PhysX - PxRigidDynamic actors clip through other actors (CCD enabled) - physics

I realize this may not be the perfect place to be asking a question about PhysX, but I've already tried on the official PhysX forums, as well as on and I haven't gotten any responses in several weeks, so I'm unsure where I can go for help. Maybe someone here has an idea.
My problem is as follows:
My PxRigidDynamic actors intersect with other actors and I can't figure out why. There are still collisions between them, but the rigid dynamic slightly clips through them and is 'pushed' back. Here's a video of it ingame/in the PVD:
The box is a PxRigidDynamic actor.
The player is a PxCapsuleController.
All other actors are PxRigidStatic.
Having CCD disabled or enabled seems to make no difference. (CCD should only affect high-velocity objects anyway, so I doubt that's the cause here)
The collisions between the controller and the static actors are fine, so I don't see why the rigid dynamic would behave any differently.
I'm using PhysX-3.3.0_Beta-2 (16402319)

While you can never prevent interpenetration, PhysX should normally apply sufficient opposing forces to separate penetrating objects quickly.
Is there any chance that your rigid body shapes are significantly smaller than the visible geometry? If not, is it possible that changes have been made to the actor's contactOffset and restOffset attributes? This could allow interpenetration to occur before resistance to the contact is applied.
You're right that CCD isn't relevant here - CCD prevents cases where fast-moving objects pass from one side of an obstruction to the other in a single update without registering a normal contact.


SCNkit: Issues with unhidden nodes

I am creating a 3-D game with a cave as the main environment. The cave is made of a large number of ring segments, one attached to the other, thus creating a currently small tunnel system.
If the Player is inside the cave, only a small part of the segments are visible. I am figuring that actually hiding the not-visible segments could save a lot of gpu time, which I need for other objects like buildings or enemies.
So what I try to do first is hiding the entire cave and then unhiding the visible segments by turning ‚node.isHidden’ true and false.
The particular nodes are being found and accessed by their names: ‚Node.childnode (withName: „XYZ003“, recursively: false).isHidden = true‘ (or false).
It works to the point where the segments are unhidden, but once I am trying to hide a previously unhidden segment, the renderer crashes with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Doing the hiding on a hidden object (of course useless, but helping to understand the problem) is fine, so is unhiding unhidden segments.
Following the hint of another thread, I moved the routine into the renderer delegate so not doing the switching during the wrong time, but instead during the phase in which such changes are supposed to happen, but this did not help.
As an alternative, I did the hiding (and unhiding) by SCNActions, but I received the same result, which really puzzles me, as this would be kind of the ‚official way‘ to do it...
I also played around with the ‚recursively’ boolean, getting the same outcome (works for unhide, crashes on isHidden = true).
Then I tried to change opacity or other properties of the nodes - which worked perfectly. On the other hand, trying to remove the nodes from the parent resulted in the mentioned crash as well.
I need this to work, because older hardware could never cope with several thousand nodes (trying this, the frame rate dropped to 10fps, even without enemies around). And newer hardware might break down once the enemies appear...
My thinking is that the pointer is somehow messed up by the first unhiding (and hence the BAD_ACCESS error), so maybe an additional bonding (often seen with spritekit-routines) or another way to get the node-pointer could be the solution. On the other hand, if the pointer is broken, why can I still access all other properties? Maybe it‘s the subnodes that cause the problem - everyone of the nodes has 20 subnodes, which are supposed to change visibility, too.
Did anyone come across this behavior before me? I could not find anything during my google-research...
Hiding and unhiding nodes frequently is typically not a problem by itself. You can hide a main node and any sub-nodes of the main node will automatically hide themselves, so you shouldn't have to loop them individually.
I'm not an expert debugger and don't know your skill level, but BAD_ACCESS can mean that you tried to send a msg to a block of memory that can't execute the message or whenever the app tried to deference a corrupt pointer. Search "What Is EXC_BAD_ACCESS and How to Debug It" for a decent tutorial on some options for dealing with it.
I do my changes in the render delegate as well, but depending on the number of changes and how long they take, I sometimes use timers to control the amount of changes that can be made in a certain amount of time. That way, and after some adjustments, I'm pretty sure that I'm not bogging it down to a point where it just spirals out of control.
Structure can matter - personal preference, but I try to setup an array of classes that create individual nodes (and sub-nodes) and therefore have direct access to them. That way I'm not iterating through the whole node structure or finding nodes by name. Sometimes a lot is going on before I really have to make a modification to the node itself and so I can loop through my array of classes, check values, compare, etc. before taking action that involves the display. That also gives me a chance to remove particle systems, remove actions, set geometry = nil and update logic counters when I need to remove a node.
I'm sure opinions vary, but this has worked well for me. Once I standardized the structure, I just keep repeating the pattern.
Hope that helps

