Adding licence field to WSO2 API in API manager - api

I have the need to add a licence field to the APIs published by the API manager.
It does not seems to be any extension point beyond the api.rxt file in the resource folder.
If I modify the file and run the application the carbon app correctly show the added field, but nor the publishe nor the store are able to get the field and there is no way to get it also with REST APIs since it calls a method of a class that (in later versions) outputted fields positionally.
Is it possible to add the field, without running the risk of crashing the API Manager?
Which is the correct way?

This change cannot be done without modifying the code. When an API is created from the Publisher app, it gets stored in the registry. The api.txt you modified, only defines the structure of this stored artifact. It may add a new field to the artifact, but to correctly populate that field, you need to modify several methods in APIProviderHostObject and APIProviderImpl + several Jaggery scripts.


CKAN: how do I update/create the data dictionary of a resource using the api?

My company is using a CKAN instance configured with Data Store and DataPusher. When a CSV file is uploaded to CKAN, DataPusher sends it to the DataStore and creates a default Data Dictionary for the resource. The Data Dictionary is a very nice feature to display the description of data fields for the users. Here is an example (it is in Brazilian Portuguese):
I can update the Data Dictionary using the UI, or it can be sent as part of the Fields passed to datastore_create().
My problem, is that I don't control the call of datastore_create() because this method is automatically called buy the DataPusher service.
I want to programmatically set the values of the Data Dictionary, but I can't find the api call that allows me to do it. An api call that update the Fields metadata. Can I do it using the Api? Or maybe it is possible create it when I create the data resource. I'd like a code example.
You can use the API call datastore_create on top of an existing table. This will not impact the data in the table.
You should use the datastore_search to check the format of how the dictionary is saved in one of your resources (result->fields->info). Use that as your base, make the desired changes, and use it in the body of the datastore_create call.
Unfortunately, the API call datastore_info does not give you back that information.
The majority of the CKAN UI functionalities can be made through the API as well. In this case, you can make use of the "datastore_create" by the controller --> See Code here.

Alfresco permissions depending on whether document is currently part of workflow or not

Out-of-the-box, an Alfresco user can read a document based on:
The document's permissions
The user's role
The user's groups
Whether the user owns the document or not
Maybe some other factors I forgot?
Now, I want to add a new factor: Whether the document is currently part of a workflow.
Alfresco's permissionDefinitions.xml allows me to define permissions based on authorities such as ROLE_LOCK_OWNER etc, but it does not seem to be the right place to add permission conditions.
I guess I will have to write some Java source code, but I am not sure what classes are responsible for this, and whether there is an Alfresco way to customize them?
So, I assume you want to somehow have nodes that are attached to a workflow have different access rights? You need to think about the behavior you want in all of the UIs and protocols you are exposing (e.g. share, WebDAV, CIFS, FTP, etc.).
If you want to set a permission on a node, you can do that via JavaScript as well as Java (See and As was mentioned in one of the comments, you can also get the number of active workflows on a node by referencing the activeWorkflows property in JavaScript ( or in Java
Depending on the specifics, I might implement this in different ways, but if all you want to do is have the permission change, you could just update it at the beginning and end of your workflow with a simple javascript call. The only thing bad about that is that it doesn't take into consideration the workflow getting canceled. You could also create a policy/behavior on an aspect you attach or even have a rule or job run that updates content based on the activeWorkflows values.

Create TFS Source Branch using Visual Studio Online / TFS 2015 Api

Does anyone know how to create a branch using the VSO Api. The documentation for Branches doesn't include a "create".
I have been experimenting with doing it via the ChangeSet Api without much success.
This is TFVC, not Git.
Just as what you see in "Branches" page, there isn't any way to create branch with the Rest API. And mostly, you can only read/get the information with the Version Control API for now.
I would recommend you to use Client Object Model Reference if you want to manage the Version Control programmatically. To create a branch, use the "CreateBranch()" method in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.VersionControlServer class.
The REST API apparently does allow one to create branches.
The confusion is that people think that this would be a PUT operation on the Branches endpoint of some kind.
It is not.
In the REST API, a branch is just one more kind of change that is checked in as part of a changeset.
It took me a long time to discover this, myself; and I was using the old SOAP API in the belief, shared by everyone else it appears from what I can find in Q&As on the WWW, that this wasn't part of the REST API.
Of course, using the SOAP API prohibits using .NET 5, because the assemblies only come for .NET Framework.
An abandonware API on an abandonware runtime is not a satisfactory way to talk to source control. ☺
The terrible Azure DevOps documentation gives no clue as to this, except for 1 obscure not-even-a-complete-sentence hidden in a minor class: "List of merge sources in case of rename or branch creation."
The only other clue is what appears in the JSON, from a get changeset changes, that describes the changeset of an already-made branch.
The (also abandoned) Azure DevOps sample code does not contain examples for even deleting an item, let alone branching.
Changesets are checked in via the changeset creation endpoint.
The individual change is a TfvcChange in the changeset's list of changes where:
the version control type (which is a set of flags) contains the branch flag; and
the merge source for the change specifies the source item and the range of changeset numbers.
Branching an entire tree appears to be a matter of branching the directory and all of the files and directories in the directory.
In C♯ or PowerShell, this is a TfvcChange with a VersionControlChangeType of Branch, in a TfvcChangeset passed to TfvcHttpClientBase.CreateChangesetAsync().

