SQL may UTC +8 hour issue - sql

(microsdb.MENU_ITEM_DETAIL.CheckDetailID = microsdb.CHECK_DETAIL.CheckDetailID Or
microsdb.DISCOUNT_DETAIL.CheckDetailID = microsdb.CHECK_DETAIL.CheckDetailID) And
**Return no result.
Field Data Type
microsdb.CHECKS.CheckOpen (datetime, not null)
CheckOpen 2013-04-08 06:29:26.000
I wondered why my CheckOpen time always 8 hours early than my server time.
Please advise.

More than likely, when you stored data into the CheckOpen column of your CHECKS table you parsed it (or read it) directly from a client machine or client interface using their time-zone of US/Pacific.
Later, when you read CURRENT_TIME from your DB server you got the system time for that machine in UTC (since the machine was setup to use UTC by your server admin).
So, the two times are 8 hours off. UTC (GMT) is 8 hours ahead of US/Pacific.
Generally, if a client machine gives you data, you need to parse it, validate it, and sometimes translate it to valid server values or be aware when it's stored that it's only a "client" value. For date/time values, either convert to UTC or be sure to store the "offset" with the stored time. (actually it can be good to store offset even after converting to UTC)


SQL Server 2016's "at time zone" function not working as expected

I'm using SQL Server 2016 at Amazon AWS. My emails are being sent with incorrect times when sent from my pupper at Amazon. When I try to recreate this bug locally the times are correct. Here is an example of how I use at time zone.
getDate() at time zone 'utc' at time zone u.timezone
where u.timezone is the user's timezone and u refers to an aliased table users.
The times being outputted are at UTC time, so I see 7:36pm instead of 2:36pm (they are formatted with MomentJS)
I don't really know where to start with this one, sorry guys and gals.
My server is sending the correct time (with the correct timezone offset) to the email factory. When the server creates the emails, times are formatted using MomentJS. The barebones moment() function will take a time with a timezone offset (-5:00) and adjust it to the local machine's local time. Local time on my machine is EST, but in Amazon (where the email is being created) is not. Thus I must use moment.parseZone().
From the MomentJS docs:
If your date format has a fixed timezone offset, use moment.parseZone:
This results in a date with a fixed offset:
Since I can't see this change until it is pushed onto our dev environment, I won't be able to know if this fixed it, but I think this was the problem.
My server was sending the correct time (with the correct timezone offset) to the email factory. When the server created the emails, times were formatted using MomentJS.
The barebones moment() function takes a time with a timezone offset (-5:00) and adjusts it to the local machine's local time.
Local time on my machine is EST, but in Amazon (where the email is being created) is not. Thus I must use moment.parseZone().
Changing to moment.parseZone() fixed this issue. Problem solved.

How to know a column store utc time in sql or not

I am working with CDC in sql and we have a table lsn_timeMapping and a column inside this table trans_begintime its type as mentioned in sql is datetime. My question is how can i get to know that whether it stores datetime in utc format or server datetime .
HERE is a flow mentioned in msdn
It would appear that the time is stored based upon the server's locale settings(local timezone). Therefore, it will not be UTC unless the server timezone is set to UTC.
Source: https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/details/533689/store-utc-in-lsn-time-mapping

SQL GetDate() returns wrong time

I am having an issue while using GetDate(), for some reason is not returning the right time (it is 7 hours ahead from the actual time) I am using AZURE and the Database is configured with the right location (West US). I will appreciate any help!
I tried to run this script:
Datediff(hour, AcceptedDate, Getdate())
FROM orderoffers
WHERE status = 'Accepted'
Azure SQL Databases are always UTC, regardless of the data center. You'll want to handle time zone conversion at your application.
In this scenario, since you want to compare "now" to a data column, make sure AcceptedDate is also stored in UTC.
The SQL databases on the Azure cloud are pegged against Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time(UTC) however many applications are using DateTime.Now which is the time according to the regional settings specified on the host machine.
Sometimes this is not an issue when the DateTime is not used for any time spanning or comparisons and instead for display only. However if you migrate an existing Database to SQL Azure using the dates populated via GETDATE() or DateTime.Now you will have an offset, in your case it’s 7 hours during Daylight Saving Time or 8 hours during Standard Time.
I created a simple function that returns the correct UK time whether in DST or not.
It can be adapted for other time zones where DST kicks in.
RETURN DATEADD(HOUR,CONVERT(INT,(SELECT is_currently_dst FROM sys.time_zone_info WHERE 1=1 AND NAME = 'GMT Standard Time')),GETDATE())
In this modern times where infrastructure is scaled globally, it is good idea to save data in UTC and convert to a timezone based on users location preference.
Please refere: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.utcnow?view=netframework-4.7.2

SQL Server, strange DATETIME behaviour

I have SQL Server Express 2008 on my local system and I am doing some insertions in a datetime column.
The problem is that the same system on production on (SQL Server 2005) hosted on godaddy records a datetime entry as the previous date and a time of 13:00
E.g. Date being inserted is 07/01/2010 00:00:00
Entry in Local DB = 07/01/2010 00:00:00
Entry in Prod DB = 06/30/2010 13:00:00
Could it be some server/db level setting for datetime storage ?
Edit 1:
pls note, I'm inserting a predefined datetime value, the date being inserted is exactly 07/01/2010 00:00:00. I am NOT using GETDATE().
Edit 2: Solution
Ok, thanks for the answers guys but the problem was not from SQL Server, it was from the data being read from an XML form of the serialized dataset. It was sending the the datetime information as 'mm/dd/yyyy T00:00:00+4:00'
All i did was remove the remove the time segment from it and then insert it in the DB.
Cheers !
You are in Dubai = GMT+y hours
Godaddy is in the USA = GMT-x hours
GETDATE() gives SQL server time
You should use GETUTCDATE() to give GMT (UTC since we lost our empire it appears) which will be consistent globally.
The time difference makes me wonder if this is a UTC thing. Are you running this via SSMS or via application code?
Does it always insert 11 hours behind your local?
Is that an explicit time you're giving the column, or is that the column default (perhaps GETUTCDATE ())?

SQL Server How to persist and use a time across different time zones

In SQL Server I would like to create a table to save time of an event, and would like to convert it into the timezone of the users choice for display purposes. Let us say that If there was an event that happens in London at 1:00 PM GMT, that would be 8:00 am US EST.
Given This example I would like to create a frame work,
where a user would have an ability to save the event and time (Giving the time zone of the event)
Read Those events, with the time displayed in the time zone of his liking (US EST)
How do I accomplish this in SQL Server.
In SQL Server 2008, use the DATETIMEOFFSET data type which is a DATETIME plus a timezone offset included.
SELECT CAST('2010-11-23 16:35:29+09:00' AS datetimeoffset)
would be Nov 23, 2010, 4:35pm in a +9 hour (from GMT) timezone.
SQL Server 2008 also contains functions and SQL commands to convert DATETIMEOFFSET values from one timezone to another:
SWITCHOFFSET(CAST('2010-11-23 16:35:29+09:00' AS datetimeoffset), '+01:00')
would result in:
2010-11-23 08:35:29.0000000 +01:00
Same time, different timezone (+1 hour from GMT)
When you save the data, save the GMT, not the local time for the user (in c# this is DateTime.UtcNow)
In your application logic, record the user's timezone, and translate the GMT time to the user's local time using the timezone offset, at runtime.
The way I've solved a similar problem is to do the following:
The table design is to only store GMT time.
All input goes through a stored proc that requires an input of a timezone offset.
The data request is to a Table-Valued Function, with an input for the timezone offset.