Optaplanner select only entities in conflict

In the change and swap move selector, I would like to only consider moves that involve entities in conflict as they are more likely to improve the heuristic score.
How should this be done? What classes and interfaces do I have to reuse/extend? I looked at ScoreDirector and PhaseLifecycleListener.
A MoveFilter might do that (if it's not in phase or solver cached as it changes ever step). See the course scheduling example and docs for how to use a filter.
I wouldn't recommend it though, as you still want to move non-conflicting entities at times. You might just want to focus more on those conflicting lectures. So I would keep a vanilla move selector in the mix.
The move filter isn't perfect either - the Guided Local Search feature (not yet available) is a better way to deal with this.
However, given the other question about the model and similar cases I 've seen, I 'd say moves are not your problem. A better model will make all these kinds of move tweaking obsolete.

Need SpriteKit collision to occur only on first contact

I currently have two nodes in use, one of which is a boat (polygon) and the other a straight vertical rectangle. The boat needs to be a polygon so that it can be hit via projectiles, however this causes me problems when it collides with the vertical rectangle due to the many sides it's coming into contact with. Hence a piece of code I want ran only once is instead ran multiple times.
Is there anyway to make the collision detection only function for the first contact so that it doesn't repeatedly call?
I'm aware of setting the categoryBitMask to 0 however doing so renders the boat unable to be hit by anything else- something I don't want. Additionally I considered using a boolean variable to only run the code once whilst the boat is passing through, however as previously mentioned, due to the different sides, the code think it's passed through when in fact it's just hitting another side of the boat.
I don't have much code to show here other than setting physics bodies so I don't think it's necessary, but inside didBeginContact() I'm using a categoryBitMask comparison to check for collisions.
I may have not explained this very well, in which case I apologize, my English is not the best!
If anyone can help, it'd be much appreciated, thanks.
You can combine the individual physics bodies of your ship into a single body with
+ (SKPhysicsBody *)bodyWithBodies:(NSArray *)bodies
and then test for contacts with the composite body instead of the individual components.
If you are subclassing your node then simply create a BOOL property for it.
BOOL alreadyHit;
If you are not subclassing, use the SKNode's userData dictionary and create an entry for the same.

Should the rule "one transaction per aggregate" be taken into consideration when modeling the domain?

