it can be combined with the known disclaimer.
Set the AppleScript in step 1 to:
on run {input, parameters}
return input
end run
Set the AppleScript in step 3 to:
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set filename to name of file input
end tell
end run
Then, add a step at the end to rename the file. After Move Finder Items add *Rename Finder Items. Choose “Name Single Item”, “Full name to” and then drag the variable filename up to the text box.

How to parse text from a plain text file and use the result to highlight a PDF file

Back in 2010, some guy claimed to be capable of doing this:
"The Kindle stores its annotations in a Mobipocket (".mobi") file for each document and in one long text file named "My Clippings.txt." In this post I describe a system that synchronizes these annotations with PDF versions of the corresponding documents on a computer.
This system is embodied in an Applescript that parses the My Clippings file and controls the Skim PDF reader. The script first parses the clippings file. It then searches through the clippings and isolates any that come from documents on the kindle matching the filename of the currently open PDF file (the "pertinent clippings"). The script then iterates through each of the pertinent clippings, locating the matching text or location in the PDF document and applying highlights or adding notes where appropriate. The end result is an annotated, printable PDF document that matches the document on the kindle.
You can download the script here: Before running the script, be sure to change the value of MyEmail to match your sending address and to verify that the Kindle mount point defined in MyClippingsFile is correct. You'll also need the free Skim PDF Reader.
To use it, send or copy a document file to your kindle. Remember, the kindle supports RTF, DOC, TXT and other common text formats and it will convert them into MobiPocket files internally for easier reading. Make some notes. Then take the same document that you just sent to the kindle and convert it to a PDF, e.g. by using the print to PDF feature in Mac OS X. Be sure to keep the filename the same. Open that same PDF in Skim and run the script. The highlights and notes should appear in the PDF.
If you're interested in how this works, read more on my blog here:
[not longer available]
Sadly, his script is no longer available, nor his blog.
Do you guys know if this is possible? I've been looking for this kind of functionality but can't find it anywhere.
This code, using python and PyMuPDF, works:
import fitz
# the document to annotate
doc ="text_to_highlight.pdf")
# the text to be marked
text_list = [
"first piece of text",
"second piece of text",
"third piece of text"
for page in doc:
for text in text_list:
rl = page.search_for(text, quads = True)
# save to a new PDF"text_annotated.pdf")
The original 'My Clippings.txt' should be manipulated somehow, stringr could work but I found more useful to manipulate the text with multiple selections in Sublime Text---the goal is to have a list of highlights in the form of text_list above.
I am trying to do this using Python + a Windows macro creator (I'm a Win 7 user). You can use this approach to save the file as RTF, DOCX, PDF, etc. So far, it's been reasonably effective. Do note 2 things first:
1- the 'My Clippings' file only saves the text and the page, it does not save the location on the page (e.g., if you highlighted "mammals are animals" on page 15, it will give you this line and the page number, but if there are more than one "mammals are animals" on page 15, it's impossible to know which one you've highlighted). This is specially bad when you've highlighted a generic word, like "animals" or "the". And if you made comments by pressing on a word, this word is the only information you'll get about what in that page the comment refers to (e.g., I pressed on "animals" and the menu popped up, I selected 'Comment'. If "animals" appears 20 times on page 15, I cannot know to which of them my comment is refering).
2- The only way to retrieve the location on the page would be to analyze the *.pds and *.pdt files, inside the *.sdr folder in Kindle's drive ('Documents'). I can make no sense of these files.
In Python, you can run an easy code to extract the information you want from "My Clippings". Then you can use a macro creator to automate the process of copying the text and annotating it to the PDF (using Adobe Acrobat, for example), and then saving the PDF file.
Exemplifying with Adobe Acrobat:
Say I want to save all my highlights to the PDF file. First, I'll create a *.txt file on Python and run a script to copy all the strings related to the highlights to this new txt file (i.e., the highlighted text & the page number). Here's an example of such code (but first, copy and paste the "My Clippings.txt" file to the IDE start folder, e.g.: C:\Python27):
#for python 2.7.6
with open('My Clippings.txt','r') as rf:
with open('My Clippings Output.txt','w') as wf:
access = 0
bookTitle = 'Book Title'#put the book file's name as it's written in "My Clippings.txt"
for x in rf:
if access == 1:
if bookTitle in x:
access = 1
#for highlights only, instead of all annotations, include this if statement:
if (' | Added on ' in x) and ('- Your Note ' in x) or ('- Your Bookmark ' in x):
access = 0
if x == '==========\n':
access = 0
Then I'll create a macro to copy the page number in the "My Clippings Output.txt" file (it's inside the same folder you put the "My Clippings.txt" file), paste in Acrobat "page window", find (ctrl+f) the string in the page, then press "highlight". Done!
There's a catch in Acrobat though, the search/find function has a limit of ~28 chars, so your highlighted text can't be longer than that. I still don't know how to circumvent this limitation... I raised this problem here . As a bypass to the 28 chars limit on Acrobat, you can program the macro to copy using "shift"+"right arrow 28 times", and then use "cut" instead of "copy".
There are many free-to-use and libre macro creators out there, just google and choose the one you like best. For Windows, my favorite one is Pulover's Macro Creator. If you have any doubts about the process you can comment here or PM me. I'd prefer you to comment here, so that I can improve the answer

How to preserve formatting from rstudio when copy/pasting to Word?