Can CSV data be sent to OpenERP/Odoo through the API?

I can import Comma Separated Values (CSV) data through the admin pages, into most models. This process handles the external IDs so that the data can be added to or amended as appropriate in later CSV imports. This is a manial action.
Through the API, the same records can be created and amended, and external IDs can be set. This, however, requires a lot of the logic that would otherwise be handled by the CSV importer to be coded by hand, in the external application that uses the API to push in data. Pushing data through the API can be automated.
Is there a way the API can be used (so no changes need to be made to code within Odoo) to push CSV data (so the logic for insert/update/relationships/external IDs/ etc. is handled by Odoo)? This would be a kind of hybrid approach, and I am trying to avoid the need to create import modules within Odoo.
Edit: the "external ID" is often called the "XML ID". I think it is a terminology that has stuck from earlier versions of OpenERP, rather than having anything specific to do with XML.
This page describes a load() function that pushes CSV-like data through a pipeline to load it into the system:
I can't see how to translate the summary on that page into an operation through the API, if indeed that is possible. I'm guessing I will need the interface (entry point), model, method (load(), probably), and some additional parameters, but the details are beyond me.
The answer is kind of "yes".
The load() method can be used against any model to load data. This method takes data in the same structure as a CSV file would provide.
The first parameter is an array of field names, like the column headings on a CSV import.
The second parameter is an array of records. Each record is an array of values matching each field.
The API will return a list of errors where they are catered for by OpenERP. Many errors, however, just result in database exceptions on OpenERP and so need to be picked up as an API failure. This is largely because the OpenERP API is not designed as a generic API, but as a part of the GUI, and so the data sent to the API is very much bound to the current state of the application through that GUI. In other words, invalid data will seldom find its way to the API using the OpenERP GUI.
I have wrapped the loader functionality, catching errors and exceptions, in my PHP OpenERP API library here:
Hopefully that will be useful to others too.
I think the answer is "no".
However, this technique has been explained to me:
Create a module with little in it but CSV files for importing.
Install the module.
When a new CSV file needs to be imported, transfer it into the module (FTP or similar).
Once transferred, run the update() method for the module. This can be done through the API.
The update method will scan and load all the CSV files set up within the module. Care needs to be taken to make sure only one upload/update transaction will be run at any time.
I'll post additional details here when I have got this working, or will happily accept an alternate answer if there is a better way to handle this.

Programmatically accessing a Sharepoint list at runtime (without creating a service reference at design time)

I'm creating an app that will be configurable by the end-user to access SharePoint lists, on various different SharePoint sites, that are entered by the user.
All of the examples for reading SharePoint lists I've come across online are of the form:
Open or create a Visual Studio
In Solution Explorer,
right-click the References node, and
then click Add Service Reference.
In the Address box, type the URL to
the target site and append
/_vti_bin/ListData.svc. For example,
the address for the site would be
Change the default name in the
Namespace box from ServiceReference1
to something more appropriate, such
as WingtipSite.
etc, etc, etc
This method creates proxy classes within your project based on the specified server reference. However, in my case, the server/site is not known at design time, only runtime by reading the sites/lists specified by the user. How would one go about doing that (reading the list via, but at runtime only)?
Note: I am making this call from a different machine than the one running Sharepoint.
There are a couple answers.
If the lists schemas will be consistent across all the sites you are querying, you can still use the generated proxy. When you create the DataContext, you just need to pass in the URI to the ListData.svc for the site chosen by the user.
If not, then you can use an ASP.NET WebRequest with an appropriately formatted URI and parse out the ATOM or JSON response that comes back.
For more information on using the REST APIs, check out this talk from the 2009 SharePoint Conference
You can set the URL in your proxy class at runtime with the Url property.
SharePoint does not provide a proxy class for their web services. Therefore it's not possible to set the url at runtime. WHat I have had to do is add 2 service references and then paramaterize which one I will access. I use a config setting to determine which one to access. If the site name changes or list changes, then I need to remove the references, re-add them, recompile and redeploy. There is no way to change the SharePoint site/list at runtime. Have been searching for 3 days for an answer. Microsoft does not know how to accomplish this.