Taking into consideration the domain events pattern and this post , why do people recomend keeping one aggregate per transaction model ? There are good cases when one aggregate could change the state of another one . Even by removing an aggregate (or altering it's identity) will lead to altering the state of other aggregates that reference it. Some people say that keeping one transaction per aggregates help scalability (keeping one aggregate per server) . But doesn't this type of thinking break the fundamental characteristic about DDD : technology agnostic ?
So based on the statements above and on your experience, is it bad to design aggregates, domain events, that lead to changes in other aggregates and this will lead to having 2 or more aggregates per transaction (ex. : when a new order is placed with 100 items change the customer's state from normal to V.I.P. )?
There are several things at play here and even more trade-offs to be made.
First and foremost, you are right, you should think about the model first. Afterall, the interplay of language, model and domain is what we're doing this all for: coming up with carefully designed abstractions as a solution to a problem.
The tactical patterns - from the DDD book - are a means to an end. In that respect we shouldn't overemphasize them, eventhough they have served us well (and caused major headaches for others). They help us find "units of consistency" in the model, things that change together, a transactional boundary. And therein lies the problem, I'm afraid. When something happens and when the side effects of it happening should be visible are two different things. Yet all too often they are treated as one, and thus cause this uncomfortable feeling, to which we respond by trying to squeeze everything within the boundary, without questioning. Still, we're left with that uncomfortable feeling. There are a lot of things that logically can be treated as a "whole change", whereas physically there are multiple small changes. It takes skill and experience, or even blunt trying to know when that is the case. Not everything can be solved this way mind you.
To scale or not to scale, that is often the question. If you don't need to scale, keep things on one box, be content with a certain backup/restore strategy, you can bend the rules and affect multiple aggregates in one go. But you have to be aware you're doing just that and not take it as a given, because inevitably change is going to come and it might mess with this particular way of handling things. So, fair warning. More subtle is the question as to why you're changing multiple aggregates in one go. People often respond to that with the "your aggregate boundaries are wrong" answer. In reality it means you have more domain and model exploration to do, to uncover the true motivation for those synchronous, multi-aggregate changes. Often a UI or service is the one that has this "unreasonable" expectation. But there might be other reasons and all it might take is a different set of abstractions to solve the same problem. This is a pretty essential aspect of DDD.
The example you gave seems like something I could handle as two separate transactions: an order was placed, and as a reaction to that, because the order was placed with a 100 items, the customer was made a VIP. As MikeSW hinted at in his answer (I started writing mine after he posted his), the question is when, who, how, and why should this customer status change be observed. Basically it's the "next" behavior that dictates the consistency requirements of the previous behavior(s).
An aggregate groups related business objects while an aggregate root (AR) is the 'representative' of that aggregate. Th AR itself is an entity modeling a (bigger, more complex) domain concept. In DDD a model is always relative to a context (the bounded context - BC) i.e that model is valid only in that BC.
This allows you to define a model representative of the specific business context and you don't need to shove everything in one model only. An Order is an AR in one context, while in another is just an id.
Since an AR pretty much encapsulates all the lower concepts and business rules, it acts as a whole i.e as a transaction/unit of work. A repository always works with AR because 1) a repo always deals with business objects and 2) the AR represents the business object for a given context.
When you have a use case involving 2 or more AR the business workflow and the correct modelling of that use case is paramount. In a lot of cases those AR can be modified independently (one doesn't care about other) or an AR changes as a result of other AR behaviour.
In your example, it's pretty trivial: when the customer places an order for 100 items, a domain event is generated and published. Then you have a handler which will check if the order complies with the customer promotions rules and if it does, a command is issued which will have the result of changing the client state to VIP.
Domain events are very powerful and allows you to implement transactions but in an eventual consistent environment. The old db transaction is an implementation detail and it's usually used when persisting one AR (remember AR are treated as a logical unit but persisting one may involve multiple tables hence db transaction).
Eventual consistency is a 'feature' of domain events which fits naturally a rich domain (and the real world actually). For some cases you might need instant consistency however those are particular cases and they are related to UI rather than how Domain works. Of course, it really depends from one domain to another. In your example, the customer won't mind it became a VIP 2 seconds or 2 minutes after the order was placed instead of the same milisecond.