I want to reproduce my code in Word 2010. The scripts were written in rstudio, and I would like to preserve rstudio's formatting when pasting into Word. Principally, I like the font colors and spacing that rstudio uses. I find that when I paste from SAS to Word, the formatting is preserved, but no dice here.
I would usually look for copy special / paste special options to do this, but I can't find any. When I try to paste special into word, only unformatted text options are presented. I would rather not reformat the text line-by-line, because I think it looks pretty nice in rstudio.
I thought of trying to save the script in rstudio to some format that would preserve its formatting, but I couldn't find any way to do this. How can it be done?
It's not totally clear whether you are pasting from RStudio's script editor (which has some 4 or 5 colors) or from the R console (script + output) within RStudio (which only has 2 colors).
If you are pasting from the console--please check "Paste special" again. There should be an option for "HTML Format" that will do what you need (though you may need to resize the font to make everything fit properly depending on your page margins).
If you are pasting from the script editor, then you're out of luck with a direct copy-and-paste solution. But there is a copy-and-paste-and-copy-and-paste solution...
One solution could be to use Notepad++. From RStudio, save your script (with a ".R" extension) then open the script in Notepad++. (Or copy and paste from RStudio to Notepad++, but make sure you set the file's language--from the "Language" menu--to R). When your script is correctly highlighted in Notepad++ go to the "Plugins > NppExport > Copy HTML to clipboard" menu to copy the open file. This can then be pasted into MS Word with HTML format.
Just in case someone else looks for this question...
Another way to have all the source code in a word document with a good-looking format using RStudio is to use the File/Compile Notebook option, choosing MS Word as the output format.
Using this option, a .docx document will be generated with the output of your script as well as the original source code. The script will be executed, though.
If you don't want your code to be evaluated (you just want a simple copy-paste), you can add #+eval=FALSE at the beginning of your script and then the source code will be reproduced in the word document without being evaluated.
This approach relies on knitr. Here is an example if anyone wants to start playing with this.
#' ---
#' title: "My homework"
#' author: John Doe
#' date: June 15, 2015
#' output: word_document
#' ---
# The header above sets some metadata used in the knitr output
# Conventional comments are formatted as regular comments
# Comments starting with "#+" control different knitr options.
#' Comments with a "+" sign are used to tell knitr what should be
#' done with the chunk of code:
#' - echo: Show the original code or not
#' - eval: Run the original code or not
#' - message: Print messages
#' - warning: Print warnings
#' - error: Print errors
#' ...
#' Comments with an apostrophe "'" will be printed as regular text.
#' This is very useful to explain what you are actually doing!
# Regular comments can be used to document the code as usual
# Figures are printed:
ggplot(mpg, aes(x=cty, y=hwy)) + geom_point(aes(color=class))
#' Formatting **options** are possible.
#' Even [links](
#' This will show all the packages and versions used to generate this document.
#' It can be used to make sure that your teacher has all he needs to run your script
#' if he/she wants to.
Assuming you have internet access
Copy and paste to
Select 'R' as the language - this should provide colours
Hit create (secret or public) gist
Copy and paste from the gist to your word processor.
Compared with the notepad++ solution:
An online backup to your code, with a recording of the time when you clipped it.
You don't have to install any other software, useful if you're a student using a public computer.
If you just need the code as formatted:
Step1: Just add #+eval=FALSE at the beginning of your code.
Step2: Then go to File -> Knit Document. Compile the file in msword/PDF/Html.
Just add #+eval=FALSE at the beginning of your code.
Press CTRL+SHIFT+K and then compile the file in msword/PDF/Html.
If you need the code with output do not enter add #+eval=FALSE at the beginning of your code and perform step 2 directly.
I agree with zeehio that using Knitr is probably the best option. But another way is to use the Pretty R tool and the "open document text" steps here. Basically just copy and paste your code into pretty R, and copy and paste the output (not the html) into the open document.
After you copy from the Rstudio Console window and paste into a Word document, you need to highlight all the the just copied text and change the font into Courier New. This will give you the same spacing and lineup as you had in the Rstudio Console window.
Copy paste the code from Rstudio editor to 'visual studio code' & then again copy from there into a word processor.
For this to happen you must first install R extension in visual studio code.
'Visual studio code' is itself an IDE which can potentially be used for R language as well, but right now I'm emphasizing on using it to answer the above question.
In R I use the Monaco editor font. To copy paste the output of the R consol in Microsoft Word, I select the output of the consol, right click and copy and paste in my Word document. Once I have pasted the output in word, I select it and put it in Word's Monaco font and reduce the size of the font if necessary.
This does the job very nicely and perfectly preserves the output style from the R consol, as well as written chunks of code.
If you want to retain the formatting when coping a selection from the R Console you will need to install an older version of R Studio. Version 1.2.5042. it will not work in the newer versions