Organizing interconnected objects

This is a generic question, I don't know if it belongs to Programming or StackOverflow.
I'm writing a litte simulation. Without going very deep into its details, consider that many kind of identities are involved. They correspond to Object since I'm using a OOP language.
There are Guys that inhabit the world simulated
There are Maps
A map has many Lots, that are pieces of land with some characteristics
There are Tribes (guys belong to tribes)
There is a generic class called Position to locate the elements
There are Bots in control of tribes that move guys around
There is a World that represents the world simulated
and so on.
If the simulated world was laid down as a database, the objects would be tables with lots of references, but in memory I have to use a different strategy. So, for example, a Tribe has an array of Guys as a property, The world has a, array of Bots, of Tribes, of Maps. A Map has a Dictionary whose key is a Position and whose value is a Lot. A Guy has a Position that is where he stands.
The way I lay down such connections is pretty much arbitrary. For example, I could have an array of Guys in the World, or an Array of guys per Lot (the guys standing on a piece of land), or an array of Guys per Bot (with the Guys controlled by the bot).
Doing so, I also have to pass around a lot of objects. For example, a Bot must have informations about the Map and opponent Guys to decide how to move its Guys.
As said, in a database I'd have a Guys table connected to the Lots table (indicating its position), to the Tribe table (indicating which Tribe it belongs to) and so it would also be easy to query "All the guys in Position [1, 5]". "All the Guys of Tribe 123". "All the Guys controlled by Bot B standing on the Lot b34 not belonging to the Tribe 456" and so on.
I've worked with APIs where to get the simplest information you had to make an instance of the CustomerContextCollection and pass it to CustomerQueryFactory to get back a CustomerInPlaceQuery to... When people criticize OOP and cite verbose abstractions that soon smell ridiculous, that's what I mean. I want to avoid such things and having to relay on deep abstractions and (anti pattern) abstract contexts.
The question is: what is the preferred, clean way to manage entities and collections of entities that are deeply linked in multiple ways?
It depends on your definition of "clean". In my case, I define clean as: I can implement desired behavior in an obvious, efficient manner.
Building OOP software is not a data modeling exercise. I'd suggest stepping back a little. What does each one of those objects actually do? What methods are you going to implement?
Just because "guys are in a lot" doesn't mean that the lot object needs a collection of guys; it only needs one if there are operations on a lot that affect all the guys in it. And even then, it doesn't necessarily need a collection of guys - it needs a way to get the guys in the lot. This may be an internally stored collection, but it could also be a simple method that calls back into the world to find guys matching a criteria. The implementation of that lookup should be transparent to anyone.
From the tenor of your questions, it seems like you're thinking of this from a "how do I generate reports" perspective. Step back and think of the behaviors you're trying to implement first.
Another thing I find extremely valuable is to differentiate between Entities and Values. Entities are objects where identity matters - you may have two guys, both named "Chris", but they are two different objects and remain distinct despite having the same "key". Values, on the other hand, act like ints. From your above list, Position sounds a lot like a value - Position(0,0) is Position(0,0) regardless of which chunk of memory (identity) those bits are stored in. The distinction has a bit effect on how you compare and store values vs. entities. For example, your Guy objects (entities) would store their Position as a simple member variable.
I've found a great reference for how to think about such things is Eric Evan's "Domain Driven Design" book. He's focused on business systems, but the discussions are very valuable for how you think about building OO systems in general I've found.
I would say that no 'true' answer exists to your core question -- a best way to manage collections of entities that are linked in multiple ways. It really depends on the kind of application (simulation) - here are some thoughts:
Is execution time important?
If this is the case, there is really no way around analyzing in which way your simulator will iterate over (query) the objects from the pool: sketch out the basic simulation loop and check what kind of events will require to iterate over what kind of model entities (I assume you are developing a discrete-event simulation?). Then you should organize the data structures in a way that optimizes the most frequent/time-consuming events (as opposed to "laying down the connections arbitrarily"). Additionally, you may want to use special data structures (such as k-d trees) to organize entities with properties that you need to query often (e.g., position data). For some typical problems, e.g. collision detection, there is also a whole lot of approaches to solve them efficiently (so look for suitable libraries/frameworks, e.g. for multi-agent simulation).
How flexible do you want to make it?
If you really want to make it super-flexible and really don't want to decide on the hierarchy of the model entities, why not just use an in-memory database? As you already said, databases are easily applicable to your problem (and you can easily save the model state, which may also be useful).
How clean is clean enough?
If you want to be absolutely sure that the rest of your simulator is not affected by the design choices you make in regards of your model representation, hide it behind an interface (say, ModelWorld), which defines methods for all the types of queries your simulator may invoke (this is orthogonal to the second point and may help with the first point, i.e. figuring out what kind of access pattern your simulator exhibits). This allows you to change implementations easily, without affecting any other parts of the simulator code.